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Sunday, November 11, 2018

Manna World Holdings Trust --- Fraud and Piracy Explained

By Anna Von Reitz

First, the crime of fraud has no statute of limitations. If I discover a fraud that happened in 1860 (and I have) and I report it and take exception to it today, the crime and all the subsequent history tainted by it, is still very much alive, still actionable, and still deserving remedy, cure, and divine service.
As a result, when something begins in error and fraud, it ends in the same status. No progress toward any actual and honest solution is made until the fraud comes to an end.
As long as FDR's "Bank Holiday" continues, the fraud continues. As long as the "State of Emergency" continues, the fraud continues. As long as the "United States" continues to run amok, so does the rest of the world. And there is no way to fix this or end this condition absent the end of the fraud itself.
Second, the crime of piracy also has no statute of limitations. If my great-grandfather's gold was stolen by pirates (thieves of any sort acting in international jurisdiction) he is still the lawful owner and I, as his heir, am still owed the return of that gold from Interpol or any other international law enforcement agency that obtains custody of the stolen property.
Now those who are responsible for this ongoing Mess have sought to make things easy on themselves and difficult for the rest of us by trying to seize all private assets and to dump our private assets into trusts, which are then combined and commingled into larger trusts----all controlled by them.
While they try to justify this as the act of valid Trustees, the actual owners and purported donors never elected them to the job and this is in fact just more piracy, more unlawful seizure of our assets in international jurisdiction, more false claims of rights and interests that do not exist.
The fact that the theft is more sophisticated and accomplished by paper transactions and keyboard strokes instead of cutlasses or broad axes, does not change the nature of the theft itself. Nor its affects on actual people.
In the case of actual private assets (gold, silver, jewels, etc., ) that were deposited in Good Faith as Special Deposits in the banks, Manna World Holdings Trust is trying to claim control of those accounts and those assets with no valid authority at all. It's simply more piracy, more commandeering of assets, rights, and responsibilities that belong to others.
Those assets belong to the people and/or organizations that deposited them.
Is that concept somehow suddenly difficult for everyone to understand?
And most especially, is it difficult for the bankers to understand?
Because if our deposits are not secure, what do we need banks for?
As holding tanks serving to make consolidated theft easier on the criminals?


See this article and over 1300 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. Statutes of limitations is statutory don't apply in common law .

  2. Must watch 3 parts

  3. "What do we need banks for?" EXACTLY. Come on, blockchain!

  4. Here's a thought to provoke and add a little light heartedness.

    If the value of the FRN or any other country's medium of exchange in relation to the FRN is zero, shouldn't the debt assets secured by those notes also share the same value? Why does a $100,000 mortgage remain while the notes traded for it's value have become zero in value? Shouldn't the mortgage also be worth 100,000 zeros? And, if so, shouldn't all this debt be zero? Why are the banks holding onto claims of "nothing"?

    We are back to the beginning, they are just stealing property at gunpoint. All this paperwork is just a mind game to confuse the masses that they have a claim. All they did was expand their posse.

    In reality, the common people are just bartering if the FRN holds no value. The grocer gives us food for nothing and we build his house for nothing while he is busy handing out food. The farmer gives the grocer food for nothing and we give him tractors and livestock for nothing. So the system is both direct and indirect and we all go merrily on our way. Just have to stop building the banks or repurpose them then there is no place to hide.

    1. Dan you have the right track here. Fact is all the banks are illiquid, broke, way below zero $$, and so is the UNfederal reserve now. How long can this charade continue before it all blows up in their faces.

    2. I think you're conflating issues, i.e., between value of a given currency and the amount of indebtedness. If one currency dies, but others continue and the currency that died was the same one "lent", does that make the debt dead too? I don't think so but, it would pose an interesting issue of how to establish the amount of the debt in relation to other, available currencies, perhaps. If the incurred debt was the direct result of the acquisition of a specific asset, that may help if said asset had an international value, such as gold/silver. I haven't thought the entire matter through so, I reserve my right to alter, or reverse my position at anytime! 😉

    3. Jack, my thoughts were that the mortgage was based on the value of the RFN and not of another currency and not on perhaps the real value of the asset for which the mortgage was taken nor for the Promissory Note given. With the FRN being the "world reserve" trading value it would appear that everything is being traded for nothing. After all 10% of nothing is still nothing and therefore 100% of nothing is still nothing. Obvious in part I am being a jester but many things have come about through wit.

      I welcome your ponderence.

    4. Abby, the charade will continue until enough of the people take a stand en-masse. There are enough people who are wise to the fact, we just have to take the stand beyond the one on one in courts.

      I have said all along these bullies are in plain sight and if the 3 letter agencies can pinpoint their targets with such precision how come these vermin continue to walk freely.

      How about those free prepaid master cards from Soros for the "caravan/invaders". They are a special card and if retailers refuse them, they become useless. However, the retailers want the sale, so they will take the card at no risk and in doing so are aiding and abetting Soros and forget they are trading with the enemy. I am sure they won't see it that way, but I do.

    5. Jack: typo RFN should be FRN. These posts don't allow editing unfortunately.

    6. Dan, there is obviously a whole lot of stuff that is very fishy. How hard is it for the PTB to see the treason that soros is doing and go and arrest him and put an end to the problems he causes?
      And the many others all at the root of everything. So it seems to me 'they' do not really want those people stopped because they want them to continue stoking all these fires, never ending.
      Its like they all think Life is all about consistently talking about all these issues, and if they fixed them, they are afraid we would run out of stuff to talk about, LOL.

      There is not one thing that convinces me any of this Plan will reach fruition. And I am a ''glass half full' person,so for me to say that, tells ya something. But I am trying like hell to not dissuade or discourage folks from 'marching on'.

  5. My Precious: Bank of England Refuses Return Venezuela’s Gold

  6. ''no progress toward honest solution till fraud ends''. Since I read between the lines, and underneath words all the time, it seems to me you are wanting to bring up what you believe is centuries old 'fraud' to try to prevent Manna Trust from being dispersed. Could this be what you have in mind? So that 'if you can't have your way, you will interfere'?

    From what I have heard Kim say, she is working on returning Funds to all their proper owners.....which is what You have said needs to happen with all the Funds; so what are you complaining about then? What difference does it make who disperses them, as long as it gets done? Anna, do you think You are the only one capable of doing that?

    Anna, I believe you were invited to join Kim's Team but you refused. So now you insinuate you prefer to dig up cause to stop the real progress she is making. If you do that, then you show you really don't care if The People are ever 'reimbursed' or not.
    Next you will want donations from The People to block Kim from helping The People, which is what she is doing in many various ways, already.

    Logical thinking people realize it is nearly impossible to go back thru dozens of layers to figure out who 'really owns what from hundred(s) of years ago, and return to owners; it would take eons to do that, and so such planned delays by you serves no purpose in THIS lifetime for anyone who is reading this.

    Is there anyone here who can say they really know what Anna's agenda is? What she has planned in her mind? How can we know when she has not once let us know but to this day, has kept it all a secret from us. Why is she not doing hour long Q&A and answering all our questions? Yet Kim does so.

    1. Abby, I think you have made the point Anna is trying to make very clear with your submission. Anna is not going to be handing out the funds to the people, the sovereign government will by and through the jural assemblies through the states. What she is attempting through that end, is to prevent the same existing corrupt system from continuing. The Manna Trust, without correcting the judicial system, is just another gimmick and will continue to be manipulated by the banksters who have created this mess. The same holds true with NESARA and GESARA mechanisms or Swiss Indo or whatever other great financial benefactor organization has spewed forth. None of these things can be for and by the people as long as the banksters are controlling them.

      This is no different than what Trump is attempting to do in giving America back to the people. He can't clean up the swamp until the judicial system is in place to stop the crooks in the first place, and since the crooks own the judicial system currently, at least for the most part, justice will not be served. He can't step out of the system and declare his sovereignty otherwise he will lose jurisdiction. He must retain his U.S. Citizenship until the American people have enough sovereign Nationals in place to carry out their responsibilities.

      Declaring your political status as an American National on record is about giving up the US Citizen status for their record, not to prove you are a flesh and blood being. You can bet that the people behind the Manna Trust are either US Citizens and/or Corporate Citizens of other countries under the same roof, otherwise they wouldn't have access to the funds.

    2. Dan, one of the problems has always been monies always being put into the hands of government to use as they see fit, and then they decide how to best use it to serve the people. Reminds of of Pres. Reagans old idea of ''trickle down economics' - - it never did trickle down here and it never will.
      I was never impressed with Reagans idea, and neither am I one bit impressed with any new sovereign government doing the same ole things thru some jural assemblies - - as IF they think any differently than what we've always had.
      I have also never like Macro Economics either, which is exactly what you described here, is the assumed agenda; public venues for all to enjoy does nothing for me. I would be far more impressed if our little stinking social security monthly pittance would get doubled - - getting a laughable 2.8% increase while rent was raised by nearly 8% is disgusting enough....and now I'm supposed to be swept off my feet with this Macro shit?

    3. Another great response Dan. I your earlier post on this subject matter in Benjamin Fulford 11/5/18 report in comment section with international interesting responses🎷

      [Dan CarpenterNovember 10, 2018 at 11:24 AM

      Here is My Opinion Anna:

      As a Canadian, I don't as yet have the same options the Americans have in reclaiming my birthright to the land. Canada has always been under British control and never a referendum otherwise. There is a chance under the Westminster Act however that requires 51% of the people to sign up to change the corporate structure. 

      The USA however, can make this shift with less than that percentage if by all norms, 5-10% shift, it will bring the curtain down. I agree with Anna's approach even though I think there should be a simpler way of achieving land status etc., but unless and until the jural assemblies and/or the courts are converted back to constitutional operation, we are all just floating on the sea. 

      Kim's method is purely financial as remedy but within the same clubhouse as the bankers now, just from a different bedroom per se. While that may be a great short term, it definitely is not a long term solution. It means that the grandchildren will face the wrath without the opportunity to turn it around.

      Lincoln and JFK had the right idea, just the wrong approach. Trump appears to have been given the right approach and that of taking on the unjust courts by replacing the judges and targeting the justice system first along with the financial restrictions as a beginning. Slow and sure wins the race. I know there is a lot of controversy at this time, but the solution has to be prepared in every possible way to back these guys into a corner they can't get out of. While the "how we got here" can be summarized in simple terms, the cabal has been very forward thinking in their subtle preparations of the end game and it shows. Their disrespect for any rule of law is the first observation.

      The cabal has chosen long term mind control to persuade the masses to honour their plan with violence as their control mechanism.

      However they are now in a reactive/defensive position which means their long term plans have been interrupted. In defensive mode they are not thinking straight so now they are showing their true colours. Gains can be made now at a faster pace than ever before but it will still take time. 

      Do what you can now to affect the long term even if it seems ineffective for our immediate needs and wants. Remember, the second set of teeth don't grow in overnight.

      Commenters are welcome to rebut, but my opinion stands. ]

    4. Leland, I am trying to find the Benjamin Fulford report of 11/05/2018. Can you provide a link please? My comments most anywhere are of the same concept, but I am interested in what the international responses were.

    5. Over 400 comments last week here...Yours was about the 375rd (re)post with one definite reposting comment & 5 or more 'likes' on my original reposting of your great comment here🎵

    6. Leland Roth #412455
      Dan CarpenterNovember 10, 2018 at 11:24 AM

      Here is My Opinion Anna:

      As a Canadian, I don’t as yet have the same options the Americans have in reclaiming my birthright to the land. Canada has always been under British control and never a referendum otherwise. There is a chance under the Westminster Act however that requires 51% of the people to sign up to change the corporate structure.

      The USA however, can make this shift with less than that percentage if by all norms, 5-10% shift, it will bring the curtain down. I agree with Anna’s approach even though I think there should be a simpler way of achieving land status etc., but unless and until the jural assemblies and/or the courts are converted back to constitutional operation, we are all just floating on the sea.

      Kim’s method is purely financial as remedy but within the same clubhouse as the bankers now, just from a different bedroom per se. While that may be a great short term, it definitely is not a long term solution. It means that the grandchildren will face the wrath without the opportunity to turn it around.

      Lincoln and JFK had the right idea, just the wrong approach. Trump appears to have been given the right approach and that of taking on the unjust courts by replacing the judges and targeting the justice system first along with the financial restrictions as a beginning. Slow and sure wins the race. I know there is a lot of controversy at this time, but the solution has to be prepared in every possible way to back these guys into a corner they can’t get out of. While the “how we got here” can be summarized in simple terms, the cabal has been very forward thinking in their subtle preparations of the end game and it shows. Their disrespect for any rule of law is the first observation.

      The cabal has chosen long term mind control to persuade the masses to honour their plan with violence as their control mechanism.

      However they are now in a reactive/defensive position which means their long term plans have been interrupted. In defensive mode they are not thinking straight so now they are showing their true colours. Gains can be made now at a faster pace than ever before but it will still take time.

      Do what you can now to affect the long term even if it seems ineffective for our immediate needs and wants. Remember, the second set of teeth don’t grow in overnight.

      Commenters are welcome to rebut, but my opinion stands.


    7. littledogg #412463
      Leland Roth #412455

      Thanks for posting this… very sound in my opinion.

      1 like
      2018-11-12 2:33 AM

  7. Doesn't seem to be too hard or too much work for everyone to receive IRS, near everyone gets something in the mail. Banks started out protecting peoples gold and stuff, like a storage facility, then the papers issued in lieu of the gold to spend, and now all the extra paper that does seem to be zero since it came from zero. People now pay the banks for the service of entering numbers in a system that is then usable for goods and services. Since it came from zero, was not earned of dug out of the ground, who would be owed? Just the printing fees, several hours perhaps to create a billion that did not exist only seconds before. Energy is transferred out of people in to central powers imagined into existence rather than re-investing it for the people working and families. Better than packed off by thieves leading to poverty and a few elite peppered around just to show you can get "big money" as though that is the goal of life when really it is a banker, TV news, and thug team psyop trick.

  8. Dear Anna,

    PayPal requires a verification of the identity of the PayPal account holder. What ID do you use? .........
    I'd like to know so that I can consider doing the same since I do not have any government-issued ID.

    Thank you for considering this!


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