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Saturday, November 23, 2019

185,000 Mistakes?

By Anna Von Reitz

I recently took the time to explain the Big Picture Problem of the Municipal United States Government—-what it is and who controls it and how far off track it has gone. 

So what besides forming a stable clean government for Washington, DC, is the Municipal Government supposed to do? 

The Municipal Government is also called the Civil Government and it is in charge of the Federal Civil Service Employees and their functions. 

Originally, the non-military functions of the Federal Government were largely performed by the American States of America Confederation and the Municipal Civil Government was limited to providing postal service and a well-run Capitol city and little else.  

Following the Civil War the role of this foreign subcontractor was vastly expanded and it began doing work originally entrusted to the Confederation — it took over the patent, trademark and copyright offices, the Government Land Office, the banks, the US Mint, the Customs Houses and Port Authorities, the Coast Guard, the Railroads and Highway System— all of which were supposed to be controlled and run by the Confederation of States-of-States dba States of America.

By simply not disclosing the facts to the American Public, the “Reconstruction” of the States of America was stalled and eventually set aside, and the foreign interloper fronted by the Holy See settled in. 

The next phase of development saw the Municipal “Civil” Government proliferating itself like a cancer.  Instead of doing all the extra work itself, the Municipal United States Government started hiring subcontractors and creating Agencies. 

This is how we wound up with a foreign subcontractor hiring more subcontractors “for” us—- and actually dodging the duties, so as not to be directly accountable. 

They hired the Federal Reserve.

They hired the United States Postal Service. 

They basically farmed out all the work, like house maids hiring house maids for themselves and all on our credit. 

By the end of FDR’s Administration there were around 350 new “Federal Agencies” all empowered to make their own laws and regulations and enforce them as “Administrative Code”.  

Thus, we now had unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats writing “laws” and imposing them on us.  

Over time, many of these Agency contractors became corrupt or were directly misdirected by the Municipal  Congress to serve political agendas instead of providing any true service to us. 

We were devolving into a Robber Baron mentality in which the Cabinet Level Department Secretaries could and did direct the “outside” agencies to do their dirty work. 

Thus we have the Department of Justice colluding with the CIA, MI-6, DHS, FBI and so on, to illegally wire-tap and spy on the Trump Campaign, using all the equipment and manpower we pay for, to serve their own political and payola objectives. 

And they think this is okay. 

Some of the worst abuses have occurred at the US Patent and Trademark Office, where blatantly criminal business models and technologies were protected under patents. 

But, by far the worst and most problematic development has been the chartering of over 185,000 “Municipal Government Corporations” and letting these THINGS masquerade as local level governments. 

This is how we get “sanctuary cities” and other aberrations in conflict with actual Public Law and government in this country and NONE of these entities are supposed to be here. 

The Holy See owes it to us and everyone else to come clean, explain the situation, fully disclose everything, and liquidate all the Municipal Government charters. 

Obviously, the Pope does not want to do this and would prefer to start a Civil War instead.  Thus far he has not even offered to sit down and negotiate a settlement of these issues with us, the States and People being usurped upon and harmed by this unconscionable situation. 

At any time in the past 150-plus years, the Popes and the British Monarchs could have done their duty as our Trustees. They could have fully disclosed the situation at the end of the Civil War and assisted us in organizing new elections.  They could have assisted the Reconstruction process instead of obscuring it. 

Instead, they saw an opportunity to benefit themselves at our expense and acted in Gross Breach of Trust, Treaty, and Commercial Service Contract owed to us and to our States of the Union.

Instead of making amends for any of this, and instead of seeking a peaceful resolution via confession and negotiation, the Pope and the Queen continue to interfere with our lawful government and to promote war on our shores. 

This is the thanks we get for preserving them and their institutions through two World Wars. 
This is what their “diplomacy” really amounts to—- ugly threats, obstruction, and interference in our internal affairs, even down to the level of spying on and trying to undermine President Trump. 

The Pope and the Queen have cashiered away and benefited themselves from vast amounts of American assets including land, gold, and silver which they purloined for their use, “Human Resources” that they conscripted under force and conditions of constructive fraud and deceit, and intellectual property and material rights they have preyed upon. 

If they wish to have peace in the world and friendship with America, it’s time to up-end and reverse course.  

The United States of America is still here, still alive.  Our lawful Persons are assembled and properly declared and constituted  to collect and receive back the assets owed to us and our States of the Union:  our land, our gold, our silver, our labor, our Good Names, our credit, and our peace.  

Even if it is “impossible” to return everything that they have purloined, the Pope and the Queen and all their assorted minions, owe a Good Faith effort to do what they can to make amends and to cooperatively and peacefully assist us —a hundred and fifty years late— as we restore our lawful government to full function at all levels. 

And there is certainly no excuse for either Principal Party, the Queen or the Pope, to meddle in elections, obstruct election outcomes, or to promote, instigate, or support any form of violence on our shores.  

Let all Americans know and all the other people around the world know, too, what we— and they— are up against. 

The Holy See has 185,000-plus mistakes to correct and that’s just for starters. 


See this article and over 2100 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. What does the following tell you about Trump? I guess we know why Donald Trump pushes the official 9/11 narrative now don't we. Dick Cheney arranged, planned, and executed 9/11. He's a mass murderer and a traitor. And now Cheney is fund raising for Trump....

    ETF No More Lies Retweeted
    Be Calm & Expect Miracles | LightBringerFlex@LBF777

    911 perpetrator, child rapist & hunter of humans Dick Cheney is going to Headline high dollar fund raiser for Rabbi Trump.

    Trump claims to be a threat to "the deep state". BUT, Trump also pushes the official 911 narrative. Those two things don't go together. 911 is the heart of the deep state. You can't promote the official story AND fight the deep state. So I can KNOW which side Trump's really on.

  2. Cheney and Halliburton and tax funded FEMA camps, operation ENDGAME

  3. Microsoft and Bill Gates eugenics of the worlds populations under the guise of philanthropy

    The Rockefeller Foundation and many many others also contributing to the world wide genocide

    And Jordon Maxwell, aka Richard Pine is also part of the brotherhood to kill off man even though he has made countless millions spreading the word to warn humanity??

    Same MO, write a bunch of books feeding the masses lie after lie after lie and pretending to be helping us when in fact they are part of the set up

    1. They have everyone marked even through IP addresses, see how that works
      Your phone has an IP, your home has an IP, your tell lie visions have an IP

      And just to note Microsoft 10 was written in Israel


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