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Friday, April 17, 2020

Why Arrest the Leadership of The Council On Foreign Relations

By Anna Von Reitz

The short answer is that this is the seedbed and chief infection vector for the majority of the rot that we observe in the world.
Men like David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger are directly responsible for the spread of repugnant programs and anti-Human agendas throughout the world.

Here is a good example of it --- Mr. Kissinger's remarks in 2009:
“Once the herd accepts mandatory vaccinations, it’s game over.
They will accept anything – forcible blood or organ donation – “for the greater good”.
We can genetically modify children and sterilize them --- “for the greater good”.
Control sheep minds and you control the herd. Vaccine makers stand to make billions.
And many of you in this room are investors. It’s a big win-win. We thin out the herd and the herd pays us for extermination services….”
Henry Kissinger
Speech to WHO Council on Eugenics, February 25, 2009
This is a man who has been knighted by Queen Elizabeth II.
This is a man who has been looked up to by generations of trusting people all around the world.
But this man is a criminal and a monster.
He has poisoned the minds and manipulated the actions of people at the top of the food chain for generations.
He has been responsible for trillions of dollars-worth of money laundering and that money has gone into evil pursuits: illegal arms sales, drugs, Nazi-style eugenics programs, illegal securitization and bond market and currency manipulations, evasion of the Constitutions, human trafficking, illegal surveillance, and yes, as clearly described above, ignoble and illegal use of vaccination programs for profit.
The monstrous nature of the man and of his mentality is fully revealed by his satisfaction and anticipation that his victims will pay his thugs for the "service" of their extermination, exactly in the same vein as Adolph Hitler.
This is why it has to be "game over" for Henry Kissinger.
His followers and cohorts at The Council on Foreign Relations, have dared to misrepresent themselves as "the government of Earth" and to make treaties seeking to depopulate this planet and to radically restructure its atmosphere to make it inhospitable to humans.
It's time for the rest of us to wake up, turn our attention to this nest of vermin, and root these Nazi-loving Anti-Humanist cretins out of their positions of power and influence, confiscate their holdings as criminally-connected unjust enrichment, and make sure that the next time they target our children for forced blood and organ donation, we reply in kind.


See this article and over 2400 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I deleted my post as it linked to some articles I have written. After reading the comments which followed, I realized that I'm in the wrong zip code and chose not to offer conversation here, where I am the least enlightened commentator. Sorry Paul; apologies to Anna.
      Love and Light with Liberty to ye,

  2. Right about (((Kissinger))) but conflating world dominating zionest with people who only wanted peace and submitted 30 peace deals to the Rothschild agent Churchill who’s father and grand father sold out thair country by allowing William of Orange to walk right into the British Throne .
    No LOL no fake plans came from Germany who let The British escape at Dunkirk hopping the British would come to thair senses. Like the Rothschild agent Rhodesia Cecil Rhodes who engendered the slaughter of 2/3 of the members of Farmers for the gold . half right .

  3. There should be "no next time" for these evil monsters, period!

    1. How dare you assert such Common Sense, Dan! I was wondering if anyone else thought similarly.

  4. I have said it many times before in recent years: They are killing us, so we have every right to kill Them (or any of their agents or assigns engaged in life and liberty-arresting actions) in self-defense as justifiable homicide. It's just that clear and simple. Let's get cracking.

    1. Dear Terry

      Either you ignorant as a dumb lifeless stone or you are part of the evil minions.

      Wake up to the truth. Anna is a truthbringer in these troubled times.

      Each and every one on this planet should be grateful for the information put forth by people like Anna who are angels come to wake us up.

      Praying for Anna's safety and continued contributions from her.

      God bless us all.

      Posting this from India

      P.S. Anna we look forward to your articles....

    2. Dear Terry

      Either you ignorant as a dumb lifeless stone or you are part of the evil minions.

      Wake up to the truth. Anna is a truthbringer in these troubled times.

      Each and every one on this planet should be grateful for the information put forth by people like Anna who are angels come to wake us up.

      Praying for Anna's safety and continued contributions from her.

      God bless us all.

      Posting this from India

      P.S. Anna we look forward to your articles....

    3. I concur with you Alex. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the concept of patenting viruses,so let's start with Bill Gates, Dr. Fauci, then roundup the entire membership and associates of the annual Bilderberg group for starters. I'd also like to know what's going on with the thousands of indictments that Trump has allegedly ordered. Fauci needs to be fired and arrested immediately. If Trump isn't going to protect our constitutional republic then he needs to be removed also! But herein lies the problem. Short of having 1,000,000,000 people storm DC and physically remove these vermin, we can expect to be taken down by the globalists. Time to organize and remove!

  5. left arrest, right release? why not terminateing?

  6. I tried to share this and got chastised. Ouch! How do I respond to this?

    1. Wouldn't council records be at UN or WHO website, and I did read there in a 60s report about a need to kill off black people. Are you sure that is what the record says or second third or passed down though several writers authors. Just a suggestion

  7. Yeap here too

    Ok Anna or anybody id Anna wonr do it clear this out!!


  8. Rokefellers personally were in Brazil overseeing the numerous clinics they put there using profit returning philanthropy. Think one of the Rockefellers personally actually in Brazil was finally told by Brazil to stop sterilizing women as they noticed over 60 percent had been given to "free" services and the clinics they build and colleges require 50 percent paid by Brazil or United States Ohio or who ever gets the gifts then also require 3 board members who control the school, oil operation, clinic etc. Total control and more genocide in the works, you can kill adults off or just wipe out the babies.

  9. In September 2001 on Sunday the 9th 60 Mins ran a hour long story
    on that old devil KISSINGER and it discussed how on Thursday September 13th 2001 that a war crimes suit was to be filed against that old devil But ....Tuesday the 11th came first and thus no one ever mentioned the war crimes suit against KISSINGER again.

  10. c'mon this is complete bs. Anna didn't write this. Is she ok?

    1. I can assure you this came from Anna to me for publication just like all her other articles.

  11. dealing with satanic psychopaths that controld the monopoly FRN’s that controld the sheep .
    Have to be self reliant well armed sheep
    That reads and writes.and enforce our Patrick Henry said unfortunately force is all they understand.

  12. Anna
    I require you to provide proof of your claim of Kesinger quote. Its nowhere to be found.

    You have an obligation to make proof of claim eapecially holding the position you claim to hold.

    Anthomy a man

    1. This is a fake quote, I debunked the same thing a few weeks ago over at James Fetzer. There is no "WHO Council on Eugenics," it doesn't exist, so obviously Kissinger couldn't deliver a speech there.

      Even the most perfunctory Google search belies its dubious origins, and websites that reprint such transparent fallacies clearly have limited interest in integrity.

      Just think about it for two seconds: why would any group advertise itself as PRO-eugenics? How is that helpful to them?

      A couple days ago Anna discussed the horror of the Holocaust. She believes it happened, even now.

      Sorry ma'am, just a l'il too gullible for my taste.

    2. A quote is just a quote - there's more here - a timeline

  13. Terry waller in your negative opinion and GO away
