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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

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ReplyDeleteSatanists always use symbolism, its part of their evil religion....
DeleteI don't think Anna done a very good job of explaining our situation, if I did not know anything about this take over of our country, by just listening to her explanation to Sarah Westall I would have been just as confused and doubtful of what Anna is saying had any legitimacy at all. I think if she had went in to some explaining detail of the Birth Certificate and using the all capital letters changed us to corporate entities and took away our rights as private citizens under common law and put us into a corporate status under control of the corporations statues all belonging to the Vatican, I could tell that Sarah Westall was just as lost at the end as she was at the beginning.
ReplyDeleteNothing against what she said but if there were any newbies listening I don't think they got it. From some of the comments I know they did'nt. One comment was why did she have the right to claim everything.
Dear Michael,
DeleteIt would have been good to hear about the conversion of the 'living to the dead' by going into details...but that was not this interview. I believe the emphasis was to be informed as to the present action needed to inform the public/private of Anna & Team's work and the current correction to be made with President Trump. I was encouraged to hear that both sides are coming closer together to correct the fraud...part of draining the swamp! Thank you Anna and Sarah for this interview. When people read "You Know Something Is Wrong When..." they will learn of their living conversion thru the Birth Certificate deceitful fraud. a detailed video
Deleteoh, right a book sale, how insensitive of me not to have noticed, I believe a few comments were as soon as she mention her book they stopped listening. I think it is going to be up to the younger generation to solve this problem and most of them are not interested in buying a book even though it is very reasonably priced, From my experience with my 34 yr old son and 37 yr old son that not bragging but are very successful in real estate and business only with 12th grade education. If the product is cheap they think what is inside is about the same. They put it you get what you pay for. Me I am right the opposite. But like I said most likely it with be their generation that completes this mission if it is completed. Their generation when I try to explain this, the answer is it is the system we are living in and I am sure that is what they are teaching their children. They don't see it as bad as I do. The so called 2008 crash did not effect them, even thought they seen it effect others. Could it be a mind thing, If you believe it effects you it does, if you believe it does not effect you it does not. What you give energy to is your experience, good or bad, you decide.
DeleteMichael, be careful of reading all the bullshit that has been coming out that is just plain nuts. Remember we live among at least half the population that is taking some kind of mind altering drugs and they are writing a lot of crap.
DeleteIt seems that stuff is beginning to make you question your own 'sanity' as you now are wondering if things are nothing more than just ''mind over matter''.
Michael, get your feet back on the ground - - many a Company has just suddenly announced they are closing their doors; one of them did it as soon as employees got to work one morning, told to get their things and leave, you are out of a job.
So Michael, do you think that has happened to many employees ''because they gave their energy to it''?? Or do you think more realistically, it came upon them and was totally out of their control? Do you really think if they had ''given their energy to - I will never lose this job'' ......that that would have really prevented it, LOL.
You ''energy' folks really need to find some other pass time and quit listening to that bullshit.
Michael, I have to agree that "WELL" Anna did not do a very well job in this interview. It appeared that she is just, WELL, burning out. BUT, Much Kudo's to her and her team and the Beat must go on. To those who said her books are next to useless, then perhaps you give little credence to the next generation. Myself, I see my adult children and their peer group seriously considering Many it is THEIR future and the future of their children that they are considering!
DeleteAbby---you sound like a Troll. useless
curious, if you cant stand the heat, don't come into the kitchen
Deleteagreed curious! It Is my adult children and their children that are my "Why" and focused purpose/intent. They are not ready fully for the truth, but Yes, they are considering more, more everyday now. Anna's books will be very beneficial for them when they ARE ready, as she has a way with giving you a "spoonful of sugar as the medicine goes down" approach.
DeleteThis was a problem created in past generations due to ignorance and false teachings/beliefs projected onto us all, unconsciously and it will be generational conscious awareness passed on by us, and those that are willing to learn, to change and correct it. It didn't happen to us over night, so there will be no correcting it overnight either. This IS "why" we are here Now. One day at a time, one living soul at a time, and All In good time. We are the beginning of the cycle breakers, the change makers and innovators creating new legacies of real value, integrity and substance for All Now. Our numbers have increased dramatically in just the last 5 years, from where they were just 10 years ago, I'm sure Anna and others would happily and thankfully agree. We are growing, getting stronger, standing on our own "land" legs each and every day. Those of us that have committed our lives to this mission and cause, have very strong "Why's" and it has absolutely No thing to do with chasing or hoarding "PAPER" creations/graven images of ANY kind. We Do however KNOW that "Government" IS what the Majority agrees to or "subscribes" to ON "PAPER", and unfortunately a "PAPER" Created false image of "Government System" has been agreed to ON Paper, by the masses for their "PAPER Record SYSTEM". Whether knowingly or unknowingly we fell for the "MLM" con via "benefits & priveleges" and false teachings of our elders and puppet politicians and clergy blindly following a destructive and hidden agenda. We Know Now that it does take "Unsubscribing" In writing, on Paper ON The Record to properly Give Notice that we no longer wish to "subscribe" for their "services" and rescind/revoke any/all signatures relating to a subordinate "Paper Government" system. Like it or not, "paperwork" is "how" this beast "system" was created and "what" keeps it going, and "paperwork" IS "How" we have to "Cancel" it, and take back our power of self governance. We know "WHY" they did it, we know "How" they did it, and we Know "paper" IS "What" was and IS being used against us. We are Aware Now and We Know "Why" we Must Now use "Paper" to correct the records and enforce our own will of self governance Now. We Got this!! It Is time Now to strengthen our "why's" and the "what" for and "How" to's will become very clear and turn this confused paper created "state of being" around once and for all.
Much Gratitude, Love and Peace Be Now
Ole Trump boy is in the process of working out the North American Union
Shelby, if trump was anywhere near unifying N.A., the u.s. and canada into one country, he would not be warning Nicaragua to turn back those 3000 countrymen/women/children who are on their way to the u.s.
DeleteAnd he wouldn't have his motto 'make America Great Again'' either.
He is also an ''america first-er'. There is not one single thing Trump has been doing or saying, that would EVER indicate that 'he is in the process of working on a NAU'.
Time to realize there is a lot of propaganda out there, lots of anti-trump stuff. Scrutinize what you listen to, and be careful of what you promote in Forums like this.
Hi Paul,
ReplyDeleteThank you for your ever so extensive work for us all!
I hope that you are also going to add this and other videos in the future onto the website. Youtube is not friendly lately.
Blessing and love to you.
Prime minister Disralie (jewish) come up with a plan to sell citizens in England .Exported to America
ReplyDelete.corrupting the common law magna Carta making equity law.parliament makes laws not accountable to a constitution . They had to destroy the constitution Alice in Wonderland 1 4th ammendment makes everyone a citizen (slave) .
Finishing with patriot act and no rights if enemy of the state .
not to forget the zionest FDR and his trading with the enemy act calling Americans enemies of the state.
Ok,enough already. I am going to just be very blunt, cut to the chase:
ReplyDeleteAll that we have telling us that 'they changed the size of the letter in our Names, and that took away our Common Law, etc''.
How do you really know that is true? We DONT. We only have People, such as Anna and a few others, telling us this. Really? If someone stands and reads off all our Names, do they SOUND any different than when your Mother told you your Name? Hell, no.
So why do you all just take somebody's word for all that junk? Honestly, I think this whole matter of small letters vs. capital letters is just plain bullshit. Even logic tells us that changing size of letters in our Names DOES NOTHING.
IMO, the truth of the matter, of ALL matters, is that we have leaders and officials and banksters and gangsters who have been running the world, and the show, and THEY have decided to cover up their outrageous tyranny upon us ALL, ''by distracting us by trying to tell us it has to do with changing the size of the letter in our Names''.
To that I say BULLSHIT; you are all a bunch of souless demonic-led money hungry crooks trying to deflect blame off your rotten selves by propagating this utter Nonsense that 'capital letters' is the focus. No, its nothing but evil crooks who are liars and thieves and need to be rounded up and thrown into gitmo.
And now in recent years, 'they' have perpetrated a Sequel to their original Game: 'its all this Fraud, so You will have to run yourself ragged, hand over some more money to recorders office, to undo our FRaud'.
And while the gullible folks 'do as they're told' correcting stuff you had nothing to do with............They will laugh at how they have you running and participating in their cruel stupid Games.
Doing all that, is dealing with the Symptoms of THEIR Fraud, isnt it? Instead, you need to look for the Problem, which happens to be Fraudsters - - and you deal straight away with that, by arresting them for the crime of Fraud, and slamming them in prison, preferably gitmo.
Since WHEN do the victims have to correct the criminal actions of criminals?? Doesnt anyone see whats wrong with this whole picture?
'They' r Souls Abby....just more proof of mineral states of consciousness 🎶
DeleteIt used to be a big joke that everyone in jail is innocent....well guess what, it's not that funny anymore...its actually true..!! mean if they are in jail it's always because the STATE is claiming injury, not a real man or woman (no corpus delecti....injured party)...!!
DeleteWe were easily tricked by their language (legaleses), because no one understood what money was, as opposed to currency....!! Even Lincoln was clueless to the difference....which is just one more reason why we should never forget the difference ....!!
DeleteThe maxim of law which states "A thing similar is not the same" is inherently logical to me.
DeleteThe rules of standard written English state that a proper name is written with initial capital letters followed by lower case letters.
A purported "name" written in all capital letters is not a proper name according to the rules of standard written English.
Therefore, logic informs me that changing the capitalization of letters used in the writing of a name most certainly does change something. Anyone with eyes to see can see that "Joseph" is not the same as "JOSEPH." The two may be idem sonans, but sounding the same does not make them the same.
Joseph, I assure you that when Joseph goes to the bathroom, so does JOSEPH.......Lol.
DeleteBut seriously, I know what you are talking about. Its just that I am making a mockery of their bullshit game playing with letters and the alphabet. If you really stop and ponder the whole thing, you will soon see that none of that can change US just because 'they'' said so. Not if you live in reality instead of their fantasy world of Games.
For one thing we all started out in life under our own Ownership. It was days or weeks later before ''they'' stole our Names and started playing their Game with it. But we are still the First Owner of Our Self; whoever stole us or our Name after that, makes them nothing but a Thief and a Fraudster.
But it does not change our own First Ownership of ourselves no matter what 'they' do.
If a thief breaks in to a museum and steals a Picasso, does that mean he is the new Owner? Never. He can never be the new Owner no matter what he does. He can try to CLAIM he is, but that does not make it so. It just makes him a Liar on top of being a thief, thats all. In fact he cannot even sell it; if he does that buyer is still not the Owner.
And if the police happen to locate that stolen Property, do they tell the Museum they have to file a bunch of papers to ''reclaim' their own Property?
Nope. They just show up and say here's yer Property, and have a good day. Right?
StayHomeCoach, how? By somebody Bigger than you or me.
Deletefraud but it's legalese the lawyers make a living tricking us into agreeing or contracting .
ReplyDeleteGet a rope....we need to stretch some necks the hard way...!!
DeleteGreat Interview Anna & Sara!!! Thank you!!!
ReplyDeleteMuch Gratitude, Love & Peace Be Now
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOverall I think Anna did a pretty good job of trying to explain an extremely nutty issue that has been perpetrated upon us all.
ReplyDeleteShe surely showed just how crazy these world leaders and rulers have been. The very fact that they have done some of these things goes to show they are really Game-players, have played such stupid games on us, and the most childish one of all is their ''changing the size of the letter in our Names and automatically calling us dead and have abandoned''.
We should be mocking them with so much laughter that is full of ridicule and make them feel as stupid as they really are. Yet they have the audacity to walk around trying to present themselves as ''dignified'. Now how funny is that.
DeleteSarah Westall please read by Edward Mandell House Predicts the Creation of a strawman in the United states. In a private meeting with Woodrow Wilson Colonel Edward Mandell House predicted the banksters plan to enslave the American people.
ReplyDeleteWilson was just one more traitor to our country ....!!
DeleteIt is far easier to criticize someone than to provide an educated alternative with a meaningful substance for We The People. Let this apply to those who would place their feet into such shoes without my giving them acknowledgment by name. Keep in mind that we are here dealing with super evil persons (not to be referred to as People; this term is far to good for them!), who think that their status is so special that they have some innate right to defraud essentially a whole nation of People to be fleeced throughout their lives while they hope that their victims never awaken to such evil; and it is not limited to this country. So if those who criticize Anna without an even far greater criticism of her adversaries, it is easy to see where their sympathies lie.
ReplyDeleteI tend to agree with Abby when she states that we victims should have no obligation to bow to the defrauders by proving our status since they are the guilty ones, and have been since our birth! Anna may be stating what she does to give them no excuse whatsoever in the final analysis of Law, but that does not obligate the victims to prove their innocence, especially when the basic assumption is that the victims have been dead all of their life!! Consider that in light of this present day wall to wall surveillance of the People, as “Enemies of the State”, being carried over from an original such status for others set in place in 1917, and then updated to include American People by the intentionally misnamed “Patriot Act” *(What an absurd Insult of the Highest Order!!) and not to be forgotten is such inclusion in the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) which is renewed yearly, and is overdue for deletion AB INITIO!!
In contrast to Abby’s thoughts though, I would say that I think that the ALL CAPS NAMES are highly significant as the means partially, by which they have defrauded so many of We The People and essentially all of us carry that proof of Fraud against us in our wallets and purses daily which is easy to relate to once informed of its significance and often reminded as reinforcement.
We need to be humble enough to acknowledge Reality and then to act most intelligently and decisively and Peacefully, to the extent possible, to counter such evil and to regain our Natural Rights as Men and Women domiciled upon our Land Jurisdiction and pursuing our goals in life wherever our enlightened curiosities take us, hopefully carried out for the mutual enlightenment and advancement of, and for all Mankind!
Deleterebel...and what planet would that be...!!! It will never be this one until the tribulation, and the return of Jesus....!!
DeleteAnna's answer to the question "what proof can your offer of these crimes?" gives everyone an easy way to illustrate quickly to others how they who question a corrupt syndicated cooperation of criminal actors against the people can, in only a few minutes time, obtain their own evidence of crimes against the people. Anna explained the evidences she found persuasive started with the things in the law or in artifacts of the society of what should be there but are not there. Examples she cited were: there being no record of the repeal of the Articles of Confederation- (proving they still exist as foundational law, but are being ignored); that the magnified line under a check signature reveals wording "authorized signature"(authorized in what capacity, and why not legible?); the IRS/IMR "Individual Master Record" of everyone reveals, when obtained through FOIA requests, that everyone is allegedly engaged in some activity regulated by the Alcohol, Firearms and Tobacco "ATF" agency being in 99% of individuals a complete fraud. These are only a few she cited as missing or fraudulent links, but everyone who has studied the workings of the dominant government can list their own lists of "missing links" in the chain of events which reveal the deceptions going on on all fronts of so called government. What about the missing 13th amendment? what about the lack of legitimate approval from the required number of States of the 14th Amendment? Why are "free inhabitants" shown in Article !V of the Articles of Confederation, but not mentioned in Article IV of the Constitution for the united States of America of 1787?
ReplyDeleteGreat response, Anon!! I am reposting below to preserve from being deleted. Thank you for your contribution!!
DeleteMuch Gratitude, Peace and Love Be Now
ReplyDeleteThere are many researchers that have discovered what Anna is talking about over many years. Some of them are in cages because of their search and attempt to exercise the truths they discovered. In a more common and clear presentation of how subverted even the existing law is presented take an enoyable 30 minutes to watch this presentation by Judge Napalitano where he clearly shows the corruption of existing law in the public domain.
repost From:
ReplyDelete"Anonymous October 18, 2018 at 1:23 PM
Anna's answer to the question "what proof can your offer of these crimes?" gives everyone an easy way to illustrate quickly to others how they who question a corrupt syndicated cooperation of criminal actors against the people can, in only a few minutes time, obtain their own evidence of crimes against the people. Anna explained the evidences she found persuasive started with the things in the law or in artifacts of the society of what should be there but are not there. Examples she cited were: there being no record of the repeal of the Articles of Confederation- (proving they still exist as foundational law, but are being ignored); that the magnified line under a check signature reveals wording "authorized signature"(authorized in what capacity, and why not legible?); the IRS/IMR "Individual Master Record" of everyone reveals, when obtained through FOIA requests, that everyone is allegedly engaged in some activity regulated by the Alcohol, Firearms and Tobacco "ATF" agency being in 99% of individuals a complete fraud. These are only a few she cited as missing or fraudulent links, but everyone who has studied the workings of the dominant government can list their own lists of "missing links" in the chain of events which reveal the deceptions going on on all fronts of so called government. What about the missing 13th amendment? what about the lack of legitimate approval from the required number of States of the 14th Amendment? Why are "free inhabitants" shown in Article !V of the Articles of Confederation, but not mentioned in Article IV of the Constitution for the united States of America of 1787?"
Thank you Kelli for reposting the above💙
DeleteThank you Listen Skyblue for your post of warning as well💓