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Sunday, October 13, 2019

Uh-Duh....The United States of America, Not the States of America

By Anna Von Reitz

Just so that this is absolutely clear to everyone worldwide: the actual American Government still exists and is still functioning.  The Proper Name of this country and of its international Government is: The United States of America.  

The States of America was our subcontractor, formed under The Articles of Confederation, and functioning as a business consortium to provide essential government services in international jurisdiction.  The organization operating as the States of America was never our actual government. It was a subcontractor, under contract to perform services for us, that went belly up.  It was one of three such subcontractors.      

What has happened is that two other interloping foreign subcontractors, both organized as corporations, and both ultimately owned and controlled by the Pope,  have contrived to usurp upon the work intended to be done by the States of America under conditions of non-disclosure and fraud.  

This would be a situation similar to a farm owner subcontracting with three Italian corporations to do three different kinds of work on a contract basis for him.  He hires one such firm to do his plowing and fertilizing,  and another to provide labor to bring in the harvest,  and a third to manage his hay and grain deliveries to market.  

One of these Service Providers is unable to perform, so without telling the farmer, the other two contrive to take over the additional work and benefit themselves while the disabled contractor is under "reconstruction".  

That is the actual situation.  None of these entities are the actual government of this country and never have been.  They are foreign subcontractors obligated by treaty and trust and service contract to provide us with Good Faith Service ----and the details of this history and their respective contracts are now open for public discussion worldwide. 

At the very least, the Pope and the Queen operating the Pope's Territorial Commonwealth interests, have both shown extremely Bad Faith toward their employers, the American States and People.  

Their activities are fully exposed as either incompetent or criminal-- or a combination of both.

As the full scope of their fraud and criminality is exposed and people worldwide come to grasp the extent of the misery that these two run-amok foreign subcontractors have caused on our shores and for everyone else worldwide, there will be profound disillusionment with the Church and with the Queen and also with the United Nations which is largely influenced if not outright controlled by the Pope and the Queen.  

Hundreds of millions of Catholics will flee as the pagan schism within the Roman Catholic Church is revealed and they realize that the Office of the Pontiff was in fact devoted to the worship of Mammon and similar Babylonian "gods"---- bloodthirsty and venal idols at their worst.  

We must not lose sight of the fact that the actual American Government is still here and still owed all right, title, and interest in American assets, and also is owed all control of all government functions.  

The United States of America as opposed to the Pope's Territorial Commonwealth subcontractor doing business in our name as "the" United States of America, is a living government organized directly by the people of this country.  

Our actual government has been called to "assemble" and has been in the process of doing so for several years.  We now have 27 States properly constituted and assembled--- a number sufficient to do business.  

We are holding the Pope and the Queen accountable and responsible for making correction and honoring their actual contracts with us.  We, The United States of America, as the Delegators of all Delegated Powers, have the power and the right to direct our mandates however we see fit, and we have directed the Territorial Commonwealth Government under contract to us to protect and defend the States and the People that they are actually under contract to protect and defend. 

This will be quite a change for them, but it must be thoroughly understood by everyone concerned.  

The Pope and the Queen are at the moment both in Gross Breach of Trust and Commercial Contract with respect to us and our actual Government, The United States of America.  World opinion must gather and do its work to check and balance their grotesque behavior. 


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