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Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Broadcast to All Americans: Part 3

 By Anna Von Reitz

So now comes the Second Wave --- not of Covid 19 --- of Confusion.
How.....could a situation like this come about? How could a major world power be operated "in absentia" for a hundred and sixty years, by foreign subcontractors, and nobody noticed?
Obviously, the foreign subcontractors noticed and wasted no time in feathering their nests.
Obviously, we noticed and saw through the veils of deceit, or we wouldn't be here.
But as to how this came about, it's really pretty simple.
In 1819, Virginia ratified the Titles of Nobility Amendment to the original Federal Constitution, The Constitution for the united States of America, issued in 1787. This Amendment, which appears as the Thirteenth Amendment to that Constitution, put "teeth" into an already long-established prohibition against people in our government accepting "titles' from foreign governments, especially the British Monarchy.
Under the Titles of Nobility Amendment (TONA) Bar Attorneys who accept the title of "Esquire" are not allowed to hold any public office in the American Federal Government and would suffer various penalties if they did.
Please note that TONA could not and did not prohibit attorney's participation in the British Territorial Government operating under The Constitution of the United States of America, nor could it be applied to the Papist Municipal Government operating under The Constitution of the United States.
In 1836, Abraham Lincoln was admitted to the Bar, accepted the title of Esquire, and was allowed to practice international corporate law in Illinois. When he was offered as a Presidential candidate in 1860, he could not qualify to run or act as President of the Federal Republic, because of the Titles of Nobility Act.
So, in the best tradition of British guile, he ran for the office of President of the Territorial Government instead ---- President of the United States of America, acting under The Constitution of the United States of America--- not President of the Federal Republic operating under The Constitution for the united States of America.
This arrangement neatly avoided the consequences of TONA and outraged the Southern States, which saw it (correctly) as evasion of their Constitution and emasculation of the Presidency, making it little more than a "running boy for the British king".
Millions of Americans voting in the 1860 elections were blissfully unaware of this Switcheroo and didn't notice the subtle change, so Lincoln and his British compatriots pulled off the scam, the South Seceded, and the mercenary conflict began.
The Civil War was never declared by any American Congress, nor was it ever ended by any Peace Treaty. An Armistice was established following the surrender of Lee's Army, President Andrew Johnson ---- who was not a lawyer and not a well-educated man --- declared "peace on the land" via three Public Declarations. And that was that.
From these facts we now know that the American Civil War was not a war, but a mercenary conflict like Vietnam. We also know that President Johnson had no legitimate basis to establish a peace treaty, so acted to create a contract, instead, still operating in the foreign British Territorial (Commonwealth) office as President of the United States of America following in Lincoln's footsteps.
The Papist Municipal Government, which makes a large percentage of its money from enslaving people of all colors and trading upon their labor and other resources, sided with the South ---- and lost.
So, at the end of this vast illegal and immoral enterprise, the Southern States lay in ruins, the Northern State-of-State organizations were bankrupt, and nobody knew what was going on ---- except the foreign British Territorial contractors, who backed Lincoln in the first place, and who accomplished the sleight of hand that placed one of their Barristers in de facto control of the Federal government despite the Titles of Nobility Amendment.
Ulysses S. Grant was a gifted natural soldier, but he wasn't educated in law or diplomacy, knew little to nothing about government outside the military, and his ineptitude and that of his appointees in all these regards provided ample opportunity for cronyism, graft, and abuse of power under color of law that has continued to this day.
So that is "how" the rats got in the grain storage---via Lincoln's misrepresented election to a foreign federal office, that of the Territorial Presidency, instead of the Presidency of the Federal Republic.

How they've endeavored to stay in purloined power for 160 years is another story.


See this article and over 2700 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. This Civil Rights attorney is very knowledgeable and he provides free helpful forms. HELP WITH NURSING HOMES and Schools! - Peggy Hall and John Jay Singleton

    Join us on the email list so you can get a link to these documents HEALTHY AMERICAN Legal Expert John Jay Singleton has created for us.
    "All hands on deck!" MEET UP GROUPS STARTING NOW!!

  2. Verified UN CORPse so called Local/State HEALTH DEPT are indeed a Kuckoo bird biZnest formed under a TRUST and are in Breach of Duty trafficKing Elderly in Nursing Homes/CHILDren in publiK schools
    🇺🇳 INC bi💤 nest loco^LOCAL🙃 ilHEALTH northern TRUST CORP🎭 se
    HELP WITH 🐀 🚸 walKingFED eral Reserve🎃 DEAD Baby® sub😷 CONtract⚕ ors Sanction🦹♀ ing Elderly/CHILDren Right of Association🏴☠ NURSING HOMES and Schools in all living flesh/blood Main St CIVILian Creditors/Grantors in all Ethnic HOSTland'🧛♂ s !
    F_oreign ban🇰 👑 CORP >👒 C🌊 in🇶 uisition doin💰 bi🇿nest as asiati🇰 gyu Sesame 🇰 +redit Austerity
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    🇺🇳 NWO-Style Storm inCORPorated Troopers

    1. How long did it take you to write that message?

  3. Has America adopted a new language

    Getting a message across seems difficult for some people

    Thats exactly the way the elite would like people to communicate in gibberish, or is it the new socialism language?


  4. Bellarian1.... your ignorance knows no bounds! Enjoy your blissfully unaware aware self while you re-read your our ignorance..."so you noticed but then SAT ON IT for 150 years till the RIGHT MOMENT as defined by whoevers playing this idiotic agenda for Cuntrol. Way to Man Up."
    We can all see you can't math. HAHAHAHAHA
    having an opinion DOES NOT make you right in anything, facts make you right.... you seem to be missing the point.

    Americans Assemble and Educate... take this to heart

  5. Another interesting video from The Observation Deck

  6. Statutes and codes are not law Peterson vs. Peterson.its policy public law for public servants!
    Take article 5 convention to creat a law of the land prohibition they did but repeal due to blow back of law suits.

    1. I was just curious if you could elaborate on which case you are referencing that statutes and codes are not law.

    2. ever wonder why their statutes, codes, rules, acts and regulations never have an enacting clause that contains a Law from the kjv bible ?

  7. Help!

    Why "The USA" suppreme Court is in Philadelphia, Pensilvania? Is Mr. Penn's ears are living fat of this deal:

    "The Pennsylvania Charter of Privileges, granted by William Penn in 1701, gave many powers to the colonial government of Pennsylvania. These powers included the ability to enact its own laws and appoint its own legislative leaders."

  8. Why "The USA" suppreme Court is in Philadelphia, Pensilvania? Is Mr. Penn's hears are living fat of this deal:

    "The Pennsylvania Charter of Privileges, granted by William Penn in 1701, gave many powers to the colonial government of Pennsylvania. These powers included the ability to enact its own laws and appoint its own legislative leaders."


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