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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own. If you have an opinion on a particular article, please comment by clicking the title of the article and scrolling to the box at the bottom on that page. Please keep the discussion about the issues, and keep it civil. The administrator reserves the right to remove any comment for any reason by anyone. Use the golden rule; "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Additionally we do not allow comments with advertising links in them for your products. When you post a comment, it is in the public domain. You have no copyright that can be enforced against any other individual who comments here! Do not attempt to copyright your comments. If that is not to your liking please do not comment. Any attempt to copyright a comment will be deleted. Copyright is a legal term that means the creator of original content. This does not include ideas. You are not an author of articles on this blog. Your comments are deemed donated to the public domain. They will be considered "fair use" on this blog. People donate to this blog because of what Anna writes and what Paul writes, not what the people commenting write. We are not using your comments. You are putting them in the public domain when you comment. What you write in the comments is your opinion only. This comment section is not a court of law. Do not attempt to publish any kind of "affidavit" in the comments. Any such attempt will also be summarily deleted. Comments containing foul language will be deleted no matter what is said in the comment.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Manna World Holding Trust: Pilate Attempts to Wash His Hands

By Anna Von Reitz

People need to think--- and I mean, really think-- about the information contained in my new book for Donald J. Trump.

This explains explicitly who the parties were that engaged in the so-called Civil War: the British-backed territorial service provider doing business as "the United States of America" and some members of the original "Confederation of States" formed under the Articles of Confederation, that up until 1861 was doing business as the "States of America". The breakaway states booted up a new business called the "Confederate States of America".

So, none of these entities were our actual government at all. Our actual government is unincorporated. These other entities were and are just governmental service providers in the business of providing government services per Article IV of all three federal constitutions.

After the so-called "war"---
which was never declared, never ended by peace treaty, and never fought by any sovereign government at all--- the perpetrators pulled off a variety of fraud schemes involving identity theft, substitution, unlawful conversion, and later on, bankruptcy fraud, making false and unjustifiable claims against the people and actual states of this country.

Fast forward to now--- the vermin contrived to "redefine" your Given Name as that of a "decedent" who willingly gave up your inheritance "for" you when you were just a baby in your cradle. They established bonds against your labor and other assets "for" you, and they set up a Puerto Rican ESTATE trust "for" you---for the express purpose of pillaging you and your country in Breach of Trust.

That is actually, provably what has gone on here.

Remember that in this instance a "bond" is nothing but an I.O.U.-- a promise to pay, and in this case, your supposed promise to give them all your assets and claim to your labor in supposedly equitable exchange for "benefits" that you also pay for yourselves, so the entire purported contract is self-interested and invalid and inequitable from the get-go. It is, in fact, preposterous and nothing that anyone in their right mind would agree to--- which they then use as proof that you are mentally incompetent.

Beginning to get the drift of all this?

And now enters "Manna World Holdings Trust"--- yet another foul fantasy construction made out of thin air --- claiming that they were given title to you and your labor and they are now generously giving "you" and your assets back to the bankrupt federal corporation headed up by President Trump.
Kim Goguen, the mastermind behind this maneuver was named "Trustee" by a Draco "Lord of the Admiralty" and is in fact just a glorified bank terminal operator given the codes and downloads into the DTC and Federal Reserve System --- which is also bankrupt and null and void.

What is the net effect? The guilty parties are trying to wash their hands and give themselves assets to feed upon in the same stroke. It's not a bad plan from their perspective, there's just one tiny flaw at the heart of it. It's all based on fraud.

The situation is somewhat akin to the old Florida Real Estate Scam. The con artist offers you a Quit Claim Deed to property he doesn't own. It's the same schtick here. Manna World Holdings Trust has a false claim against your assets, which they are generously releasing.

The only actual effect is to allow them to presume that they ever had a valid claim against you and your good Name and your assets in the first place, and therefore allow Donald Trump to presume the same.

It's all bull shit by any other name and you would be crazy to allow any of it any credence whatsoever.

Repeat after me: ""No contract now, no contract then, no contract ever."

President Trump, just because Manna World Holdings Trust gives you their Quit Claim on property that was never theirs to begin with, doesn't mean that you suddenly have a valid claim to own, use, or abuse our property, either. Americans claim their Trade Names and ESTATES without exception and without reference to your bankrupt corporation.

The servants are not allowed to own the masters. There is no statute of limitations on fraud. I don't care how many generations of people have believed this poop. The facts are the facts. We rebut all claims of interest and ownership made by Manna World Holdings Trust and all claims prior to theirs and all claims subsequent, too.
Our good names are our own. Our assets are ours. And nobody but nobody has a leg to stand on otherwise.

Pilate's hands are still just as dirty as they ever were.

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:
 To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Anna, so this information is being given to us.....for what reason? What are we supposed to glean from it; what is proceeding from it; where does it go from here? I hope you can see how you always leave things up in the air, bring up a problem, and then PFFffft. See how we view it out here in never never land? (never any final fruitful ending to anything).
    Information is fine, but where is the benefit. How about 'lets light the candles and get to eating some cake here''.

    1. Hey Abby, you claim to be the expert on all things. I am sure if you go to your masonic King James Bible ( of course the old not the new ) you will find all the answers you seek. Please do not ask me to explain as you have already written me off as being from Satan. Maybe you are not as much of an expert as you think you are. The Kingdom of God is inside you he does not impose but is accessible if you really want to know. Are you aware of that ? I have been for a long time. Anna's words are written ( like scripture ) only those with eyes to see and ears to hear can understand them. You obviously process neither.

    2. This info is for you Abby.

    3. Abby, I know this can be confusing but, I've noticed that your comments are almost always counter productive and you like to complain and apparently, want someone else to not only do your thinking for you but do your work, as well. I believe that if you're truly serious about helping yourself become extricated from your slavery, then your time will be better spent pouring over the 800+ articles on Anna's website. There are documents there that are a compilation of the most important steps and Anna compiled them for a reason. Lastly, what harm is there in gaining knowledge? That is the very first step ewe must take to having a better understanding of the matters Anna has worked so hard to explain for us.

    4. Jack, some of us are just plain tired...tired of lies, tired of blank promises, tired of not getting remedy, tired of people way smarter than us who came before to lead us on the right path, only to find themselves political prisoners for our expense, and on and on...the average person doesn't care because they don't want to know, but we do which makes it extremely frustrating chasing rainbows..!! $475 trillion.. how is that even possible...i hope Trump finally gets it and instead of going after the big boys (which probably would get him killed)just decimate our justice system so the banks can't stay solvent anymore!! And on another note, I just happened to be on another site talking about nanobots and that we are all infected with them. But someone gave us some good advice on that site which I think we should all do if possible..He said you can take a blood sample to a private lab that has a "scanning tunneling microscope" , that is basically an "electron microscope", but doesn't kill the sample. It is possible to magnify 500,000x. At that magnification the nanobots can be seen. And you can probably destroy them using an EMP wave. I didn't even know about that microscope and I was pre med..shows you how fast technology is moving!!

    5. To all those that are dissing Abby maybe you ought to show PROOF that what anna is preaching in these forums are in fact "liberating the masses" as NONE of these so-called Commercial Liens that were supposedly placed on the American Bar Association and the Pope's properties or that touted Michigan Juror Assembly have changed ANY laws/situations in this country!!! Then we are told that the gov't is a trust, but then it is a foreign corporation, no, it's supposed to be an unincorporated sovereign entity, it's this, it's that, it's it's it's... just what "is it" and WHY haven't all of these "claims" produced any visible result!!!??? The proof is in the pudding and all that is shown is articles that have not produced any results!!! Abby is quite correct in pointing out the discrepancies in these articles that make claims but don't produce results!!! And not to mention all of anna's personal "history lessons" that bear NO facts to reality, like every white person had their own slave as a "whipping boy" or that "humnan" does not mean: living person but HUE-MAN=MONSTER!!! REALLY!!!??? I "googled" that name and it means a PERSON of the "human" species, to paraphrase the term. Google it yourself and then come back and diss on Abby about pointing out some of the outlandish statements and claims on this forum. Bluecollar must be a Mormon because ONLY Joseph Smith could read and translate those "golden plates" that he tripped over while he was going out to the barn to milk his cow that morning!!! Yes, Blue, another "pope" that ONLY "god" communicates with, not like people like Abby, she apparently isn't on your " spiritual level"!!! She is well to stay away from people like you. But glad to hear that at least "some entity" is personally leading you, but I don't think from your comments about Abby that it is "God" that is doing the leading!!!

    6. Hey unknown, I am not a Mormon I am religious neutral. You must be a mason for you are twisting my words. I did not say the kingdom of God is with in ONLY me. It is in us all. Actually if you have read my previous posts in another thesis of Anna's you will see I accused this fictional entity named Francis of communicating with the fictional entity named Jesus. By the way, you are man male and female he created them. You are not citizen, person or hu man. However there is a dictionary ( can not recall title ) but it does list human as monster. I too question Anna's motives and again if you search back I have taken her to task over what she writes.
      In conclusion, it is written something like why are you pointing out the splinter in my eye when you have a 2 x 4 in yours. It is also written to judge not lest ye be judged. Everyone is lost and some are more lost than others. It appears to me ( not judging you ) that you fit into the latter.

    7. I see that abby is really using her "unknown" mask to its fullest this morning! Not fooled now, was never fooled before! You have always shown your true character/purpose and intentions on this blog and with this cause as a double speaking, two faced, selfish, greedy, ungrateful, entitled AGENT for the opposition to this cause.
      This is MY truth through months and months of observation of how All are treated, and the exact same language, style and demeanor of the "authors" are identical to their very core. Not intended as attack. Just feeling this is long overdue to be expressed as this "author" IS causing more harm to this cause than EVER providing any real value to those seeking Truth, and wanting to actually participate in this cause to FULLY learn and support this cause for the good of all!

    8. Jack, counterproductive? How is asking for results, counterproductive?? And since when is asking for results, complaining?? The problem here is there has been NO Productivity. What is wrong with you people; aren't you able to digest simple words that I post, which are just right to the point?? Or do you just love to whine and complain about Abby all the time !
      It might just be of some benefit to YOU to actually try reading what I say, instead of sticking your heads in the sand and pretending everything is 'just gonna be alright''.
      IT AIN'T ALRIGHT. Grow up and stop your damned pretending !

    9. James, you have hit the nail right on the head. THANK YOU.
      Wait till they have all lived their entire lives and look back and see what WE are seeing. They will change their tune THEN, which will be too late.

    10. one more thing unknown, by you handle you have admitted you do not even know who you are in this flesh. I notice you and Abby seem to play off of one another. It has been pointed out that Abby has been proven to be a known troll >It has got me to wondering if in fact you unknown and Abby are in fact the same author.

    11. Jesus Kelli, I did not see your post until after I posted the above comment. We seem to have both come to the same revelation. It is obvious to me that unlike unknown, you sure as hell know who you are.

    12. True results are being produced every moment as our True knowledge and wisdom within is being awakened and empowered which is our priceless reward! This is a spiritual battle being waged against our very souls to keep us distracted, fooled and looking/seeking outside of ourselves for fictitious "rewards" or "entitlements"
      Thank you ANNA for always being a True and consistent producer of knowledge and wisdom shared to enlighten and reward each of us that are choosing to hear and see what we need to see clearly now at this time, so that we may choose consciously and more responsibly!

    13. Unknown, talk about dissing Abby, Now I am being accused of posting under YOUR handle here to flatter myself, LOL. I guess some people just have no life of their own so they probably look forward to their next hateful thing they can pile on Abby about.

      Anyhow, Unknown, whoever you are, THANKS to you for stepping up to the plate; you have said it all far better than I can. Its about time these Dreamers and Whiners in here got their assed kicked; they've been left to run wild and take over the Forum for way too long.
      They are so full of 'self esteeming' and Self absorbed they think only what they say should matter and everybody else should be just like them.......and all fall into the ditch together.
      But some of us in here are only here to get to the real truth, and not to win some popularity contest. It IS true that Anna or her Associates went to the Vatican Bank, which is where much of the loot is hidden away, yet we never got any results or where did that money go. Why should we not ask about that without having ugly words used against us?
      It is also true that over a week ago we were told bank of france was returning 475 to us; bank transfers don't take any more than 24 hours; why should we not ask about progress on that....without being lambasted.
      Many many months ago we were told arrangements were ordered to begin Transfer of everything over to our Rightful government into the hands of Anna as the Fiduciary; that too was left up in the air. And in real life we see the bankrupt govt. continuing as it always has.
      Isn't it logical that We would want to know how they can continue to function? And what is the status on that Transfer?

      But of course, logic seems to run in short supply around here and even resented, so that dreamland does not get disrupted.

    14. There have been exactly zero results and we all know it.

    15. Careful, Abby. "But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment:and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council:but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire. Mat 5:22

    16. James i too have read about nanobots in our blood stream and I read most of what else you post and would love to chat with you

    17. My email is You or anyone else are we come to email me anytime...thank you!!!

    18. Nanobots

  3. Great article Judge Anna. Sounds like this a response to this article labeled:
    TANK Intel Update - February 8, 2018

    •The Military told us that exchanges started this morning at around 6:30 AM EST but 800#s hadn’t been released YET
    This is am excerpt. It's a long article. My friends and I were trying to figure out who these people are and how legit the info was. Should read just for the sake of knowing what is being passed around:
    •There is an agenda to destroy the world’s economy and swoop in and offer a solution to look like the savior of the world.

    •Here is the problem: In 1975 every country, royal, elder, or any individual who’s approval was needed signed a treaty committing their in ground assets to the Manna World Holding Trust to create the high speed monorail train. This train would increase exports all over the word as well as force collaboration of every country to work together.

    •The Rothchilds WERE one of the Trustees on the Manna World Holding Trust. They have not been since their contract expired in 2012. They’re still trying to convince every government in the world that they are the ones in control. This is a lie.

    •And because they can’t have the wealth they’ve stolen from the world, they’ve created alternate ways to withhold it from the people.

    •Kim is the sole signatory and Trustee to the Manna World Holding Trust. When she goes to do a push wire transfer the transfer bounces around from different locations. Each one of these locations has some human element that can be threatened by the Rothschilds, or it has a way to be hacked.

    That article by "Tank" dated Feb 8, 2018 was followed up by this one dated 2/09/2018: "Intel" by "Kim possible".
    Many of you are asking where we are on Tank's (and others) transfer? This will give you an idea. Also, I am going to apologize in advance for the "tone" of this update, but it's only because I "strongly dislike" these "cabal stooges".

    1. Mustang, from a number of those who would be Funding the purchase of foreign currencies in an 'Exchange', it is my understanding that a public exchange is unlikely and that the
      800 numbers do not exist. All such talk was going on back in 2012, saying exactly the same things being said today.
      So take that for whatever its worth. ?

  4. There is also this article referred to in the Kim possible update by Agora Financial regarding the Bush family's quite purchase of 300,000 acres in Paraguay 2 years ago. "Blue-gold".

  5. This lady is a fraud, I tried your so called How to Correct Your Political Status, it's bullcrap...And you said fiat is worthless !! Why do you accept donations it is also fiat, dollars .. LOL !!You are a fraud !!!

    1. No Andrew, it is you who is the fraud here. I highly doubt that you have ever tried any of Anna's methods as you claim or you would not have shown such disrespect for Anna and her tireless efforts to educate and set people free instead of cowardly berating her. However, a man with a theory is never at the mercy of a man with an experience. Unlike you, I have put all of Anna's methods to work and have zeroed out my IRS account from 6 digits to a zero balance and am no longer taxable, federal, state or even sales tax, expatriated from the system and no longer a US federal slave citizen, have a non US citizen state national passport certified by the SOS/DOS no judge can argue with and a driver license no officer can ticket. Pray tell, what have you to show for your ignorance? Hope you enjoy paying all your taxes, moving violations, court judgements and property taxes because with your attitude, you will be paying them for a long time.

    2. 1FreeMan; All I hear from Andrew are crickets chirping! Great post and congratulations!

    3. brown & Abby are obviously Shills...even if they don't "know" it! Perhaps James as well. Altho i would ask James; if he ever applied the "take a walk & vitamin therapy" i recommended for him a couple of months ago? He may still be capable of pulling himself out of the hole. Apparently these folks are subjected to undue influence by folks that have less than their best interests in mind!
      Certainly none of these "contributors" which have nothing useful or helpful to originate even deserve a response of any sort! However, i would like to extend my appreciation for the valuable insights imparted while attempting to care for these lost souls by 1freeman. i find that these are very helpful in clarifying the overall situation!
      Once again, unbridled appreciation for Anna & the team!! Fortunately she has the balance & compassion to care for the foolish "commenters" and just keep forging ahead and doing her job undistracted! Who else could have possibly confronted, scoped & documented such vast deceit? Even though many of us are unaware of what you have accomplished thus far, all of us are eternally grateful!
      Much obliged!
      Perhaps more of us will continue to pick up an oar & start pulling!
      All The Beat,

    4. 1FreeMan....could you have accomplished everything you did with only your "passport"..Because the advantage of having that passport can't be understated when the time comes to use it to get out of the country, if we aren't thrown into FEMA camps first.....I would have already done it if I had the money.... $1000 Is just not in my budget. Even $400 for his lecture is too much right the past I would have loved to go to one of his lectures. But to me, the way I see it, we don't have much time before something big happens..!!

    5. James, yes I totally agree; the passport is a big ticket, but like most advantages, they all cost money that most people do not have to spare. This is one of the reasons WHY I have been pushing to try to see if or when any of the vast Trust monies might be coming. But too many peeps in here just can't quite connect those dots in my postings. They would rather find fault rather than see my purpose.
      James, are you saying the passport costs $1000?

    6. What you fail to see clearly "Abby" is once the "money" and property titles are finally RELEASED....SO IS the END to ALL PRESUMED GOVERNMENT SERVICE PROVIDERS CONTROL OVER us and our lawful jurisdiction! Therefor no more having to entangle ourselves from any false/fictitious AUTHORITY period. Get this clear in your mind as to WHY these FALSE Actors REFUSE TO LET GO and then the real dots can be connected. We are dealing with power hungry, power tripping control freaks that get off on peoples pain and suffering!! Wake up and get over the Fictitious "MONEY" already!!! It's only purpose is to control peoples thoughts and behaviors, and its absolutely played a number on YOUR one track mind, as it has been very clear to see. THIS has been ALL YOU have shown ANY interest in and YOU have attempted to hide your shallow intentions with your shallow USE of your BIBLE versus as a WEAPON against others thoughts or beliefs to attack, shame and blame them as a distraction to your greedy, evil, petty mindset!
      I apologize everyone, but I for one have had enough of this beast system and all its programmed liars and thieves "acting" ignorant and innocent for the harm they are causing. "Narcissism" behavior is absolutely running rampant among us and is desperately clinging to its self interested Vanity and acceptance.

    7. James, yes, the state passport IMHO is a cornerstone in reclaiming and fortifying your non US citizen status and can be used to solve just about all of your major issues if that is what you stand on. For me, I like to cover all bases to overcome any and all presumptions on the public record that they have so carefully crafted about my status as a US citizen. If $400 is a lot of money for you then tell me, how much are paying right now in taxes that you you won't have to anymore. Or how much will you be paying for just 1 traffic ticket? Or how much would it be worth if you were somehow railroaded into jail which we all know happens every single day to helpless innocent people? Why not just start with the $100 online Citizenship class first and then take the $300 passport class later. At least you will be on your way. This 5 hour class is well worth the investment and will teach you the true value of the passport. I did not pay $1000 because I can do it myself. All I needed was for someone to show me how to do it right.

    8. Wirkin, I'm a shill? For who? I'd love to know, so do tell.

    9. Well there it is, my ego beast has been wanting to unleash a can of whoop ass on someone for the last few days, and it was bound to come out!! I'm grateful for the release on the evil vs innocent. Yep, a work in progress indeed, forgive me.

    10. Kelli, still barking orders trying to make carbon copies of yourself, are ya, LOL. Why don't you try just minding your own business for a change.

    11. James, here is a sample of the Citizenship class:

    12. Abby,
      In Frederick Douglas's words:

      "Power concedes nothing without a demand.
      It never did, and it never will.

      Find out just what people will submit to
      and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them;
      and these will continue until they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both.

      The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."

    13. I am just wondering: Getting a "passport" from "our representatives/administrators" is still permission from "our representative/administrators/servants," isn't it? Seems to me that God gave us all permission to travel when He said, "Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth..." (Gen. 1:28) and again, in the form of Jesus when He said, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." (Mark 16:15)
      Thus, the right to travel is a mandate from God, so who is it that defies the Creator of the universe with impunity?

    14. Ys, try telling that to TSA and see how far that gets you through their checkpoint. However, I do agree with you and as believers our true Citizenship is in heaven and as sons we are free on the earth. Whom the Son sets free shall be free indeed. But even the apostle Paul invoked his native free born Roman Citizenship here on earth when he needed to. We need to invoke our true native free born non US citizen state national status which they only recognize as a State Citizen status and will issue you a passport as such if applied for properly. Even Jesus said "lest we offend them..." and instructed Peter to go ahead and pay the temple tax after he signed the Pharisees' 1040 admission under penalty of perjury by saying yes, his master pays the temple tax. But notice that Peter did not pay it out of his own pocket. He accepted the statement for value and returned it for value depositing it to the Pharisees treasury and charging it to his and Jesus' account from a prepaid account he was sent fishing for to find by his Master's revelation.

    15. And that was the whole answer to all of the problems we have is only human to deny everything your accused of when you know the consequences for admitting to something govt deems a crime (even without a real man or woman being damaged) . That's why it is so hard for people to have the faith Jesus was talking about....Redemetion can only come from "acceptance"...acceptance for our case!!

    16. 1FreeMan.....yes you logic is right on...There was a time I would have paid anything to have that passport. Back then $1000 was extremely cheap to me..even $5000 would have been cheap...god knows I have paid many attorneys $5000 just to retain them...tossed away!!! But now I lost it all, but at least I get SS which when added to my brothers SS barely gets us by..!! I can afford $100. But even $300 would really hurt. If I could make payments of $100 a month for 10 months, then I would definitely be interested....i have never resigned on my promise to pay someone, even in this condition..the only reason why I'm in this position now is because everyone else's word was no good to me..!! Some people call me stupid...but why!! Because someone else needed help, or promised me a business I never got.. it wasn't me who was all of them..No one wants to be good on their word to people..can you dig it!! There is no way I should be blamed for trying to deal with "clean hands" and in "good faith"..!!

    17. James, Christopher is a reasonable man. Ask him if he will agree to let you pay as you propose. I believe he has a class coming up shortly on the 24th. Here is the registration page:
      If you take the first class for $100 then you can ask him if you can pay the next class for $300 over 3 months. Sounds reasonable to me.

  6. Way to go 1 free man, I need your help😎

    1. 1FreeMan how can I get in touch with you personally ? Sounds like you've found the answers I've been seeking for many years. Could you please email me? Would love to talk to you on phone. I totally agree with you about getting this done the right way, bc it can be a disaster to not get it right, and I've wasted enough time and money doing things that had zero effect. My email is ettishbite@gmail. Thanks

  7. paul

    could you ask Freeman in the comments who says he used anna's method and he has a passport as a National if he would explain to us how he answered the questions on the DS11?

    I'd appreciate it. He left a long comment.


    1. Thanks, Paul. Patricia, it's not just the DS-11 which of course you would complete as a non US citizen. It is the ES or Explanatory Statement that goes with the DS-11 which is just as important. With all I had learned from Anna and what I found on the web, I thought I was confident enough to go ahead and apply until my LLF lawyer pointed me to I then realized I needed some professional guidance because I did not want to take the chance to screw this up and possibly be denied since at the time I still had a lot of taxes outstanding. So I took the classes they offered to learn exactly how to complete both the DS-11 and the ES as well as respond to the follow up demand letter they send you for your SSN and how to request certified copies which you can use in court. I guess I did it perfectly because they issued me a non US citizen state Citizen passport for state nationals and a 5 star passport card. If you are not comfortable doing it yourself,you can also hire them for personal assistance but it is a bit more money for that. With what I learned I was also recently able to use the same format for renewing my drivers license as a non US citizen by correcting the application and submitting it with an ES to correct my status. I just sent away for a copy of my DL application and ES which once I have it, will automatically cancel any tickets or violations as soon as the prosecutor recieves it. Of course, I can also carry a copy in my car if the cop is intelligent enough to understand it. But if he will not acknowledge my passport card and run it through NCIC or accept my DL application, it is always better to be in traffic court than criminal court as they say. And now I have the all I need to never have any tickets or citations stick.

    2. 1FreeMan-
      great idea to get a driver license issued similar to that as the passport and perhaps a BONUS for taking they NCSN passport you're in a holding pattern awaiting the results of a FOIA request to get a certified copy of the DL application and ES, correct?
      I would think if this turns out to be a success, whatever identifiers are on the DL and the police ran should alert and sufficiently warn them to STOP, and similar to those that apparently come back if they ran the passport through ncic, correct?

    3. BlueSky, yes, I just submitted my request for the copy of my DL application and waiting. It was definitely an added bonus of going through the passport app + ES proces first so I could do the same with the DL. Another trick is to only show the passport card to an officer if pulled over and tell him to run it through NCIC first. He should come back apologizing for stopping me. As Anna says: How dare you even speak to me!

    4. 1FreeMan--Would you please contact me so that I may ask you some questions regarding the passport application? Thank you.

    5. Genevieve, just sent you an email.

  8. All the deceit and fraud points to semantic deceit via legal fictions and fictions of law;

    BENEFICIARY. One for whose benefit a trust is created; a cestui que trust. 195 N.E. 557, 564, 97 A.L.R.

    So, as beneficiaries we are feudal tenants; and, trusts were devised to create a hierarchy for one to control the other;

    This goes all the way back to the Roman Empire Pandects - Of Legacies and Trusts;

    1. hey Common law. I was aware of this . It is written in the Barron's law dictionary. Do you know how to get control of this trust without selling your soul to Lucifer? It in my opinion is the key to freedom and the demise of the cabal.

    2. Yes, common law, and that is why Anna, James and Team have already Stood UP, Spoke Up and Have Properly Given Mandatory Notice "The DEED" and Reclaimed/Reconveyed "Acts" with the CORRECT Information on ALL our behalf. NOW it's up to us individually to Reclaim our Proper standing with a Strong majority TO support and FINALIZE this DEED and ACT with our majority Authority being free and having the final say. The foundational work has already been accomplished, the middlemen are starting to see how they have been used for evil purposes, and our majority IS growing every moment of every day. We Will COLLAPSE this "Fictitious" Trust and WE Will WIN this battle by doing our own individual work first, then collectively coming together in unity for Peace and Truth.

  9. I remember a patriot years ago winning his criminal case because he knew a little more than the judge...but the judge got the last word...he told the defendant that you know some of it, but you will never figure out the whole thing ever...!! That's when I started to question how deep is this rabbit hole go...!! I still think we don't know it all or ever will...!!

    1. James, that judge probably just let him win his case just to keep their real inner secrets from getting brought up, and to just shut him up.
      The biggest problem in here is that we are not all at the same place; some have not yet realized just how deep the rabbit hole really is; how determined the elitists are to roadblock us at all costs; and just how tightly woven this deceit, fraud and theft really is. Neither have they dealt with the resistance and troublemakers with all their monkeywrenches; or they are too busy with the tasks of life to really stop and scan the big picture and willing to see it all for what it really is; not utopian rose colored glasses. Add to that, the rampant evil, even within friendships and families.
      Probably if we had to wrap it all up in one word, it would be......Corruption, from top on down to the very bottom.
      Those in positions of power are not going to just let go. Just being right, is not going to be sufficient, IMO.

  10. To all the naysayers with all your worldly knowledge that complain complain complain that nothing ever happens. Nothing happens for you! because you want everybody else to do your work for you. Grow up and reach for you age of majority, read educate yourselves read all Anna's writings again if you ever read them in the first place? She has told the truth to everybody and owes nobody anything we all owe her. Thank You Anna Von Rietz GOD Bless You and your Team!

    1. FSAAIC, you wouldn't be trying to bark Orders to us, too, now would you? So since you are so much smarter, please tell us just WHAT is happening and what results have you seen? Maybe you can tell us where the vast Trusts monies are and how much of your share have you received so far? We would also love to hear how all your reading 800 Articles and all the hard work you have done, has enhanced and elevated your life so far. We all love success stories, so do tell.

  11. Hear, Hear and CHEERs to ALL that support the Truth Anna & team so graciously provides and shares, which makes our individual work so much easier to BE and DO our part!!! So grateful!!

  12. Gotta appreciate the subtlety of Anna & team's work. When the global criminal syndicate sees they're exposed to this degree, one imagines they're less comfortable in their once impenetrable lair. Add the request for a Trump version. Anna's progress is possibly in the disintegration of their foundation. Their empire is crumbling it seems.
    But.. will We land on our feet when their house falls? Anna dang sure doesn't want to be the only one standing. She invites us to stand with her. I can't be frustrated w the unanswered when much greater things are being addressed.

  13. Now that we all have had some spirited conversation, how about forgetting all the tempers, emotions and personalities and getting down to business? That is what this blog is for and not for everyone to vent their own personal plasma. As the saying goes, after all is said and done, a lot more is said than done. I am surprised how patient Paul has been with many of you and has not blocked you already from posting here. But I too will get off my soapbox and get down to brass tacks for all to benefit by.
    For those who say nothing has happened, you are obviously asleep at the wheel. Anna has thrown up roadblock after roadblock to prevent and avert many a disaster as she has been keeping us informed of all along. This is what the liens were meant for and they did and are doing their job. Who knows where we would be if she had not thrown herself into the fire so to speak? Thank you, Anna, for your selfless efforts and devotion! Without Anna's personal efforts the cabal would have merrily steamrolled all over us and we would alreasy be in the French Rothschild's Neu Republic de les Etats Uni. Who knows, we may have been saying president Hillary right now if many were not awakened by Anna's efforts. I shudder to think! The reason we have not seen any funds is because that is exactly their power over us. They know that if they surrender our money back to us, their power over us is history and it is the gulag for them or worse. The only incentive for them to negotiate is their own demise. This is what NESARA is all about which has already been ruled on in our favor by the highest court in the country. NESARA was to be announced and implemented on 9/12/2001. We all know what happened the day prior. The computers for this were located in building #7 that came down in controlled free fall without any so called plane crash which were all CGI anyway. The part of the military to oversee the implementation of NESARA was located in the wing at the pentagon that they shot a missile into. This is the extent they are willing to go to to try to save their own necks. Why do you think Trump has himself surrounded with military? The faithful patriot military is our only protection against the cabal and he knows it. Remember the "silence before the storm" quote, the over 10,000 sealed indictments by now and the Dec 21st EO? Just connect the dots...

    1. Now where does that leave us today in our own pockets because that is the shortsightedness we all seem to be plagued with and is so loudly screamed about on this blog. Yes, admit it, most of you are really only here not to work but to observe and waiting to finally hear the announcement that money is coming your way like manna from heaven, and complain bitterly that it has not happened yet, right? Yet you are unwilling to do anything for it. Hmmm. It does not work like that. Remember the story of the Little Red Hen?
      So you want some money anyway to pay your bills? Well, I will show you how to get what you need with no cost other than postage and a little bit of effort. But you will need to put it into action or stop your bellyaching on this post. Agreed? OK, good! Then we can continue.
      First, go back to the post:
      and implement the instructions I outlined there to get the US Tax Court to issue you a Court Order that they had no jurisdiction over you for all the years stated in the Court Order back to the very first year you paid taxes.
      Second, call the IRS or go online and get the amounts of all of your past taxes that you have paid, year by year, back to the very first year. You will need the exact amounts for each year.
      Third, download IRS Form 843, Claim for Refund, and request a full refund of all income taxes "remitted in error" plus interest all the way back to the first year you paid taxes and send them all in with copies of your Court Order.
      Fourth, find the equivalent refund form in your state and do the same to claim all your state taxes you also "remitted in error" plus interest.
      If you filed 20 years of taxes, you have 20 years of refunds plus interest coming to you and a pretty handsome check.
      Now go and do it and stop complaining. Those who are serious will be too busy claiming their back tax refunds to be venting here for quite a while. Those who continue to vent are obviously not serious and can no longer be take as such.

    2. 1FreeMan, we all know by now that Anna has informed us we have all been used, robbed, and been treated as slaves. She has also pointed told us about all the gazillions of dollars that they have made off of us, like stock on the stockmarket and kept the profits. She is the one that told us 'you are all rich'.
      Now, why should we be condemned for wanting what should have been rightfully ours from the beginning? Why should we be condemned for asking about it. Isn't it already bad enough that we have been ill-treated by those who have hoodwinked us? Now do we also have to be ill-treated for simply wanting what we are told, belongs to us?
      FYI, asking questions is not the same as complaining. If there was any consideration for others at all, then the questions should simply be answered, so we can move on - instead we are left in the dark. This is not only inconsiderate but it further treats us as though we are the cattle that our gov. has treated us like. So if you want to call this 'complaining' then go ahead; label it in whatever way pleases you.
      But I have no apologies for anything or to anyone. I already know what ''the underlying source' of all the derogatories that come my way, are. (and so should you) And I know the purpose. This is why I am not concerned with what others do or think.
      I do agree that there is a lot of bickering and downright childishness in here, and worse, it is done with much pleasure and delight, which is what seems to be the highlight of their day. Its high time for people to learn to 'live, and let live'. (NO, I don't want fries with that!)

  14. Thank you 1freeman for all you contribute and your firm but peaceful grounding....I for one needed it and I appreciate it. My apologies to you, paul, and all innocent observers.
    My passion runs deep for this cause, just like I know it does for many of us, and just know that my dedication and intentions are to help not hinder in any way.

  15. Hey Freeman, you seem like you got it. Can you point out any group in Canada that can be tapped for the HOW TO up here? We too are slaves

    1. Wish I could but I am not familiar with any group in Canada although I know they exist and are active. I have heard of people filing with US IRS since CANADA is a franchise of US, Inc. anyway. Just go here and lookup CANADA CORP and see that they are registered there. Just like USA, INC., THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC., UNITED STATES CORP., UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC.

    2. Oops..forgot the link. Delaware Secretary of State Business Lookup:

  16. Thank you Anna, James, Living Law Firm, and all the other critical researchers for your indefatigable drive to uncover, discover, leading by example, and freely share process(es), intended to bring “many” up to speed quickly to take back their lives, indentity and Country - God Bless and lead you to uncover many more truths.

    1FreeMan – thank you for sharing freely of your experiences and success implementing the process(es) suggested herein this blog. Great encouragement to everyone. And as I read earlier in the comments of another blog entry, you had various unsuccessful encounters with ‘government’ over the last 12 years….

    1. Yup. Thanks to Anna and the LLF I was able to accomplish all of this and clear up the mess I was in, in just 3 months. Sure wish I knew then what I know now.


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