By Anna Von Reitz
We note that the Ambassador of the United Kingdom holds the formal title, "His Britannic Majesty's Ambassador to the United States of America" and not, as one might suppose, "His Britannic Majesty's Ambassador to The United States".
This is a sea-going and corporate ambassadorship, but owing to the current situation in England and Scotland--- and for 300-plus years prior to this, this is the best we can do in terms of outreach and Public Notice to the United Kingdom Government; from his official title, we must presume that the current Ambassador, Lord Peter Mandelson, is posted to Washington, District of Columbia, as Ambassador to the British Territorial United States per the reference to "the United States of America".
That is, we presume that Lord Peter Mandelson is an "ambassador" between the current Great Britain Company and its partners, the England Company, the Scotland Company, et alia, to the "American franchise" represented by the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Mariana Islands, et alia, doing business as "the United States of America" and/or "the United States of America, Incorporated".
Very well. The unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America since 1776, hereby addresses Lord Peter Mandelson in his capacity as the sea-going Ambassador to the Territories and Possessions of The United States, and we duly inquire, in Public, what the company known as Great Britain proposes to do about the fraud and malfeasance its employees have practiced against the interests of their Employers in Breach of Trust, fraud, and violation of their service contract, The Constitution of the United States of America?
We specifically bring claim in Admiralty jurisdiction for the return of all British Seaman's Estate Trusts and related Municipal Corporation Cestui Que Vie Trusts named after American babies who have been mis-registered as British Territorial U.S. Citizens and had their Good Names and estates purloined and trafficked offshore under False Pretenses by agents owing them "good faith service" instead.
Is the world supposed to believe that hundreds of millions of American Mothers knowingly and willingly consigned their newborn babies to the ownership of British Crown Corporations and accepted a condition of indentured servitude and a contractual obligation of foreign British Territorial U.S. Citizenship "for" them, for no apparent reason at all? And certainly no advantage?
We have proven from the public record that "The American Civil War" was never a war and has always been an illegal Mercenary Conflict devoid of any valid standing under the Law or War, so we may dispense with any gratuitous lies and excuses and False Claims in that regard. Likewise, all subsequent "wars" have been fought without the participation of the actual American States and similarly lack any standing.
As things stand, our purloined American Good Names and estates and assets have been self-interestedly "deemed" to be waived by the monsters responsible for this registration fraud, have been placed under the control of British-affiliated Bar Attorneys as "infant decedent estates" and then, our assets have been trafficked offshore, and British Territorial Crown Corporation franchises have been constructed in our names, represented as Warrant Officers in the British Merchant Marine Service for several years, and subsequently declared "lost at sea" and legally dead, thereby creating a British Seaman's Estate subject to Admiralty Law and a Municipal Corporation Cestui Que Vie Trust owing to the "Dual Federal Citizenship" obligation conferred on us once we were misidentified as U.S. Citizens.
These foreign Municipal ESTATE trusts have been released back to the tender loving care of the British Brigands and Privateers and Pirates that have been abusing our Title IV Flag as cover for their operations, under the pretense that these Municipal ESTATE Trusts derived from the aforementioned British Seaman's Estates.
Of course, these British Seaman's Estates are the result of deliberate and constructive fraud; this entire scheme is based on contracts that were never disclosed to the Mothers and which remain unconscionable contracts with respect to the victims of this vast identity theft and human trafficking scheme.
The Popes, Benedict XVI and Francis, have read the writing and released the Municipal ESTATE Trusts and derivatives as part of the bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES, whereupon these assets have "returned" to the phony British Seaman's Estate, where they remain subject to salvage and claims on abandonment under Bona Vacantia.
We are claiming all those American estates and assets ever registered as a result of the Sheppard Towner Act and similar British Territorial Registration Acts which were mis-addressed to Americans
who are naturally nationals of their "free, sovereign and independent states". Our claim does include and is not limited to the Municipal ESTATE Trusts and the British Seaman's Estates that have been operated in our names as well as the American infant decedent estates which were also created under False Pretenses.
All American assets that have been purloined, trafficked offshore, or otherwise disposed of under False Presumptions and illegal undisclosed and/or unconscionable contracting processes since 1861 belong to the living people and Lawful Persons (People) of this country; and, our Government is not unknown, absent, in interregnum or subject to any such suppositions by our Federal subcontractors and their employees.
We are understandably outraged by these abuses and False Claims which have been foisted off on us by our purported friends and Allies, and by these usurpations against our people, our sovereignty, and the venerable Federal Service Contracts the offending Parties have always been obligated to honor.
Under Roman Civil Law the fraud must be deconstructed all the way back to its foundations and as all British Monarchs have misrepresented themselves to the Public in the British Isles and elsewhere since the reign of King John, there is no apparent honest basis for the conduct of business with any British Government vested in the Monarchy since then.
Indeed, Great Britain does not exist as a country and is a Company, instead; the actual physically-defined Kingdoms of England and Scotland that started this fraud have vacated their land and soil jurisdictions for over three centuries and have no standing against our substantive claims as a result.
The copyrights that the British Crown Corporation has created based on the Good Names of Americans must be returned to us, together with all other intellectual property assets and material interests owed to individual Americans impacted by this Great Fraud. The members of the Bar Association Guilds must be stood down and their Letters of Marque and Reprisal and other accommodations seeming to permit or license or condone their pillaging and plundering of individual American estates and public trusts resulting from the existence of those estates, must be cancelled.
Our claims in Admiralty are hereby delivered to the business partners and agents of the Principals involved and the High Courts responsible for the correction of this situation and the return of our purloined identities and assets, including but not limited to all assets thought to be contained in British Seaman's Estates named after us and British Territorial State Trusts that have been misrepresented as our States and our State Trusts and used to cashier our assets, particularly, our land assets, ever since the so-called Civil War.
This situation has led to innocent Americans being prosecuted under conditions of self-interested constructive fraud; they have been abused and forced under foreign legal tender laws to trade actual goods and services for worthless paper I.O.U.s that don't stipulate any date for repayment nor any medium of repayment; they have paid mortgages owed by successive Popes and British Monarchs and their business organizations; they have been treated as tenants on their own land and soil or at best as lease-holders with an interest in a future lease-purchase agreement so even after they have paid off the bogus foreign mortgages, their land is not their own and has remained in the equally bogus and foreign State (of State) Trusts used to cashier their own public assets; their earnings have been deliberately misrepresented as "federal income", and subjected to Federal Income Taxes, just as they, themselves, have been misrepresented as "Federal Citizens" and as franchises of "federal parent corporations".
This same venal and criminal system of identity theft, social and political denigration, illegal and unlawful contracting practices, and trafficking of assets implemented by what we will call the British Territorial Raj --- exactly similar to the Raj system employed to unlawfully subject India --- has been applied in The United States, the British Isles, the former Commonwealth, the seventeen European countries occupied during and after the Second World War, and numerous other countries that have been illegally and immorally occupied by these ruthless and duplicitous inland pirates.
The idea that Donald J. Trump is not the President of this country, but is instead the President of a British Territorial Commercial Corporation in the business of providing essential government services, may come as a shock to many, but it is nonetheless true.
His Executive Orders apply only to his actual employees, elected corporation officials, and their dependents, though a parade of such Presidents have contrived via the aforementioned registration fraud to redefine their Employers as their Dependents.
The American people, like so many other innocent people throughout the world, have been the victims and the goats, kept in the dark and treated like farm animals by the international and transnational corporate criminals responsible for these crimes. Although the American Military was unlawfully converted into a Mercenary Force in the 1860's not a word about this was told to the rank and file, nor to the American Public.
Instead, generations of patriotic Americans misidentified as Federal Dual Citizens, have been press-ganged and illegally conscripted (drafted) under False Pretenses, or have voluntarily served --- not their country, as they were deliberately misled to believe --- but the venal interests of mostly European commercial corporations and American business interests acting in collusion with them.
Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals.
Mr. Ambassador, we are serving Notice on the United Kingdom and its Government, to the extent that either one exists, and bringing our claim in Admiralty for the return and control and all beneficial interest in the fraudulently constructed British Territorial Seaman's Estates named after Americans, and the American infant decedent estates resulting from False Registration practices, and all Municipal Cestui Que Vie Trusts derived from the initial False Registration process.
The various State-of-State Bar Associations and their members must be stood down and all privateer licenses and Letters of Marque and Reprisal encouraging and seeming to license racketeering and privateering against public trusts and individual clueless Americans must be cancelled --- permanently, never to be re-issued by any Company lacking substantive sovereign authority.
Mr. Trump must be instructed regarding the situation and the limitations of his Executive Orders, the ownership of the Municipal Corporation assets and franchises, the ownership of the British Seaman Estates, and the ultimate possessorship of the American infant decedent estates that are vested in our people and our States, his possible role in the recoupment process --- a role that has yet to be negotiated; our standing as the Lawful Government, the mandatory downsizing of the former Municipal Government and its for-hire agencies, the actual nature of the "National Debts", the allowed sources of Federal income, the issuance of our lawful money and prepaid credit certificates, and other topics that must necessarily be discussed to promote a peaceful and orderly return to sanity.
The punishment of the corporations and business entities that have promoted these trespasses and transgressions, acts of fraud, conspiracy against the Constitutions, piracy---both inland piracy and piracy on the High Seas, racketeering, privateering, identity theft, substitution fraud, personage, impersonation, barratry, treason against the national governments, and numerous other offenses including crimes against humanity and genocide, must be pursued as matters of crime, not politics.
It is our recommendation that a majority of all member corporations of the World Economic Forum be investigated for criminal complicity in the foregoing described schemes against the interests of the national governments, the States, and the people of the impacted countries.
This recommendation includes investigation of the current iteration of the UN CORP first formed in Vichy France in 1943 and all of its franchises, subsidiaries and holdings, along with the various forms and levels of the IMF, FEDERAL RESERVE and FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD OF GOVERNORS and their Territorial versions, the Federal Reserve, The Federal Reserve, both incorporated and unincorporated, and the various banks and bank trusts and purportedly sovereign treasury accounts that these villains have used to cashier their ill-gotten gains during repeated fraudulent public bankruptcies.
We note that hereditary Lakota Sioux Chief, LaVern Fasthorse, has stepped forward to represent all the living people in this country who are presently populating the soil jurisdiction of the nation-states, a population that includes but is not limited to 248 indigenous tribal nations, and the people of the fifty sovereign nation-states, who are the intended beneficiaries of all public trusts and corporations.
Our unincorporated Federation of States remains the instrumentality of all fifty now-enrolled and in-Session States of the Union in international and global jurisdictions.
Upon summoning our member States into Session, they took care of the housekeeping and formally enrolled all the western and other Territorial States formed under the Northwest Ordinance during and after the so-called Civil War. As of October first 2020, all fifty States of the Union are present, enrolled, and accounted for.
We note that our Federation of States has inherited the additional duties delegated to the American Federal Republic and the Second Confederation operating as the States of America, by Operation of Law; upon the incapacity and non-performance of these organizations, beginning in 1861, their delegated powers have naturally returned to the People --- the State Citizens of our member States, who issued those enumerated and delegated powers and who adopted the respective Constitutions in the first place, and their primary instrumentality, our Federation of States.
We have chartered and designated a new bank system, claimed back all corporations of the original Federal Republic doing business as "the United States", our United States Silver Dollars, and all other assets of both the Confederation and Federal Republic, which were latched upon under conditions of self-interested deceit by the U.S. Congress in 1871. See Acts of Congress, Second of February 1871, 41st Congress, Third Session, Chapters 62....
This Congress declared itself to be the Successor of all United States corporations and the property of all said corporations; as the actual owners, the Federation and our Member States, were owed Due Process and Notice, and had substantive interest in the assets, and were fraudulently misrepresented as being "absent" as a result of that non-disclosure and evasion, we have also brought our claim for restitution of all right, title, and interest in United States Corporations formed under the auspices of the Second Confederation operating as the States of America and the American Federal Republic operating as the United States, 1787 to 1861.
The Law of Commerce and international law both require that our assets and property interests must be restored "unharmed" and that the purported new Owners and any Successors acting in conflict to our interests and their duty under contract are 100% commercially and personally liable for performance in this matter.
Our unincorporated Federation of States was and is the natural, logical, and substantive Owner of these United States corporations and their assets under the given circumstance, and the failure to inform the States and the People and instead substitute foreign corporations operating under similar names---corporations that had no substantive interest in these United States corporations, is an act of usurpation and fraudulent misrepresentation resulting in unjust enrichment, for which our Federal Subcontractors and their Principals remain liable to this day.
Specifically, the substitution of a Scottish Commercial Corporation (1868) deceitfully calling itself "The United States of America"---Incorporated, so as to impersonate our Federation of States and access our credit, the substitution of the British Territorial Corporation doing business as "the United States of America"---- Incorporated, as another impersonation of our Federation, and numerous other fraudulent impersonations and substitutions, such as the removal of The State of Wisconsin, and deceitfully replacing it with a British Territorial doppelganger, the State of Wisconsin, Incorporated, a foreign commercial corporation franchise --- these are all deliberate acts of fraud, disloyal and dishonest acts, which have led to the widespread undermining of actual American control over what appear to be instrumentalities or agencies of our government.
We do not believe that the Principals, Trustees, CEOs, Boards of Governors and Boards of Directors responsible for these acts and abuses should enjoy any benefit of bankruptcy or the corporate veil.
We understand that the "Royal Family" has attempted to shelter the ill-gotten gains from all of this, in addition to similar ill-gotten gains obtained from similar confidence rackets and substitution schemes applied to other countries, as part of their personal fortunes --- such as the recent (April 2017) receipt of $950 Trillion Dollars-worth of "Life Force Value Annuities" by Prince Philip, from the Municipal GOVERNOR OF OTTAWA, followed by Prince Philip's subsequent retirement from public life three days later.
There is evidence that the Vatican and its officers have been engaged in similar activities seeking to launder, bypass, transfer, and hide vast amounts of illegally obtained and/or sheltered money and credit.
We object to the immoral enforcement and collection activities of these Federal Subcontractors being misapplied to average Americans who are not naturally or knowingly Federal citizens of any kind; we object to the illegal occupation of our country by "United States" Armed Forces operating as mercenaries under the direction of foreign business interests, and soliciting and/or press-ganging inductees under False Pretenses.
We object to the way in which these corporations have acted in Bad Faith to shuffle off their debts and responsibilities onto the backs of Americans --- their mortgages, their taxes, their public bankruptcy costs --- have all been foisted off onto people that don't legitimately owe any of these costs.
We object to the illegal and immoral legal tender laws that these Fraud Artists have imposed on and misapplied to Americans; the imposition of the use of Federal Reserve Notes (I.O.U.s without any stipulated maturation date or medium of payment) has left six generations of Americans exchanging their goods and services for nothing equitable or negotiable at all. This de facto enslavement of individuals and the closed monopoly thereby established by the fraudsters on the American domestic market has resulted in the embezzlement of trillions upon trillions of dollars worth of actual goods and services that have benefited these foreign commercial and municipal corporations, while obstructing our trade and grossly undermining our asset base, especially the value of our labor assets which has been artificially suppressed at the same time that deliberate cycles of inflation and deflation have been used to devalue whatever presumed value Federal Reserve Notes ever had as a result of the unilaterally imposed exchange rate established by the 1934 Emergency Banking Act and the securitization Acts passed that same year.
Both the Mercenary-Military Service and the Federal Civil Service provided by these foreign Federal Subcontractors have run roughshod and unrestrained over the people they are supposed to protect and serve, liberally misapplying their own citizenship obligations to our general populace, recklessly voting themselves new raises and powers never authorized under their contracts, exempting themselves from the results of their policies and genocidal acts, and evading their obligations under their respective federal Constitutions.
We object to their excuses given to the United Nations and pretenses that these run amok federal subcontractors and their agents are "testing" environmental warfare and biowarfare technologies on their own domestic population, when in fact it is the American General Public being targeted, and again, the mis-registration of our people as Federal Dual Citizens which has resulted in the gross misrepresentation of us and the evasion of the consideration that we are owed from our foreign federal subcontractors.
The damages wrought by these misdirected commercial and municipal services providers along with the debts they have accrued and palmed off on the unsuspecting American Public leaves no doubt that the people of this country are the preferential and priority Creditors of both the Roman Municipal and British Crown Corporations involved in these acts of pollution, genocide, and illegal mercenary warfare.
We own them and we have foreclosed them; the hand-off of Municipal assets to Territorial Officers, e.g., Donald Trump, must come with the reassignment of the ownership interest in the individual British Crown Corporations, and the individual American infant decedent estates, too.
Otherwise, we are just looking at a Briar Patch Scenario, where no actual and beneficial change is contemplated and no actual restitution is forthcoming.
Let us reiterate: The British Monarch works for the Pope. The British Crown works for the British Monarch. Donald Trump works for the British Crown. He's also supposed to be working for us under the venerable service contract known as The Constitution of the United States of America.
All these institutions and offices and corporations ultimately work for the Pope, though this is veiled discreetly and laundered nicely.
The gold backing the birth certificate bonds that were retrieved from the Vatican as a result of the Municipal Corporation bankruptcy and which was shipped over here and stored at various locations has not been released to any fiduciary of our government. The gold has been stockpiled on so-called Indian Territory, still under the control of the Territorial Government represented by Donald J. Trump. It hasn't been returned to the people of this country and no actual restitution has been made.
The effect is like switching your pocket change from the right pocket to the left pocket: it's still the same pair of pants.
The Pope hands the gold off to his faithful minion twice removed, Donald J. Trump, who might not even know that he is working for the Pope. Nonetheless, the gold is still in the Pope's possession and not going anywhere despite being moved several thousand miles.
The Pope leaves it in the hands of the British Monarch, the British Monarch leaves it in the hands of the British Crown and the British Crown leaves it in the hands of one of its flagships, the United States of America, Incorporated, and its Captain, Donald J. Trump.
Nothing has changed since Donald Trump's ancestor, Admiral Martin Tromp, sailed the seas for the Dutch East India Company.
The gold is still not returned and conveyed to the actual Americans. It's still in the hot little sticky fingers of the colluding British Monarch and British Crown Officers, who are still working for the Pope, for their share of the British Monarch's 40% cut.
Instead of coming clean and doing the right thing, the Principals have colluded again.
The individual Municipal ESTATE trusts and their assets are warehoused and the "paper" is passed off to the corresponding individual British Seaman's Estate Trusts--- and there all the purloined assets and profits that belong to the Americans sit, under the control of the British Admiralty --- and there our purloined assets will remain, until the assets can be declared "abandoned" and King Charles III can claim the assets back under Bona Vacantia, or until we raise a big enough stink to convince the world that yes, all this corporate skullduggery really is going on right under our noses, and it impacts far more than just this country.
We object to the substitution of unauthorized corporations for family trusts, corporations that are used to illegally latch onto assets belonging to the living people. The Avila Family Trust (sometimes written as the D'Avila Family Trust) has existed since 1520 and the trust indenture written in Spanish says it is to be husbanded and spent to uplift humanity and "break the chains of poverty and ignorance." These are the same exact words used by the Heir and Executor of the Trust Assets today.
After more than 500 years the Roman Church Trustees and their British Acolytes still haven't managed to get the job done; still haven't dispersed the assets of the trust to do any little bit of "uplifting" much less have they been breaking any chains of poverty or ignorance. Instead they have been manipulating the trust assets to their own advantage and making False Claims in commerce and incorporating the trust without authority to do so and fighting the actual Heir and preventing him from finally seeing the trust indenture honored.
Five hundred years operating in Gross Breach of Trust.
The administration of the St. Germain "World Trust" is just as bad or even worse; these funds are supposed to be used for the education and succor of humanity, especially in the arts and sciences and for promotion of "positive moral, ethical and educational standards", and decent living conditions for the poor. There isn't any shred of authority anywhere allowing the redefinition of the family trust as an incorporated entity or allowing the transfer of private trust assets to the incorporated Publishing House, but that gross infringement is what is going on at headquarters in Schaumburg, Illinois, and again, the actual Heirs who are trying to fulfill the intent of the family trust are being two-blocked by people who have no right to touch a penny, much less purloin the assets and "invest" in things like Black Dragon dildo manufacturing.
We claim all the private-source trusts --- the more than 5,000 so-called "historical" and "legacy" trusts, including but not limited to the V.K. Durham Trust, and the Urban Trust, and for their proper and independent administration by the Heirs and progeny of the Donors, and we call "Foul!" on the Pope, the British Monarch, the British Crown, and any dupes working for them, seeking to pull off this egregious heist and disrespect of the Trust Indentures and the substantive rights and prerogatives of the living people.
Ambassador Mandelson, we are weary of all this fraud and deceit, this endless usurpation against living men and against the sovereign national governments that have suffered illegal occupation by mercenary forces --- in effect, our own variations of the British Raj.
No, we don't like it and we haven't benefited from it, and we don't agree with anything that has been done since 1840 when Queen Victoria's personal wealth came under the administration of Prince Albert and all this corporate "enfranchisement" and illegal securitization of living flesh and criminal impersonation and all the rest of the crime started in earnest.
We are fed up. Done. This latest atrocity, the pandemic genocide, must be atoned for, not by living men, but by corporations and corporation CEO's and Boards of Governors and Boards of Directors and elected and appointed officers and bureaucrats who are in truth and in fact malicious, malfeasant and profoundly misdirected.
We admit, Ambassador Mandelson, that your United Kingdom Government has given everyone a "good show" with Donald Trump v Joe Biden, a regular Punch and Judy Show, but we are not here for entertainment; we are here for reclamation, restoration, and restitution --- a vast and necessary correction featuring everything from proper bookkeeping to plain-speaking and the return of physical and credit assets to the control of the living owners, an end to personage and barratry crimes seeking to replace living people with corporate franchises, GMO "Transhumans", or various forms of Artificial Intelligence.
We note that the purpose of central banks from the moment of their creation was to rig commodity markets --- which has since then been widely recognized as an illegal and immoral activity; the primary commodity that these banks have specialized in rigging, is money and credit. They have manipulated and controlled the stock markets and exchange platforms of the world so as to promote their own wealth and political advantage, monopolizing entire economic sectors, and liberally investing in war and every kind of vice.
Contrary to their arguments pretending that their institutions would prevent bank runs and promote healthy national economies, the actual impact of central banks has been to promote crime and monopoly interests, all greased down with plenty of political payola and quasi-government waste.
Mr. Trump's plan to impose punitive tariffs to finance his corporation and his sale of our Great Seal as a "badge" is not only unnecessary but is an infringement upon our property and trademarks. These sorts of fundraising activities need to be discussed. We are aware of the contractual provisions regarding trade issues, but we retain the right to exercise the American Federal Republic's delegated powers, and also the right to secure our seals and emblems.
We call for the end of the central banks and the central banking system; and, an end to the securitization of living flesh, no matter how anyone might attempt to excuse and disguise this as the securitization of franchise corporation assets.
The central banks and the corporations and politicians responsible got away with this Great Fraud and Substitution Scheme by deliberately hoodwinking the public and acting under color of law, undermining the social contracts permitting their corporate existence, impersonating the living people as franchise corporations, and promoting lawfare --- crimes of personage and barratry for hire, by members of the Bar Associations.
These travesties and gross breaches of public trust must come to an end, along with any pretensions that this was all undertaken as part of any "war". The corporations and companies responsible for this Mess, the captains of industry, the members of Parliament and various Congresses, the banks and the bankers, and yes, even the generals and admirals that went along with this criminality, all owe a debt to the living people who paid them in good faith, supported them without question, and who have the undeniable contractual right to expect good faith service in return.
We trust that our remarks are fully understandable and agreeable and that the migration of assets and credit owed to the living people from the so-called "off ledger accounts" to our new bank system will not be further obstructed or delayed. We have claimed the United States Silver Dollars and issued a new gold-backed monetary standard, the American Federation Dollar; this will be followed by the issuance of prepaid credit allocations and prepaid credit certificates owed to the living people worldwide.
If you have any further questions, Ambassador Mandelson, please feel free to contact us:
Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger -- Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
January 22nd 2025
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