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Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Urgent Message to Americans Age 80 and Over

By Anna Von Reitz

We need your help.

False claims are being made to the effect that we consented to being British subjects, that we willingly consigned all our assets and land and homes as chattel backing the debts of the British Crown Corporation and voluntarily adopted a Commonwealth as our form of government, that we gave up our constitutional guarantees, and that we agreed to be considered "citizens" of the British Territorial United States, purportedly in equitable exchange for welfare benefits that we financed and paid for ourselves. 

In fact, we were never told about any of these false claims. 

This Hogwash being promoted by the guilty parties needs to be rebutted and rebuked by the eye-witnesses who were alive at the time and who have first-hand knowledge of the facts and events. 

We have abundant evidence that on March 6, 1933, at a private meeting of the  Conference of Governors, the British Territorial Governors  "pledged" the assets of "their states and the citizenry thereof" to pay off the debts of the "United States of America" Incorporated, a religious non-profit corporation fronted by the Roman Catholic Church as a Delaware Corporation in 1925 and bankrupted in 1933.

Of course, their "States of States" had nothing whatsoever to do with our States and their "citizenry" had nothing to do with our State Citizens.  

Nonetheless, as a result of this "pledge" of foreign assets, Americans were deliberately mistaken-on-purpose as British Subjects, and kidnapped into the foreign jurisdiction of the British Territorial United States, there to be plundered and conscripted and divested of their rights, property assets, and other guarantees in Gross Breach of Trust.

We have abundant evidence that Franklin Delano Roosevelt lied through his teeth to the American People and never disclosed the meaning, intent, or result of his New Deal---- which was treason wrapped in a blanket, a self-serving and odious plot to further undermine our national sovereignty and rob us blind for the sake of foreign interests. 

And now they want to claim that we all knew what was going on and willingly, voluntarily consented to all this abuse and damned lies and false claims and foreign Inquisitors occupying our courtrooms to collect debts we never owed. 

There can be no words competent to describe the infamy of the British Territorial United States or the criminality of the Holy See for allowing any of these practices against The United States of America and the innocent American People. 

According to their deeds, Rome, Westminster, and London should all be turned to sheets of glass, with Hong Kong and Washington, DC and Ontario, Canada, to follow. 

We stood by these wretched bastards through two World Wars, and this is the thanks we get for it.   They have attempted to genocide us on paper and leave us holding the bag for all their debts, all their war-mongering, all their sins. 

So now is the time for pay back and an end to all this self-serving drivel that we "consented" to any of this abuse and theft.  

We are calling upon those Americans who are 80 years of age and above to come forward and given testimony based on their living recollection of the events taking place in the 1930's and 40's.  We are calling upon their sons and daughters to help them do the paperwork and get their testimony witnessed by a Public Notary and recorded at the local land recording offices.  We are asking that you all send a certified copy to: The Living Law Firm, 1336 Staubbach Circle, Anchorage, Alaska 99508.  

In doing this, you will also create a Public Record in defense of your own property and establish evidence to protect your whole family from these vermin and their lies. 

We realize that this may be a bit difficult to organize, so we have created and attached a basic template that can be used all over the country.  For those who have more specific information to bring forward and who feel competent to do so, please add and adjust.  For convenience sake, we colored the specific information you need to change in the template red. 

Please discuss the situation with your Elders and those who understand the situation, please encourage them to come forward and testify in behalf of all Americans. And get it on the record, so we can shove it down their throats.


See this article and over 1300 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. My fathers 83 in 21 more days . He’s done all his paperwork. But he was born in 1935. They took is home 15 months ago.

    1. Pine man....To take a man's home at that age is just despicable..!! I bet the sherriffs just told him it's nothing personal, it's just business....!! Why are we allowing this to happen....!!

    2. Disassociate the elder class, old people, in any way possible, get detached from them, which is what these bastages wanted all along, and then expect the elderly to accept the disrespectful, greedy brats cry for HELP? to be our saviors?? I wouldn't if I were the great great or even great grandparent of some of the kids today. Punks and hackers, technocrats who just learned to shave safely as they are turning 30??...ahem...just sayin

  2. Which category it will be file this at the county recorder? They denied me many times When trying to file my assumed name certificate they’re very criockrt in Alameda County. The sheriff there even Dvicts people under bankruptcy protection. That’s high treason. Anybody in San Francisco Bay area? I would like the form a alliance with you!

    1. High Treason is right. get in touch with me pine man. winters.laura

    2. I am in Conta Costa County. Working on this soon in CA. Reply from laura and PMan

  3. Crooked , and eviction Wester to miss spelled words.

  4. And capping off that list should be Basle Switzerland also pronounced /bɑːl/ no coincidence pretty similar to Baal meaning Lord or God, home of the Banking World Order the B.I.S. and just found out also the very first Zionist Congress was held there in 1897 and if my memory serves the Global Warming Carbon Tax scheme was also hatched here in the early 70's around same time we had the fake OIL crisis and went to the petro dollar ...nothing to see here just your loving global banking Gods sell your souls for our BAAL Bucks and worship away "In God We Trust" seems like a pledge and oath to me? and the most sacred 1st amendment freedom of religious worship almost seems like a great big trap set from the very beginning???

    1. Yeah Mike Basle, they do many of their dirty deeds in Switzerland. Including CERN and the Large Hadron Collider where they are attempting to open up a wormhole to bring who knows what type of entities here from other dimensions. Sick sick Bastards all of them!

  5. Quoting from Anna's "We Need Your Help Article,

    "the British Territorial Governors "pledged" the assets of "their states and the citizenry thereof" to pay off the debts of the "United States of America" Incorporated, a religious non-profit corporation fronted by the Roman Catholic Church as a Delaware Corporation in 1925 and bankrupted in 1933.

    Of course, their "States of States" had nothing whatsoever to do with our States and their "citizenry" had nothing to do with our State Citizens.

    Nonetheless, as a result of this "pledge" of foreign assets, Americans were deliberately mistaken-on-purpose as British Subjects, and kidnapped into the foreign jurisdiction of the British Territorial United States, there to be plundered and conscripted and divested of their rights, property assets, and other guarantees in Gross Breach of Trust.

    I personally witnessed these same plundering of rights, property assets, etc. when the IRS brought a complaint under the name of "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" wherein, the IRS, "THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA" , "THE FRANCHISE TAX BOARD", attacked the "defendant" for the audacity to discontinue the badly informed self destructive volunteering to pay a tax on "income", and proceeded to conduct a bench trial in a U.S.D.C., which tried to present "the appearance of Justice" to seize, sell and evict one of those falsely lumped into that group of allegedly U.S. citizens who were falsely said to have forfeited their birthright to give away his estate to the fictional British Territorial STATE OF CALIFORNIA. When the living man, mis-named as "defendant", loudly proclaimed "I do not consent", the "judge" yelled back:"WE know you do not consent". That statement alone annihilated her authority as an impartial adjudicator of facts. The "WE" she referred to were her and the prosecuting attorneys. By coming down from the bench to "judicially" join in the attack on rights of an innocent man, she became a prosecutor, not a judge, losing any alleged authority as judge.

    She also ignored the self proclamation of the "defendant" that he was a domiciliary of a sovereign State quoting The
    Articles of Confederation, Article II.
    "I am a domiciliary of the state where 'Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every Power, Jurisdiction and right, which is not by this confederation expressly delegated to the United States, in Congress assembled."'

    (BTW note the name, just as Anna has correctly told her readers from the words of Article I, Articles of Confederation:
    "The Stile of this confederacy shall be "The United States of America."

    So Anna, thanks once again for accurately diagramming the criminal imposters who act as a criminal syndicate in robbing the people of the Organic States who have been mis-identified as U.S. citizens and Franchisees of STATES OF STATES via the underlying property created and owned by the Territorial British States: the Birth Certificates which these STATES produce to steal the people's trade names and birthrights, whose Names are perverted as NAMES on these STATE OF covert thefts for use in life long plundering of the people.

    1. Until we get rid of all these courts or just put up with there treasonous judges, all we have is a "criminal syndicate" running the world under the pretenses of justice....!!

  6. I have a story to tell too long to place here. It involves bank fraud. It also involves the securitization of our birth certificates to fund the US GOVT

    1. Jedi
      I want to hear and learn! If you want to sharereply and I will give you my email


    1. Soul has ultimately no 'native lands' in the so ancient cycles of transmigration🎵

  8. SOUL A human being; a person. There was no a soul present. In Paris there are more than seven hundred thousand souls. London, Westminster, Southwark and the suburbs, are said to contain twelve hundred thousand souls.

    1. U r mistaken, but then probably u haven't have experienced yourself as Soul yet this lifetime yet, since u r too busy believing u r a body with some high quality pedigree 💬

  9. No one has a signed contract with my wet ink signature wherein I gave them dominion over me and/or my property. Without that, they are shit out of luck. I will continue to treat all presentments as an offer to contract and reject & return them within 72 hours of receipt.

    1. I have heard of this in passing, rejecting offers to contract within 72 hours as per Regulation Z. Do you have a stamp made up and/or what do you write on the outside of the envelope?

    2. Open the envelope, see what the offer is.
      I stamp on the face of the offered contract at an angle:

      "I do NOT consent.
      I do NOT Accept this offer
      and never intended to."

      My accompanying letter starts out:

      John James Jones
      c/o 123 Anystreet Drive
      near Anytown, Anystatespelledout
      zip code exempt

      date cert. mail xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx

      Joe Blow, d/b/a JOE BLOW, LIST OFFICE TITLE
      and all successors and assigns.

      I, John James Jones, a man on the land, a non-citizen national and beneficiary of original jurisdiction, do hereby reject and herewith return your offered contracts titled "xxxxxxxxxx" dated month 00,2018 which are directed to "public trusts" that you and your co-conspirators have intentionally created using copyrighted names without authorization for the express purpose of misrepresenting me, stealing my identity, siphoning off my assets, and racking up debt against my assets. Produce a valid contract.

      I then address the particular fraud.

      From without THE STATE OF XXXXXXX (or UNITED STATES), standing in the Kingdom of God

      By: John James Jones, a man on the land

      When you present facts outlining the fraud that they cannot refute, they will usually fall into silence.

    3. There is a section of the USC that defines trusts, partnerships and some other entities as unincorporated corporations. The way it is written, it appears that all fictional entities are corporations, either incorporated or unincorporated.

    4. That is excellent information, thank you earthdweller! I have heard many different approaches to dealing with fraudulent inducements to contract. In the end, it seems we must "write our own remedy", as you have done. Some people advocate simply writing "refused for cause" on the unopened envelope, and returning it within three days. Do you have any information or experience with this method? Banks should not be allowed to "double-dip" when they have already been paid-in-full when cashing in the original promissory note and defrauding the creator of those funds into paying again, and in the case of another poster on here, taking an old man's house to boot. It's absolutely disgusting.

    5. I think it is better to open the envelope and deal with the fraud directly in a timely manor. If you examine the constitution (corporate charter) for your state you will find that they were not delegated authority over the people. And if you check the statute you are accused of violating and find the definitions, in the statutes, of the words it uses, you will usually find that it didn't actually apply to the people anyway. It's all smoke and mirrors. In the case of loans, make them reveal where the funds came from that they allegedly loaned. Once they reveal that they didn't loan anything of value, they are toast.

  10. I met an old fellow, passed away in 2007, family land there for 200 years, people, ( feds) came and encroached on the stream, other grabs..He told me "I warned my son about that social security number" "He got one anyway" and I recall a few older fellows when I was young so guess now they would be 120 years old if still around and they said you were better off without one of those drivers license since they were using the licenses to hassle and fine people.
    It is a big part of their plan to let generations die off and as well get young people to not trust old people or any people, only trust the government or state power. As the old knowledge dies, the new schooled kids grow up thinking being fined to live you own life is normal.


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