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Sunday, June 6, 2021

Dr. Peter McCullough, MD - Talks About How This Whole Fake Pandemic Was All About the Vaccine Shot!


    one of several "global citizen passports" which include health records and digital currency. Remember "apps" are contracts, this is the goal so as this doctor says another outbreak will occur and this will be forced on all the world. The Governments are operating under emergency orders for the past 18 months?

    1. skip,

      during the first week or two, mike pompeo said its a live exercise and donald trump said it was a hoax.

      i wonder if that is going to be their claim of disclosure...?

      the facts as i have found and understand them are:
      men and women cannot enter into contracts, only corporations can contract.
      again, contracts only apply to Legal Fictions!
      a citizen is a Legal Fiction/ Fiction At Law: made up.

      a man is not a Fiction that can contract.

      man is man and is superior in authority to imaginary Persons of all kinds!

    2. Good and Shelby- VERY sad to report here my daughter rolled up her sleeve today and I feel this is the only community who will understand how and what I am feeling. [She is so smart but brainwashed at college.] My son went to the same college and said mom they are brainwashing people there and almost dropped out.
      So-so sad. I am happy she even told me but sad because of what is inside of her now.
      I called my friend who also understood and we realize it is all a personal choice but talked about divide and conquer.
      Lastly- her reason.....I trust the science.

    3. Bpinmm, that's very unfortunate. I don't know if I could truly understand your pain, but there's a lot of us in the same boat. Reach out with out fear of ridicule. Those who do, will serve as a warning to stay away from, unite with those who welcome your concerns. Be proactive, herb gardens can be grown in small areas, such as apartments. And learn/teach the difference between academia (the majorities beliefs of "fact") and science (actual fact/law). Today's "science" allows debate for flat earth, round earth, as it was once believed to be flat by the majority, right?. Real science does not care what the majority believes. I truly wish the best of luck to you.

  2. Hopefully, most people are starting to wake up to this entire farce of a "pandemic". There was too much info and too many clues from the beginning to not clearly see this for what it was - intentional false fear and propaganda campaign by worldwide bad actors who are hell-bent on squashing the only bastion of quasi-freedom left on earth, America.

    Sheep mentality and Cognitive Dissonance has run rampant this past year and a half - I still cannot believe how well the "plan" worked.

    Too many people still wearing masks after ALL of this time; it is hard to believe.

    While I do not put much faith in any BAR attorney, the Class-Action lawsuit(s) being led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich may be the undeniable disclosure process that finally wakes people up and exposes the planned agenda of the "COVID Criminals"

    Nuremburg 2.0

    If it actually occurs, that can be a game changer. We shall see.


    One could say that having any "name" at all puts you in the category of "person or thing".

    Does declaring that one is using "my Christian Name" make a difference when using the above etymological definition of the word 'name'?

    If the word 'Christian' is a qualifier sufficient to negate the original definition of 'name', then shouldn't the word "Family" have the same qualifying effect when using the name of one's house or family?

    Do we not have the inherent right of self-determination?

  4. First Name: JOHN; Middle Name: HENRY; Last Name: JONES


    Christian Name: John Henry; Surname: Jones

    Given Name: john henry; House: Jones



    John Henry Jones

    john henry, House of Jones

    Is there not a difference between these?

    We have every right to use WHATEVER name we wish as long as we declare it with confidence and competence.

  5. The discrepancy here lies with people's different interpretations of what is "THEIR GAME".

    The articles posted on this site provide ample history, research and information to study, think and come to a logical and sound conclusion.

    One must be mindful and knowledgeable regarding one's true nature, name and standing in order to live in this world while at the same time not being of this world.

    The use of tools and creations of man does not automatically translate to "PLAYING THEIR GAME". Said "GAME" is only an illusion when the curtain is pulled back. The "keys" are intentionally hidden through deceptive schemes, however, the living people are mostly known to be Mandatory Exceptions to the rules of "THEIR GAME".

    Confidence and Competence after diligent prayer and study renders the creations of man nothing but "tools" that one may, or may not, choose to utilize in order to make one's way through this life on earth. The MANNER in which these "tools" are utilized, NOT the "tools" themselves, determines the outcome - for the most part.

    Unless one chooses to live isolated in the woods or the mountains using nothing but what God created, you will find yourself having to use man's "tools" in one form or another. The use of a computer or phone with the ability to access this site and others is direct evidence of the use of man's tools.

    Food not hunted or foraged for
    Shelter not made by your own hands
    Clothing not made by your own hands

    All of these things are available in modern society by way of "THE GAME". It also takes a medium of exchange (money) to obtain these things - another "tool" of man.

    What's your answer?

  6. Cars- depends on what year
    Electricity- yep solar
    Gas- ?? For
    Sewer -
    Water - yep abundant
    Food not hunted or foraged for
    Shelter not made by your own hands
    Clothing not made by your own hands.

    If it gets too bad of course the basic is shelter, water, food and clothing but when the SHTF how many city people could really make it in nature. 99.9 will not.
