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Sunday, June 24, 2018

Charnel Houses and Shinola Sensors

By Anna Von Reitz

I have often and with considerable vigor criticized the Roman Catholic Church for numerous things, including their tolerance for Babylonian practices of idolatry and usury and mismanagement of the assets of the World Trust and Gross Breach of Trust with respect to obligations owed to the American people and government.  Now, I find myself honor-bound to defend the Roman Catholic Church and explain some basic facts of life and history to Americans and Aussies and others around the world who have not had cause to spend time in Europe.  

It also requires discussing some not-so-pleasant subjects. 

Like death.  Human death.  

Although you might not have cause to think about it while traveling through Europe--- if you did think about it --- you would realize that aside from some large war memorial cemeteries and a few notable public and church cemeteries, there are not nearly the number of cemeteries you would expect to see, given the size of the population.  

Arable land in Europe is at a premium and has been for centuries. 

So instead of cemeteries, Europeans have used a long tradition of "green burials".  They set aside a place to bury the dead in cloth shrouds and mark the spot.  Seven years later, family and friends and the local clergy come back and dig up the skeletal remains of the loved one, and bear those bones to the local charnel house --- a building or vault or crypt, often with an iron grate underlying it, where the bones are piled up together with the bones of other ancestors. 

The charnel house of a community is often associated with the local church, though not always, and it is sometimes in the same building as the church -- in the basement, typically, or a side room or outbuilding. 

The bones themselves gradually disintegrate into their mineral components and the dust falls through the iron grid into a space below.  In the spring, when the farmers need to fertilize their fields, they come to the charnel house and sack or shovel the bone meal into carts and haul it away to spread on the fields.  

Thus, the cycle of life and death turns, and the bones of a village's dead contribute to the well-being of the Earth and the sustenance of the living inhabitants who need the fertilizer to grow food crops and woodlots. 

Only the lords of the manor had private burial plots and mausoleums associated with their grand homes.  My Father was taxed by the East German Government for the family mausoleum outside Gdansk (Danzig) and every year was a run around with the various authorities to get the cemetery tax paid and forestall the demolition and razing of the mausoleum--- a separate stone building full of ancestral bones ----and all that remained of our once-vast holdings.  

It was a hefty sum, too.  

After my Father died, my Cousin Friedrich had grown up enough to take over this duty and expense, so now it gets paid from Berlin.  I suppose it is only right and fitting that we pay in money for the rent of the land that the building occupies, giving back to the community which has long been cheated out of our share of fertilizer. 

Since the advent of inexpensive and available modern fertilizers some community charnel houses have become artistic memorials.  See the Hallstatt, Austria, charnel house with over 1,200 intricately painted human skulls.  After the initial shock you realize that this is indeed a loving and respectful memorial and that the people of Hallstatt have stayed together in death as in life, as a community.

In Asia and India, they go so far as to use human skeletons to build architectural structures, such as dykes and low bridges and even small one or two room huts for shelter.  

Not everyone has boundless acres for cemeteries and other cultures do not deny the realities of death as we do in America. 

So now the internet is awash with ignorant articles by people alarmed because there are large quantities of human bones in St. Peter's Basilica and in many, many other Churches scattered throughout the world.  They assume, like Kevin Annett, that this is evidence of foul play and "ritual sacrifices" and they are making all sorts of wild, hysterical claims against the Church as a result of their "discovery" of all these charnel houses "hidden" in plain sight.   

They have never heard of a green burial, nor of a charnel house.  

Likewise, are there reasons why there would be mass graves in Western Canada, aside from genocide? 

We forget or we never knew just how rough life was on the frontier, but in Riverside Cemetery, in Black River Falls, Wisconsin, you can see the grave of my Great-Grandfather, Julius Alfred Schnur, his wife, and five little daughters.  He lost his wife and the little girls in two successive epidemics, diphtheria and Scarlet Fever, one after the other.  He also lost his home and multiple successful businesses to a flood of the Black River in 1911.  The family was completely wiped out except for the land and a horse barn. 

Even today, in Alaska, we struggle with tuberculosis and endemic hepatitis as Public Health concerns. We lost our first home in Big Lake to a mammoth wildfire, Millers Reach II, in June of 1996.  Even after penicillin and electricity and paved highways and combustion engines, there are perils that can easily result in mass graves. 

Perhaps it is my knowledge of these and other facts --- and the failure after ten years to produce conclusive proof of wrong-doing --- that tends to make me discount the claims of ITCCS as a witch hunt, most likely funded by the banks.

Is it coincidence that Kevin Annett appeared the same exact year that Pope Benedict XVI began the push for reform of the secular side of the Church, and brought pressure to bear on the out-of-control banks?  

For a while, it was almost a tit-for-tat exchange, with a pedophile accusation in response to every bank reform suggestion---similar to the rash of sex-related complaints being leveled against politicians and celebrities, all of whom just happen to be fairly conservative.  

Last year, in April, as a result of "police investigations" in Belgium, I was led by ITCCS announcements to expect criminal charges following arrests and to hear the results of these investigations and eye-witness accounts in the papers and from more ITCCS news blurbs.  

Nothing.  Not a word.  No end of the story.  No result. 

This year, two people try to arrest Pope Francis, who was on his way to an ecumenical meeting, and everyone concerned was hurt.

Why--- if ITCCS had information about a Black Mass occurring--- didn't they simply wait until later that night, surround the gathering place, and arrest the whole lot of them at once, caught red-handed? 

Again, the story line doesn't make logical sense, and there is no result.  

I am all for being aware of Satanism in the modern world, being aware of its practices and beliefs, being on guard against these "professional" liars--- yes, also being aware of their long and bloody history as child murderers.  But one need not look very far to see the evidence of their actual mass murdering in modern times. Just look at the statistics concerning state-sponsored abortions. 

Millions of babies are sacrificed every year, and it doesn't require any special robes and rituals or signs or symbols. No secret meetings in the dead of night on a full moon, no stone altars or sacred dates on the calendar.  Child murder worldwide is tragically accepted as "legal" and common place.  

And as long as that is accepted as "okay" and as a means of birth control, then it is only a small step down the slippery slope of immorality that, like one Obama Administration official proposed, not counting children as "human" until age six, and being able to cull them at will until then.  Or, conversely, saying that anyone over the age of 75 is useless and subject to mandatory extinction "for the good of the planet".  

Perhaps instead of beating around in the bushes and attacking elderly priests on their way to ecumenical meetings, we would do better to sharpen up our Shinola Sensors overall and take a broader view of what we are allowing and participating in and how that is affecting our values --- not only our family values, but our valuation of life in general. 

We all need to be thinking and feeling more deeply and  taking more responsibility for the true, obvious, provable, and actual evils in our midst.  

Last time I checked, the Roman Catholic Church is one of the few institutions on Earth that has taken a firm and unyielding stand against abortion--that is, against child murder. 

If individual priests are in fact functioning as Satanists, they are merely pretending to be priests.  They are not Christian.  They are not Catholic.  

If the day comes and we actually catch such individuals participating in a Black Mass, they will be accountable for their own bad beliefs and evil actions.  They cannot blame the teachings or the doctrines of the Church. 

As for the rest of us, we are also responsible for what we believe and what we do according to those beliefs.  

I, myself, am considering a "green burial".  There is something peaceful about the concept of returning my physical body to the Earth from which it sprang and letting it naturally decay and become part of other beings and things yet undreamed of--- oak trees, moss, and falling stars. 

When I began to sharpen my pen to write this article and explain the whole concept of charnel houses to Americans, I chanced upon some additional information about this subject I would like to share with my readers.  There are organizations and businesses in this country that assist families who wish to follow the ancient and natural way of dealing with death and dead bodies and bones. 

Let me recommend:


  1. Thank you Anna, new to me and quite logical...more Pagan than christian.....can't help but think , might not be such a good idea.....turning toxic human bodies into fertilizer ??!! yer water now tests positive for Pharmaceutical contamination....luck to us all....Namaste Trevor.

    1. Pharmaceutical contamination comes from the excretion of all the mindless zombies on mind altering medication and 80% on the animals the carnists eat, in addition to fertilizer runoff etc, but i digress. The pee is recycled into your drinking water and you drink it over and over. Those drugs are highly fluoridated and do not dissolve in the water treatment process. THAT is why, welcome to your the water you drink, waste product of your fellow neighbors and animals haha. I think pulverized bones are the least of your health concerns.

    2. No, but she is right about one thing.....burials, cemeteries, and funerals are nothing but "big business" in America like every thing has nothing at all to do with spirituality..!! And who said it was OK to have an "open casket " for everyone to mourn over....!! You know how hard that is to see for kids..!! I refused to do it and instead had the casket closed with one of the best pictures of my father smiling in a frame on top of the casket...!! That's how I wanted people to remember him, including me...!! It's not a bit fair to make everyone else in the church depressed just before funeral commencement begins...What we should be doing is celebrating the fact that he is no longer in pain, but has his smile back because he is with the "FATHER" paradise..!! What is so depressing about that...!! And land is so precious that a lot of these cemeteries are committing crimes by putting bodies on top of other bodies without ever telling anyone what they are doing....its happened several times now....But I believe it is better to just let the bodies decay naturally since there are minerals in them....albeite, very small..!! But added up together with thousands of bodies comes to a lot of minerals back into the soil...Unfortunately, most of the minerals come from the bones, not the body...!! So they should stay right where their at..!! But some points could also be made for keeping the bodies intact for years, since sometimes the only way to prove something for sure is to ensume the body for evidence, which has lead to indictments....But usually only from the the "show" on TV....BONES do tell a story...!! Forensic science is amazing these days...!! But we still have a very bazaar ritual here of open caskets that needs to be addressed and discontinued completely ....that is not how I want to be remembered by people I left behind, because that isn't me...!! I want to be remembered the way people really knew me....happy and young forever...!!

    3. You're right about death is big business in America, that is why a funeral is so expensive.and they sell burial plots to people well before it's their time .
      Take the money out and things will change

    4. The human body can certainly be "digested" by the earth and in an accelerated manner in a "compost pile" along with certain Biodynamic preparations added! I may check out the four "organizations and businesses" Anna has listed however I imagine that another one could be developed that specializes in the "Biodynamic" way.

    5. It's actually considered real estate buy a nice plot at the cematary and hope it goes up in value and someone really wants sick is that..!! Everything is for sale these days...including your soul if you make a pact with the devil, like so many in the music industry do....!! I would rather fantasize about being that person than actually being the artist himself, who has no privacy once he becomes famous...all I do is put on some headphones and I can be anyone I want for one hour...then go to sleep with no poportssi hanging by my door or window.....!! Fame is a two edged sword...especially these days...!!

  2. I have places where I spilled some gasoline, the grass came back in a few weeks and you are saying that people are so toxic biologically as to never return to the soil? Where is this happening? I know there are certain places where bodies donated to science are placed in a fenced in wooded area to observe deterioration and return to soil. Is this where they are saying there is evidence the bodies are toxic? People in Pennsylvania have family buried in the yard from earlier, now illegal a state owned process. Again the "normal" kicks in and people feel things are not normal when in fact much of the civilized world is anything but normal but "just seems alright" due to blindness, lack of being able to look at cultures from afar, why for instance do ritual like medical operations occur? Heart transplantss, various this and that operation. If you did not know it was "normal" you might think it a bit odd people in hospitals gather around to cut up a man or woman lying on a bed. Now were are beginning to see this method fall away as older and newer more successful and healthy non-invasive cures and ways of healing push aside the nasty cut and drug Rockefeller empire stuff that even kills people, considered normal by many.

    1. Much appreciate the question: "why ... do ritual(s) like medical operations occur?" First time I have heard this framed as "ritual" and now I don't know of a better term to describe this. A friend of mine is experiencing what the "new (more enlightened) medicine" describes as a "biological survival program" occurring in one of his kidneys without signs of "kidney failure" and yet a house mate PhD has expressed an opinion that the friend should go for the surgery and have that kidney removed. My response was "Why - when the kidney is still functioning?" I really do my best not to judge others - however the idea of removing organs that are experiencing the body's innate intelligent "survival program (regardless of medical protocols to call it a disease) is an insane idea in my book! Now the least I can actually to say to people is that these medical operations are rituals.

      Thank you for the gift of this right use of terms!

    2. Aircarvings......its a terrible way to go real mother died from breast cancer and lived a horrible 5 years of radiation treatments and chemo....when my dad remarried, she too also developed cancer. And she too only lasted 5 years...But the difference was her last 5 years were as good as all her other years before then, excepexcept at the very end...her last few months...Choose wisely...!! If all they offer you is the cut- slice- and burn method, kindly turn them down or look for healthier options....dont spend 5 years suffering....its not dignified...!!

  3. assembly meeting discussion on reestablish out assemblys.and common law court s..
    potus.and the navy is waiting on us to get it together.
    13 per county to man a pitite grand jury and you can post publicly a lawful assembly/court.
    otherwise deep state has the ball .

    1. That's right! Redress grievances!

    2. Hi bubba,
      In response to this claim I have reason for questions and concern:
      "potus.and the navy is waiting on us to get it together."

      i agree we absolutely must assemble and form our state Grand Juries, to direct our OWN management of state business, and work together at the national level to fill our vacant seats for our principal offices of government to effectively re establish managing and conducting our OWN affairs, without the US corps interference or alleged "Support" and especially if NOT IN Writing.

      Sadly, many of us have been there, done this already in 2009, 2010 IN ALL 50 states based on that same Claim of Alledged "support" only to be "used" and misled once again for nefarious purposes and agendas supporting "UN Security Councils" and the Agenda 21 objective. So my questions are;

      1. Is this claim/statement your personal opinion or is it Fact?

      2. Is this "claim" coming from the National Assembly? If yes, IS IT in writing?
      If no, Is this the main objective being promoted by the National Assembly at this time?
      If yes, why?
      3. Is it being implied that we the living people must Assemble to be "approved" by a foreign office holder POTUS or its NAVY in any way? If yes, why is this?

      No offense intended, but these questions are necessary based on same such false claims previously used on us, that ultimately were used to control and use us for MORE "voluntary" subjection for evil purposes!
      Fool us once, shame on you.
      Fool us twice, shame on us!
      We are the Principles. We ASK the questions of them, NOT the other way around. They are INCOMPETENT and BANKRUPT, We the people are NOT.
      We don't NEED them to manage our government business, however they NEED us to keep perpetuating and enabling their nefarious and immoral behavior.

      Enough!! NO, Never again!

      The buck begins and ends with us, Always. Time to wake up and stop repeating and trusting the same old players and their criminal mind games NOW!
      The truth IS mightier than the sword and we Must Stand IN full trust In our own
      Spirit Courageously Now and let go of ALL the programmed mental FEAR of Authority over us with all their weapons of "mass" destruction once and for ALL Finally Now IN Peace!

      It Is time Now

    3. Freewill "That's right! Redress grievances!"

      Destry, correct? Being in the public office of service for "Communication" capacity at the National Assembly level, would you please explain further what you mean by "redress grievances"? Are you speaking in past tense or here and now and moving forward?
      Thank you

    4. Bubbapatric...POTUS isn t waiting for anyone...he is the only one THAT can do it, because he has the military behind him.....and that's what it is going to take to get our country back.....nothing else will work..!! He just have a speech in S Carolina today and he stated to everyone, don't worry about anything, we are taking care of it, trust me....and I do..!! He doesn't need paperwork to get things done..!! And I like his idea of trying the "deep state" players in military tribunals, and a quick death more 10 or 20 years of appeals...!!

    5. In the corporate matrix you can indict.a ham sandwich . Any president that didn't obey nixon,Carter,Reagan , JFK,bobby, CFR created the all powerful CIA.same ones created the fed.9/11.all wars . pentagon targeted navel intelligence that runs the space fleet and trump just gave them a store front called space fleet.they rule the waves hail Britannia .

  4. Video of your soul leaving the body are on y tube ..
    Think in terms of longitudinal wave energy that transcends space and faster than speed of light .that is life force not rotting build your life force in order to keep your memory .so you won't have to start over as ancient knew hate is a drain were love is conducive and builds your energy is transmute to a star and break free of endlessly cycle of rebirth.well documented in Egyptian , Maya , Celtics ect.

    1. In gospel of John Jesus said I am the bright morning and evening star. ( Venus).

  5. "Last time I checked, the Roman Catholic Church is one of the few institutions on Earth that has taken a firm and unyielding stand against abortion--that is, against child murder."
    Is this a defense for the "catholic church?" Universal organised churches all seem to be .... uh,,related.
    So if we are now going down the road of the catholic church is the one true church (it just has a few bad apples with in it) everyone should beware.
    i am also against abortion. This one good does not automatically make me a saint.
    On another Holocaust note. So you say bones return to ash and the earth? You clowns who totally deny the Holocaust should take notes. Now with that in mind i am not saying evil has not used human tragedy as a spring board.

    1. And as far as Trump "getting it", he certainly does now...Her is a utube that has Trump stating that we must get the money back from the banks that stole it all from us , then "reset" our currency...So he knows the debt is false....!!

    2. a follower, I too wish people would wake up and stop saying ''The Church' as they refer to Rome. The vatican is about as far from being the Church as I am from being the tooth fairy.
      And as much as this has been clarified, people still cling to this LIE. I guess they are just 'hard of learning' lol.

  6. Light does not travel, bodies of matter are simulations of light which constitute the heart beat of the uni-verse, one unstuck sound. Ma-sonic-mother of sound. Matter ceases when motion ceases, so, "be still and know"

    1. I'm fascinated with the thought "Matter ceases when motion ceases"! And all the more in light of: "be still and know"! I wish to continue "contemplating" this unique thought.
      Thank you!

    2. You are welcome, most do not see this reality manifested as law. The power is always in the fulcrum which never moves. The power time speed time principle is expressed in the lever extension and owes its power to the fulcrum. This gives a new meaning to the technic of meditation and following sound back to its beginning in silence. Higher vibration means more instability when unbalance arises and is subject to the laws of motion which disappear in stillness. The PTB are working with this law to unbalance and therefore rebalance this system in accord to their will, but by the nature of motion, must cease requiring great effort to maintain it, like death pangs.

    3. My source is Lt. Col . Tom Bearden his was top gun in the disclosure project . military physics and intelligent . everything is based in longitudinal waves ,scaler, power fusion , your telekinesis , gravity, the energy that dustification.of the twin towers.tesla spooky energy.

    4. Sound is longitudinal pretty sure not FM.

  7. My parents & my daughter's mother chose cremation as I will.

    Because they didn't have their amalgams (silver/mercury) removed from their teeth before passing on....their cremated remains were considered toxic & illegal to dispose of in most environments in the states. Thus u break some arcane US CORPORATION law in disposal of cremated remains of love ones ~ which somehow sounds quite satisfying to me!

    Relics of Saints used to be an active business. I remember visiting a church in Stavinger, Norway with a saint's relics & was quite amuse by it all.

    To me cremation is much more sane way to deal a dead body in general. That practice sets Soul totally free from this reality as well.

    The Native Americans practice of burning their deceased relatives was recently depicted in the excellent movie "Hostiles" staring Christian Bale & Wes Studi.

    "Dust in the Wind" by Kansas

    I close my eyes, only for a moment, and the moment's gone
    All my dreams pass before my eyes, a curiosity
    Dust in the wind
    All they are is dust in the wind
    Same old song, just a drop of water in an endless sea
    All we do crumbles to the ground though we refuse to see
    Dust in the wind
    All we are is dust in the wind
    Oh, ho, ho
    Now, don't hang on, nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky
    It slips away
    And all your money won't another minute buy
    Dust in the wind
    All we are is dust in the wind
    All we are is dust in the wind
    Dust in the wind
    Everything is dust in the wind
    Everything is dust in the wind
    The wind
    Songwriters: Kerry Livgren (today still a staunch Christian - lol)

    1. That's the only song they ever play on the radio from that band...but they had a lot of really good "child of innocense"...!! Never played, except when it first came out..!!

    2. I will look it up! I know one of the band members graduated from my Christian high school that was in the news last year for a gas explosion- Minnehaha Academy.

    3. Awemazing musicians and Artists!! Husband and I loved seeing them in concert a few years ago, and WOW, they were awesome!! So sad that they never had more of their work commercialized, and Now explains why only half of the intimate, 3500 seat venue was filled. So worth seeing them live if you get a chance!!! 10 stars!!

      Much Gratitude, Love and peace

  8. Actually, I don't like the whole process of life and death; from conception to one's last breath and onward. I cringe at the thought of being inside a mothers body for 9 months; I cringe at the thought of birth. And then the long path of life which is full of bumps and bruises; mishaps and surprises; shocks and sudden disasters, large or small.
    I picture Life as being like a 10 lane highway; you are constantly trying to find which lane you should be in, should you change lanes, stay where you are? Slow down, speed up, pull over? Get off at an exit or continue straight ahead?
    If we should pull over, will we miss some opportunity up ahead, and if so how much further will we have to travel to find that opportunity? Or was that big sought after opportunity at the last exit? But then, were we in the correct lane to get off back there, if we put our blinker on for a lane change, would the traffic have left us in, even.

    Life is nothing but traveling an unknown road. And then you die, and your body that you tried to take care of so well, suddenly becomes one of those sorrowful bumps in the road for those loved ones who are still alive and still facing that 10 lane highway of Life.

    (You want me to become fertilizer, to benefit this world that handed us that 10 lane crazy highway?? Ain't happening !)

    1. Here is a link to another p.o.v. from the book "Journey of Souls" by Michael Newton, Ph.d (1996 published) Abby that u might find interesting in view of what u just wrote on your view of life being a '...10 lane highway of Life."

    2. Leand...its high time you READ something from someone who has crossed over and able to see perfectly now with both eyes, instead of one...unless you can say truthfully you have crossed over and come back to tell us your story...until then, you only have half the picture...the other half is just your opinion....!!

      Don't forget, this was and still is an acclaimed neurosurgen, and professed atheist...!!

      "PROOF OF HEAVEN" by Dr Esen Alexander....!!

      That butterfly on the cover of his book is for a reason....!!

  9. James...r u aware of your current favorite of obe with "both eyes" has lots of legal issues BEFORE his probable extraordinary NDE experience?

    Many believed his theories on the basis that he had worked as a doctor for nearly two decades before a spontaneous case of E. coli caused his coma, but further questions are now being asked about his credentials.

    An Esquire article goes through the five malpractice suits that he had accumulated in the ten years leading up to the book's publication."

    From a 2013 article...u

    I go with St. Paul versions of realities ant day over this former atheist...just saying:)

    1. The Apostle Paul, of course having died long ago, has NOT spoken to a single person since his departure. You have been duped and grossly deceived if you think St. Paul has spoken to you in one of your ''out of body' so called experiences........which was nothing more than a dream. Get over it !

    2. Leland,
      Wanted to reply to And...?
      King James Bible
      And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.
      This is the only way i see to connect the Word of the Bible to other beliefs. Yet the Word of the Bible remains Complete in all things. i do see passages whithin the bible that could indicate reincarnation and continued chances and lives. Yet as per your comment.
      " Every Soul gets there eventually. That is God's truth whether certain religions teach it or not."
      i still disagree. There are some who do not make it. There remains a final judgement the second death. 15And if anyone was found whose name was not written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.…
      Those who go in the lake of fire death will be eternal.
      Gandhi, seemed to also speak very positive on the messages in and of the Bible. It was the people i believe he had issue with.

    3. Leland...even if that was true, that could never explain why after 8 days of being clinically dead, that he returned perfectly normal in the sense that he was exactly the person he was before (intellicully speaking) that he was before he died....even with all his knowledge of the brain, he couldn't even come up with an answer to that question....the medical books say it's impossible...and trust me he had an answer for everything concerning the brain and NDE..but not his, because anyone will tell you if the brain is starved for oxygen for just a few minutes, they are hardly ever the same or vegetables for life....!!

    4. And there is no way a doctor with 3 million law suits against him would still have a fact he would lose his license after only 2 malpractice suits, let alone 3 million...Its not possible for him to work on that many people in a lifetime....maybe 10 lifetimes, but even that is questionable...!!

    5. Dearest Abby...u continue to display your ignorance on spiritual matters in general, but some elucidation in legal matters.

      Perhaps u should stick with just what u know more when responding to just inlegal

      The Apocalypse of Paul

      Translated by George W. MacRae and William R. Murdock

      [...] the road. And he spoke to him, saying, "By which road shall I go up to Jerusalem?" The little child replied, saying, "Say your name, so that I may show you the road". The little child knew who Paul was. He wished to make conversation with him through his words in order that he might find an excuse for speaking with him.
      The little child spoke, saying, "I know who you are, Paul. You are he who was blessed from his mother`s womb. For I have come to you that you may go up to Jerusalem to your fellow apostles. And for this reason you were called. And I am the Spirit who accompanies you. Let your mind awaken, Paul, with [...]. For [...] whole which [...] among the principalities and these authorities and archangels and powers and the whole race of demons, [...] the one that reveals bodies to a soul-seed."
      And after he brought that speech to an end, he spoke, saying to me, "Let your mind awaken, Paul, and see that this mountain upon which you are standing is the mountain of Jericho, so that you may know the hidden things in those that are visible. Now it is to the twelve apostles that you shall go, for they are elect spirits, and they will greet you." He raised his eyes and saw them greeting him.
      Then the Holy Spirit who was speaking with him caught him up on high to the third heaven, and he passed beyond to the fourth heaven. The Holy Spirit spoke to him, saying, "Look and see your likeness upon the earth." And he looked down and saw those who were upon the earth. He stared and saw those who were upon the [...]. Then he gazed down and saw the twelve apostles at his right and at his left in the creation; and the Spirit was going before them.
      But I saw in the fourth heaven according to class - I saw the angels resembling gods, the angels bringing a soul out of the land of the dead. They placed it at the gate of the fourth heaven. And the angels were whipping it. The soul spoke, saying, "What sin was it that I committed in the world?" The toll-collector who dwells in the fourth heaven replied, saying, "It was not right to commit all those lawless deeds that are in the world of the dead". The soul replied, saying, "Bring witnesses! Let them show you in what body I committed lawless deeds. Do you wish to bring a book to read from?"
      And the three witnesses came. The first spoke, saying, "Was I not in the body the second hour [...]? I rose up against you until you fell into anger and rage and envy." And the second spoke, saying, "Was I not in the world? And I entered at the fifth hour, and I saw you and desired you. And behold, then, now I charge you with the murders you committed." The third spoke, saying, "Did I not come to you at the twelfth hour of the day when the sun was about to set? I gave you darkness until you should accomplish your sins." When the soul heard these things, it gazed downward in sorrow. And then it gazed upward. It was cast down. The soul that had been cast down went to a body which had been prepared for it. And behold, its witnesses were finished.
      Then I gazed upward and saw the Spirit saying to me, "Paul, come! Proceed toward me!". Then as I went, the gate opened, and I went up to the fifth heaven. And I saw my fellow apostles going with me while the Spirit accompanied us. And I saw a great angel in the fifth heaven holding an iron rod in his hand. There were three other angels with him, and I stared into their faces. But they were rivalling each other, with whips in their hands, goading the souls on to the judgment. But I went with the Spirit and the gate opened for me.
      Then we went up to the sixth...

    6. Comtinue: heaven. And I saw my fellow apostles going with me, and the Holy Spirit was leading me before them. And I gazed up on high and saw a great light shining down on the sixth heaven. I spoke, saying to the toll-collector who was in the sixth heaven, "Open to me and the Holy Spirit who is before me." He opened to me.
      Then we went up to the seventh heaven, and I saw an old man [...] light and whose garment was white. His throne, which is in the seventh heaven, was brighter than the sun by seven times. The old man spoke, saying to me, "Where are you going, Paul? O blessed one and the one who was set apart from his mother`s womb." But I looked at the Spirit, and he was nodding his head, saying to me, "Speak with him!". And I replied, saying to the old man, "I am going to the place from which I came." And the old man responded to me, "Where are you from?" But I replied, saying, "I am going down to the world of the dead in order to lead captive the captivity that was led captive in the captivity of Babylon." The old man replied to me saying, "How will you be able to get away from me? Look and see the principalities and authorities." The Spirit spoke, saying, "Give him the sign that you have, and he will open for you." And then I gave him the sign. He turned his face downwards to his creation and to those who are his own authorities.
      And then the heaven opened and we went up to the Ogdoad. And I saw the twelve apostles. They greeted me, and we went up to the ninth heaven. I greeted all those who were in the ninth heaven, and we went up to the tenth heaven. And I greeted my fellow spirits.

      The Apocalypse of Paul

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. a follower...Thanks for your response to "And.." in another terrific post by Anna elsewhere.

      Anna didn't mention Cat Stevens in that post as u may recall.

      a follower...the word 'Kalpa' is similar in concept to a wink of God in regards to measurement in time, space, energy, & matter ~ realities below Soul's ultimate home from whence it was created by God.

      Consequently ALL Souls will come home to God where Soul was originally created in some wink of God eventually.

    9. All souls may go back to God,but then he ''sends most of them to their deserved place, South''.
      'narrow is the gate to Life, and FEW there be that find it; but wide is the gate to destruction, and MOST go through it'.

      Thank God for true Justice.

    10. There is no 'apocolypse of paul'. Man's books are nothing more than some Man's personal opinion.

      There is no such thing as reincarnation. Scripture says ''it is appointed unto Man once to die, and then the Judgement'.

      There are no other beliefs that God accepts. In Galatians 1 he makes it clear.......'anyone that preaches ANY OTHER gospel, let them be accursed'. v.8-10

    11. Dearest Abby...u know little of spiritual truths except when u love to sound coherent to your mirror.

      "Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed by the masses" Plato

    12. Scripture the bible a hodgepodge of symerian. Epic of creation. Only one who wrote in the bible that was actually there was john. Older manuscript dead sea scrolls, un tampered with tell a completely diffirent your sources?

  10. Defending the honor of the Vatican, really? I'm afraid there isn't much to be defended, here...

    Let's not even speak of the numerous crimes and atrocities that institution has committed throughout history.

    Its Original sin is that it positions itself as an intermediary between humankind and its own divine nature. That is insult AND injury. Spiritual interlopers is what they are, and the biggest tyrants on this planet.

    1. Marc, you are absolutely right. There is NOTHING about the vatican that can be defended. In fact the pope/vatican/rcc cause people to be lost and to stay lost......deceiving them making them think 'you are catholic so you will go to heaven'. Even worse, they tell their children that they were 'baptized in the catholic church' and that makes them saved. Biggest lie anyone can tell their kids. Common sense ought to tell adult parents that going to some building and having some man wearing a white robe sprinkling water on their childs head couldnt possible cause God to let them into heaven.

      IF that was the case, then what did Jesus die for?

      How does the scripture go? ''people perish for the lack of knowledge''. (even common sense would do the trick...which they also lack)

    2. Dearest Abby....u lack common sense, so why pretend u know it?

  11. The only thing that can be said in their defense is that most of them probably think they are doing the right thing. As did the Nazis.

    1. Marc,
      Yes, when the root is full of disease trimming and pruning is not going to save the tree.
      And then there is the problem with the daughters of this church.
      i was recently amazed and shocked to see a peace treaty or declaration between this "church" and those who had separated.

    2. Mark....thats a defense that has never worked in any court...!! Just ask anyone tried during the "Nuremburg " trails....!! I bet everyone from the "deep state" is going to use that defense...!! Our trouble is that now there are just as many criminals behind the bench than in front of it...!!

  12. Glean the Truth and ask Him for discernment in all matters, all conversation, all replies. While the world is focused on the middle east, look at what many are missing.

    The Death of Protestantism

    1. a follower, the Death of Truth has already happened.

    2. Dearest Abby...Your little reality is dying...this is true:)

  13. In general, jurisdiction should be addressed first off.

  14. First of all , the only thing you want to say to the administrator at your window is sir and yes sir..!! Don't bother with these guys because they are taught to recognize insubordination, since they have been brainwashed using military tactics.....if buy your nice enough to him, he just may let you go, but if he doesn't just sign the ticket using "by": John Doe..!! Than you can figure out what to do not found of cops, but you know how many alcoholics they run into...after a couple of encounters with alcoholics it doesn't take long to lose your friendly behavior...!!

  15. James, why even sign the ticket? Doing so tells them you accept the charge IMO. I saw a video of one guy who told the cop, you can give me the ticket but I wont sign it, so the cop wrote the ticket and put it under his windshield wiper as the driver sat in his car.

    I saw another lady who got stopped for no good reason, when asked for her DL, she got it out, held it up for him to see, and told him he can SEE it but he cannot HAVE it. And in both these cases the cops backed off.

  16. Light can act as a partial when is needs the next a wave . Einstein couldn't understand it . He called. Tesla energy spooky. We know know the mechanism how telekinesis works how energy at a distance works your brain has two hemisphere s that can fire off longitudinal waves or scaler you can bend metal with your mind light fires , shamans have to light a fire using. Only your mind..
    bioactive fields build this energy don't carry coins it drains your power aluminum is horrible to your aura . Loose natural fiber clothing .get out doors walk barefoot on damp soil. A child standing in a puddle can steer a hurricane .

    1. "You Forever" by walkin Tibetan Lama Tuesday Lobsang Rampa was the first book read I read on reading auras back in 1973.

      I stopped drinking beer after Tuesday said you can't read auras very well if one

      Free "You Forever" pdf book read if interested;)

  17. Hi Anna, thanks. that's good to know. I've always wondered why there aren't more cemeteries in the world, considering how many billions of people have lived on earth. I've heard of charnel houses before but, I thought they were the same thing as whore houses. LOL!!! Glad to know I was wrong! :)

  18. That's easy for you to say because cops treat males much differently than females as you can plainly see by the extremely disproportionate males in jail compared to males...!! Don't tell me there isn t gender discrimination. your eyes, that's all you have to do...andvdont tell me women don't commit just as many crimes as men, because they do....!! If there are half a million men in jail, there should be the exact same amount as women in jail...but there isnt...!! The girl I was going with for awhile lived in Seal Beach for years and all the cops knew her and her sister and we're both found many times totally drunk and driving and never charged...In fact a few of them wanted to date her.....sickning discrimination...!! Real fair system....!! Try living in a guys shoes C Johnson and see if you have the same attitude...!!

  19. C Johnson.....I think after 40 years of studying the courts, I know the difference between an Administrative Court ANF an Article 3 court.. You have a way of confusing a very simple question...All I want you to admit is there is clearly GENDER discrimination when it comes to criminal courts....yes or no..!!! It's that simple....!! Why should there be 10 times the amount of males in jail than women....I guess you think that is fair....if all courts are Adminsistrative, than Equity demands equality under ANY LAW...!! Woman are just as stupid as men when it comes to law...when is the last time you ever heard a man charge a woman with sexual harassment....!! It happens all the time..!! But you guys are the babies with bottles always in your mouth...always the victums...Why don't you just stand up to people like your supposed to do....!!

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