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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Friday, May 4, 2018

I Don't Know April LaJeune / Controversy about A4V

By Anna Von Reitz

I don't know April. I couldn't recognize her in a crowded room. I wouldn't recognize her voice on the phone. I have spoken to her once on the phone, when I called her up and asked what she was doing distributing material published on my website.

She said she was using "some of it" as part of a larger process she was recommending herself. She also said that she and her staff were charging fees to help fill out paperwork for those who felt the need for hand-holding assistance.

I reiterated that I only take responsibility for the use of material published on my website when it is used for the purposes I recommend. I agreed it was no sin for her to use materials I made freely available for the purposes I stipulated, and it was also no sin to charge a hand-holding fee for hours of labor related to processing such paperwork. She didn't offer to give me any percentage and I didn't ask for one.

April and I don't agree about the A4V process or the TDA process. She says I am old and I don't get it. She may be right. She isn't the only one to say that. I can't "prove" otherwise, because neither the Treasury nor the Bureau of Public Debt are forthcoming about either subject.

What I remember --- because I am old --- is that the A4V process was buried in the records as "Public Policy" remedy for the swindles and unlawful conversion of our assets back in the 1930 debacle per HJR 192. What I also remember is that the bankruptcy that all that referred to was settled in 1999, so that it became illegal to continue presenting those claims as of November 7, 1999.

There was a presumption of continuance of that remedy when the UNITED STATES went bankrupt in 2015, at least for actual Federal Citizens--- because the Federal Code was still on the books and their franchises were being bankrupted.

There is a logic to that, but those of us who hauled rump out of the possession of the Muni Government and placed our "vessels" in a permanent domicile on the land jurisdiction wouldn't be eligible for that. The whole point of our action was to avoid bankruptcy and to properly, explicitly define our "vessels" --- our NAMES -- as private vessels engaged in international trade--- not commerce.

Bankruptcy is a "privilege" only available to incorporated entities (franchises) engaged in commerce, so once you redefine your vessels --- all these NAMES -- as private vessels and you move them to a permanent domicile in a different jurisdiction, you are no longer eligible for -- or in need of -- bankruptcy protection.

I think it is pretty obvious that (1) it is illegal to present claims against a bankrupt entity once the bankruptcy has been discharged; (2) it is also illegal to claim bankruptcy protection if you aren't eligible for bankruptcy protection; and (3) it is dishonest to claim remedy for a bankruptcy if you aren't subject to a bankruptcy.

So for all those reasons I told people who are not actually Federal Employees or Dependents to steer clear of A4V processes and TDA's.

Could I be wrong about A4V and TDAs? Yes. I could be, but I don't think I am.

It's possible that at some point in the future everyone including those who claim back their original birthright political status will get restitution via an organized pay-out system like the TDA's. For all I know, the present TDA's may be reconfigured to do exactly that. But until that is explicitly understood and put in writing and admitted to by the Federales, I have to assume that it is a Federal program for Federal employees and dependents---- and that those of us who aren't actually Federal employees and dependents and who have, moreover, taken explicit action to recoup our birthright political status -- aren't eligible by definition.

Just like we aren't really eligible to join Social Security and aren't really eligible to be "taxpayers"----same schtick. You can trespass into their system and be granted Dual Citizenship, if you want to, but 100% of the time in my experience of their operations, it is never to your advantage if you do. You are always giving up something far more valuable than anything you get in return.

There was a sliver of time during the Muni bankruptcy where anyone in possession of a Federal PERSON still at sea could discharge the debts of that PERSON without penalty or confusion, but that time is past and those who have since opted out of that system and established their permanent domicile on the land of one of the states are no longer operating in that jurisdiction, so --- the logic of it is --- no A4V's and no TDA's unless you really are a Federal employee or dependent and really are operating in the jurisdiction of international commerce.

There are also people pointing at the Unidroit Treaty of Rome, saying that that is the basis of the TDA and A4V process, but, that Treaty was overturned in 2003 and the funds backing it were locked up again.

A different kind of removal of debt via insurance indemnity claim is possible for those of us who are permanently domiciled on the land jurisdiction, but that has yet to be announced, and so far as I know those claims go against the Trustees and Underwriters of the UNITED STATES and USA, Inc. --- the Holy See and the British Crown, because the local entities are all bankrupt.

Perhaps I can be blamed here for not being more avidly interested and up to date about individual relief, but everyone reading this should understand that I have been kept busy defending American claims on a much, much larger scale --- so that we all have a country and a land jurisdiction to come home to and so that everyone knows and has Notice of the fact that we haven't "abandoned" any of our assets and haven't left our lawful government to languish in any "abeyance".

These much larger issues have to be addressed before sensible individual relief can be assured, so I have been plodding along with my cart behind my horse. And there's a logic to that, too.

See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. Thank you for this clarification on the A4V and the TDA accounts. Your position is quite understandable and the cart does seem to be following the horse.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. April might understand more than you think. You say she rooked you out of $450 and you are quasi defending her by stating "she hasn't been doing this long enough to understand the history." SMH...

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. That is why Roger Elvic told everyone not to give up their SS# and their presumed status as federal employees because that is exactly what out master files show...but he said that is a good thing because now we can use our strawman as a means of doing commerce, and using our TAD by simply Accepting all statements for value on their required vouchers they send along with the billing statements, because in a world that runs by only using fiat debt instraments, the person or company demanding to be paid has the corralary responsibility to provide the check along with their request as a REMEDY for fraud, because no one can "pay"(a legal term Anna) a debt with another debt...its an impossibility..!! They are the ones in "dishonor" when they refuse to do what we (the TRUE Creitors) fail to do what we demand back at them....the made the "offer" but we ended it by "accepting it for value, using their own vouchers, to "discharge" our liability which is the only thing we can do lawfully....every statement says "PAY" this amount..!! It never says "discharge" this amount...!! So figure it out...thats why it is called the Redemption process.. Bec ause, in their own greed and ignorance the Lord gave us a way out of their debt system by simply returning their offer by using an acceptance...!! And DNT I've seen those letters and they are just an attempt to scare you into compliance...what you should of don't is stamp it again with your acceptance stamp and return that offer back to them as a "dishonor" and then sue them for threatening letters through the mail...!! That's in a perfect world where everyone is supposed to do the right and proper thing
      .!! Instead, we are dealing with a criminal syndicate that was never created to just bring their books to zero, like a true accounting ledger using fiat currency...technically when you send them a check along with a check, you have paid them with their own voucher and one with a personal check...!! That's why the most important people who should be learning this material is law enforcement, not us...but no one holds them accountable either.....I guess you are just to "idealistic" to see the truth...!! You act more like a college student fresh out of college, but no nothing about how the real world operates, because you obviously never worked for a corporation that took half your pay every week for taxes that the corporation owed, not you...!! But the rest of us have been in that world all our lives and realize we are being ripped up...!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I heard Winston Shrout once say people were mixing up commercial process with common law. One or the other, as mixing them up leads to issues with courts who will act upon such gross errors. "It has cost many a man life or fortune for not knowing what he thought he was sure of"

  5. Perhaps, a bit slow-on these issues?

    It's incredulous to believe, somehow, a band of marauding-international-bar-lawyers have swindled us out of a "Bill of Rights", we were taught to believe, is part of our birth-right as an American. Isn't this giving bar-lawyers wwwaaayyy-too-much credit?

    What's the big hurry to "believe" a "bar-lawyer" government and a fanciful-puny-minority of zillion-heir(error?)-bankers? More believably, we are heir (not error) to creation, along with about 7 billion other human beings, living under a natural-law of creation, here long before our consciousness.

    Isn't it easier to believe, as equal "heir" to creation, our rights of "share" are inviolate? A thoughtful-portion of the 7-billion-living-humans are a critical mass, more likely, taking-on some type of "equal- share" position.

    Daily, we reach understanding, however, our reliance on "mainstream" media, for the past 50 years, may be influenced by a global network of corporate control. This "control" is getting more and more annoying and this "annoyed" attitude is picking up, exponentially, around us.

    Judge Anna's writings and book, on these topics, are extremely clarifying and helpful. These discussions, no doubt, are healthy for our future and the future of the people we care-about.

    1. true, one big clarification, you do not have a bill of rights, you have unalienable god-given Rights bestowed from the creator that are protected by their trust indenture, which makes you immune to their governmental overreach via statutes and codes for their federal zone/governmental employees; UN dba United States dba District of Columbia, it has nothing to do with you per se but your legal person that is in their 14th amendment federal zone U.S. citizen and their ssn that is in their federal zone that make you a taxpayer if you are acting as surety for their dead corp(se). man, know thyself in true proportion...

    2. That's why we need to either rename the Constitution of the United States of America to the contract to keep the Corporate states, from crossing over into the sovereign America states and their God given rights under God, which no American National can never contract away and which judges can never presume such no matter what the semantics are or grammar and spelling...!! And then add the most important component to the contract that the original left out.....a stiff "penal clause" for anyone that violates an American Nationals status, whether intentitional or not....!! Or just scrap it altogether, so we can stop arguing about it.....!!

  6. Most kind Thanks Anna, James, Paul, and the other golden hearts that have given so much of your precious irreplacable time for all of us. May your cups run over in every realm, Much Love and Appreciation from Mom in Utah, fighting the State for her Developmentally Disabled Son, with all that I've learned from you, and my endless Love for my only child. May you all enjoy all that you need, And want, in the name of Jesus Christ Our Lord.

  7. Sounds like free stuff that's not free. Penny for your thoughts is right civil rights is just. Soa shinny rapper and catchy name nothing you don't already have .

  8. if not me who if not now when ?
    New International Version
    my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. "Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children.

  9. So Anna, how does this impact your 1099-A process with CID?

  10. I want to know the answer to that question also!

  11. Just my 2¢...Since HJR 192 has not been repealed but codified into the federal register and UCC which states that all debts shall be discharged, and since there is no other lawfull currency being provided other than FRNs which are only promissory note debt instruments and not money, there is no other way for us to pay for anything. Our sole remedy since 1933 and at this time still and until other lawfull currency is provided, is to accept a presentment for value and to return it for value, instruct them to pay to the order of the US treasury and charge it to the NAME to settle and discharge the presentment. It is then also only proper to first acquire the account via 1099-A to correct the presumption against us that it is their account and deceiving us to fork over our money of exchange when only money of account is demanded. We need to correct their presumption that they are the lender and we are the borrower when in fact we are the lender and they are the borrower since they are using our equity. When we surrendered our fed person to the treasury, we appointed Mnuchin as our fiduciary. However, when a fiduciary fails to perform in his duties, it is our task to step in as the Executor in the capacity of the Office of the Executor to settle the accounts. The only logical solution here seems to be for all of us to acquire an Executor EIN (EIN minus the dash) from the IRS to settle our accounts as such. This is very simple to do in 10 minutes online and receive an EIN instantly. There is no higher office in the land than the Office of the Executor which trumps all other offices and courts who are all operating and acting in Assumpsit, attempting to administer our Estate w/o the approval of the Office of the Executor. If we have reconveyed our names to the land and we still receive their presentments and they will, contrary to our declarations, arrest our bodies and seize our properties and assets as sureties for their presentments, all because we are perceived complicit for having used their debt script which we have under duress since there was no their way to buy our home, "pay" for our daily necessities such as groceries, utilities, transportation, etc., then we need to agree with our adversary in the way or he will cast us into prison until the last cent of their presumed debt is paid. IOW: give them what want and render unto Cesar that which belongs to Cesar. They are demanding Cesar's coin which is not ours but they have setup these accounts in our NAME with plenty of Cesar's coin to prepay all presentments against our NAMES. They had to because they confiscated all the gold and silver which was the only lawful money we could use to pay and they had to leave us a remedy or they would have been hung for treason. AFV is merely approving their own demanded authorization to settle and discharge the account with Cesar's own coin.

    1. 1 Freeman,I'd like more information on what you are saying about" the office of the executor

    2. Holly, Anna wrote a post about this a while back in which she outlined how to establish the fact on record that your are the Executor of your estate.

    3. Louis T McFadden, ( I think thats his name? ) Spoke on the Congressional record about this treason and the ptb, killed him for it! One can be 100 percent right, does not mean anything to criminals. If one will look at whats been done by the State, (ROLB) and the fed funds that estate held in trust, you see the problem? There is now an interest, not in the man, but the trust.

    4. I should add, the moment the registrar, registered the name/title it now is in his protective custody. The State is the holder of the estate which makes them the principal, until the real creditor makes the claim, here I am. Who holds the productive power of labor and places man in a cult/belief system? Vatican-I-can-hold-container/vat.

    5. Holly,

      If a man appoints an Executor or Executrix for his Estate in his last will and Testament, who then is the Executor of his Estate while he lives? This is the highest office in tge land. Do a Notice of Appointment and record it onvtge public Record. Even though a man has been Executor since the the of Maturity Notice of Appointment gives them irrefutable evidence you are alive. Things are a bit different for women if they are married . All basic trust law which is the basis for all law.

  12. Replies
    1. But we are still faced with traitorist judges and a system set up only for adversarial battles...!! If all they wanted was the money, then why all the games....just have the judge name the charges and then ask the defendant would you like to discharge this or pay for it to close this account and settle this account in full and close out the account...i would gladly give them my signature in exchange for them to debut my account for the appropriate "reasonable" fees....!!! Real crimes are another deal..!!

  13. To All those who are wondering including you Anna. I have successfully used A4V for 4 years in total. the account is not zeroed but they dont take it further than some threatening letters if you know what to say. Friend of mine has worked out how to zero the account but im yet to see how. the cut my Gas off once and within 7 hrs after one phone call i had it back on. that was only once in 4 years. Believe it or not.

    1. Anton, care to share some more of your success story, i.e. your process and your results? I know many would like to hear.

    2. Hello, so what do you say when they send threatening letters?

    3. Unknown, if you know who you are, and you know who they claim they are, as COLORABLE AGENTS of NO Authority, only Actors, then you can either conditionally accept their offer upon proof of their claim or You return their claim Refused for cause. Every correspondence IS a agreement in commerce. You either accept in silence, or you conditionally accept by responding and requesting/reguiring more info, or you refuse.
      I personally choose to NOT engage or be presumed to be engaged in ANY tactic agreement with these Posers of No Authority, so I simply choose writing on unopened correspondence, as soon as it is received:
      NAME unknown
      Return to Sender
      And hand it back over to the Postal worker(process server)to end any assumption or presumption of acceptance to begin with. Keep it simple. They choose to NOT Hear anything we say, or mis construe are questioning as "Threatening" so its truly about picking your battles. They truly WILL make a mountain out of a mole hill if you allow them, so best to just ignore and return their improperly addressed correspondence to begin with.
      But that's just me. To each his own

      Much Gratitude, Love and Peace
      Education IS Key

    4. But don't they just shut off your services if you send back the billing statement?


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