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Tuesday, August 23, 2022

The mass culling of the HUMAN HERD is now under way… here’s exactly how it’s being accomplished to achieve mass extermination

Globalists see humanity as cattle (or sheeple) to be exploited for as long as needed, then culled like cattle herds when they are no longer useful. As globalist advisor Yuval Harari is now saying (paraphrased), the age of humans is coming to an end on planet Earth, and globalists have activated a multi-faceted plan to “cleanse” the planet of all human beings.

If someone were to have some sick, twisted desire to kill off a herd of cattle, they could simply shut off the water and the food. Death would come in a matter of days or weeks at most. The same is happening right now to humans.

The water supply is being cut off via geoengineering, causing global droughts and widespread crop failures. Entire cities like Los Angeles and Los Vegas are being threatened with a terminated water supply in the years ahead.

The food supply is being decimated by cutting off fertilizer supplies and causing diesel fuel prices to go sky high while also attacking the supply chain that supplies agricultural equipment parts.

The result? Both the water supplies and food supplies are being cut off. The human herd is being culled in some of the same ways a herd of cattle might be eliminated.

Vaccines are designed to kill the gullible billions, and starvation will get the rest

Vaccines represent another kill vector for global depopulation. Because vaccines are voluntary, they are intended to easily kill off the gullible masses who are so ill-informed that they actually believe Big Government and Big Pharma wants to save their lives. In reality, of course, the vaccines are biological weapons designed for infertility and depopulation. A huge percentage — we don’t yet know the final number — of those who have already taken the vaccines will die from self-assembling clots that we now know contain high concentrations of conductive elements such as Aluminum, Tin and Sodium.

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