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Wednesday, January 29, 2025

International Public Notice: To Elon Musk

 By Anna Von Reitz

Please note, Mr. Musk, that it is not possible --- and never has been possible for an unincorporated sovereign government --- to go bankrupt; the only entities that can go bankrupt are corporations, like the United States of America, Incorporated, or UNITED STATES (INC.) or The United States of America, Incorporated, and so on.  

As things stand, these Federal Subcontractors have undergone repeated bankruptcies, and thrown their debts back on the Public -- while conveniently mistaking millions of Americans as part of their foreign citizenry (their public) and therefore entrapping us to be responsible for paying their debts. 

Your plan to cut wasteful spending is laudable, however.... please get the identities and facts straight. 

Americans are not Federal Dual Citizens.  They are not naturally nor voluntarily any species of "U.S. Citizen" nor are they "citizens of the United States",  so except for fraudulent misrepresentation, we have never been part of the citizenry responsible for the "National Debts" of these foreign corporations, but we have been forced to pay off their debts every time these incorporated Federal Subcontractors go bankrupt just the same. 

The current situation is just a run up to the same intended result. 

The Municipal Government corporation counterparts have been gleefully doubling the "National Debt" for the past four years in anticipation of bankrupting whatever species of "USA" Incorporated is presently operating. 

As a businessman, you are probably coming into this with the assumption that this is the result of payola and neglect and bloated, inefficient bureaucracy --- and that is true to an extent; however, we are here to tell you that this has been a purposeful multigenerational fraud scheme aimed at impersonating and defrauding individual Americans and their States of the Union. 

For every "dollar" worth of debt posted against the CUSIP accounts held in our names, there is a "dollar" worth of credit posted for the AUTOTRIS accounts also held in our names, that are managed by gigantic financial management organizations, like Fidelity and PIMCO and Price-Waterhouse.

You know how a credit card hacker "impersonates" their victims, right?  They get hold of the account data and then simply pretend to be the account holder they are impersonating, run up a lot of charges to max out the card, and then leave the victim to settle up with the bank.  

This is what happened to our American Government as a whole, in the wake of the so-called American Civil War.  Foreign corporations already acting as Subcontractors in the business of providing us with essential government services, operating as incorporated entities using deceptively similar names, all registered off-shore and/or Delaware, which maintained an active King's Bench for the use of British Territorial U.S. Citizens --- simply moved in, impersonated our Federation of States, and were given access to our credit by colluding banks.  All this was accomplished under color of law. 

A national-level identity theft and impersonation took place.  We are the American People, the victims of this gross breach of trust and violation of contracts owed to us. 

Fraud has no statute of limitations. 

The first thing we wish to observe to you, is that there is no real "National Debt" to be repaid; the debts of your corporations have already been paid by the American people, who exchanged their goods and their labor for Federal Reserve (Promissory) Notes -- I.O.U.s.   

Our National Credit exactly balances out your National Debt, plus an additional large amount of credit that was generated every single time one of those Federal Reserve Notes was repeatedly presented throughout the lifetime of the bill.  

Second, from that perspective, we are the preferential and priority Creditors of your governmental services corporations, and always have been.  All that interest that we have paid on your corporation's "National Debt" should never have been collected, because the "debt" was cancelled by every single zero sum transaction that occurred -- over and over and over during the lifetime of the bill. 

Third, instead of embracing any more nonsense, jerk yourself out of your assumptions and learn what is actually going on, so that instead of focusing on internally reducing a non-existent debt, you can focus on collecting all the credit and the assets that are owed back to all of us. 

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger --- Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

January 28th 2025


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