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Wednesday, September 25, 2024

International Public Notice: For the United Nations

 By Anna Von Reitz

Congratulations on voting not to destroy yourselves.  Good-bye and good riddance to the various "Agendas" and to Klaus Schwab, Et Alia. 

The Holy Roman Empire, as Voltaire noted long ago, has never been holy, Roman, nor an Empire.  How has this most deceitful of all organizations once again reared its head simply by moving to another jurisdiction of the law like a pirate on the run between different island bases?  

So now we have met it again, as the "World Economic Forum", which in a queer repeat of history, is not really a forum, not about economics, and not really about the world, either, but is instead a social engineering network aiming at political power for self-interested corporate political gain and profit. 

Wasn't it obvious to the esteemed members of the United Nations Organization that so-called "depopulation agendas" involved the murder of individuals and genocide of entire populations?  

And that this is a crime? 

Meriting immediate arrest, incarceration, and, following a determination of the facts, death by hanging? 

How nice that you have all decided to call off your Agenda Plans and rethink things, however, after the human genome has been polluted and literally millions of people have died for no good reason, it is such a comfort to know that common sense and decency finally prevailed at the hands of a man who is considered a felon, a man who spent a large portion of his life behind bars and yet, still remembered common sense and decency.  

Now may we also set aside the illegal promotion of biowarfare and equally illegal trafficking of persons and stop feeding 3,000 children per day into the maw of an illegal drug industry and equally illegal organ harvesting industry and equally illegal sex-slavery industry and, and, and..... and would you all go home and assure your respective governments that the UN as you knew it, is at an end?  

The Federal Reserve has been bankrupted, and Black Rock, too.  

May we set aside all the self-sacrificing provisions of the Bretton Woods Mayhem, and after unselfishly rebuilding the entire world, may the Americans finally get a thank you and the return of our money and credit from the rest of the world instead of being "mistaken" for our Federal Subcontractors?  Either one of them? 

We are tired of being cheated and defrauded and slandered, too. 

You all know or have cause to know who we are.  We are the Americans/Armoricans --- the actual, factual, always been here common people of this country,  not the British Territorials, not the Municipal citizens of the United States, either.

We are not applying at this time to be members of the United Nations Organization and we don't need your recognition; we have been here long before any such organization and will remain here long after the gross failures and crimes of the United Nations have faded away.  

We are the Federation of States founded by the Armoricans in partnership with the Iroquois League brought forward through history to the present day and time.  We have lived at peace with the so-called Native Nations of this country for over 1400 years and the gross history of genocide and reservations, Little Big Horn, residential schools and smallpox infected blankets does not belong to us. 

That was our British Territorial Subcontractor operating as the United States of America, Incorporated. 

This is the United States of America, Unincorporated --- a different Beastie entirely.  

We are a nation of farmers and fishermen, tradesmen and independent professionals, with a population of approximately 300 million people.  Our nation-states are fifty in number and are geographically defined.  These fifty nation-states remain in place and all fifty have been officially enrolled as States of our Union and our Federation of States. 

These facts do not require a great deal of consideration from the United Nations Organization other than to take Notice of them and realize that the newly created entity being promoted by Chief Fasthorse as "a" government applying to your membership, exists under our Sovereign Letters Patent and our Seals, and does not represent our fifty nation-states nor our general population. 

The remedy, restitution and recoupment owed to us, that is, the 300 million Americans who have suffered under the British Territorial "American Raj" and the Successors to the Holy Roman Empire, is to be forwarded directly to our American Federation Treasury and our pristine new banking system which we have chartered and organized as Sovereign Treasury Accounts within our Global Family Bank. 

The approximately 30 million members of the Native Nations and other United States Citizens/citizens, have a share, but cannot inherit the whole, which belongs to the nation-states and this country and its population as a whole. 

This service and this new bank system which is totally new and totally unaffiliated with any of the evil that has existed in the past, is extended to everyone on this planet who is ready and willing to be done with the evils of the past.  

In order to continue to enjoy our services and to enjoy the friendship and the peace that friendship earns, the so-called Native Nations and the United Nations must observe our claims and our property rights and asset claims as men and women with "hands and feet" in "whom the flesh lives and the blood flows" and whose government and whose States of the Union have been preserved --- not as members of the United Nations Organization --- but as independent nation-states retaining all their rights and prerogatives, emblems, Good Names, and Seals. 

All Treasury business related to our population and our nation-states must be addressed to our American Federation Treasury Sovereign Account at:  The Global Family International Trade Bank for transactions involving physical assets, and The Global Family Bank of Commerce for Maritime Commercial Credit transactions and The Global Family Commercial Bank for Prepaid and Positive Ledger Transactions. Go to:

All Restitution and Recoupment actions related to our population and our nation-states must be routed with our agreement and approval and cannot be entrusted to "US" entities seeking to "represent" us in these matters.  

Particular Notice is hereby served to the United States Secretary of the Treasury known as Janet Yellen, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Banks (Chase Bank) and Department of the Global Federal Reserve, the FEDERAL RESERVE (JP Morgan), the U.S. Congress, Inc., Judy Shelton at the U.S. Treasury, Arthur J. Lewis, Treasury Marshal, and the International Monetary Fund doing business as the Department of the United States Treasury, all other Persons and instrumentalities of these organizations in sum total, concerning our Will and our Actions: Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

September 25th 2024


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