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Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Cookie Jar Money For "Cookie"

By Anna Von Reitz

My friend and long-time paralegal has the nickname "Cookie"--- not only because she is always cooking, but she is always feeding everyone.  This goes beyond simply offering coffee and tea and cookies--- literally --- but in offering knowledge and insight and hard-won research, advice and kindness and true concern. 

Despite the often overwhelming nature of what we have all taken on and the sheer numbers of people in distress throughout this country, I have never known Cookie to turn away from anyone and leave them without help.  It is her nature to defend and to help and to try no matter what the odds are.  

If that weren't true, she wouldn't have come through all the "many waters" with me and stood strong through all the trials and adversities we have taken on together. She has suffered along with me, and I think sometimes that she has suffered more, because her heart is simpler and more open.

She hasn't had the buffers of certain hard experiences and conflicts and training and so much else that went into making me --- even as a sword is forged in fire, and the temper of steel is folded in flame--- instead, Cookie has undertaken the work as an Innocent, a paralegal who knew that "something was wrong" and who followed her instinct to find the truth of the whole monstrous fraud.  

I remember the day when it finally all hit home and she realized with certainty that yes, it really is as bad as she ever thought, and worse than she ever imagined.  

This is what I call the "Run Screaming Into the Bushes Moment"---- the inescapable moment when the monstrous nature of the Great Fraud comes home and outrage and despair and confusion and disappointment and helplessness all fight together, seeking to find some overall result.  

She just stood there, transfixed, like we used to do as children playing a game of "Statue" --- half way between my kitchen and my living room, coffee cup in hand. 

We hadn't been working together all that long, a little over a year, before it all took shape and she understood what we were fighting against-----and for.  There was a long, long moment before she moved again, lifted her head and looked me right in the eye and said, "This is for real, isn't it?"

I knew how she felt.  I nodded.  "Yes, it's for real." 

The Monster Under the Bed.  The things you don't want to think about.  The shadowy Bogey Men stealing children.  The corruption of everything you believed in.  Your country, your church, even your own sanity assailed. 

I waited.  I didn't know what to expect.  I knew there was an even-odds chance that she would just quietly go her own way, back to her known world and a job with an admiralty law firm, a secure paycheck and a fat health insurance policy and all the things I certainly couldn't offer her as a land jurisdiction judge. 

But she looked it right in the eye and after those few moments of grappling with the terror and the enormity of the fraud, she shook her head a tiny bit and straightened her shoulders unconsciously, and seemed to sink her feet more firmly into the carpet.  That's when I knew she wasn't going to run.   

She walked over to the table and took a big, fat stack of paperwork, files, letters and research questions, turned around to me, shook her head and said, "When do you need these back from me?" 

And that was that.  Cookie, my Paralegal, has been with me ever since.  Through thick, through thin, up hill, down dale, and every where in every season since we have slogged and slaved and shared it all together.  

Those of you who have had a close working relationship with someone that has deepened over time into a true friendship--- the kind of friendship where you don't have to say anything to be understood --- can understand why Cookie is important to me, personally, but I don't think I can explain all the ways that she is and has been important in the overall struggle. 

My name has become famous and some would say, infamous.  Her name is hardly known at all, but it is because of her hard work and her "bird dog" instincts that so much that is useful to me and to the overall result, has come to light.  It's the endless hours she has spent, the days nose down doing legal research, digging through piles of old law tomes in archives and book repositories, libraries and micro-fiche collections..... that has built the bulwark and provided the confirmation of so much of the evidence that we have nailed down.

I want to thank all of you who are sending your "Cookie Jar Money" to help provide the extra funds needed for her diagnostic care.  I know that many are making a sacrifice to do so, and doing it anyway.  Be sure that Cookie has been the most generous and hard-working helper I could ever ask for and your prayers and donations are very, very greatly appreciated. 


Editors note:  If you want to help her financially with this diagnostic care here is the address.
Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652
or via PayPal to


  1. How blessed you are to have Cookie! And how blessed she is to have such a tribute from her good friend while she is on earth to receive it! God bless you both!!

  2. Why couldnt i have met intelligent and good people who understand and care about this country as much as i do. No...I had to meet people who not only dont care at all about our country or me, except for my inheritance, they are all stupid and selfish. They only thing that makes their miserable exsistance sustainable is "professional sports"....and a beer or joint. When i was only a kid of 6, i had no idea what life would be like as an adult and that although these friends werent bad people then, they have completely changed. Now, they are bad people and an educational level so far below mine, that we may as well come from different countries and speaking a different language. I was so good to people and generous with money, you would have thought i would have found at least one "cookie" in my life. But, it was never in the cards. They are all gone now, along with all the money, and houses, and for the first time in 60 years im finally happy. I simply cant be around stupid people who feel education is a waste. They look at me and the BS in Biology i received from a university and use that as an excuse for never picking up a book, or taking any classes at a jr college if it isnt directly related to getting more money. Thats where the Europeans have us beat, hands down. They dont equate intellicual endeavors stricky with money. They actually do like being educated even if they dont become millionaires. The attitude of my friends represents 90% of America. A total corruption of mind and spirit all related to the only thing they ever cared!!! And you wonder why these countries think of us as "stupid Americans"....especially the French. The average 13 year old over there knows more about politics and other subjects than a 50 year old here does. Money in the hands of these people will only make them worse, not better. They are fixated on materialism at the sacrifice of everything else. Its so sad and such a waste of life not to realize that there is so much to learn about and get the mind to function at a higher frequency level so it can have the ability to see past this materistic world of ours, into one of TRUTH , both spiritually and intellectually. All that knowledge out there for the taking, and all they want is a fast car or a nice boat, or 10 dogs that they never train. Possessions. Thats all they want. What really frustrates me the most, however, is that for all their lack of care for people with considerable less than them who they wouldnt even give $1 to, and never contributed anything to society are actually going to be embraced by Jesus anyway. Even though they never really knew him. How do i know..!! From people who have had "near death" experiances. Like a doctor, a surgeon, who had a family and children, but was so buried in "dept", because of his million dollar home, nice cars, and other "THINGS", that he no longer cared about his patients enough to give them 5 min. of his time to them before he saw his next patients. He finally had a heart attack, and talked about his experiance, which was beautiful, not like you would expect from someone who addmitted afterward that all he had become was a materialistic bastard.

  3. What really frustrates me the most, however, is that for all their lack of care for people with considerable less than them who they wouldnt even give $1 to, and never contributed anything to society are actually going to be embraced by Jesus anyway. Even though they never really knew him. How do i know..!! From people who have had "near death" experiances. Like a doctor, a surgeon, who had a family and children, but was so buried in "dept", because of his million dollar home, nice cars, and other "THINGS", that he no longer cared about his patients enough to give them 5 min. of his time to them before he saw his next patients. He finally had a heart attack, and talked about his experiance, which was beautiful, not like you would expect from someone who addmitted afterward that all he had become was a materialistic bastard. But the experiance finally made him realize that he wasnt happy with all that "STUFF". So he told his wife and kids, why do we need all this. She agreed we dont. He got rid of everything, and traded it for a much more humbling lifestyle, and for the first time in years, not only was he happy, but he finally had a close relationship with his kids that he hadnt had in years, and he could finally give his patients the time and care they desereved and needed, which to his delight made him happy again for being the doctor he started out to be. And his patients loved him. They could see the change. But the point is that most of these people we consider rebrobates, are going to be accepted by Christ even though they did nothing to deserve it. But even if he doesnt, all he is waiting for is for them to realize that there is a separation from the sourse of "LOVE" that they will never reach until they finally break down in humbleness and cry out to God.....Im sorry lord, i never realized how selfish i was. Please foregive me and take me into your light....And within nanoseconds, they are wisked away into paradise. Now im not talking about truely evil people here like Hitler, or Pope paul 2. Those people knew exactly what they were doing and did it anyway, and in postions affecting millions of people. There is no redemption for them. But coming from a purely human perspective, anyone that steals even $1 from someone, let alone thousands, deserves some hell. But unfortunately, God is so pure in nature, that no matter how good we though we were or good deeds we have accomplished, just the mere thought of killing someone(and we have all thought it), or lusting for someone, was as good as actually committing those crimes for real. I dont see the fairness, but i didnt die for everyone either.

  4. Let Cookie know that there are nutraceutical products available that are curing cancer completely, Anna, such as GcMAF/Bravo -- and our more probiotic version of it, Super Immune Activator ( The Moringa plant (which she can make a tea out of) is also highly effective at mitigating neoplastic cell growth.

  5. Everything is science the realization thet everything is energy .your immune system your pychic.power is being able to increase your life force seeds will not germinate in a metal cup can not connect to cell tower or ley line power grid... pyramid or stone circles are energy centers.get out of metal building get rid of metal box springs they trap your auras . Shaman test is to light a using only your mind you do it by focusing on only what's your doing being the best you can be at just what your doing washing your hands feel the slippery soap the splashing of the water . Bliss.and fire in the mind !


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