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Friday, May 15, 2020

Mr. Trump --- Prove It Exists, Define What It Is, or Go Home

By Anna Von Reitz

Our research, like the "inquiries" of the President of Tanzania, conclusively prove that the Corona Virus Testing Program is a farce.
A Tanzanian Goat, a Papaya, and a pheasant have all tested positive for Covid 19. In fact, damned near everything including deaths from liver cancer are testing positive for Covid 19, simply because doctors are getting $400 per patient as a kickback to check the Covid 19 box.
Doctors, who are "Uniformed Officers" under Title XXXVII of the Federal Code, are licensed under the Code and subject to Title X, as well as subjected to State level Medical Boards that are supposed to enforce ethical and professional standards.
How is it that while we are paying for all this oversight, we are witnessing kickbacks to purposefully inflate Covid 19 numbers and falsify cause of death?
How are you going to explain the sudden drop of causes of death across the board? Suddenly, heart attacks plummet? Diabetes becomes unknown? Cancer is "cured" with the stroke of a pen?
How stupid do you think we are? And where do the lies end?
The military has just ordered 500 million injection devices.
We hope that it is clearly understood that those injection devices will only be used on military personnel and that American State Nationals serving in the US military retain all of their protections owed under The Constitution of the United States of America. Including Article IV.
We appreciate the significant bind you are in and also the difficulties presented by the US Trustees, however, there is no authorization or excuse for any forced vaccination program on our soil or anywhere else where you may be working "for" us.
We are pleased with your Executive Order recognizing that fact, but are dubious about the education and on-the-ground oversight.
Too often, State of State "Governors" have presumed upon the non-domestic population and have wantonly enforced statutory laws that pertain only to actual Federal and Federal State of State Employees and proven Dependents.
The actual State Assemblies are now active in all 50 States of these United States. That means that there is no excuse for our employees to override our Will or ignore their obligations owed to us, including our exemption from their legal presumptions and internal corporate policies.
Please see Ex Parte Milligan 71 US 2 of 1866, with respect to American State Nationals and American State Citizens and still standing: no legislative, executive, or judicial officer may disrespect the constitution because of emergencies. Of any kind.
The State of State Governors are sorely in need of an education regarding what a State of State is, and the duty that the State of State owes to the actual State of the Union. The limits of their authority need to be fully explained and the actual Public Law reviewed.
Read Article IV to the Conference of Governors as a bedtime story, if necessary, and note that the Articles are not Amendments nor are they By-Law Amendments. Ask Justice Kavanaugh and Bill Bar, both, what that means, if you have any doubts.
We have reason to believe that the symptoms associated with "Covid 19" are symptoms of an induced blood disorder causing hypercoagulation in veterans of the Second Gulf War.
The technology involved was touted as a means to speed wound healing and prevent blood loss and has instead resulted in "thick blood" --- hypercoagulation leading to heart disease and hypoxia and other life-threatening conditions suffered by thousands of veterans. There is also some evidence that this malady is transferable to close family members.
The agent was delivered as a vaccine.
Those afflicted have to take Warfarin --- rat poison --- for the rest of their lives.
So now, here we are, and what do we see? Research in the Lancet identifying the true cause of death related to Covid 19 as a disseminated intravascular coagulation --- causing pulmonary thrombosis:

Mr. Trump, we are not without sympathy for your position, however --- if the US military and the medical community and pharmaceutical industry are in fact to blame for this and it really is a problem "in the nature of" an infectious disease afflicting the civilian population, you must come clean about it and the technology responsible.
Without further delay.
We note that $100 billion has likewise been set aside as kickbacks to churches and airlines to force people to wear masks, which cannot obstruct viruses. A whopping $1000 to $1400 per person vaccinated kickback has been offered to medical clinics and hospitals.
We're sickened, Mr. Trump, but not by Covid 19.


See this article and over 2400 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. I'm clearly confused. Article IV = ?
    Article IV of The Constitution of the United States of America [re the Legislative Branch]
    Section 4 of Article I of Amendment the First [Bill of rights, re no religious qualification for office]?

    Anna? Anyone?

  2. Everybody must watch this video about vaccines

  3. Words can not express my gratitude to you for the outstanding work you are sharing for our freedoms.
    For an exceptional read and understanding of how the medical industry and government invent pandemics and the true science of a virus, read "Virus Mania" by Torsten Engelbrecht and Dr. Claus Kohnlein.It's the equivalent of discovering you are a corporate entity. An awakening read.

  4. they run the same games just new variables ,here we have Operation Covid-19 now lets compare to Operation Iraqi Liberation, COVID-19 (virus) is comparable to the mysterious WMD's that justified the decade+ war with unlimited funding, and on the broader level the unseen terror threats lurking behind every bush, Ground Zero was China but the crises was manipulated used for political/economic agendas here in US and globally, the stimulus bills was not manifested in 5 minutes similar to the Patriot Act that was well planned out far in advance at least a decade by some accounts. Rockefeller Foundation released virus pandemic models and global economic and 1984 style governmental rollout projections at least a decade ago documents are online, Gates took the blueprints of that and designed his own pandemic game plan admittedly modeled as a new Cold War, like nukes were a perpetual unseen threat now its emerging viruses that they control.

  5. Can anyone provide a link for proof of:
    We note that $100 billion has likewise been set aside as kickbacks to churches and airlines to force people to wear masks, which cannot obstruct viruses. A whopping $1000 to $1400 per person vaccinated kickback has been offered to medical clinics and hospitals.

  6. Back in Dec. the Dems had already drafted up their impeachment but they wanted to wait for the right moment, they said. Actually they were waiting until they knew everything was in place and then used the impeachment as a diversion so no one was thinking about the Military Olympics that were starting to take place in Wuhan.

    Dr. Fauci (and possibly Bill Gates) had already set a plan in motion to infect all of the different country’s Military personnel participating in the Olympics knowing they would take the virus back to their home countries.

    Trump had already heard about what was to go down and when. That’s why he acted stupid, to make them think he had been caught off guard. But then he announced the actual medicine to kill the virus and that was during the interview with both Doctors agreeing that it was very deadly and both were against using the medication Trump mentioned, but he kept mentioning it every time he took the microphone.

    In the meantime, if you’ll recall, he called up 1,000,000 reservists back to active duty. For what? He was going to use the Military to rescue the children that had been kidnapped and sold to pedophiles. Many were in NYC tunnels/subways and many were under the Getty Mansion in LA, which is something like 7 stories underground, possibly more. Some were also being held in Defense Underground Military Bases (DUMBs) that were not active. That’s when they announced the special training of a special Military group for fighting underground.

    Plus Trump has all our troops stationed in strategic areas so that when he starts arresting famous and powerful people, he can control any potential rioting. The Military will help the local Police in making the arrests, where needed.

    The Military medics in Central Park, N.Y. and their active Military fighters had NY cut the electrical power in the areas they were searching and recovering children from. Many were already dead, that was why you saw so many boxes being buried on that island. The elderly victims of the pandemic were cremated to destroy any evidence that they may have died from other causes.
    The USNS Comfort was there for the children, not the pandemic. If you saw any of the clips of the personnel on board the ship, there was one area that was wall to wall baby cribs and playpens with cartoon character décor. Not a normal item on a Military Hospital ship. Haven’t heard much about the USNS Mercy in LA.
    The Dems main plan was to stop Trump from having his many rallies by forcing quarantines. They were hoping he would declare Martial Law and then they could call him a dictator. Instead, he recommended that each State Gov. determine their needs for quarantines. Now they can’t blame Trump and the Dem Gov.s don’t want to open up, but they can’t blame Trump for their own orders. That was another reason he held a daily briefing for several weeks. Everyone was home and had little else to do but watch news. He put the Doctors on the spot and he had face time since he couldn’t do rallies. Now everyone in the Country knows who the Doctors are and are learning what they did. This pandemic is on their heads, not his.
    I think I covered most of the important points to date.

  7. For more on Dr. Fauci check this URL.
