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Wednesday, January 29, 2025

International Public Notice: Joe's Farm

 By Anna Von Reitz

Many people, including many Americans, are confused about who is who and what happened to this great country.  So we are breaking it down in very simple terms and using an analogy everyone can understand:

Joe is a farmer. 

He has two kinds of pigs, brown pigs and white pigs. 

It doesn't matter to Joe what color the pigs are.  It doesn't matter to the pigs what color they are, either. 

What matters to the pigs is what's in the feeding trough and how much of it they can get. 

What matters to Joe is how much labor and material it costs him to feed the pigs.  

It's the same exact situation with the Democrats and Republicans.  Just think of them as brown pigs and white pigs. 

These "political lobbies" try to sell Joe with their respective ideologies and their narratives about what they are going to do, if they gain access to the trough. 

They gain access to the trough by being elected to political office. Not public office.  Political office.  They got away with this, because nobody in America knew there was a difference. LOL. 

Remember, these "politicians" are lobbyists, just like lobbyists who work for the Tobacco Industry or Big Pharma.  They serve their "constituencies" --- the other people who are members of their political party, not the Joe, the Farmer. 

Just like the pigs on the farm, they want Joe to fill their trough, but they don't care about him or each other or their constituencies --- except to the bare minimum performance the pigs need to get re-elected. 

Once in a while, these Political Party Pigs are so incompetent, that even their own political party bosses get disgusted and throw them under the bus.  We are seeing that now with "Governor" Gavin Newsom in California. 

Is this any way to run the government of a country? 


Is this the way our Forefathers set it up? 


These modern political parties didn't exist until shortly before the Civil War.  The idea of political parties was brought here by German immigrants who were forced to seek political asylum following the 1848 Worker's Rebellion. 

Wisconsin had just become a State in 1848, so it was very much still a frontier with plenty of free land and opportunity.  

Many of the displaced Germans settled in Wisconsin and before you know it, they had recreated the same old political party system they had in Germany --- essentially, the Republicans representing the interests of the industrialists and the Democrats representing the interests of the workers. 

The immigrants wanted to continue the "class struggle" described by Karl Marx, so this is how they did it, and this is why both modern political parties have their roots in Wisconsin. 

It's a great example of how people get infected with bad ideas and worse beliefs and then bring those with them to new environments, just like they might carry the germs of a disease. 

A healthy man unaffected by the disease might notice that political parties and class struggles didn't work and didn't result in anything good in Germany, and there was no reason to think they'd work better in America, but like many of their sons and daughters, these people weren't thinking straight. 

They had already been indoctrinated into Marxist politics. 

This is how America became infected with Marxist political ideologies and the Marxist political party system, too. 

It has nothing to do with Joe, the Farm, or America.  

The political party system was transplanted here by fuzzy-headed pigs, intent on getting their "fair share" of the public trough, and being able to control their political adversaries by having more of "their" pigs at the trough. 

Joe, of course, was confused by this.  He was too busy making a living and feeding the pigs to grasp what all the hullabaloo was about.  

The quiet, rational, merit-based public elections Joe was used to, disappeared almost in tandem with the rise of these political parties, and soon, the only elections taking place were elections sponsored by these new political parties. 

Rational public interest debates were replaced by all sorts of name-calling and slanderous accusations hurled by both sides of the so-called "political divide".  Republicans were cast in the role of being bloated, privileged members of the Upper Crust.  Democrats were cast in the role of freedom fighters defending the working man. 

None of that was true, of course.  Both sides were just ganging up on Joe, demanding more "food" in the trough that they could spend on their cronies and their political agendas and neither side cared about what Joe needed or wanted at all.  

Joe realized this, so he stopped listening to them and he stopped participating in their elections, becoming one of the great Silent Majority.  

Joe's traditional American government was in disarray, and hadn't sponsored public elections in many years, and meanwhile, the Political Party Pigs had wasted no time taking over and occupying the vacated seats owed to Joe's Government. 

Joe plodded along, pretty much oblivious to all this, concentrating on his job of keeping the pigs fed and tending his garden.  Over the years, of course, the political party system got more and more corrupt.  

What started out with false premises and ideas of class warfare naturally devolved into blatant corruption and cronyism.  The Federal Capitol in Washington, DC, became a cesspit of immorality and intrigue, while the actual Capitol city of the country, Philadelphia, decayed, stood empty, and languished. 

It seemed that Joe's Government, the actual American Government, was on a permanent siesta, and the moment that Joe and his friends thought about bringing it back into Session, both sets of Political Pigs raised the alarm and accused the actual Americans, who were acting as Americans, of being "rebels" and "insurrectionists". 

The illegal occupation of Joe's government by foreign political ideologues, all of whom have less than no right to interfere in Joe's world, is a shaky foundation for the Political Party Pigs to be on.  

Nonetheless, Joe the Farmer, was harassed and slandered and prosecuted by the Political Party Pigs who had illegally and immorally pretended to be his government, and they trampled on Joe, even as they demanded that he work harder and harder to produce more largesse for them to wallow in and spend on their pet cronies and causes. 

Soon, Joe was living like a slave in fear of his own pigs.  They were showing up like thugs in the middle of the night, busting down doors, stealing cattle, demanding payment of non-existent debts. 

One day, Joe, beaten down by this insanity, was too sick and old to go to work. He stopped paying the "taxes" and providing the overflowing trough.  The pigs were angry and ungrateful for all his faithful years of service and all his contributions to their "public", so they killed Joe and stole his farm. 

For many Americans, that was the end of the story --- but gradually, people like Joe started waking up.  

They started wondering, who, really, are these pigs?  Where did they come from?  What kind of foreign, glitzy elections are these?  Whoever heard of a "political party"?  And these Americans began to research....and they discovered that yes, indeed, these were not their elections and not their representatives. And not their pigs at all. 

These Pig Elections have been sponsored by foreign governments, and specifically by foreign commercial corporations in the business of providing "essential government services".  The Pigs are all employees or dependents of these foreign Subcontractors; they are all adopting foreign citizenship obligations as well.  They aren't even acting as American pigs. 

Nonetheless, there they sit all snug and safe in the District of Columbia, dictating to their Employers and setting their own budgets and determining how much their Employers are going to pay them, and harassing and threatening their Employers, and stealing their Employer's assets under False Pretenses --- and not even honoring the contracts, the Constitutions, that allow these Pig Organizations, to exist. 

This is what it has come down to in America. 

Thankfully, Joe's Grandsons and Granddaughters have awakened, seen through the fog of confusion and deceit, and they are restoring their own government without further adieu.  

The pigs are circling the trough warily, squealing and snorting and doing the things that pigs do.  All their cronies and "constituents" are uneasy.  There's a rumor that Joe's Ghost has risen from the dead and is coming to pour down vengeance on the pigs for what they have done to this country and its people--- and also for what they have failed to do. 

Given time and opportunity, the Political Party Pigs have pretended to be Joe's Government, instead of being foreign Subcontractors of Joe's Government.  The rest of the world has been just as confused as the defrauded and misrepresented Americans. 

All of a sudden the pigs have new leadership and seem much more concerned about honoring their service contracts. They are trotting out the red-white-and-blue and at least pretending to be patriotic. They are even reforming their "government" --- that is, the operations of their commercial government services organization. 

Joe's grandkids are watching all this. They're not amused. They aren't deceived.  They know what they are owed. And they know what they have suffered at the hooves of these murdering thieves. 

And now everyone receiving this International Public Notice has cause to know what happened and what is happening in America --- and this gives insight into what has also happened to many other countries and people, too.  

Secretly, under color of law and under conditions of deceit, the Political Party Pigs and their phony foreign corporation governments have slipped in the backdoor.  

The members of Congresses and Parliaments have changed their hats and the nature of their offices without telling the public they are supposed to serve, and they have embarked on a dangerous and expensive course of illegal mercenary occupation of entire countries. 

They are all operating as Political Party Pigs occupying imaginary Political Offices that have been substituted for their traditional counterparts, the Public Offices, that the people of the impacted countries are owed. 

Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger -- Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

January 29th 2025


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