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Wednesday, September 25, 2024

International Public Notice: Urgent Information for All

 By Anna Von Reitz

This basic news --- and it is news to Joe Average --- came out a couple weeks ago in the Alternative News, and it amounts to a more detailed expose of news that we aired several years ago with the publication of The Declaration of Interdependence of Governments in The United States --- yet it is urgent for people to know and act upon what we are sharing here today, so even if you are up to speed, buckle up. 

We have been waiting for the pdf version of "The Council" coming out prior to further commenting on the fallout and today it showed up on my desk, so even though we have generally covered the essence of the information from two different directions before, this is the most comprehensive and easiest to read and most detailed analysis that is available today

If you don't want to be part of this and want your traditional all-American Government back in control yesterday, it's time to take back your identity as an American, and vote with your feet.  Go to: and/or (especially international users) to get started today

Arrests have started and a complete government make-over is underway.  Part of this make-over involves trying to divest the land interests of 300 million Americans in favor of approximately 30 million members of Indian Tribes; this places the tribal bureaucracy in possession of stolen goods --- yours, just like a pawnbroker in possession of a stolen necklace. 

This is not an answer that works for anyone involved.  Although we applaud the practical action taken by the American Native contingent to rein in the insanity of the United Nations proceedings and put an end to the genocidal agendas, we are not allowing the United Nations to interpret our silence as acceptance or acquiescence to any plan giving less than ten percent of the population any special ancestral claim to land that belongs to every American. 

The rationale for this move seems to be a false belief that "Native Americans" are substantially different from all the other people living here and that they have some special prior claim to this country; in fact, their genetic record shows that all these purportedly "native" tribes came from other parts of the world.  

There is no group anywhere that can claim any unique American origin.  

Instead, we have a long established communal government going back at least 1400 years, which embraces both European and Tribal nations from all the inhabited continents.  Our government which is composed of nation-states represents all nations living within the physically-defined geographical borders of our States of the Union. 

The so-called Native Nations have long peacefully cohabited our States as dual nationals, belonging, for example, to the Winnebago nation and also being a Wisconsin state national. 

All Americans and all people in all countries and continents other than Africa have come from somewhere else.  Africa is the Motherland of all Homo Sapiens, and unless you are still living in Africa, you are by definition "non-indigenous".  

This includes everyone living in America.  We are all "non-indigenous" whenever and however we got here. 

We will not support any movement to redefine our government or ownership interests by foreign interests including the United Nations. 

We have not joined the United Nations because it is a failed organization, one that has been corrupted and lost sight of even basic common decency and sanity --- as the entire genocidal pandemic and Agenda 2030 adequately demonstrate. 

The Council pdf is being attached to this email and will be posted on our websites. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

September 25th 2024


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here:

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