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Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Two Different Populations

Folks, there are and have always been two different populations here in America.

Actual current federal employees (retirees don't count as active federal employees) and federal dependents (political asylum seekers, etc.) who receive actual paychecks or unearned benefits from the federal corporations are owed discharge of all "franchise" debts via bankruptcy. 

The rest of us are owed discharge of the same franchise debts via probate action.

The difference is that the probate action not only discharges debts accrued by secondary beneficiaries of our estates (the franchises operated in our names), it returns our land and our other property back to us unharmed and fully restored.

If you really ARE a federal employee or unearned dependent (for example, someone receiving SSI who never paid into and vested in Social Security), by all means, take the bankruptcy protection and run. 

But if you are NOT a federal employee or unearned dependent, claim your estate back. The debts will all go away just the same, but you will also receive back the land and homes and businesses and other things that are rightfully yours. 

It's that simple. 

Anna Von Reitz


  1. @Anna, I receive social security that was taken out of my paycheck over 20 yes. My husband receives social security retirement he is 71 so we should stop it and run.

    1. I don't believe that's what she said. If you worked and paid into SS as a private person working for a non- governmental agency, you are legally entitled to your SS. No one can stop anyone from collecting what you lawfully deserve and worked for. But I have friends that either got fired from their jobs or never worked ever and collecting SSI or SSDI in their 40's and 50's. In fact, its the latest craze in Calif. If your not physically challenged, there is always the last resort of trying to get everyone to believe you have mental issues. 50 years ago it was nice working for a corporation, because their was loyalty and consideration from both parties. But not today. There is no loyalty either way now because of our economy and the outsourcing of all our manufacturing. It's everyone for themselves. It is miserable working for corporations anymore. No one is happy and everyone is on edge because of the "sexual harassment laws". I couldn't even tell a joke to a fellow employer without someone I wasn't even talking to reported it. Attorneys again at there best. Thanks a lot.

    2. I am on SSD for 7 yrs. I paid my share and lost everything. I filed bankruptcy and all I have is SSD. It stinks to live on so little. I think I truly deserve more than $990 a month.

    3. Even if your not a federal employee or on SSI, your individual master file in the IRS has everyone listed as having profit and gain in Alcohol, tobacco and firearms. That's why are there enforcement activity is in title 27 in the cross reference section of the code of Federal Regulations 602.1

      Leins and levys 6332 and 6331, both go to title 27 not title 26 (Income Tax).

      Good luck trying to expunge that from your individual master file.
      Is that fraud? Of course. That's standard operating proceedure.

    4. By the way, next time you file a 1040 form, look at the top right hand corner. It has an OMB # on it. Congress made it mandatory in 1971 to put that number on whenever asking someone for a tax of some kind and what kind of tax it is.

      You'll find that particular OMB# goes to form 2555 and not 1040. Form 2555 is labled as "Foreign Earned Income". It's foreign earned because were all corporate UNITED STATES CITIZENS living in washington D.C. and not the de jur 50 states united under the Constitution. If your working for a company and making a good living, I wouldn't kick the bee hive if I were you. They and your corporate company will make your life a living hell. I speak from experience. I'm just here to give you another piece of the puzzle.

    5. By the way, next time you file a 1040 form, look at the top right hand corner. It has an OMB # on it. Congress made it mandatory in 1971 to put that number on whenever asking someone for a tax of some kind and what kind of tax it is.

      You'll find that particular OMB# goes to form 2555 and not 1040. Form 2555 is labled as "Foreign Earned Income". It's foreign earned because were all corporate UNITED STATES CITIZENS living in washington D.C. and not the de jur 50 states united under the Constitution. If your working for a company and making a good living, I wouldn't kick the bee hive if I were you. They and your corporate company will make your life a living hell. I speak from experience. I'm just here to give you another piece of the puzzle.

  2. 👏👏
    Thank you Anna,, I'll tell you when this all comes to a head , I'll be able to breath again.😥

  3. Anyone do this process and happy with outcomes? Without getting our full faith and credit of nation govt once again gets off. Us people lost our homes, pensions, good paying jobs .. how it is beneficial ???

  4. LOl thank you Mr Xu!
    Anna's message is really reaching around the world!

  5. CAN WE SEE ONE PROOF FOR EACH LESSON YOU ARE ATTEMPTING TO TEACH OR INFORM ,LETS SEE YOUR PROOFS OF SAVING AN ASSET SUCH AS A HOUSE IN FORECLOSURE ,this will open the floodgates of change .otherwise I am not into gambling or telling others to move when I am just a spectator with a plan and no proofs .

  6. something to look into for it's efficacy


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