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Monday, October 14, 2019

May Day! May Day!

By Anna Von Reitz

I want everyone to thoroughly understand the fact that Queen Elizabeth acts as "Queen of the Commonwealth" --- and in that position, she acts as an overseer for the Pope.  The origin of this is cozy arrangement goes all the way back to her ancestor, King John. 

The British Territorial United States including Puerto Rico and other "Insular States"  is a Commonwealth.   So the Queen manages it for the Pope.  

People also need to understand that the Pope's minions manage the Municipal United States Government directly, and they always have.  This is part of the  Power-Sharing Agreements hammered out in the various treaties settling The War of Independence and implemented by the Constitutions.  

So we essentially have two foreign governments on our shores, both apparently at odds, but both ultimately belonging to and being the responsibility of, the Pope.  

Take in what I just observed to you.  Both the Territorial United States and the Municipal United States "Governments" --- that is, the foreign governmental services corporations that have been running amok here for years --- are actually under the control of the Pope.  

He controls the Territorial Government indirectly through the Queen, and he controls the Municipal Government directly through the Roman Municipal Government System created by the Pontificate.  

So if there is any "Civil War" or other criminality or disturbance here, the road does indeed lead directly to Rome and nowhere else.  

Now, I think its time that you all should realize that there are factions of people in Rome who are largely nutcases.  They, together with similarly-minded Muslims and Zionists,  think that they can and should "fulfill" Biblical prophecy by their own hands.  So, in keeping with that, they propose to destroy the world by fire. 

What is happening in California right now?   

Fires are being set by teams of arsonists that came through our unguarded Southern Border.  We shall shortly know who ordered the hit on America, but I think it is fairly clear that this is part of the Religious Nut Case Grand Plan.  

The enemies of mankind have progressed in secrecy and stealth and used all manner of devices and human failings to divide us and undermine us, but I have news for you this morning --- it doesn't matter if you are Republican or Democrat, a Catholic or a Jew,  when the ship is sinking and you hit the water.  

There is one man and one office on this planet who is singularly responsible for everything bad that has happened to this country since 1860, and who is still uniquely responsible: the Pope.  

Repeat after me:  Pope Francis ultimately owns and controls both sides of any civil war being promoted in America.  He controls the Territorial Government through Queen Elizabeth.  He controls the Municipal Government via his own machinery.  

So if we have a problem here, much less a civil war --- who should we, and the rest of the world, hold accountable?  


See this article and over 2000 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. Look what happened to Paradise awhile back with the reports of directed energy weapons. California looks less like a biblical proportion ring of fire event, and more like a criminal land heist. A smash and grab. A dope on a rope.

    Look at the reports of what transpired in Paradise right after the incident with the corporate cleanup. Yeah they are about cleaning up there all right.

    Deborah Tavares has been a local whistle-blower on this and more, I think she is at something like that. Water wars have always been part of that history, she addresses that too.

    But I have heard of Anna's assertion that certain unsavory elements on this planet are enthusiastic about challenging the will and intent of the creator. Maybe by fire, maybe by misappropriation of a few billion souls. Because THEY know better than the creator. It is a disgrace.

    1. Abby that's right, the Pope's Unam Sanctam proclamation in 1302AD can't be much more than a claim in commerce in my opinion. Anna has used some of her strongest language yet recently to condemn the actions of the Pope in all this.

      So why would the Pope engage in criminal activity with the cheerful support of the Jesuits, and claim to be the vicar of Christ at the same time?

      You don't have to be a genius to conclude that the Vatican isn't what the world is led to believe it is, look at the strange case of John Paul I, and all this is not just a symptom of Vatican II, this goes back obviously to 1302 and probably before that. This information is available to anyone who wants to look for it, it is not a secret.

  2. Newsome signed 15 new 'laws' in to effect prior to the scheduled power outages

    Disarmament was in the 'laws' he 'enacted'

    See aplanetruth 4u on you tube for details

  3. We may all need to head down to South Carolina to buy a new
    South Carolina dealership will give car buyers an American flag, a Bible, and an AR-15

    1. Ready - that SC car dealer knows how to make a sweet deal! Petal to the metal, lets geet er done!

    2. Better yet how about the MCO !
      Not registering your car as a motor vehicle and lying to you about their relationship with the DMV

  4. Beware the Useful Idiots:

    Henry Makow@HenryMakow
    It sounds farfetched to say the US is de facto Communist but Saul Alinksy was Hillary Clinton's mentor- …

  5. Correction:

    Anna or anyone…... we need to know the exact procedure concerning the "Z-tag" posting please.

    1. michiganian:

      I posted this comment further up in the posts........

      Regulation Z is in the banking code as Anna has made quite clear many times. 

      Google Regulation Z.

      There is a great pdf listed.  Read it.  Beware it's a bit long.

      If you believe you can go to the STATE OF STATE CORP. and they will give you Z plates - WTFU people. Sorry Abby will want to wash my mouth out for being vulgar but if the shoe fits!

        Regulation Z governs banking and yes it protects us when We enforce it. 

      When you realize to self govern is not to go groveling and beg permission of the corporation which has no authority outside DC. 

      Make your own damn Plates.

       If you believe they are going to give you Z plates for some fee, take the blue pill and go back to sleep.

      We the People have to enforce Regulation Z.

      Know thyself.  Watch the Matrix movie about a 100 more times.  Watch the Wizard of Oz.  Listen to the scarecrow song.  "If I only had a brain"!  Who is gonna give you a brain, STATE OF SOMETHING? NOT!!!!

      The brain is the director of the body.  Who is directing your brain, you or STATE OF....

      Annie McShane
      On Delaware

    2. Annie, The Crooks Courts mocked Regulation Z. and Tila. I used them, they didn't care. They only think their CORRUPT LEGISLATION works. Told them million times, they pretend blind.

    3. Annie, thanks for the Reg Z tag info. We too have looked & looked for a description of it, so that we may make our own. IF I've seen on, it was white, black Z, black border, oval shaped, about 5" long. This was a long time ago, & am not sure if this is correct.

      So this is what we'd like to know. Again we have searched & searched & again. Plenty of Z tags for cattle (funny! not funny!).
      Now that Pinkham has said they don't recognize them, perhaps we as Nationals can 'encourage recognition', if their use is truly helpful & ultimately a good thing to 'give them notice'.
      Thanks & stay sane folks

  6. Anna or anyone…... we need to know the exact procedure concerning the "Z-tag" posting please.

  7. It's not Rome or the Queen of England, not at all. The whole world is ruled by Zionists, the most wealthy people in the world, they control everything, the Federal Reserve, the US government, IMF, World Bank, all Central Banks worldwide, NATO, Corporations, everything, they control it all.

    1. Jorge M. Gonçalves, sorry your sterotype has no support. The Pope and the Queen did and do control many countries by Deceptions. Modern tools analyzed That Jesus was conspired by both the Roman and Pharisees. They were Jesus rival at that time, Israelite's were scammed by the Roman empire, the Pharisees were Roman helper, like or with the tax collectors.

      After Jesus died, the same scam continued until today by the Roman, in form of Pope, added with Roman power. There are lots of proof's. The local courts received their Technical support and equipment from the foreign DOJ, belongs to I.B.A, of England Rothschild, associated with the Queen. We show this evidences to the crooked courts, they never cared to look at anything.

  8. michiganian, and new comers. You have to understand Anna, She's a Gemini always loves to talk. Don't get me wrong, he has knowledge of Law. The 2 Z-tags signs, as she said used to work in the old days. You make a Z letter Font #145(example) on black and white SIGN poster, Using Corel Draw. The 2nd sign is the same, except you inverse the color. None of this idea makes sense to the corrupt corps any way. She said to post the signs on your house or car that you don't want the modern Thieves to steal.

    Each sign apply to its own fraudulent Gov't (Territorial and Municipal). I would make both together, save moneys. You/we don't know who the crooks are any how, when they come, after your house auctioned. Whether this idea works today or not, I don't know.

    The crooked courts/sheriffs never saw your signs before proceeding. So I doubt this idea if it helps.

  9. I meant [S]he has knowledge of Law. Sorry I skip the letter S.

  10. What If: gathering in a church of esteemed people who're come together merging of their spiritual subtle power, helps lift all. Cathedral's of Divine Proportion/Golden Mean construction elevate harmonics. Yes, there is a divine power when this gathering intention occurs. Best the nasties please stay away, such intentionally negative energies may be tweaked & find themselves divinely inspired! Nasties can become ill under such 'pressure'. Do stay away.

  11. Henry Makow@HenryMakow
    Reader- "The Vatican bank is actually the good guy in the story because they blew the whistle on the office of the Secretariat of State. The bad guys are the office of the Secretary of State and their boss the non-pope and non-catholic Jorge Bergoglio." …

    Why the Vatican is more corrupt than ever

    Greg Rubini@GregRubini
    16. as you know, AG William Barr and prosecutor John Durham have been to Italy recently. And they are going back there soon. not just because they like PIZZA and SPAGHETTI all'amatriciana, and Brunello di Montalcino...

  12. Bible says divine energy is available for everyone. It says bad people can use them as easy as good. Bad people are taking action events fires bad things. Most people fear the actions shy away until it is too late most often. If they argued personal opinion rather than known facts like poeple do they would accomplish little

  13. Regulation Z is in the banking code as Anna has made quite clear many times.

    Google Regulation Z.

    There is a great pdf listed. Read it. Beware it's a bit long.

    If you believe you can go to the STATE OF STATE CORP. and they will give you Z plates - WTFU people. Sorry Abby will want to wash my mouth out for being vulgar but if the shoe fits!

    Regulation Z governs banking and yes it protects us when We enforce it.

    When you realize to self govern is not to go groveling and beg permission of the corporation which has no authority outside DC.

    Make your own damn Plates.

    If you believe they are going to give you Z plates for some fee, take the blue pill and go back to sleep.

    We the People have to enforce Regulation Z.

    Know thyself. Watch the Matrix movie about a 100 more times. Watch the Wizard of Oz. Listen to the scarecrow song. "If I only had a brain"! Who is gonna give you a brain, STATE OF SOMETHING? NOT!!!!

    The brain is the director of the body. Who is directing your brain, you or STATE OF....

    Annie McShane
    On Delaware

  14. I too was laughed out of the DMV for asking about Z plates for my vehicle

  15. And for those who may find of interest Mauro Biglino :
    Mauro Biglino Unexpected Bible (FULL Version) 1h14
    Mauro Biglino translated 23 books of the Bible for the Vatican. He had to translate the Leningrad Codex (the version of the Bible which all three major monotheistic religions - Cristian, Jewish and Muslim - recognize as the official Bible) from the Hebrew, word by word, literally and with no interpretation whatsoever. That is to say, he's not a wannabe kabbalist, conspirationist or ufologist, since the official publishing organism of the Vatican approved and released those books, at least 17 of them. While working on the Bible, he realized that many of the stories this book tells where mistranslated, misinterpreted, mostly on purpose, in order to insert the notion of a spiritual, all-mighty and unerring God. The picture he gives us of the bestseller of all times is surprisingly different from what we all were told. Actually, as soon as he released "THE BOOK THAT WILL FOREVER CHANGE OUR IDEAS ABOUT THE BIBLE - THE GODS COMING FROM SPACE", the Vatican suspended all further publications of Mauro Biglino's works: Let's discover why!

  16. For those who may find a mathematically, astrologically corrected historical timeline of interest AND its earliest origins of Christianity, then as Capholic/Catholic as Christianity was spread throughout the world by 'Tartary'. In this history-correction, also adjusted for the inserted 1000+- years, we find characters, events merged. Its Christian roots were its societal & governing structure.
    In another parallel topic from various other sources, is the advanced technology, entire cities of great architecture some of which still exists today, & is still being torn down today. Our America was populated, cities mapped, tech available (as Tesla presented). Its looking like Christian societal & governance structure was what facilitated welcomed advancements for the benefit of all. Any wonder why the abominations cast upon Christianity AND Catholicism BY JEWS, who parasite, infect Christianity, Catholicism?
    In other Fomenko chapters, it shows the ENVY wrought upon Tartary/Russia by JEWS, as it appears when the command was given to relive debt the JEWS were ‘upset’. JEWS paid back Tartary/Russia for providing the JEWS with opportunity, SAME MISTAKE GERMANY MADE by inviting the JEW to live among them in peace & prosperity out of their rabbinical slums. SAME MISTAKE America made & now pays severely its price. It does not take long for the JEW to destroy that which allowed it equal standing. Were roots of Christian Capholic/Catholic as rules for governance, not so much a division of Church & State, which prospered in peace, used its technology for good?? Christianity is far more than the sliced fragments in the severely edited, compromised Bible today.
    WHAT IF:
    A.T.Fomenko , G.V.Nosovskiy
    Chapter 5.
    Thanks & stay sane
