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Friday, January 10, 2020

From Lt. General (Ret.) Michael T. Flynn

By Anna Von Reitz

This came across my desk early this morning as part of an email with the
subject line "Global Prayer Warrior Mobilization ALERT" and it contained a
brief note from General Flynn. I have never seen a more succinct or
accurate description of the situation and the nature of the conflict that
he, and we, find ourselves in.

From General Flynn addressed to Scott, apparently a member of the
organization supporting General Flynn:

"Thank you for the note. Receiving it, especially today means more than you
can imagine. I am very thankful for having you and the many other prayer
warriors in my family’s life.

It is vital that we keep God in front of everything we do. I could never
imagine myself ever being in the situation that I find myself, but it is a
clear sign that evil does exist in our lives.

We are fighting a spiritual war that will only be won by prayers and the
wisdom of the Lord has given us through his kindness and generosity of
spirit and compassion. We must resolve that it is He who places us on the
path of life and it is through Him that we will succeed in winning this
war. We must.

God Bless America and God Bless our legions of Digital Soldiers!"
This brilliant summation deserves our attention and this good man deserves
our utmost support in the face of the continuing onslaught of lies and
injustice pouring out of the "Department of Justice".

This is a spiritual and mental war, a conflict between what we have been
indoctrinated to believe and what is true, between illusion and fact,
between assumption and logic.

In this fight, our minds and hearts are the battleground. We must all do
our best to engage our logic circuits and discernment.

The "Department of Justice" was created in 1870 during the endlessly
corrupt administration of Ulysses S. Grant as one of the first "federal
executive departments".

Please note that the "Department of Justice" is not an actual government
department -- it's an "executive" department, meaning that it was created
within the structure of the interloping Scottish Corporation merely doing
business as "The United States of America, Inc." at that time, for the use
of the Executive Branch of their corporation as a legal department.

Under King Rat FDR, the proliferation of such "executive departments" and
"government agencies" --- basically more unauthorized subcontractors doing
the work of our Subcontractors --- sky rocketed. Last time I looked, the
Democrats padded the "federal government" with at least 350 such
"departments" and "agencies".

This arrangement allows the Perpetrators to do none of their own work, pass
the work and accountability off to their subcontractors, and then pass the
expense of all this on to us ---so long as we don't object.

Do I hear any objection? Now that you have been told the facts?

The existence of the "DOJ" isn't authorized anywhere in our agreements with
either of the Territorial or Municipal Government entities, so it is
entirely an "in-house" organization set up by the interloping European
corporate managers as a convenience for them.

We, the actual government, by contrast, have a Judicial Branch that
provides our services and the only members of the "U.S. Government" that
also belong to our Judicial Branch are the Justices of The United States
Supreme Court.

The actual job of The United States Supreme Court is to interpret the
meaning of, and enforce the limitations imposed by, our Constitutional
Agreements with the Federal Subcontractors---that is, the Justices are
supposed to tell the Congress and the President what they can get away with
and what they cannot get away with, with respect to our contracts with

Anything else that The United States Supreme Court does is extracurricular

So, the DOJ and the Federal Courts and the State of State Courts are all,
and specifically, not part of our lawful court system.

These "Courts" and the DOJ are instead part of the internal workings of the
Federal Subcontractors --- and the nuts and bolts administration of their
in-house activities as corporations. These various courts are all in-house
corporate tribunals, and the DOJ is the "Legal Department" of the

The DOJ was set up to assist the President in his job -- please note again
that it is an "executive" department, as in Executive Branch of the Federal
Government, but things have changed since the DOJ was set up in 1870.

Since then, the Territorial Government's Military functions have been split
off from the Municipal Government's Civil functions via a process of
internal compartmentalization within the corporations, while the two
European Federal Subcontractors have increasingly merged their operations
in unintended collusion under their unauthorized "Declaration of
Interdependence of the Governments in The United States" (1937).

The end result has been that the DOJ has become the creature of "the"
United States Municipal Government, aka, the "Civil" (but not civilian)
Government, and since the early 1990's, the Whipping Boy of the Municipal

So, how did the Municipal Congress manage to get control of the DOJ and
wrest it away from the Executive Branch, when it is, purportedly, an
"executive department"?

They changed the Judicial Oath. They deleted the little phrase "agreeable
to the Constitution" and left the Judicial Officers -- the Bar Attorneys,
Federal Judges, etc. --- and the members of the DOJ free to do "their
duties under the Constitution", but that's just a joke.

None of these Judicial Officers have any duties assigned to them under the
Constitutions. Only the Justices of The United States Supreme Court have
any duties of that nature assigned to them.

In effect, we are paying for the Legal Services Department of a foreign
Roman-controlled Municipal Government corporation, that is engaged in an
endless stream of frauds and criminal activities aimed against our actual
government, our States, and our People.

The Legal Services Department, dba, "Department of Justice" is being
utterly controlled and mis-directed by the Municipal Congress, against the
President of the same corporation--- because the President is attempting to
abide by the Constitutions that the Municipal Congress, operating as the
Board of Directors of the Municipal Corporation, is trying to evade.

And that is also why the Municipal Congress is trying to impeach Donald

He's doing a great job for us, but as President of their Municipal
Corporation, he sucks. They are losing money and getting disciplined in
ways they don't like, so the Board of Directors, aka, the Municipal
Congress, is trying to get rid of him and using their in-house DOJ to do

Like all "executive departments" the paperwork still places the DOJ under
the President's control, even if the members of the DOJ think that they are
not obligated and liable to support the Constitutions anymore.

So, Donald Trump could dismiss all of them. He could fire the entire DOJ
and set up a new in-house Legal Department.

He could just get up one morning and say, "You know what? You guys just
aren't getting what your job is supposed to be about. You're confused. You
think that your job is to protect the Municipal Corporation and maximize
its profits. You think that the Congress is your Boss, even though you are
an executive department. I've got news for you. You're fired. I am hiring a
whole new staff that will do their actual job -- which is to protect this
country and the people in it. The people of this country have suffered on
your watch, because you and the members of the Municipal Congress didn't
pay attention to who your actual Employers are."

Give them all pink slips, re-name the "Department of Justice" the
"Department of Legal Services" and hire new blood.

None of this drama has a thing to do with us. It's all internal squabbling
among our Subcontractors.

We can certainly object to the unintended collusion of the two European
Subcontractors that was established by their "Declaration of
Interdependence", and that may have some benefit, but generally speaking,
the Subcontractors can organize their internal affairs as they see fit.

And as a point of fact, both these European Subcontractors -- the British
Territorial United States and the Roman Municipal Government -- are both
owned and operated ultimately by the Pope.

We should be taking our complaints about all this and about the
mis-administration in general, directly to him, because he controls the
Commonwealth through the Queen, and the Municipal Government through the
City of Rome and the Roman Curia.

The actual Federal Employees and other Dual Citizens can wake up and clean
the clocks of the Municipal Congress members at the ballot box, with the
realization that even if we remove every present member of the Municipal
Congress, the Municipal Government will still function in a corrupt way
because the structure of the corporation itself is corrupt.

Our agreements with the Pope and the Curia limit their activities to the
"one mile square" apportioned to them in the District of Columbia. They do
not allow for the proliferation of 185,000 Municipal Corporations on our
shores, nor do they allow for the mis-characterization of our State
Citizens and populace in general as "citizens of the United States".

Their little oligarchy perched on our shores has run wild and is totally
their responsibility and should not be our concern, though of course, this
ongoing circumstance causes us trouble, too.

We are constantly having to slap the hands of the pickpockets and argue
with their bureaucrats and debunk their lies and false assumptions
regarding us, our political status, our government, and just about
everything that they do "for" us has to be countermanded and objected to.

The Pope and his Minions are quite literally the "Employees from Hell" --
yet at the end of the day, with respect to us, that is what they are:

Remember that, and we will be well on our way toward getting this
battlefield of the mind secured and cleared. Better still, get your rumps
in gear and go to:

---and take action in the material world to reclaim your identity as an
American and not a "citizen" of their version of "United States" at all.


See this article and over 2200 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. The Justice Department Is Devoid of Justice, January 9, 2020
    Paul Craig Roberts

    "This is how corrupt American law has become. A man is being put in prison for 6 months for not cooperating with an investigation of an event that did not happen!"

    1. Continued
      "If Trump doesn’t pardon Flynn (and Manafort and Stone), and fire the corrupt prosecutors who falsely prosecuted Flynn, Trump deserves no one’s support. A president who will not defend his own people from unwarranted prosecution is not worthy of support."

    2. It's all in the family
      If Flynn and the others are not from the bloodlines you can expect no support from these generational traitors that have been lying their asses off to all of mankind for centuries

      I speculate the search of everyones DNA is to figure out who could be part of the tribe that they don't know about??

      If you are not filthy rich and some of the most corrupt people on earth then you aren't one of them

  2. It is my belief they are working to kill the UN and bring in the World Parliament that is behind the scenes and has been since the inception of the United Nations

    League of Nations came first
    Then the United Nations and they have been hammering out this democratic communist rule for the entire earth behind the scenes

    In the earth constitution you will find the word presidium hmm
    See definition

    Just some observations if anyone cares to look

    World Parliament is set up and operating out of India it appears??

    Goes along with the ROCKY jewish boys and their BRICS deal

    Read the bill of rights and other things within this so called constitution


    Headquarters akready set up an operating
    Check the three pictures at the top as they move from one to the other

    See the all seeing eye building

    This world parliament is already calling for the end to the UN

    They are also spouting climate change

    More bullshit science and would appear they following the world bankers lead in setting this all up

    However you will note that their weather warfare, chemtrails, water poisoning, food poisoning and other things will still continue unabated

    It appears they claim they are working to get the people of the world on board but no one knows about it nor I am sure they have no clue what is in store under world wide communism even though they paint a lovely picture

    Legislative Administrative law based on bonded slaves through birth cetificates while the crooks make off with billions is not a world power any of them should promote or they should have

    Just posting for anyone who wished to review

  3. "We can certainly object to the unintended collusion of the two European Subcontractors that was established by their "Declaration of Interdependence", and that may have some benefit, but generally speaking,the Subcontractors can organize their internal affairs as they see fit."

    "We should be taking our complaints about all this and about the mis-administration in general, directly to him, because he controls the Commonwealth through the Queen, and the Municipal Government through the City of Rome and the Roman Curia."

    "We are constantly having to slap the hands of the pickpockets and argue with their bureaucrats and debunk their lies and false assumptions regarding us, our political status, our government, and just about
    everything that they do "for" us has to be countermanded and objected to."

    I am imagining remodeling a historic mansion. Two of the subcontractors, the Mechanical Contractor and Carpenters are all fighting with the General Contractor. In the process all are stealing from me, damaging my property, inviting family over and terrorizing my two prize winning dogs in their kennels.

    As I sit back in my chair, my only recourse is complain, object to the General Contractor and scold the hired help on the crews.... as the destruction continues.

    Is there something wrong with this picture ?????

  4. Louisiana Constitution Article 1. Origin and Purpose of Government
    Section 1. All government, of right, originates
    with the people, is founded on their will alone, and is
    instituted to protect the rights of the individual and
    for the good of the whole. Its only legitimate ends are
    to secure justice for all, preserve peace, protect the
    rights, and promote the happiness and general welfare
    of the people. The rights enumerated in this Article
    are inalienable by the state and shall be preserved
    inviolate by the state.

    1. Thank you Marcus!
      The wording in the "Louisiana Constitution" you've quoted here sounds almost perfect for "the people" all except for one word: "inalienable."

  5. French lawyers throw their black robes on the ground to protest Macron government. I wish American judges would throw their black robes on the ground to protest our corrupt American justice system.
    Mainstream media will never show you these videos.

    Oh boy what a shot‏ @ohboywhatashot
    1 year + 8 weeks of massive protests in France. |
    Lawyers in #Paris throw their black gowns on the ground to protest Macron government

    France is now a Police State

    1. Many French still like the British Illuminati. Otherwise they wouldn't be saying "Fraternité" (brotherhood) repeatedly, defending the British and Pope, at all cost.

  6. I read a few years ago one research article about Washington D.C. Looking at a map tonight this could be true! Virginia according the article never has deeded that other part of the so called 10 mile square Washington D.C. area over to the Washington District Of Columbia. On th3e map only part of the D.C. area goes up to the Potomac river, however it does not cross over it!

  7. It All Makes Sense Now.....
    This is Chet Hanks, Tom Hanks’s son. #ItAllMakesSenseNow

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Wow, no Department of Justice, what a concept, to achieve... Justice? Sounds like Anna pitched her bicycle forward to skid on her face about this one. This worship of an original constitution as a perfect document that can't be improved upon or adjusted internal to itself is a great cognitive detour but not one that supports the American experiment, which it is. Don't forget the original Constitution allowed for slavery, as does your Bible. You get the government you deserve, period. And what makes your general other than a convicted criminal, and the rumpTdump a saint? In your mind's eye maybe. I wonder how we would respond if they had murdered one of our generals. Bully in Iraq's house.

    1. Well clown,wrong on all counts the Declaration of Independence declaimed all men equal.
      And it’s not a living breathing document is printed on paper from a dead tree.
      She is absolutely correct on how judges oath of office was changed see lufkin case.
      FDR is the culprit who created all th offices under the Executive order to rule like a dictator.

  10. No charge again a public servant almost never is allowed. As the process is remove thair immunity how? The legislature you bring your petetion in the form called a remonstrance (demand) they will appoint a inquiry called a quorum if they don’t find anything they will notify you if the do find evidence you won’t hear from them indictments are coming.

  11. March 13th 2017 trump through an executive order asked for help cleaning up government.
    He got it a private expert on loss prevention got trumps attention and asked him to talk to congress they officially gave him standing to
    Act as governments “loss prevention “
    They went after the bar as an monopoly and judges told congress you have no choice but follow them as its correct.
    So a watch dog is unleashed on government corruption.
    E-Claus LLC or go to kirks law corner on You Tube.

  12. And just WHO IS MICHAEL LYNN

    I suggest everyone read the below link to find out who his associates are


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