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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Use Your Heads -- Then Lift Them

By Anna Von Reitz

Here is the ancient Maxim of Law that deals with the present situation: "As a Thing is Bound, so it is Unbound."

Everyone in this country was improperly presumed upon as a result of Franklin Delano Roosevelt making his "New Deal Speech" which was accepted by the guilty parties as a Declaration.  As a result of it, and a declaration made by the Territorial State of State Governors at their Conference March 6, 1933, all the Federal Citizens including those residing in the federated Territorial State of States became chattel backing the 1933 bankruptcy and all were considered to be franchises engaged in international commerce.

Of course, the vermin never had any such power or ability to speak for us or to actually indebt us in this fashion.  They simply presumed upon us and mischaracterized us and set about falsifying the public records.

If Donald J. Trump wants to correct this situation, he can make a similar declaration removing all Territorial and Municipal United States Citizens and the citizenry of the Territorial States of States back to the land jurisdiction of the actual United States--including his own principal franchises: DONALD TRUMP, DONALD J. TRUMP, and DONALD JOHN TRUMP.

That would allow them all to come home and put an end to the stranglehold they have put around their own necks. 

The Territorial United States has been delivered from bankruptcy and just as they proposed to "remove" all of us to Puerto Rico for several decades, they can remove all of their own franchises back home to the international land jurisdiction of the United States --- simply reversing what FDR did and also then reversing the legal presumptions involved.

President Trump can then also come safely home to the land and soil of New York and simply exercise the already well-established provisions for Dual Citizenship --- only now a Dual Citizen of the land jurisdiction instead of a Dual Citizen of the Municipality--- as it was prior to 1946.  And he can serve as the actual President of The United States of America without any obligation to the Queen or threat accusing him of "treason" against the Territorial United States, which in fact belongs to us: lock, stock, copyrights, patents, corporate charters and all. 

There are addle-pated rumors flying that Treaties with the UN require us to merge with Canada and Mexico in a single "regional government" and to open our established borders and give up our national sovereignty and all sorts of other nonsense.

Let's get this one straight, too. 

We have agents at the United Nations via our Native American partners serving as contacts, but we have no treaties with the United Nations obligating us to anything whatsoever. 

All treaties entered into "in our behalf" by the usurping Territorial United State Government are null and void for Breach of Trust and Fraud and we have certainly never granted any delegated power affecting our national sovereignty, our borders, nor our immigration policy.

So, put a Big Red "X" over the North American Union and the Unidroit Treaty of Rome which Commander Gould sacked in 2003 and numerous other "treaties" which the Territorial United States signed without any delegated authority to do so.

And now that we are back to the issue of delegated authority --- at the moment, they have none.  They vacated their constitutional agreements and any assumed commercial contracts by entering into bankruptcy.  As we have demonstrated, all three levels of the "Federal Government" --- national, territorial, and municipal -- were vacated by their incompetence and criminal Breach of Trust. 

As we also demonstrated, all three levels of the "Federal Government" either belong to us directly or existed only to fulfill treaty agreements and commercial contracts owed to us.  Their self-voiding of their commercial contracts via bankruptcy also voids their charters.

The national level of our government was illegally and immorally moth-balled via usurpation, fraud, and Breach of Trust in 1868.  The municipal level was bankrupted in 2015.  The territorial level was bankrupted in 2017.  

ALL powers ever delegated under any constitutional agreement with any of the former Principals and their Successors thus ended in 2017 and reverted to the Issuer --- The United States of America (Unincorporated), its member States, and the People of this country.  

We have maintained a constitutional form of government for now by establishing new agreements with other "federal partners"--- the American Indian Nations, but our agreements with them do not imply a continuance of delegation of power under the old system and do not provide grounds for any would-be service providers or international trustees to presume upon us or assume a service contract without our explicit agreement.

The days of the tail wagging the dog are over, and those responsible have only themselves to blame --- because it is their own incompetence, greed, breach of trust, and lack of good faith service that has led to this.

We are, throughout, the aggrieved and defrauded parties, who have been abused by our own employees. 

We are owed the full, free, and complete return of all assets and property naturally belonging to us, absent all debts and encumbrances. This includes all land patents and titles belonging to our States and People.  We are owed the return of our gold which was confiscated illegally during the 1930's and the return of our silver which was extorted under color of law via the Emergency Banking Act of 1934. We are owed the return of all our intellectual property and all assets and benefits attached to those intellectual assets, plus the absolute and permanent release of all indecent claims upon our bodies and our DNA.

We have claimed and placed agricultural liens upon all our assets and all the assets of our States and all the property assets and interests of the Foreign Grantor Trusts and tax shelters and stocks and bonds and labor contracts and performance contracts and insurances and other beneficial material interests held in our NAMES.

We found our "missing, presumed lost at sea" Trade Names and re-conveyed them to the land and soil of our nativity and we stand on our land and soil now, no longer deceived and no longer acquiescing to any continuance of this criminal imposition upon us and our country and our natural sovereignty.

 In other words, the "service providers" have finally been "served".  

They all need to bow their heads in shame, turn over the accounts for audit, and do what they can to make sure that no more property is damaged and no more innocent people are hurt.

See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.


  1. Good perspective , need this firmly in our head for when Thai talking heads start obfuscating.color of law.

  2. Anna, if you say that we are under the Lieber Code and are owed the Law of Peace, and that Donald Trump rightfully is our Commander in Chief and head of our military, why can we not take these criminals into military courts and have them stand trial for their crimes against us? This seems to be the only court left in the country that is over all of these treasonous traitors and enemy combatants and the only court that is not bought and paid for by the bankers. Perhaps that is what these 25,500 sealed indictments are all about and why GITMO is getting a major overhaul and a new hospital. But what about us right now? Do we have a right to file a complaint in a military court against bank officials who are stealing our identity and foreclosing on our properties by kidnapping our names and stealing our assets?

    1. 1FreeMan; I heard a couple days ago the number of "sealed indictments" have reached 29,000. I'm NOT buying it! The very process of securing a single indictment normally takes a few months PLUS, even if these so-called "indictments" were filed under seal, the mere scope of these would have caused the "legal" community to be buzzing as they couldn't have been kept secret! The "sealing" is evidenced in the record but, I suspect that most of these contributing to the outrageously claimed number, actually represent the "sealing" of documents in a wide variety of cases, both civil and criminal. It's not at all unusual to have documents subject to being sealed in divorce cases, child custody cases, etc. Merely looking at the record will not, necessarily, reflect any degree of accuracy as is being claimed, I believe. I would like to hear the opinion of an expert on this matter because it's a topic that, at least in my opinion, appears to be a psyop of sorts to give the "red pilled" among us hope and, it serves as just another diversion while the District of Criminals continue their various frauds! As far as the entire "Q" phenomenon, I'm also not buying it either! I hope I'm wrong about both topics but, they both seem FAR too good to be true!

    2. Jack, so that's what DC stands for? Haha! The legal community IS buzzing with these. Why do you think they are hellbent on destroying Trump any which way they can. My LLF Lawyer has been following the indictments on Pacer and they are real. Each of these sealed indictments contain several defendants so if we assume that there are just 4 defendants for each indictment that would add up to well over 100.000 arrests. Now we are getting closer to taking down the whole swamp establishment. Also keep in mind that these are all connected and related to UraniumOne, pedophilia, pizzagate, money laundering, human trafficking, ritualistic child abuse, kidnapping, endangerment, espionage, and treason. When the stuff finally hits the fan it will be monumental and we will all be in shock and awe. Also note that the military has been hiring a slew of additional lawyers and judges to help with thier anticipated prosecutions. Something major is definitely up.

  3. I have been saying for quite awhile now, that Anna has already done much of the work that some people think ''we should do'. And as I just said yesterday, Trump is not our friend, a president of the People, because he has shown he is not working hand in hand with Anna; he could have done so long ago and cut to the chase, but he has not. I've also maintained that we should not have to repair what they have done to us unbeknownst to us; it is all null and void.
    Now Anna is telling us that Trump could ''unbound these things the same way they were bound'. That has been my point all along !
    I still maintain that all this paper work is not necessary; it can all be corrected in one fell swoop; we should spend our efforts pressing that issue.

    1. How would you suggest dealing with the paperwork?I hate all the paperwork and the bs that goes along with it

    2. I have been told that the highest position in the United States is not the President, it's the U.S. ATTORNEY GENERAL, which would be Trumps choice of Sessions....any wonder why he feels so betrayed...!! That is why you don't Trust Trump Abby.... He picked his general and he betrayed him while covering his own ass...!! A total traitor with no backbone...!! Really all this fraud has to be "insured" by someone who are ultimately responsible for making the "libelant " while again...And the ultimate underwriter for all of this is Loyds of London..!! That's who you should have given notice to judge date I haven't seen you write one letter to them yet, informing them of all the fraud they underwrited....Why not...!!

    3. Whole again, I meant
      ..damn phones..!!

    4. Holly, thats really a loaded question, since everything is so tangled up, lol. What Anna has been working on and telling us is.....that this gov. is bankrupt and not a lawful govt. and is a fraud all the way round.
      So I keep thinking, then why should we have to do paperwork to get ourselves loose from what is fraudulent, and null and void.
      Then she has filed liens on many entities; there can only be a first lien that can be enforced. So then whatever actions we would take individually would be of what effect?

      Also, people may well Reconvey themselves, their Names, back on the Land.....but arent they still 'on the sea'? Aren't we now just in both places? I say this because we know they have not stopped operating business using our NAMES, somewhere, everywhere.
      So it just seems to me, at this point in time, that there is a lot of dust that still has to settle before we can know where everything is going to land. So far we have not yet gotten any clear cut responses from any of these jackasses she has Notified to take particular action. As far as we know, they are playing deaf and dumb with her, so what kind of reaction can we expect.

    5. Well I have good news for you Abby and company.....these TDA accounts are finally working and in place and can be verified with both the "Federal Reserve Bank" website, and "telecheck".....She is having 100% success and finding out that other people are too...what happened was that the accounts were ready to be released on a certain date and month, which was in August of last year. But people jumped the gun by filing a month early in july, and they weren't ready for the onslaught of paperwork flooding their offices, when they themselves weren't ready and propeproperly vetted before they could handle all these accounts.....but they can now, and apparently are working even if you don't send in a ton of paperwork. Basically, all you really have to do is claim that , YES, I am indeed "alive" , And have never left the jurisdiction of the LAND, and never lost at SEA...!! What I really like about her commentary is that there is "NO RIGHT WAY" to do this...People are using all kinds of different ways to do it , and it's still working..!! I told you guys before not to get rid of your "STRAWMAN" accounts...!! They were given to us for a reason......for the "great awakening " that is finally taking place.....!! See, Abby we never needed all this paperwork, and besides, they are the ones that set the system up, so it's up to them, if we are having trouble or unsure of what paperwork is required, just let them know that you have finally awaken to the fact that I was mischaracterized as "abondonded at Sea and lost", but now I have awaken to my true status, alive and on the LAND , which i have never left....!! There is a few things that need to be sent with your request to validate your account, like a special "routing number" that apparently is the same for all of us, starting with 05.....

      So go to the site and listen to her and then there are other sites there to to view...this woman talking has 4 different accounts including a pay pal Account, and been all verified by telecheck as good and working fine...!! Now that's news...!! And the fact that there is no "RIGHT WAY" to do this process, with the exception of a few things.....verifiying who you really are with a notory, and she sent a copy of the pipes "Monte proprior"(you know what I mean) and a few other things, and just set up your accounts , but verify them before using them through "telecheck" , etc.. If you still have priblems, it's like everything have to reach out and ask either someone at your nearest FRB or someone else to guide you, because now they do work for us..!!

      Here's the site:

    6. Again, I meant , the popes monto propioro.....not pipe..!!

    7. New update to the TDA.....the number she was using was from the "Federal Reserve"(the 05.....#. But apparently the Fed is being replaced or forced out and there is now a universal TDA routing # and for some reason I don't understand yet your SS # has to be followed by 22....with the other # 05.., that one included your SS # followed by 00....!! We all need to jump on this because no one knows how long this will last....but right now people are writing thousands of dollars of debt away and zeroing all accounts out that you now have and receiving letters that they actually got them discharged...!! Read this short review...!! But even this site says not to get greedy...for now, just cancel out your debts...Dont go out and buy things with this account...not now..!! Just use the accounts right now to "discharge" and "set -off " all the accounts dragging you down...!! As for me, I'm going to war with the county recorders office for filing "false notices of lein" as actual le ins and then telling us you have no liability for filing leins we don't control....OH NO YOU DONT..!! What you have really been doing is destroying people's lives and entire families by using "commercial instraments" as weapons Of war , against our own people which is more approiately called "crimes against humanity" under Trumps new EO....!! Stuff that in your pipe and smoke it....!! You will be hearing from my "lawyer"..!! According to NESARA their can never be anymore attorneys...only lawyers..!! I still don't see the difference..patatato, pototato..!! They both have BAR licences don't they...!! I've been waiting for this chance for years now..!! Finally we have a powerful weapon that Trump gave us....that EO order of his will work just like a .45 gun..!! If we are going to try is the time, while the enemy has received a "fatal blow"....I sure hope this isn't the beast that is talked about in the bible, instead of us believing it was actually a man literary...!! "Receives a fatal blow, but is resurrected "...!! God forbid..!!

    8. Oh, here is the site....

    9. Incendently, I just found out that these reporting agencies just recently cleaned our credit reports like last month, not jan..

      Nothing is being reported in a timely manner or not near enough on the MSM for the lay public to get wind of....I do not consider one news report on one channel one time only, qualifying as reasonable "public notice " to Americans....What happened to "Transparantcy"...the new "it" word...!! Can anyone stand attorneys....???

    10. james, thanks. I do see however there is a question as to which routing # to use. Also I did not see where there were any instructions on exactly how to open a TDA Account. So I'm still puzzled right now. Also this is where exact dates of information is important, since it seems to just now being unraveled and changes going on.

    11. james, the beast will be the antichrist and he will be a physical person. Its too soon for him, he has not yet taken his seat of power however this is all creating the foundation for him to take over, such as 'digital currency'' etc.
      No need to worry about that for a bit; there will be Events happening that nobody will be able to miss. In other words, this AC devil is not going to just slide in while we are asleep and people not know it.

    12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    13. It shouldn't take much Abby to get your TDA account straightened out with minimal paperwork right now...some people do suggest on waiting a little bit longer, because we have reached a turning point after 200 years of slavery....some of the sites along with the one I gave you do supposedly tell you step by step on how to do it properly....The trouble is that things right now are in such a mess, no one in these jobs knows exactly what to do or how to advise us , exactly what to do, because the shift to a new currency is creating a situation none of govt employees knows what to do..... but those notices as far as I'm concerned by the IRS are just stalling techniques to see if you will go Any further, and press the issue with the popes letter, and Trumps EO order, which I would threaten them back at them if they don't comply or give you the proper info and steps you need legally, to avoid any legal trouble...!!

    14. So, James, you would be willing to file paperwork for this but not for tax court? Well I guess this has more ATM attraction even though you can never use this to purchase anything. Even April Lajune is saying that you risk federal prison if you use the Federal Reserve routing numbers together with your SSN. Heather Anne Tucci was just convicted for this. Just look it up. So why the sudden excitement just because an unknown woman out of the blue posts a video from last year and claims her slot machine is working? Tell you what, you go ahead and be the Guinea pig on this one and try it out and let us know how it works for you.

    15. Those accounts do lawfully belong to us, but the greedy people who created all this fraudulent wealth that benefits mostly themselves will never obey law, because the laws were purposely put in place so even if we did discover the TRUTH , they would just make other laws to prevent us from accessing it...but to date, there have been thousands of people who initially were getting all their bills payed...But now that they are aware of what we are doing, they initially credit their accounts to pay the bill, and then a week or so later, they "reverse" it back out, leaving people in a qundry and extra charges now....!! The quicker we give back all these private NOTES back to the Bank of England, the quicker we can become a great country again.....!!!

  4. The full spectrum of companies -- corporations, state, local, federal, courts, etc. -- could then cease with "statutory person" so that all identity frauds such as "LEGAL NAME" would all be a thing of the past upon DJT doing his job in one fell swoop, as he appoints one to "Office of President" -- a seat which has been vacant for 45 administrations over 240 years -- by retaking the proper oath, recognizing the entire organic law, and re-opening the necessary offices as unincorporated.

    All companies, those on the internet too, can edit the country name from "United States" back to either "USA" or "United States of America" and the meaning be clear -- the land jurisdiction under the living souls of us men and women -- without Vatican, without London, without France, without United States and without criminality.

    No more double and triple dipping. No more enumerations needed such as Social Security.

    I've enjoyed reading Anna's ideas for how to get beyond the money. Some kind of barter. A conscious bank, exchanging Gratitude instead of dollars.

    If Trump would do his job, I would not have to keep working under the same heading of "correcting all of my own errors for the record" on

    I had started creating a document templating approach to laying out the verbiage in manner in which people could "open, edit, save, print, mail" their own copies of Anna's boilerplate letters on her website.

    1. I just looked up the definition of America in Blacks Law Dictionary and it's defined as the United States...typical attorney double speak... it would probable never occur to the normal person then to look up the meaning of the U.S., where they would find that this word has several meanings....but the never say which one is America....its more esoteric than that...!!

      You know the Kentucky Derby just ran recently ran, and God gave us two more insites to what is coming by the two horse that won......the first one to cross the line was "JUSTICE" and the 3rd was "FULLFILMENT"...!! There are no accidents in this world...He is warning everyone what is coming soon....!!

    2. Justice for the Win, and fulfillment for the "Show"
      Signs are everywhere INdeed!! Seek within for the highest perspective IN All being revealed NOW.

      Much Gratitude, Love and Peace

    3. FYI: Kentucky Derby 2018 Race Results;

      1st Place: JUSTIFIED
      2nd Place: GOOD MAGIC
      3rd (Show): AUDIBLE

      Maybe "JUSTICE" and "FUFILLMENT" were in another RACE or "TIMELINE?" Just goes to show us how important it IS to do our own research and verification of info presented.

    4. correction: 1St Place: JUSTIFY

    5. Thanks, Kelli...I relied on my brother for that info. Obviousely, from now on I have to re check everything he quotes to me...!!

  5. Abby, what are you suggesting when you say pressing that issue? Who do think we press against.? We all look the same, colored differently but basically the same. We know that evil exists but looking at them, how do you know who they are? Bad paperwork can be reversed by good paperwork. Trillions of fictional debt caused by compound usury on money never loaned can be off set by paper work moving the debt to the positive side of the ledger ( cross of commerce) which in fact equals zero in my opinion. A 100.00 bill negative is offset by a 100.00 bill positive and the result is zero. Not 100.00 positive. You would need 200.00 to achieve that. I think our inheritance is in the cestui que trust which equals beneficiary of which the Vatican holds the legal title. Plus all titles to all corporations in the world. The devil will not give up without a fight. Just imagine the spot Trump is in. Even he can not serve two masters so he must choose a side. His cuddling of Israel is an indication he is not yet on the side of good. I feel for him. He did ask the president of Israel if he really wanted peace in the Middle East so do not write him off just yet. Trump can unbound that which is bound and I think he will, you can not undo thousands of years of slavery in an instant. Hope you are well Abby. I come in peace.

  6. Huey, speak for yourself. Just because they declared that "all property is in the state" does not make it so and is repugnant to the Constitution and therefor null and void (Marbury v Madison - Supreme Court Ruling). We are not fighting for the right to 'rent' the family farm. We are fighting to fend off the wolves who would steal the family farm they have no ownership in whatsoever yet pretend that they do by false presumptions and fictitious and forged counterfeit securities. You as a live man standing upon the land are not subject to US jurisdiction unless you believe that you are subject to US jurisdiction as a federal 14th amendment US citizen slave and have not corrected the established record against you which was started by your mother unwittingly 'delivering' you into US jurisdiction. We either rest in our slavery and believe we are free enough for our own comfort or we each fight for ourselves and our families to actually be free and assist others in their fight to do the same.

  7. God himself lays claim to all lands. We occupy but can not own. Through registration of the land with the Municipality, you gave them the title. Possession (occupancy ) is 9/10 of the law title is 1/10 of the law. Judges being demonic usually side with the title holder. Dig out the Bible , it is written there who ultimately owns the land and if courageous enough, challenge the Municipality if they have a higher title than God. Go to court if need be and challenge the judge if he has authority to ignore the law aka God's law.Find out who the judge took his oath to and if it is the Queen, he is a foreign judge as the Queen has no claim to this continent since Queen Victoria died in 1901. Municipalities being corporations may be under the jurisdiction of the Vatican so you may have to go there as well.

  8. He's right simply isn't fair to lay all this pressure on Trump when all they want to do is kill him or put him in jail... Instead, we should all thank Trump for taking the initiative to even run for President...he was asked recently by someone in the press.."what advice would you give someone if he wanted to run for President"..!! His response was.." don't become President"...!! You can't be more honest than that...!!

    1. james, I feel that Trump has made some bad selections for offices/positions, lets too many people persuade him wrongly, should never have allowed ivanka and jared in since they are liberal democrats - he is not the prez. for israhell.
      Trump is prez. and he needs to act like it; he could do a whole lot more to return things to the way they should be; get out his EO pen and use it.
      I know we are not there to know what really goes on, but its nearly 16 months now and we know we see almost nothing. Wouldn't it be interesting for him to stand and give a Real State of the Union address and say....''folks everything is fake; this gov. has stolen everything from you; it is bankrupt; I am doing some EO's and return everything that is according to the True lawful govt.'' etc etc. Lol.
      I just would like to see him more on the Offensive instead of Defense. I think he has been compromised.

  9. Greetings Anna-Paul from the south land Oz-tralia

    Sister-Brother we kindred souls are with you in Beloved God!

    John Soulman

  10. Judge Anna,you are not taking into account that there was only 31 million people total when the civil war broke out, and even less during the signing of our original constitution....Calif. alone now has more people in it than the entire continent of North America at the time of the "civil war" ..!! The North had 22 million, and the South had only 9 million...the North outnumbered the South by over 2 to 1...! Now we have over 10 times that many people in America, and you still think that our constitution is valid and seriously outdated...!! With that many people , with a complete mixture of races and cultures, that it wasn't a recipe for a military state to form ....who is going to control all these supposedly "free" people...YOU!!! 50% of our population aren't even Americans....they are foreigners who have no clue about our history nor do they care, because they barely know their own history from the countries they came from....All this mixing of cultures and races was no accident..!! It is the only way the MSNM got away with Americans losing their Nationality..!! And that's true of all our countries now...!! The "deep state" has to bombard the lay public that Nationality is an abstract idea whose time is over and it's time for can see from our universities that it is working..!! Because you can't have both...either it's globalism or National pride..!! They can't coexist together...!! We had the luxury of National pride back in the 1800's, because we were basically one race...!! It's not that way anymore. Now we can travel anywhere in the world, like everyone else... if this was a TRUE Corporation, their contract would have changed over a dozen times by now....This is a "quasi- Corporation at best with a seriously outdated contract(the constitution for the united states of America), which doesn't fit our country anymore...that doesn't mean we shouldn't have an understandable "rule of law" that distinguishes two different statuses instead of one, with two completely different different statuses with different laws than non Americans...!! And that should be our only contract with both the federal and state rules for law...!! And it's up to our judges and all govt agencies to be trained to know and distinguish between the two..its not our job to train idiots in govt who refuse to learn anything..!! Everyone in or wants to work for govt should be required to pass a test before they can be hired for a govt job, especially law enforcement, which includes a question of what they should do if their superiors tell them one thing but they know that there is a conflict between you follow the directions of you superior or do you do the right thing and treat a true American differently than a US Citizen...if they say follow the directions of superior, you know they can't be hired for a govt job.....period..!! We only represent a small portion of people that even want that status....very small..!! They just have to learn that when it comes to Americans, we rule and control the situation, not them...!! And if they arrest us because they think they are superior to us then it's them going to jail not us....!!

    1. We should be able to simply choose either American or U.S.Citizen and as American's be pretty much left alone. A

  11. That way, with only a small percentage of us we can keep our true National pride, and pass it on to our progeny...!! And that way we can keep the Corp STATE from becoming as powerful as it has become also... no one has the right to treat people the same way as others, all the same...that is strictly a Corp. Mentality...!! Your late to work...SO WHAT!! Sue me..!! But your going to lose...!! As long as the person is within reason , they can't force us to be Corp slaves, like everyone else...!! They may not like it, but that is tough..!! It's the only way to keep these Corp control monsters from completely unreasonable request, with no common sense behind it...only Corp controlled rules and regulations for everyone across the board...because our conditioning starts with these out of control corporations and we are the only ones that can keep them in check before this new society coming up becomes the same as the old.. if I feel like saying F you to upper management, it's to keep their power from getting out of control... the only time I have ever stood up to any of my bosses is when they are asking me to do something completely unreasonable at the time....then I give it to them between the eyes....and believe it or not some of these people enjoy a good confrontation, and may even learn from it without being fired, because they know they had it can only be pushed so far without letting them know they are out of line...!! However, I am more diplomatic about it then simply saying F you...that doesn't help the situation...!! Everyone has to learn to be "REASONABLE" ..!! In fact , reasonableness" is one of the main legal defenses in any court...they are fully aware of that word....Its powerful..!!

    1. "Pride" IS the FALSE weapon used on the weak and worldly small minds and IS the "problem, reaction, solution" Created intentionally (programmed/indoctrinated) to divide, conquer and destroy ALL living souls into false narratives and "acting out" belligerently, and in ignorance as purposely intended! Those that have Spritual Eyes wide open See this, and INternally know and Hear this Now!
      Seek deeper within, and BE WILLING to SEE exactly the Masks YOU have been wearing and personally holding onto that makes Your own culpable thoughts behaviors, actions become more and more crystal clear, and from your highest source and perspective Now.
      It IS Time!!! Yes!!!
      Much Gratitude, Clarity and Awareness in Love and in Peace to All that choose the highest good for self IN highest good and true service to others!

  12. When the President gets a crew-cut and passes basic training, we've
    got to arm him for bear. Let political leaders put their boots on the ground. Let them pillage, then watch 'em plunder. Finders Keepers is the new rule of law.

    1. No it's always us poor slaver who "have the privilege" to go to war

  13. Anna or anyone who may have thought this through; these govt services corporations that we all had come to believe were our actual govt, are they not the largest employer in our country? We have all in our lifetime seen govt grow to unbelievable proportions, no matter which so called party was in control, dem or rep. So if we were able to fire these corporations and hire all new govt service providers, would that not make millions of Americans unemployed ? Because we certainly would NOT want our new providers to just step in and fill all the old positions created by these out of control corporations. We all would agree that all these various Depts like Education, Agriculture, Housing, War, SS, DCFS,FEMA,CIA,FBI etc. ad infinitum, all need to be either completely dismantled or shrunk to about one tenth or less of the size they are now. My guess is that the vast majority of those employed by these govt service corps, if they were made aware of the truth, would rather see things remain as they are than to have our Republic restored to the actual people to whom it is owed, just so they can keep their cush govt jobs. I'm not sure they would even be re-trainable to hold any position due to the extensive brain washing they have suffered. My guess is if the whole thing were put to a vote, Restore the republic or let the crooks go ahead and steal it all, they would almost all vote for the status quo.

    1. From Anna:

      We are advocating the decentralization of government along with the decentralization of assets. This creates millions of new jobs and the ability to change jobs, go back to school, etc.

      The federal government despite its huge budget doesn't directly employ many people and most of its actual functions don't impact our daily lives directly, either.

      The Post Office was privatized and internationalized years ago, for example.

      The duties of the military services have been largely handed off to federated State of State "National" Guards.

      As many times as the federal government has been shut down in my life the only time I noticed was when they shut down the National Parks.

      Big whoop.

      So, no, I think the benefits of having a decentralized system would far outweigh any benefit of the current regime.

    2. Concentration of power to only one centralized authority for making decisions about the company and all its satellite stores always try and make ever store the same with the same inventory, even through the stores are located in completely different geographics....companies who try this invariably wind up eventually so out of touch with their local areas that they go belly up....!!

  14. are talking about people who not only don't believe in God, they hate others in their court that bring him up....!! 99% of judges are secular in nature...When you talk to some of them without their black robe on, under normal conditions, if you start asking them the right questions, they usually say the whole system is corrupt and leave it at that....!!

  15. Blue, you have obviously never been in court or ever done what you claim. I guess you also have never studied the many parts in the bible where God is a giver of land and a great respecter of ownership rights of land by the people and a defender of property rights. Remember thou shalt not steal? remember Ananias and Sephira who owned land and sold it and kept back part of the purchase price and lied about it. Remeber how the Holy Spirit death with them after Peter questioned them was it not theirs to do with as they please so why did they lie to the Holy Spirit about the price? Remember the many disciples who owned land and sold it and freely gave the proceeds to the church? How could all this be done if as you state that "God himself lays claims to all lands. We occupy but can not own." No sir, God Himsefl respects our ownership and will hold us accountable for what we do with it. Yes, ultimately it is all His, no question. But we are the owners while we are on earth and as long as we are on earth. From the beginning, God gave dominion over the earth to man. Adam gave it to Satan by his sin but Jesus as the last Adam overcame the enemy and restored dominion over the earth back to man. Even when He returns, He will setup His kingdom and will still respect the ownership rights of the people after restoring what rightfully belongs to them and removing rom those what is not rightfully theirs.

  16. I see people who for some reason want a lot of land, but they do absouluty nothing with it...letting weeds run wild over 10 acres of land, not ever bothering to bulldoze all they land into a respectable place....they want the land, but not the responsibility that goes along with creating something with it....!! Most of the time these people wind up making all that land into their personal dumpsite......ridigulous..!! And that's the reason why people always call in govt to deal with these lazy and cheap people , and actually help govt grow like weeds themselves....!!


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