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Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Comptroller of the Currency Letter, July 2017

                                                                July 18, 2017

Keith Noreika, Comptroller                                                                                              
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
OCC Headquarters
400 7th Street, SW
Washington, D.C. 20219

In regards to: Release of American assets

Dear Mr. Noreika:
It has come to our attention that attempts have been made to disinherit us via false claims of federal Municipal and Territorial citizenship and via bankruptcies related to Municipal and Territorial “franchise persons” operated in our names without our knowledge or consent.   
These constructs include Cestui Que Vie ESTATE TRUSTS dba ACCOUNT designations in the form: JOHN MICHAEL DOE, public transmitting utilities operated under dba names in the form: JOHN M. DOE, Foreign Situs Trusts operated under dba names in the form: John Michael Doe, and numerous other variations. 
This amounts to press-ganging an innocent civilian population and transporting them into a foreign jurisdiction (kidnapping/human trafficking) and meanwhile impersonating them for the purposes of plunder, personage, and barratry.  These are all crimes of inland piracy that have been carried out against Americans with the help of your office acting by omission. 
We have returned to the land jurisdiction states of our birth and we have surrendered all federal PERSONS to the Secretary of the Treasury and have expatriated from any presumed Territorial citizenship on the public record and have re-conveyed our Trade Names back to the land and the soil of our birthright. 
Our ancestors have been here on American soil since before the Revolution and there is no evidence otherwise. 
As such, we are bloodline inheritors of the actual Constitution and the actual National Trust, and we are not pleased to learn that our inheritance has been seized upon by your office under false pretenses since 1863 and that a constant state of “war” has been alleged and engendered since that time. 
We are here to inform you that the so-called “American Civil War” was never declared by any act of Congress and no actual Peace Treaty exists ending the resulting illegal commercial mercenary action on our shores, despite three public declarations by President Andrew Johnson proclaiming peace and the surrender of Lee’s army at Appomattox, Virginia in April of 1865.
This communication is to inform you that the “war” insomuch as it ever existed, is over. 
We are innocent private Third Parties who have been attacked and had our property illegally subsumed into multiple public bankruptcies by foreign commercial corporations that have unlawfully converted our assets, infringed upon our copyrights, and trespassed upon our soil under color of law.  
At present, both the Municipal and Territorial governmental services corporations are in bankruptcy proceedings.  The UNITED STATES is insolvent and under liquidation and the USA, Inc. is under Chapter 11 Reorganization.  We have visited The United States District Court for the District of Columbia and have informed the Senior Judges there that we are alive and well and claiming our estates en masse, which requires action by your office to probate and return our property to us, including our copyrights, trademarks, patents, and all other intellectual and material assets. 
We have secured our claims internationally by Due Process.  We have Title, Lien and Bond in the global municipal jurisdiction and also Title, Lien, and Bond in the territorial and international jurisdiction of the sea.  Our Private Registered Indemnity Bond AMRI00001 RA393427640US is on file.  
We have come now to reclaim our land jurisdiction assets from your office in the name of the unincorporated United States of America and each actual state and each actual living American.
Please prepare for the orderly disgorgement of all purported foreign grantor trusts and assets back to the lawful owners, heirs, and beneficiaries without prejudice. 
Federal citizens and actual federal dependents are eligible for discharge of any federal franchise debts via bankruptcy.
All others are eligible for discharge of franchise debts and settlement of probate because they have been found to be alive, and because the debts accrued by the municipal and territorial persons are debts of secondary and merely presumed beneficiaries of the landed estates.
Please pull all American estates out of the bankruptcy Slush Pile absent credible proof of actual, factual federal employment or unearned federal dependency according to the stipulations already given to The United States District Court for the District of Columbia. 
Merely receiving or having Social Security accounts is not deemed proof of federal employment, nor are federal civilian or military retirees subject to any presumption of continued municipal or territorial citizenship past the date of service separation.

We are looking forward to your prompt and faithful performance of your duties with regard to the actual American states and people.   


  1. Give us back our money .ou r estates or bonds held on us.anything held that belongs to us we know the federal government is the biggest investors on wall street using secret accounts.while your at it audit the federal Reserve find out were all of our money is going .

    1. @Anna, DOJ just passed a law telling all law inforcements to confiscate monies, jewelry and all assets from the people! I Think Sessions is working on the bad side now, I don't think we will be getting to Our Republic for we the people !!!

    2. The DOJ passed a law? THE DOJ doesn't pass laws. Can you show us this directive? Please prove this.

    3. Paul, I too saw where Sessions set forth this Order, as shortgirl just stated. It is on one of the Alt News sites, just don't have it at hand right now.

    4. Here's a link to the report on Session's action

    5. Thank you,Shane, I still haven't learned to do the links yet!

    6. Our Private Registered Indemnity Bond AMRI00001 RA393427640US is on file. Is this universal for all of us?

    7. You must put the name of your birth state behind it but you should read article 639 on Anna's site before doing any of this.

  2. Can we individually send a letter like this one to the Comptroller after we have accepted & Endorsed our BC's, recorded the expatriation and vessels/Names/Names re-conveyance to the land jurisdiction, sent letters to SOS's telling them to remove our names from any voter registrations they may have, written the letter to revoke our election to pay Fed income tax, and completed the whole procedure? Do you think he would ACTUALLY give us our property back, and if so, what would that look like? Would I then get the ACTUAL TITLE to my cars, rather than just the pink slips, for example? I'm just wondering, first of all if you believe he would ACTUALLY DO THIS, and if so, what would that look like? And also if we, as individuals, wrote him a letter similar to this one, but only for OURSELVES AS INDIVIDUALS, do you think that could help make this happen in reality? Thank you, Judge Anna.

    1. probably not but if enough people did it it would bring the necessary attention to the matter and cc the OFFICES OF THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE and SECRETARY OF STATE for the UNITED STATES as well as for your state...

    2. What if we are disabled? And we receive benefits from ssi does that cause any issues as far as bein a non fed employee

    3. if you receive benefits, opportunities and priviledges from the corporation then you have to be careful and it become tricky...

  3. Judge Anna is way to nice to these people. Anna, the time for diplomacy is over. No one does anything without threating them with a criminal action for not complying with the law or doing their job, which was to be defending our God given rights and the "Bill of Rights". And that's all. What kind of "Trustee" is he.?? He and others have completely violated the public's trust. It's time to start demanding not asking politely, can you please give our money back and correct out statuses please...Thank you.!!! Judge Anna, you need to grow a pair. These people thing they are our kings and Queens. I wouldn't doubt if he just says , it's a civil action your asking for. I'm just doing my job. Then give you a bunch of other people to contact, so he doesn't wind up with the liability....

    1. No im sure it will be ignored like all govt servants do, no response. She is being professionally kind. Unlike how our public servants treat us like pow dogs... blessings but i doubt anything will happen until supreme court of justice .. letters for documentation trail showing tried to negotiate...

    2. this first, afterall the pen is mightier than the sword; it how they got us, irrefutable evidence, in their world. then you have to stay out of the admin courts and into the proper courts of equity individually. these people have sworn to make sure the PUBLIC does not find out with good reason as not everybody is ready for this personally as much as they think they are. be careful what you ask for as you may just get it...

      judge anna does not realize that as much as you want to save everyone, you cannot, as each person has their own issues, contracts and learning curve to deal with that they need to understand, grow and learn from. you cant just come in and completely destroy the ecosystem and turn it upside down. it would be mass chaos.

    3. I totally agree with you penny. I've tried to tell Anna that a long time ago. Not everyone wants what we want. Freedom, real freedom comes with resposibility ( liability, not limited liability). And for some people this system actually works quite well for them. But if all of us are going to live together, side by side, then we need courts and judges that will really recognize our superior status, and train law enforcement who they have to deal with us. I want my slate wiped cleaned, both civil and criminal, including CREDIT REPORTS. Our credit rating should read "as good as gold"...highest rating of all because it's guaranteed. I don't need money up front. Just guarantee my signature as gold (paid for) and I'll create my own wealth.

  4. I would love my properties back, cops steal, banks steal, lawyers steal .. im in the wrong career ❤️

    1. Government created jails because they do not like competition, you are a criminal for doing what they do if you do not have a licence from them to do it.
      These are all pirates under the flag (license) of the State.

    2. WE are a big part of the problem, not just "them." think about it, what is the STAE OF OHIO? a piece of paper. who gives that piece of paper life? the criminals? nope, the people who answer the phone, they are me and you. the person who takes and files the paperwork, who are they? who wheres a badge and points a gun on you? me and you. if WE DO NOT TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR WHAT WEEEEEEEEEE ARE DOING, they do not exist without USSSSSSSSSSSSSS, get it? like tyler durden in fight club, we are schizophrenics running around blaming everyone else except USSSSSS doing their business for them...

    3. Well it might be Youuuuuuuuu but it's not Meeeeeeee!
      I have not sold my soul to do the work of satanists for a pay check, the` state of anything is NOT a piece of paper it is the collective of agents representing the beast. I've never done or excepted a job that has ever done harm to another or sold my soul for a pay check.
      Who gives that collective of agents life ???? The FEAR they project into society for not bowing down to their authority, the people that do not rise up against it's psychopathy and allow it to thrive.
      If you choose to take responsibility for it then that is your free will. I consent to none of it and take No responsibility for any of it when they burn in hell I will not be along for the ride.
      the bible states to "come out of her my people" NOT take responsibility for her and give her the benefit of the doubt, it is as it should be so consent or get the hell out! Jesus said "I come not to bring peace but a sword" to separate the good from the evil, NOT make excuses, get it?

    4. then dont take it personally, if the shoe fits??? if its not youuuuuuuuu it is for the people that dont understand my friend i,e, lifecoach and/or all the rest

    5. Mike v has a point. Every single one of us has been deceived and lied to our entire lives. The only difference is somehow, someway, those of us that were interested enough sought out answers and arrived here all by ourselves, because we wanted the truth and just about gave up everything to find it. So go gently into that good night, because we were asleep, but now awaken. "WE" are the solution, not the problem...Right!!

    6. true but people need to be made more aware of their complicitness. they want to place blame on everyone but themselves and im sure people that dont think theyre complicit are. the average person is 100% involved and completely unaware of how they are i.e, through implied and expressed contracts, taxes, drivers license, voters registration and birth certificates and working for a company as ive mentioned before; corporations cannot do anything to you. they are pieces of paper, 2D, that are not able to harm anyone.

      the persons are harming you, not the pieces of paper...

      many people are schizophrenic and not aware...

    7. Sorry "Penny" , corporations are not 2D, only the paperwork giving them legality (agreed upon terms) are 2D, a corporation in its basic form is a body of men coming together to form one entity in common interest to the individual members (men), the 2D paper work is the bookkeeping of the corporation which may become public or stay a private entity it is secondary the men unite into a corporation first.
      Agents in there corporate capacity are referred to as organs in law, as in organs of a body , they do not function alone or independently, members of government are called organs of the State.
      Corporations are founded by men, and run by men, the paper work simply commemorates the events and sets guidelines for operations.
      The Nazi officers at the Nuremberg trials did not get a free pass because they were simply doing a job and following what the paperwork stated.
      People are schizophrenics because this toxic society has turned them into that, almost everyone are products of their environment very few can see it for what it really is and those become the kooks and outcasts for not goose-stepping in line like everyone else.
      Empathy and apathy are basic genetic traits in varying degrees and solidified to degrees through brainwashing and societal pressures,you can not wake somebody up that is apathetic to their very core they are doing what is natural and unfortunately they are the very enemy of all that is good if they choose to harm with no regard for anything but their own personal gains. Evil believes it is good because it is serving the good of itself.

    8. Mike V said, "corporations are not 2D".

      I suppose that's a perspective. Yet corporations are legally dead. They can do nothing of their own accord. Men must breathe life into them. Their form is manifested in the world through living people acting in the name, otherwise they can't speak or act. If none of its agents lifted a finger or flapped a gum, it would sit there, in 2D, inert on paper. The people are indeed responsible for what they create (the corporation) and what they do directly or indirectly in the name of the corporation. Some of our grievances are because people aren't educated to properly discern the man and the corporation: therefore, men who know how to operate a corporation, e.g. the de facto governments, enjoy their limited liability protections, while using the same device to assault private people who don't know any better. And the other direction denies redress, since the jurisdiction only recognizes corporations, and the subordinate corporation is subject to the jurisdiction of the daemon that spawned it.

    9. Nothing is going to get accomplished debating these issues on this site unless we can rally a protest somewhere that will be covered by one of the media outlets or we tape it ourselves and air it on YouTube. Woman are about to protest the fact that the word vagina is not used enough to gather support for pland parenthood.

      If they can get together for something as ridiculous as that, why can't we group together and stage a visible peaceful protest?

  5. I must ask: Will the OCC respond in any manner to the above 7-18-2017 letter? Were I to place a bet, whether a response will be forthcoming or not, I'd have to bet no, or NOT. Earlier in the week Anna published the "Estate Claim (Documents) Filed" with the Pope - Vatican, dated July 11, 2016, sent by Judge James Clinton Belcher via Registered RRR Green Card Mail, just over a year ago. Have these documents ever been acknowledged or acted upon in any manner? Again, were I to place a bet, yea or na on the latter, it would be a resounding NO. I hope i'm incorrect on both the above counts. Awaiting results.

  6. Paul and Anna, can we print out this in a format as a letter so we can put our signature on it too, and flooded the Controller's Office Keith Noreika with the same letter from us? That will bury him alive with letters if we all send one. What do you think?

    1. cc the OFFICES OF THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE and SECRETARY OF STATE for the UNITED STATES as well as for your state...

    2. From Anna:

      I think we don't want to bury him. He will have more than enough work to do.

      I will post a scanned copy of the actual correspondence once I get the green card back.

    3. All we really need to do is add our names to your document or letter as witnesses or accommodating parties to a forthcoming class action lawsuit. If people can put their name on Trumps site, on private people's bill, which takes 100,000 votes to get it into the house for a vote, then why can't we use the same format. Check his site out. Let's figure this out. There is way more power in numbers.

  7. Officials love plausible denialability.nobody told me.
    And of course refresh thair mind of the crime not up holding thair oath of office for starters.

    1. Bonding!! Bonding came about as a means to chain everyone down in public service, or private for that matter, so that if they were ever to violate their "oaths of office" , not only would they lose their bonding, they would lose their jobs and could never be bondable again, meaning they could never work in govt. jobs ever again. Because Bonding comp.(another word for a special insurance) realized that people can be corrupted very easily unless they are chained down by strict "liability" rules. Way above the normal public. That was the reason why bonding had very strict rules for qualifying for that type of insurance. Public figures had to be investigated fully, with background checks and other things. Bonding actually came about as a better alternative to the ancient act of "dualing". Dueling was the ultimate way, when the law failed to prove who was telling the truth by standing back to back with your accusser, walking ten paces, and turning towards each other and firing only one shot at each other. If bonding and the law were ever to fail, we would be faced again into this ancient practice. But as you can see from what's happening today, no one working for the city, county, or state can be bonded anymore. Instead, the entire Corp. state has resorted to the most inferior form of liability insurance of all....."pooling". The pool several insurers together, and put them under the " risk management dept" so they can stop most lawsuits against them by telling everyone that before you can sue us for anything you first have to ask our permission by filing a their form so it can be determined if you have a case or not. Clever way to get rid of at least 95% of all cases just out of sheet frustration. Bring back bonding and you will bring back law and the constitution.

  8. When I receive anything from an "entity" if it has a man or woman's name on it,(lots/ most of the time it don't) I always respond back to the man or woman ... like ... Hello Joe or Mary you are acting as City/County/State of or what ever, but at all time you are a man or woman, and you are the one that breathes live into the fiction, and I will hold you liable for any harm or wrong that you may cause me, my property or my family. Most of the time I don't hear from that man or woman again, the next thin I receive will just be a computer generated letter/writing.
    I think if we hold the man or woman liable, much of this could be stopped ... what do you think??

    1. conditional acceptance to stay in honor is i would be more than happy to pay anything i allegedly owe, please let me have the name, number address and his/her singed affidavit that i have harmed or injured them in some way, the contract we signed agreeing to said terms and stipulations with a "wet ink" signature and a witness with first hand knowledge that will testify under oath to said alleged charges and see how many people respond to that.

      the problem is if people do not respond and wait it is tacit acceptance and silent acquiescence...

    2. therefore no controversy; hence no subject matter jurisdiction

    3. If they follow their own rules, but they dont..everyone needs law degrees..shameful

    4. The way they teach law these days, even attorneys just graduating really don't know much law. My friends sister has been an attorney for at least 20 years and she had to do a couple of years working for the court, like they all do. She worked as an assistant to one of the DA' s. Now she works for a major law firm that represents the Corp. interest when an employee is trying to collect SSI. Her job is mainly "Billing" the Corp. They represent. She is the number one biller for her Law Firm. She makes over a quarter of a million a year and constantly taking vacations. Most of the time she works from home. But I finally got her brother to ask her what the BAR stood for....No f#@king clue. And her son just past his law degree and got his BAR license. He didn't know either. That's why we have such a problem here. No one really knows what they are doing, or who they are really working for....the real principles where their check comes from. If their check comes from the Secretary of treasury, they have no clue that his position is foreign, being a permanent member of the IMF.

    5. nope it actually works. ive done it all the way to the special court of appeals and multiple debt collectors, they will leave you alone if you know what you are talking about, actually run; if you actually know most importantly what true evidence is and how to place it on the record, certified etc., and follow their rules, their game their rules but people think they are above their rules and can do it how they wish, soverign citizen etc,. they will respect what you do if you do it properly. they will not publish it or allow anyone to use it as precedent though.

      yes, yo do need to learn true law, not what they practice "at law" equity and unalienable rights, if you dont, they will take advantage of you. they tell you very clearly, ignorance is no excuse of the law or really "legalese."

      its called self-governing and yes you do need to understand how to self-govern which is why anna jumps a little ahead of herself by trying to help those they may not understand what that really means...or may understand the enormity of the statement and responsibility...

    6. james the question is ask them how many constitutional law classes theyve had, if they know how many constitutions weve had, the bill of rights and/or if they know their state constitution and if theyve studied the articles of confederation. i think you will find they were never taught either, maybe a little federal constitution but not their state's constitution; and, that it was an elective class for them haha

      most people ive asked if they even knew their state has a constitution and they were clueless as i was before i got heavily into this...

    7. That's because there isn't even one question about the constitution, either state or federal is what I was told.

    8. I meant to say not one question on the BAR TEST to become an attorney.

    9. right, but in law school, not even taught and learned by them. it is an elective course haha

  9. Our Private Registered Indemnity Bond AMRI00001 RA393427640US is on file.

    Where can I get a copy of this filed in Wisconsin?

  10. I'd really like to know if you get any reply from the OCC....

    1. The OCC never helped any one, neither the CFPB, these are part of the private FED, designed to give us a run-around, I'm very sick and tired of Help Fraud, same as Multi-financial fraud.

  11. People are going to be fed up with travelling to usa.or anywhere.. is all this necessary?

  12. These public officials hate smart civilians but they haven't seen anything yet once we get the young fertil minds of the 20 year old into this watch out I have seen this a few good smart high energy youth are afraid of nothing not how all revolution starts college kids .drop the video games and start reading American affidavit of probable cause.

  13. okay Im ready, so do i just replace doe name to my name on this doc and send it to the address at the top?

  14. Thank you Doreen for your consideration, love and time in compiling this list of some of the snake oil salesmen/acting as saviors who are trying to get people to consent to the psychopaths form of "saving" with a bond=bondage. Her advice
    "Be vigilant and guard your consent wisely."

    Anna, I am so thankful for your life, love for all beings on this earth and taking on this job of informing all of us. With gratitude.

    In Christ's Consciousness of Light, Love, Law and Peace.

  15. Anna and Paul, I do not envy your self chosen "job"! I am a detective at heart but WOW! The information you have discovered and putting it all together blows my mind! You must have a thousand white boards all over the house! I thank you both for all that you have done, are doing, and will do in the future! God bless you and all of us!

  16. Judge Anna, The OCC never helped any one, neither the CFPB, or any State Financial Helper. They are part of or associated with the private FED, designed to give us a run-around, I'm very sick and tired of Help Fraud, same as Multi-financial fraud. I cannot afford 10-years of waiting for help.


    Yes I notice Thieves tended to call themselves as Government. They set up crooked Judge and run two cases in parallel to steal my home. When I called the WA Governor, his sec claimed no Jurisdiction over Judge decision. While the thieves owe me in millions, they intentionally tried to get rid of me or something. Any one knows powerful people who could stop their lawlessness's? My high equity is what they wanted. God dam this U.S.A.,Inc.


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