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Thursday, December 1, 2022

Breaking, Supreme Court accepts Brunson vs Adams against Biden Harris Pence and 385 members of Congress


  1. This is great news. Not sure if this podcast tells us, but these Brunson Brothers are TRUMPeters!!! They were on Johnny Carson several times, the first of which, I think they surprised him with playing Happy Birthday. They have performed in the Rose Parade, as well as other National Venues. Also maybe not mentioned yet, as this was from several days ago, comms are saying SCOTUS is going active on this on Jan 6, what a Poke in the Eye that would be! Others were saying SCOTUS actually having verbal arguments THIS week, but I can't confirm that.

    1. Sorry, but the Brunson Brothers never appeared with Johnny Carson. Carson left television forever on May 19, 1992. As far as Mr. "Operation Warp Speed" is concerned>>>he has committed crimes against nature (the death jab) and nature's God (deceiving the public about the death jab) and must repent of his sins or be lost forever. His money will not save him for God's Judgment!

    2. Actually they were on the Johnny Carson show way back when! Listen to this podcast!

  2. The sky is falling...

  3. If this gets any traction, we may see something worth seeing.

  4. I sent this to a friend that looked up the case on and says it does not show as accepted. Anyone have any further info on this? I have not confirmed what my friend said yet.

    1. Docket No. 22-380 on the Supreme Court's website shows that a conference will be held about this case on January 6, 2023. Coincidence?!

    2. Hmm. Conference does not mean accepted for a full hearing. It just means they didn't refuse it out of hand. Still a long shot.

  5. It will be interesting to watch how the SCOTUS maneuvers a strawman to substitute the real argument in order to produce a ruling that will set the wrong kind of precedent that will be far worse. Be careful what you ask here folks. It looks like someone was just waiting for this case so they can do an other slide of hand. That is what they always do.

  6. I will not listen to anonymous people, specifically the "ghost," who has badmouthed the American state national movement as illegitimate and has intimidated Nino into not allowing anyone from that movement on his show to give their side. I'll follow the web page on the status of this case, where I can get actual facts.

  7. WOW!

  8. no this has not been accepted whatsoever, just filed. deadline to oppose was Nov. 23... after that, the clerk will distribute the case for conference which may take place on or about Dec. 9 whether or not the case will be taken which it most likely will not. too much rubbish being spewed out there about this case that is inaccurate.

  9. I think the thinking Americans have all had enough of this holier than thou bullshit via policy mandates by the seated unaccountable authorities. If it goes Kinetic, it goes kinetic and lets get this show on the road. Enough being made to WAIT while they keep inching their own list of goals forward.

  10. Scheduled for January 6th 2023

  11. Any truth to the real raw news site?

    1. The claims are definitely wonky since you still see the individuals that site claims have been hung, talking in the media.

  12. I’m not a big follower of Juan O’Savin, but in a Rumble video he does make a very interesting observation. The Clerk of the U.S. Supreme Court actually asked the Brunsons to speed up their briefs – very unusual. And now we learn that the case will be discussed on January 6, 2023 after the election victors are sworn in on the 3rd, I believe. AND, the U.S. Attorney did not oppose this case – extremely suspicious. Juan surmises that because of the overturning of Roe v Wade, the Dems are livid and have made threats about imposing term limits or “packing” the Court with liberal justices to get back at SCOTUS who is holding this case over the heads of those 388 high-up defendants because they can be very dangerous in this current “lame-duck” session. So, the justices are letting the Dems know that if they try messing with the Court then the justices will rule in favor of Brunson.

    1. It will be interesting to see if any real action happens or if this is just buying time for something else.

    2. my guess is definately 'stalling for more time' because i just heard an interview conducted by nino where one of the interviewees said if SCt rejects it, they have yet another case to file.
      also said they can Re-file this one.
      ThreeRing Circus could go on for generations?

  13. This is great work (something at least), just wait until they find out it's not the proper and lawful gov't on any level 😂

  14. I wonder if the covidiot vaccinations are the cure for the infinite QE printed over the last 2 decades. They print till they can't possibly back all the funds in circulation and then they unfurl a pandemic to inject people with shit for free that will save them from some non-threat, while the injection itself is the threat... and you get people dropping like flies. Some 18 million immediate adverse reactions to the first injection. Over the next decade given the mass casualties of the obedient they can collect back all the funds that individuals and families had accumulated to "balance" their books... even if there is finally some play at accountability, the damage has been done and will play out over the next couple decades as the world population Shrinks due to proactive healthcare. If ones not taken their own health and their own families health into their own hands and done the legwork to find other methods of cure for the common cold, and whatever else shows up, ones going to constantly be at the direction of they who obey the AMA which sold out at the end of the 1990s. (as evidenced by the AMA's encyclopedia of medicine published in 1989, compared to the dumbed down one published in 2003, and no more have been published as its easier to digitally gaslight the public if they keep it all on the internet where change can be had instantly and the record of prior data listed can be easily hidden.)

    1. moved coveve infected elders in with non-infected, didnt they?


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