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Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Gift Horses

How did we ever get in the situation most of us are in? 

Our parents were tricked into signing undisclosed contracts disguised as government forms that appeared to be simple records about babies being born. 

Wrong on two points. These undisclosed contracts were not being offered by our government. And they were not harmless records about babies being born. 

They were vicious undisclosed commercial contracts. 

We got you out of that trap, now you are being "offered" another undisclosed contract from "Swissindo". On the surface it appears to be "free money" --but instead, it is attached to "human obligation bonds".

These Swissindo creeps are here to  make you an open-ended implied offer.  They are offering you $1200 a month but they aren't telling you what you are giving up or promising in return. 

When you take their offer, they take your bond and subject you and your property assets to their debts and rules and never bother to tell you how many billions you surrendered "voluntarily" or what slave status you "willingly" accepted in "equitable exchange". 

You are dealing with vicious international charlatans --slavers-- of the same kind that foisted "birth certificates" off on your clueless mothers. 

Act accordingly. And complain to every politician in view. Take it to the consumer protection agencies. Demand a Congressional investigation. Sue the bastards to make full public disclosure of exactly what "Swissindo" is and who owns it and what their interests are and how is it that they are on our soil soliciting improper undisclosed contracts from gullible desperate Americans? 

Anna Von Reitz


  1. How about we take their money this time but using a special signiture...."at arms length", without prejudice, or without recourse, and lawful money demand (12USC411). Get a copy and go straight to the county recorders office to file it as well posting it publically in your local newspaper for 3 weeks. Then when they try and use that contract against you, all you have to do is go...un un, no way Jose! Is this the contract your talking about...and enter it into evidence. Sorry but you can't I bring my bell.

    1. And the Judge says sorry not admissible as evidence, like I've heard they have done in cases and bounced out 20+ affidavits all the evidence and proof the case hinged on.
      This is Roman Civil commercial maritime law , quasi-contracts you simply accept a benefit and you are bound, you have no rights in civil law you do what you are told, equal rights mean the same for all so if that is zero rights then you still have 100% equal rights the same nothing as everyone else.
      Ever read "Invisible Contracts" and how just opening a bank account you signed on to a 2-300pg contract you had no clue existed, LOL that was decades ago it might be over a 1000pgs by now?

  2. I ment to say, you can't unring my bell.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Is that the a actual name "swissindo"?
    Or are you being facisest? It sounds like swindled.

    When did they say they were going to give everyone 1,200/mo? Just make them a counter offer and add about 5 more zero's to it. And add a few more things to the contract, like refusal to accept an RFID chip is not grounds to stop paying the monthly obligations and that any hidden adhesions are all null and void and unenforceable. Get creative.

  5. Is that the a actual name "swissindo"?
    Or are you being facisest? It sounds like swindled.

    When did they say they were going to give everyone 1,200/mo? Just make them a counter offer and add about 5 more zero's to it. And add a few more things to the contract, like refusal to accept an RFID chip is not grounds to stop paying the monthly obligations and that any hidden adhesions are all null and void and unenforceable. Get creative.


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