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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

For the Bar Members to See and Know--- And Everyone Else, Too

By Anna Von Reitz

This is from a member of the Living Law Team a couple years ago. Read it, Bar Members, and weep.

The Role of Counselors-at—Law and The [unincorporated] Delaware Statutory Trusts

Remember when you were told you that you "had to have a Social Security Number"?

Sometimes, that is true, but only if you are applying for employment with the federal government. For of course, you would need it to enroll in their retirement and employee benefits program....but you don’t have to have one otherwise.

It is the same scenario with the Bar Associations telling new JD graduates that they have to have a Bar Card....again, that is true, if they want to be a prosecutor for the federal government corporations and their "federated state of state franchises" and become an employee of the court…………but not otherwise.

The fact is that there is no requirement for anyone to be a Bar Association Member to engage in the profession of law in this country and there never have been.

I challenge anyone anywhere to prove that there is any general requirement to be a Bar Member, in order to use the court facilities, present cases, or offer effective counsel to others with or without pay.

The fact is that the perpetuation of these "mandatory" Social Security enrollment and Bar Association Membership half-truths are undertaken in self-interest by undeclared foreign interests.

Research the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) if you have doubts and also see Trinsey v. Pagliaro and the cases that Robert F. Kennedy fought pertaining to these very issues.

Happily, quite a number of some of the best minds working in the profession of law today have awakened to this realization and they are turning in their Bar cards and leaving the association to stew in its own juice.

This was precipitated as a direct result of Bar Associations kicking members out for committing the sin of actually defending and protecting their clients' best interest, as well as, a result of lawyers waking up and going, "OMG!" -- and exiting as fast as their feet would get them out the door.

The lawyers among us are waking up along with the rest of the populace and realizing that they have been sold a total bill of goods, and don’t have to spend their lives being professional “liars”.

The fact is, lawyers can function either as attorneys-at-law or as counselors-at-law. These are "capacities" within the profession in which a lawyer can choose to work, [just as you can choose to work in the capacity of a hotel manager or a hotel bartender and still be working in a hotel].

Attorneys join the Bar to gain group insurance and bonding benefits. [Also so their buddies in the fraternity will gang up on any outsiders].

Counselors pay their own insurance and bonds and otherwise don't have any reason to join the Bar, because they aren't involved in the disposition of public property or addressing issues related to public employees-- that is, they aren't working in administrative capacities as members of an administrative court.

Attorneys-at-law traditionally function as property managers involved in the administration of civil cases in Article I courts dealing with in-house legislative "laws" and statutes.

This is why those working in administrative courts supported by the United States Districts, the Territorial States of States, and the Municipal STATES OF STATES are all required to be "attorneys" and Bar Members by their employers.

Attorneys work in administrative tribunals. Not judicial courts.

This fact accounts for these frank admissions about the nature of the federal territorial and municipal courts and their various state-of-state franchises operating on our shores:

"There are no Judicial courts in America and there has not been since 1789, Judges do not enforce Statutes and Codes. Executive Administrators enforce Statues and Codes. There have not been any Judges in America since 1789. There have just been Administrators." FRC v. GE 281 US 464, Keller v. PE 261 US 428 1 Stat. 138-178.

"Courts are Administrative Tribunals" Clearfield Trust, et al v. United States 318 U.S. 363 (1943).

Counselors-at-law traditionally function in judicial court capacities and have the duty to protect and defend their living clientele, unlike their attorney-at-law brethren who are limited to dealing with public property and public employees and incorporated "things", either belonging to or working for or working with the government corporations.

Naturally, when a counselor-at-law appears a number of things are different about the nature and tenor of the proceedings:

A counselor-at-law is not required to enter an appearance prior to a court date and may simply walk in with a brief explanation to the judge that he or she is working in the capacity of a counselor-at-law and providing effective assistance to the Plaintiff or Defendant.

Often, to further clarify things, the judge will ask if the counselor-at-law is a member of the Bar Association…….If not, the proper response is simply, "I don't have a card (or more properly, a "ticket") with the Bar."

This is referring obliquely to the Bid Bond that the Bar Associations post in maritime cases involving incorporated entities, thus, further signaling to the judge that the Plaintiff or Defendant is appearing in the capacity of a living man or woman and that the court has to shift gears from international sea jurisdiction to international land jurisdiction.

The first difference for the court's notice when a counselor-at-law appears is the explicit revelation of the capacity in which the Plaintiff/Defendant is operating.

If he or she is operating in their actual, living capacity as a man or woman standing on the land jurisdiction of the United States, they are owed all their constitutional rights and guarantees including a counselor-at-law who can advise them but not "represent" them, because they are presumed to be free people above the age of twenty-one and competent to make their own decisions. That's why they have hired a counselor-at-law instead of an attorney.

That is also why they are forcing the court to engage them as people under the Public Law of the
United States or the General Session Law of the State instead of as "things" subject to the Private Administrative Law of any foreign territorial or municipal corporation or state of state or incorporated county franchise tribunal.

Attorneys represent "things" --- corporate franchises, wards of the state, bankrupt businesses, murdered victims of crime, mentally incompetent people, --all things that cannot "stand for" or answer for themselves. That is why they have to be "re-presented" by a substitute acting "for" them.

Counselors-at-law assist in presenting cases for living people.

Notice the difference: attorneys "represent" and administer the affairs of their clients often without regard for or even consulting with their clients. For example, they cut plea-bargains and waive rights and sell off property in whatever way best benefits the court.

This is because they work for the court and the client is at best considered a public trust subject to the court's administration. [And this is true whether you pay the traitor or not].

Notice that counselors-at-law "present" cases with and for their patrons, who administer their own affairs and make their own decisions throughout the proceedings, retain all their rights and prerogatives and do not willingly subject themselves to the court's administration.

Now, obviously, from the court's standpoint, it is very convenient to be able to dictate whatever happens in each and every case, so as to "administer" it as best suits the "public good" and the "good of the court" ---and the court's corporate employers, of course, without regard for any such niceties as equity owed to living people, or any rights owed to living people.
Just as obviously, it is a death knell to justice and an end to all freedom for living people to allow this state of affairs to go on.

When even the lawyers among us are so dumbed down and ignorant that they think the Bar Association has the power to obstruct them from pursuing their vocation, it's time to outlaw the Bar Associations, because they are clearly over-stepping any rational function or status that they have.

U.S. District, State of State and STATE OF STATE courts can demand whatever credentials they wish from people that they hire to represent their interests, just as other private and public interests can demand whatever credentials they desire from their employees.

If a "State of State" Legislature can pass a statutory "law" saying that all its court officials have to be Bar Association Members, our State Legislatures can just as easily pass a General Session law saying that none of our courts will allow Bar Association Members.

Take Note:

State of Wyoming is a Territorial Franchise Court. STATE OF WYOMING is a Municipal Franchise Court…………. Both of these are foreign corporation franchises like the local Target store.

They are limited to running administrative tribunals and they can require all the people in their "court system" to be Bar Association members until the cows come home, because these are private administrative tribunals.

But the Wyoming State Court belongs to the people of Wyoming and they run judicial courts of record that are superior to any private administrative tribunals and they can mandate that no Bar Association members are allowed to practice law in their venue ---thereby providing plenty of work for counselors-at-law.

That this great country and its people have been hoodwinked and pulled off course for so long by selfish private interests is an immense and horrifying Breach of Trust, but it is one that is being swiftly rectified, when we change/correct our own presumed political status and consequently change the "presumed" capacity in which we choose to act in court; while changing the capacity in which lawyers act.

To all former Bar Attorneys and those who are [currently] thinking seriously of tearing up their [fraud] cards?

It is time to face the truth and set yourselves free of the imaginary shackles that the Bar Associations have placed on you.

You can enter any court in this country in the capacity of a Counselor-at-Law and there is nothing any of the courts can say except, "Yes, of course...."


See this article and over 1300 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. Robert, it is striking how you are constantly shooting against the content of Anna v. Reitz. And I wonder for whom your are working to discredit Anna's work over and over again, even though Anna provides evidence and even asks to prove her ackknowledgement.
    There remains only one elementary question to me about your aggressive and insulting action: Qui bono?

    The above text makes perfect sense for me, especially because the 12 assumptions of the BAR which are used only in the fiction and thus also reveal that the judges and lawyers are nothing more than well-paid puppets in the system-theater.
    Anna's research can also be transferred to German circumstances, because Germany has its business location in Delaware, as well as all other "state" institutions, which are led by Admirals Law.

    People in Germany are led to believe that the rule of law is involved without questioning why the "human beings" no longer get any rights. Instead, the so-called authorities have degenerated into profit-driven companies that are trampling on human rights.

    To my knowledge, it is possible in Germany that you do not need a lawyer in court and anyone can act as a legal advisor. You can also become a judge without having completed law degree. But hardly anyone knows that. Everyone believes that a lawyer is needed in court and a judge is committed to justice. Few realize that the attorney has the status of caretaker and guardian for an incompetent child, who considers himself an adult and thus surrenders all sovereign rights. Nobody knows that the lawyer works for the BAR and not for the client.

    In Germany there is only one real statehood and that was 1914 in the German Reich. Many people have changed their status, reporting back as living men and women, asserting their claim to the property and lands of the German people.

    Only these people are treated like lepers suffering from a dangerous disease. They are discredited, discriminated against, harassed, bullied, threatened and exterminated. The peoples and human rights are trampled in this country, because the sovereigns could ruin the business and profits of the company "Germany" ... if you would allow that. It is evident that the companies are selling stolen goods (namely the property of Germans and their ancestors) and that is criminal. The actions of these companies are absolutely illegal. Even the elections in 1956 - according to the Federal Constitutional Court – are illegal. And yet the government just keeps doing as it has done ever since.

    This means that the elections are not sovereign, but serve only one purpose: to relieve the board of the associations called government, parties, etc., so that they do not have to assume liability if they operated mismanagement. The liability is assumed by the voter, who is not aware that the government is uninsured and that he will always pay the bill. But thanks to the election sheeps, who do not understand that they have to pull the child out of the well after the government has pushed it in it, this illegal liability game continues. The government continues to violate Shaef and the SMAD laws, as well as the Hague war regulations, as we are still an occupied country.

    Anna helped me a lot to understand it all. I then checked to what extent it is valid. And by and large, I can agree with Anna's findings.

    But your shootout makes me think that you are a paid troll.

    Ergo: Honi soir qui y y pense!

  2. ANOTHER GREAT Article Anna...imo💛

  3. MSM Pushing RFID for Medical Purposes, Comparing It to A Tetanus Shot
    Alarm over talks to implant UK employees with microchips
    Remember: Much of the cashless society talk originates from this part of the world.
    Do you all remember ABBA? Yes ABBA, do also think this is a coincidence?
    Bjorn Ulvaeus (left) back in his Abba heyday. Now he's a keen supporter of a cashless Sweden. The iconic band's Bjorn Ulvaeus is, in fact, one of the nation's most vocal supporters of Sweden's cash-free trend, after his son lost cash in an apartment burglary.Sep 12, 2017
    Why Sweden is close to becoming a cashless economy - BBC News

  4. "Counselors-at-law traditionally function in judicial court capacities and have the duty to protect and defend their living clientele," (This Is what Anna IS and does to rebut/rebuke the Fraud on behalf of the living people/original Creditors/true beneficiaries of this mess )
    "unlike their attorney-at-law brethren who are limited to dealing with public property and public employees and incorporated "things", either belonging to or working for or working with the government corporations." This IS who Kim IS, and "what" she is "REPRESENTING" By "attorney in fact" as “TRUSTEE" FOR "DEAD ENTITIES/TITLES and "THINGS".
    "Notice the difference: attorneys "represent" and administer the affairs of their clients often without regard for or even consulting with their clients. For example, they cut plea-bargains and waive rights and sell off property in whatever way best benefits the court." Proof of this most recent fact/and Action against living people was "Kim" acting As "TRUSTEE“ admitting to "selling" 2 CORPORATE BANKS held in the MWHT for "$1" (debt note=No Valuable/Lawful consideration exchanged) to a "FOREIGN CORPORATE GOVERNMENT" D B.A "U.S.TREASURY" (Bankrupt DEBTOR to living people/creditor) for and on behalf of "DEAD ENTITY/BENEFICIARIES" without consulting the living beneficiaries, nor with any consent from the living beneficiaries. Kim & Co. Are perpetuating the same old fraud, playing the same old "Legal TITLES" game and the theft of "private property" and rights continue under the same FALSE MASK of "CHARITY" and philanthropy for the Worlds "BEST INTERESTS" and same OLD "BEAST" Using the Same old Bankrupt & FICTITIOUS "BEAST SYSTEM", different "TRUSTEE" being used to "sell" the "good works" to the gullible "sheep" and rebellious/stubborn "goats" among us.

    Stay True, Stand Tall and Speak Louder than ever Now!!

    Forever Grateful to you and Team Anna for All your courage and persistence and for never, ever backing down to this "BEAST"!!! You are So Loved and We the Living All Are worthy, ready to stand united, and be heard loud and clear once again!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

    Much Gratitude, Love, Awareness, Peace Be for All Now

  5. Well said Anonymous, thank you for your valuable insight and contribution! Reposting for preservation due to "Anonymous" handle. "Robert, it is striking how you are constantly shooting against the content of Anna v. Reitz. And I wonder for whom your are working to discredit Anna's work over and over again, even though Anna provides evidence and even asks to prove her ackknowledgement.
    There remains only one elementary question to me about your aggressive and insulting action: Qui bono?

    The above text makes perfect sense for me, especially because the 12 assumptions of the BAR which are used only in the fiction and thus also reveal that the judges and lawyers are nothing more than well-paid puppets in the system-theater.
    Anna's research can also be transferred to German circumstances, because Germany has its business location in Delaware, as well as all other "state" institutions, which are led by Admirals Law.

    People in Germany are led to believe that the rule of law is involved without questioning why the "human beings" no longer get any rights. Instead, the so-called authorities have degenerated into profit-driven companies that are trampling on human rights.

    To my knowledge, it is possible in Germany that you do not need a lawyer in court and anyone can act as a legal advisor. You can also become a judge without having completed law degree. But hardly anyone knows that. Everyone believes that a lawyer is needed in court and a judge is committed to justice. Few realize that the attorney has the status of caretaker and guardian for an incompetent child, who considers himself an adult and thus surrenders all sovereign rights. Nobody knows that the lawyer works for the BAR and not for the client.

    In Germany there is only one real statehood and that was 1914 in the German Reich. Many people have changed their status, reporting back as living men and women, asserting their claim to the property and lands of the German people.

    Only these people are treated like lepers suffering from a dangerous disease. They are discredited, discriminated against, harassed, bullied, threatened and exterminated. The peoples and human rights are trampled in this country, because the sovereigns could ruin the business and profits of the company "Germany" ... if you would allow that. It is evident that the companies are selling stolen goods (namely the property of Germans and their ancestors) and that is criminal. The actions of these companies are absolutely illegal. Even the elections in 1956 - according to the Federal Constitutional Court – are illegal. And yet the government just keeps doing as it has done ever since.

    This means that the elections are not sovereign, but serve only one purpose: to relieve the board of the associations called government, parties, etc., so that they do not have to assume liability if they operated mismanagement. The liability is assumed by the voter, who is not aware that the government is uninsured and that he will always pay the bill. But thanks to the election sheeps, who do not understand that they have to pull the child out of the well after the government has pushed it in it, this illegal liability game continues. The government continues to violate Shaef and the SMAD laws, as well as the Hague war regulations, as we are still an occupied country.

    Anna helped me a lot to understand it all. I then checked to what extent it is valid. And by and large, I can agree with Anna's findings.

    But your shootout makes me think that you are a paid troll.

    Ergo: Honi soir qui y y pense!" Anonymous

    PS. "Robert Allan" is a.k.a youtuber alleged patriot "Robbbryder" and "Robbbryder court of record" he advocates registering your given Names and All your private property directly with D.C. as your "NAME TRUST" !! Coincidence??? No, there Are No coincidences in this BEAST Deceit System!!

    Much Gratitude, Love, Awareness and Peace Be for All Now

    1. Anna said do not register anything, only record it at land recording office...

  6. I distinctly remember in 12th grade high school here in Canada, enrolled in the 4 yr business and commerce course, my business teacher telling us not only did we have to have a social insurance card, but provided the applications to fill out during class because we wouldn't be able to get a job upon graduation without it. What was the benefit? So we could collect unemployment insurance if we lost our jobs. That is how 17 yr olds got indoctrinated in my day.

    That was September 1965. Hmmm, 38 in the class, 53 yrs, one high school, 2014 students. And we spread the word to everyone else!

  7. Thank you Artsy, your comment and response to unwelcome paid corporate agent is valid and living people in this battle need this valuable awareness to continue learning from, Thank you for sharing!
    Reposting for valuable preservation:
    "You seem to appreciate this current slave system so much that you are willing to defend it's validity. Thankfully they have systems in place that cater to the blind, deaf and dumb such as yourself. They call it an asylum. Anyone that agrees that this current system is valid is obviously insane or staggering about replete of all their senses.
    One thing you might want to consider "robert allen" is that everything, everything they use against us is a "service". No one is obliged to take advantage of their services.

    service noun (PUBLIC NEED)

    B1 [ C ] a government system or private organization that is responsible for a particular type of activity, or for providing a particular thing that people need:

    the postal service
    the National Park Service
    the National Health Service
    the ambulance/prison service

    Now, please provide me with valid proof of claim supporting your argument that everything posted here is untrue. Otherwise shut the hell up!" Artsy

    1. This is to both you and Dan Carpenter. Yes, it appears that their indoctrination methods were quite effective on some of us. Robert Allen comes to mind...
      Like Dan Carpenter, I too took part in business class for four years. Little did I know I was being trained to operate as one of their agents. Processing fraudulent paperwork. Even counting the money they were stealing from hard working people.
      Upon realizing this I began a hard study of the who, why's and what for's of this system we are in only to find that there is a big club that we unknowingly support with both our labor and our faith. Even the very color of the pens we use when doing business in this beast system is used to ensnare us.

      I pray that the creator opens the eyes of His people everywhere because time is running out for all of us.

      1. The words of the blessing of Enoch, wherewith he blessed the elect ⌈⌈and⌉⌉ righteous, who will be living in the day of tribulation, when all the wicked ⌈⌈and godless⌉⌉ are to be removed.

    2. Yes, agreed Artsy!! The main "service" they use against us and to our innocent ignorance in voluntary "servitude" IS through the United States "Postal Service" and perpetuating the illegal & unlawful "securitization" game. Imho

      Much Gratitude, Love, Awareness and Peace-ful remedy Be for All Now

  8. Now the crooks are working on ID2020 which is part of the digital global enslavement process
    And believe it or not this all ties back to the Kniight Templars and Royalty and their quest to rule the world all through fraud
    All comments made without prejudice and all rights reserved

  9. In addition I came up with this signed document to enter into evidence if they try to shut me down verbally...(have not tried it yet)...

    Page 1 of 2

    CASE NUMBER: ______________________

    I; John Mark Doe, would like to enter into evidence the following...

    "The 6th Amendment to the United States Constitution grants me the right to know the nature and cause at this action you are bringing against me, and it grants you, the court, the duty to tell me. I do not understand the nature and cause of this action which has been brought against me."

    Under a criminal action...

    "The Constitution grants this court 2 different criminal jurisdictions: One is a criminal jurisdiction under a Common Law, and the other is a criminal action that constitutes a condition of contract under the criminal aspects of a Colorable Admiralty Jurisdiction. Under which of these 2 jurisdictions does court intend to try this criminal action?"

    Not Under Common Law But Under Colorable Admiralty Jurisdiction...

    According to the Law Merchant Codes, the very law that this contract was made under, there are certain things that constitute a valid vs an invalid contract. You must realize, that no court has the authority to enforce an invalid contract; and I deny the validity of the contract that President Roosevelt entered into with the international bankers. He borrowed bank credit on the promise to redeem in gold coins. Creating credit out of thin air, the bankers had no risk and no interest, because they didn't loan anything of value, and thus had no interest in the loan being paid: it was a 'no interest 'contract, and thus void by the international law of Nations. Therefore America owes no legal debt ."

    Page 2 of 2

    "... And now since America only owes the debt by an invalid contract, how am I as a sovereign man , legally compelled to perform to an invalid contract under the Admiralty jurisdiction of this court? You must realize that no courts in America have Admiralty jurisdiction without also having valid international contract in dispute. And I'm not aware of having entered any international contract. So I deny that any such contract exists.

    If the prosecuting attorney disagrees with my argument then...

    Instruct the "prosecuting attorney" to inform this court that there is a valid international contract in dispute, and to place this alleged international contract into evidence, and explain how I can be a party to it, and how I am compelled to perform under it.

    If the prosecuting attorney cannot comply then I request a "Motion To Dismiss"

    ___________________ _____________________
    John Mark Doe Date

  10. Ahh, title 18, the toolbox for the freedom mechanic.

  11. Thank you C. J.!!! All filed and safely saved for future use and reference!! Much appreciated!!
    Have a Great Day!

    Much Gratitude, Love, Awareness and Peace Be for All Now
