By Anna Von Reitz
So, WINSTON SHROUT was convicted of "income tax" offenses.
You can only be convicted of such offenses if you or your "vessels" owe such taxes--- right?
And no "vessel" permanently domiciled on the land and soil of an American State owes such taxes, because why?
Because all our taxes of every kind on all vessels whether trading vessels or commercial vessels are either tax exempt or tax pre-paid, a condition known as "tax percuse". So long as these "vessels" are operating as American vessels, they are safe.
It's only when these names can be mistaken as British Territorial or Municipal United States VESSELS that they can be taxed.
So---that in turn tells you that Winston never went through the process of reclaiming his Good Name and Estate and re-conveying them to the land and soil of the American State where he was actually born. He never recorded his claim to his own name and estate, or if he did, he didn't bring that recorded information forward to the District Attorney and others responsible----most particularly, the Clerk of Court.
If you have your paperwork in order and on the record and you look the Clerk in the eye and say, "You are operating under the 1933 Amendment to the Trading With the Enemy Act" that is as good as saying, "Caught you. Prove that I am an enemy combatant or yield."
But, Winston never re-flagged his "vessels" in international trade and commerce---- never permanently domiciled these NAMES on the land and soil of one of the sovereign States via a recorded claim presented to the Clerk of Court.
If he had recorded his Re-Conveyance and his Certificate of Assumed Name and his two Witnesses confirming that he was the "Winston Shrout" whose actual birth was recorded on the BC issued by the Territorial State of State --- that is, if he had proof that he was operating as an American Vessel/VESSEL --- their court couldn't say anything to him, much less accuse him of a foreign statutory crime or successfully try him.
From the above, we know that he was operating "WINSTON SHROUT" as a British Territorial Vessel belonging to the British Crown. And none of those vessels are tax pre-paid. All such "U.S. Citizens" operating under the "Diversity Clause" owe federal income taxes.
As a result, his remedies worked as long as the other Party was solvent. Once they declared bankruptcy, no Mutual Offset Credit Exchange was possible, because the bankrupt entity had no credit left to exchange. And as we all know, you can't bring claims against a bankrupt.
This is exactly the reason that I issued the Private Registered Indemnity Bond covering all the unincorporated States of the Union, so that people could switch from remedy based on Mutual Offset Credit Exchange to remedy based on making an insurance claim against the Underwriters of the bankrupt entities.
So --- Mistake Number One --- continuing to operate as a British Territorial Citizen and/or Municipal United States CITIZEN when you don't have to, and thereby subjecting your Name / NAME to their jurisdiction and having no evidence on the public record to counterclaim against their presumptions.
Mistake Number Two --- not claiming exemption and revoking "election" to pay federal income taxes BEFORE they bring their claims. Remember--- first in line, first in time. Hit them BEFORE they hit you.
Mistake Number Three -- continuing to use remedies that became "discretionary" for the Federales in 1999, and using these remedies even after the Federal entities are bankrupted.
Mistake Number Four -- not observing that these vermin are acting under the 1933 Amendment to the Trading With the Enemy Act and holding the actual Holder in Due Course as Surety for their debt, which is a securities fraud of very high order resulting in a war crime that carries a capital crime charge with it.
Read that, they can be hung for doing what they are doing.
It is called "salacious securities fraud with intent to foment sedition". Reduce that to plain English, they are setting up a situation where normal people will start to riot and hang the perpetrators in the streets.
Once you give them Notice of that fact and claim "Habeas Corpus -- deliver the body to me." they are also looking at civil fines described under 18 USC 472 and are in violation of UCC Article 9, Section 402, which clearly states that the Secured Party (the American) is not surety for the DEBTOR (the U.S. Citizen/ CITIZEN) entity.
So, bottom line, as usual, they convicted WINSTON, a Municipal franchise entity, not Winston, the man, and they have offered to incarcerate the man as "cargo" on the foreign Municipal United States VESSEL dba WINSTON SHROUT.
The man can counter-offer at any time, by going directly to the Clerk and the DA and delivering his demand. It's not as strong when he hasn't bothered to do his paperwork to reclaim his birthright political status, but they are still attempting to railroad him under the 1933 Amendment to the Trading with the Enemy Act, they still have no excuse for doing so, they are still subject to all the penalties once he calls them on it, and they are still committing securities fraud by holding the actual Holder in Due Course as surety for WINSTON's debts in violation of UCC 9-402.
WINSTON = "U.S. Citizen" = DEBTOR.
Winston = American (if he claims it properly) = Priority Creditor
We are closing in on the whole lash-up, so I don't expect that Winston or anyone else is going to be held for very much longer, with or without exercising their proper options and claims as Americans. We have returned all the State of State and STATE OF STATE and State Trusts to the control and ownership of the sovereign unincorporated States, so all this horse hooey based on similar names deceits is coming to an end.
See this article and over 1300 others on Anna's website here:
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See this article and over 1300 others on Anna's website here:
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.
I was wondering when Winston Shrout's name was going to come up here.
''we are closing in on the whole lash up...............'' So Anna, as usual you throw out these few crumbs, like you always do, with NO details whatsoever. You just leave it up for yet another conundrum, which NOBODY needs.
ReplyDeleteSo Anna, why don't you spend another Article and give full DETAILS of just what your last paragraph there, actually MEANS. Why do you say that stuff; its high time you tell us just WHY you say that, and WHAT is going on that we should even believe it.
Try, Anna. I know you can do it. What actions are you LITERALLY involved in and with who, and what is being said, literally. Otherwise, I just take that as just more sugar coated bs.
Read her other articles no one discloses more. Look around the articles.
DeleteThank you Anna for ALL YOU/TEAMS work and perseverance on all of our behalf! We owe you a great deal of Gratitude!!!! GOD BLESS YOU ALL
ReplyDeleteI sent a registered letter to Clerk of Court and it was returned. I went back to Post Office and spoke to Post Master General and she was visibly shaken, said she would take care of it and resend it. Well, that was once again returned to me. I had asked her if I had addressed it incorrectly or if the clerk had done the mailing incorrectly and she said "No. I know what happened and I will personally see that it is delivered". Well, obviously she couldn't. It is very corrupt here.
ReplyDeleteI did the same thing in my foreclosure case and even sent it registered mail...first to the judge herself, which in a position of public trust is prohibited from refusing mail, but she did it anyway. Then I did the same thing to the court clerk which I know she can't refuse, but the judge got her to put a checkmark on the form sent back to me st aging I had no standing....which the paperwork I sent clearly stated that "NO ONE" had standing to foreclose because the original NOTE was missing and no one knew who the original lender was....!! Yes it is totally corrupt here in sunny Calif......!!! Winston Stroud wasn't in the wrong...the Corp state that is completely bankrupt and insolvent are the ones that should be going to jail no matter what his argument was because an "insolvant" entity cannot rule for anyone, unless he's the Godfather....!!
DeleteWinston Strout has been the host on The Goldfish Report on youtube every friday called Country Roads, where he taught each friday on a different subject dealing with the reclaiming your status. The youtube was shut down and they moved to bitchute. The 15th of October was the last time I say him on the show.
ReplyDeleteWinston taught everything that you teach Anna, everything you mentioned above and a lot more. He had his own website until it was shut down around the 1st of Oct. His last appearance on the goldfish report, he said that he could not talk about his usual topic, that his site had been shut down. His !st cd selling on his site was reclaiming your status and on the cd he used his paper work as an example on how to do the bc and everything you mentioned above.
I know a while back he had filed some paper work (liens) against the United States Inc similar to what you did involving large amount of money, I think that is when his trouble first started. From my knowledge of him, he has done everything that you have done, makes me wonder why they were able to convict him and they have not messed with you that I know of. I know his trial has been going for quite a long time, he just turned 70 yrs old a few months back. I believe he said he has been teaching this for 35 to 40 yrs.
Winston Strout also didn't understand subrogation >Merriam Webster dictionary
DeleteI disagree, I have listen to Winston teach on subrogation and had cd's on his website on subrogation, I don't understand how he was convicted on income tax evasion. I believe he was originally charged on creating financial instrument that was paid toward the national dept. It was quite a large sum.
DeleteThat is true...they charged him with creating unlawful commercial instraments....!! But who ever said that only a bank can write up instramemts....NO ONE..!! But again they have in place their traitorist BAR attorneys coming to their defense when most of them don't even know what the BAR stands for..
Delete!! Real geniuses..!!
ReplyDeleteI was sued last May 4th for $25,000 including attorney fees and court costs. The first summons from the clerk of courts for the dead to respond came a few days letter. I placed a sticker over my name and address as follows; RETURN TO SENDER
This was done with the next two summons that were posted. The plaintiffs lawyer motioned for a summary judgment on Aug 9., the judge granted a motion hearing for Sept 18. On Sept 14, I placed into the record of the case a ADMINISTRATIVE NOTICE AND DEMAND:WRIT OF ERROR CORAM NOBIS/MEMORANDUM IN LAW, AFFIDAVIT OF FACTS, and an Exhibit "A" APOSTILLE HAGUE CONVENTION/ ACT OF STATE entitled The motion hearing was postponed for 10 days. A default judgment order was rendered on Sept 28., for $1500 and court costs. I went down to the clerks office and requested two certified copies of the judge's order. After receiving the orders I immediately recorded a ucc 1 using Anna's Private Indemnification bond, I accepted the order for value and captured the case where no judgment could be lodged on the record, CASE CLOSED ON OCT 3, 2018. You have to have: 1. STATUS, 2. STANDING, 3. CAPACITY. Do your paperwork and come back to the land jurisdiction, without it your lost at sea never to be found.
This was learned through Anna,s postings
DeleteRobert, it appears you have provided a brief summary. The Admin notice ad demand:Writ....etc doesn't ring a bell from Anna's postings, neither does the UCC 1.
DeleteNot disputing your efforts, but who would even know what this stuff is and what to do about it?
I understand the Status based on the "basic forms" Anna wrote, but Standing and Capacity, not so much? Obviously just filling out the forms and recording them is insufficient and incomprehensible to the average were lucky , even though you are very intelligent..!! What State was this in, because most courts here in Calif. would have just ignored a "Writ of Error" saying it no longer exsist, because it only exsist in "The nature" of a Writ of Error" , because Congress let each court call it something else....usually it goes under "supervisory control"...I dont know how it slipped through your judge, but you were lucky, that's all I have to say...!! But with this system they can always wait a year or so and come back after you when they figure it out, or charge you with something else....My suggestion now is to lay low and don't bring anther case into that court....!! But good job...please let us know if they come back for more...they hate to lose...!!
DeleteWould you please explain this process, step by step, I want so badly to do this, but don't know how. thanks
DeleteRobert...out of the 3 things you mentioned , the most important is "standing", in order to bring a civil or criminal case to court...!!
DeleteBut in foreclosures , no one had standing, especially the banks , since there is no "REAL PARTY OF INTEREST" (FRCP 17a) , that can step forward to claim that status without the "Original Note", which was unlawfully separated from the morgtage/deed of trust/trust deed, in order to be sold as complicated commercial security instraments, called derivatives , called CDO (Collateralized Debt obligations), and then unlawfully rated triple A rating, marking them as very secure, when in fact they were all worthless , which is why the banks protected themselves by using "Credit Default Swaps" and "Put Calls", effectively conning all there buyers, mostly the Chinese, to but worthless securities...and our govt has been bending over backwards to please the Chinese....and Trump wonders why there is a tremendous trade deficit...!! Anyway, everyone needs standing unless you are the govt.
They don't need any of the 3 points you mentioned to win a court case...!!
What's the evidence that the Constitution, laws and codes apply to me?
ReplyDeleteThat has puzzled me too. The politicians are the ones which swore an oath to uphold it, so I'm confused on how that applies to us.
Deletealthough it does recognize the Common Law, which common law is the question, English or American?
DeleteI say everyone take a look at this and make up your own minds
So is this the Queen that Anna sent her letters to?
All of it from what I can see is fraud right out of the gate and these families have been playing this game for a very long time
Now you know why 'Hollywood' is so involved in the political divide
Just think of how much time and energy they have used to plop a tell lie vision in front of each and every one of us and to feed us this garbage about our history and everything else and now they here to reclaim the land like they doing in Is ra el?
Just my opinion but with this evidence alone I would think that there are major SEC laws and everything else being broken here and it's not by the common man either
The perpetrators are frauds themselves
Shelby, what in the world would make you believe that nonsense? Where's the evidence/proof? It's ridiculous!
DeleteI agree Jack. I grew up watching I Love Lucy and at no time did I ever see anything close to a resemblance between ERII and Lucy. Prince Charles is 6 months younger than I am and I have kept an eye open on the Royals since learning that over 60 yrs ago.
DeleteIt doesn't matter who she is because her coronation was a complete fraud, substituting the "stone of destiny" with a fake one and then lying under oath on the bible that she would only use God's laws on the people and never legislate herself...she broke that promise almost immediately afterward, proving she is no "Soverign"...!! And it was proved in 2011 in the case of "REGINA v JAH....and there is a case # but I don't feel like looking it up right now...but you can probably Google it....!! That makes all attorneys licenses void since they all depend on her sovereignty for that license...!!
Deletejames pansini, oh please, please, please look that law up for me, I would DEARLY love to know about the licenses being all void, WOW.
DeleteI had come across some information many years ago that she is a fraud sitting queen since she is NOT the true heir to the thrown, some woman in America is, the dna proof of it, ancestry etc. proved it, but geez that was many years ago. thanks
Why not come to winston defense? Obviously he needex assistance and none of you so called "we the people" aid and assist this man? Have me wondering if there is any hope left after everyone sit back and watch this man get life. Well 10 years for a 70 yrs man is life.
ReplyDeleteDidn't Shrout once defend the 'system' as being ALL good in his ''You Own A Bond'?
DeleteRevolution.....that is a million dollar question, that I have been harping on since I found this it fair for one patriot (any patriot) to let him.go it all alone when they have the whole power of the corporate state behind them.....most people on this site seem to think so....not me...!!!
DeleteOh, I got many solutions to Shrout's current problems (or/& anyone's else's for that mater - including my own😊🌈), but then it is always interesting to notice how a 'new' problem seems to eternally pop up after the 'old' one is solved or resolved🐯
DeleteFunny how that works😈😰🐦
As far as I know the Trading with the enemy act" was repealed in 1999...!! It's no longer valid...thats what they are saying on "soverign warriors"..!!
ReplyDeleteOk Carol....i found the case number of the case of Regina v JAH (John Anthony Hill) is T20107746 and was held in Great Britain itself..i can't find the exact court,but I did have it at one time....!! Google it..!!
ReplyDeleteBut the original case was about 3 kids that Great Britain was setting up to be the fall guys for the "London Bombings" who were completely innocent, because JAH is also a filmmaker and director of several documentaries, one of which was about the London bombings, that he called 911 the ripple effect, in which he lasted out in Great detail the undenial proof about the bombings and that they were charging the w tong as a favor to the court, he sent a copy of his video documentary to the "court clerk" not the prosecutor, to clear up the facts if she choose to do ....instead , the court choose to put a warrant for johns arrest for attempting to influence the jury and arrested him in Ireland and brought him to Great Brittion to charge him independently of the other 3 guys of there charges....!! He was in jail for 150 days and conducted his own defense because he was very calm and during his trail used a good trick of diverting the charges against the Queen for her part of the fraud she pulled on the people because of her false coronation and ultimate betrayal to the people with her hand on the bible, saying she would never legislate any law other than God's law...but broke that promise almost immediately....she even confessed as much last Christmas on British television on live TV as the television crew went crazy trying to cut her off....But not until Britions and Australia heard the whole the time it reached here, her so each was already censored so we never heard it here....!! The British immediately placed the Queen under house arrest until they knew they could trust her again.....!!
No one 18 years old should ever take such a high profile position since there isn't one 18 year old that knows anything about world politics, and the fraud being perpetuated throughout the world....!! Any way John was completely exonerated from all charges by the jury as the judge and prosecutor were literary running out of the courtroom....!! Quite a story....!! He still says today God wanted all this exposed and that's why he turns out his documentary was a much better and more believable than anything their own govt could come up with...!!
God is a 'he' accordion to James....fascinating 🕇 But I wouldn't be surprised on the truth of James other claims about that Queen being 18 & too beautiful then to lie perhaps?
DeleteNot intentionally LIE....but to weak at 18 to do anything but what she was told to do by extremely powerful people, way older and more cunning than an 18 year old....but she knows it all now and can't change it....!!
DeleteSeems like 'Trading with enemy act' was renewed by Obama James....Please correct me if I am mistaken...anyone please🐦
Anna I am alarmed with your claims. Do you have any first-hand knowledge Winston failed to do everything you are claiming? Winston stated the weaponized IRS is the antagonist. The IRS legal argument claims Winston was profiting off of a privilege (Goldfish Report). The mere use of a FRN is a privilege for all (US Persons) since there is no lawful money. Their private corporate scrip is a benefit privilege for US Persons. Once you change your legal status you better not use their credit system! When using a FRN you are engaging in enemy activity by creating more public debt by the mere use of Federal Reserve promissory notes (IOU’s) for commercial activities i.e., bread and milk. US Persons can only use their paper under restrictive conditions of emergency war powers and bankruptcy proceedings – US Citizens are considered the enemy.
ReplyDeleteThe end result is you will be treated as the system has defined you, as an enemy of the state engaging in paper and domestic terrorism and worthy of suppression by any means available pursuant to the rules of military occupation, emergency war powers and codified bankruptcy administration. You can argue about it as long as you want but those are the facts.
When you back the courts into a corner you expose the gun in the room. The proceeding will be sealed and you will disappear. There is no rule of law! Winston is good man! Commercial remedies exist in the UCC - their playbook, but they are not honorable. Nothing has changed since the days of Sherwood Forest and the crooked Sheriff of Nottingham.
ReplyDeleteThis has been my interpretation in concept all along. The remedies are not honoured and as a result all are up the proverbial creek without a paddle. If one exits the political status of US Citizen, there is no financial system that allows one to survive lest it be trading in gold or silver, hard physical value, but then you must find someone else who is trading in that commodity as well. Time for a Robin Hood.
DeletePerhaps that is one reason why Trump has not changed his political status. He has to fight from within since an alternative provable system is not yet up to steam.