Are you looking for Solutions for America in Distress

You are in the right place to find out about what is really going on behind the scenes in the patriot movement in America, including solutions from Oathkeepers, Anna Von Reitz, Constitutional Sheriffs, Richard Mack, and many more people who are leading the charge to restore America to freedom and peace. Please search on the right for over 9370 articles.
You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Dear President Trump -- August 28, 2018

By Anna Von Reitz

Dear President Trump:

I have just received news that I consider reprehensible. 

That news is that our American Service Men and Women have not been properly discharged from the obligations of U.S. Military Service, and that Public Law 95-202 has been used as a backhanded excuse for this travesty. 

Millions of Americans have served in the U.S. Military in good faith.  They deserve no less in return.  

We wish for the assets of the so-called Black Eagle Trust, all personal trust accounts, public transmitting utilities, public charitable trusts, labor contracts, stock portfolios, land titles, escrows, copyrights, patents, insurance and annuities and other assets to be returned to the lawful Treasury for our administration and for all American state nationals in receipt of DD 214's to be officially and permanently released from any further obligations or presumptions of federal citizenship resulting from their military service. 

Thank you for your prompt attention as Commander in Chief.  

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary


  1. any country that sends their women into battle isn't worth two salts

  2. Sure does seem a little odd that VA will help with sex changes but will not fix veterans teeth. Also VA holds a lot of foreclosed property in their corporate financial report.

  3. Is the "Public Law" that is referenced in Anna's "letter" pertaining to: "Active Military Service Certified Under Section 401 of Public Law 95-202"? .........
    If so then I read: "The effective date is December 13, 1993, the date on which the Secretary of the Air Force determined that such service constitutes active duty." .........

    If all the above is true, correct and directly pertaining to the issue in this instance (Re: "our American Service Men and Women have not been properly discharged from the obligations of U.S. Military Service") then does "The effective date (of) December 13, 1993" mean that those who were discharged prior to this date have "been properly discharged from the obligations of U.S. Military Service"?

    1. see whats happening in Fairbanks Alaska right now, search chris ripple FNSB Newsminer KUAC house fire tax auction stopped. Anna is suppose to be working on this as she said through our Alaska Jural Assembly...

  4. @ unknown
    Seems you refer to yourself. Unknown to anything in this world. Go bury yourself...

    1. Unknown...this isn't the only pie in the sky patriot site...when is the last time you addressed those sites...!!

  5. Wow, the troll factor is way off the charts on this blog now. You must be hitting all the right nerves, Anna. Keep it up!

  6. Paul will you Block. this troll ? If not why not ?absolutely big government probable agent .

    1. I agree. Everyone who post on these blogs should be verified and use there username or real name.

  7. Even the ADL.award winning Alex Jones will publish a lot of this information . Multiple intelligent commentators tell the real history the great emancipator. Lincoln in truth .hired 100,000 . mercenaries one Ivan Turfloff. Told his men they could have thair way with a southern town women children .officers brought him up for court Marshall Lincoln blocked it brought back to the white house permoted.him .

  8. Read what Lincoln wrote or whoever wrote on a house divided. Right out of the Bible. Has a mans house been divided by separation in paper, I call it 2 dimensional infanticide with real world consequences. Man is free, but not while he is tied to an easement which carries the same dna to the same land. Now, go read what was said in a house divided cannot stand. Half free, half slave!

    1. Sounds like the "Sovereign Citizen" manmade creation of chaos/confusion at its deceitful, evil core. The betrayal of it all sure does add to ones collection of emotional baggage and egotistical and imbalanced thoughts, behaviors and deeds, all justified mind traps designed intentionally to keep us imprisoned and our own worse enemies. Time to truly SEE and finally become aware of the masks Now. The Light within us ALL is shattering ALL the dark masks that we have ALL been emotionally conditioned to wear, keeping us blind and mindless to the darkness within/without that we have been voluntarily serving in this, and most likely for many lifetimes. We are Waking Now enmasse, and it IS clear to see! Consciousness of our True selves IS our most valuable Asset and promised inheritance being mercifully given and graciously received through unconditional Love and Forgiveness that has Always been within us to seek. Time to See the "Victim Mask" worldly self creation for what it IS, and how we each have Allowed this wounded part of our worldly self ego to become so large and in charge to divide us/keep us from our divine original created BEing-ness.
      For those willing to clearly SEE, the raising up of our Divine original Nature IS transpiring more rapidly Now, and its a beautiful sight from within to see and experience!! It truly IS a great time to be Alive!! No regrets!! ALL the "fire" in our lives has served a very valuable purpose, and I'm whole heartedly grateful beyond any mere physical words can ever expess!!
      Authentic Love, Peace, Hope is being restored Now and being felt by so many and we are each igniting that pure heavenly spark within and in fact co creating our new heaven on this earth, as our Creator has always intended, YES!!!
      Its All Good!!! Stay focused on redeeming our authentic internal gifts, and priceless Assets within, and let go of all the synthetic manmade ego "mind" worldly created False "ASSETS" and "Entitlements" you hold onto and Falsely seek to "Recover" and RECLAIM" from manmade dark illusions and Paper created Pirates and worthless paper empty "TREASURES"!! Its time Now to Break this Insanity Cycle of self destruction and Abuse, see it for what IT truly IS and kick its FALSE MASK Off, and let IT GO back to its dark creator. Forgive ourselves and let Go, once and for all Now!! Its Time!!

  9. It’s not patriotism, it is science.

    1. AGAIN, look in the mirror lately?

    2. Made me really happy, too, that u have REPEATEDLY EXPOSED yourself to to be the epitome of Armus ~ my VERY FAVORITE villain in Star Trek's universe 😅💙

    3. It appears that my posts are not in the right place so let me make it known they are directly at UNKNOWN.

  10. I recall_Pres_Bush_41_called_a_man-in_his_70's_and_cancer_survivor_to_active_duty_who_had_served_years_ago.As_his_special_skills_As_software_engineer_was_needed._and_many_others_also_called_back_who_thought_military_obligations_were_over.Wish_some_would_be_more_respectful_to_you_and_others._Did-Bush_'41_invoke_another_law_like_'emergency?_I_remember_lots_of_controversy just_17_years_ago....And_we_need_to_pay_attn_as_we_seem_headed_into_WWIII_and_many_others_may_be_called_back_more_than_6_years_or_aft_that_none_seem_to_wish_to_talk_about._As_truth_is_only_getting_out,_it_seems,_online_by_many_sincere_folks_like_you_who_care_and_want_things_better.(Sorry,_about_underscores-laptop_issues._Linda_Joy_Adams

  11. If I remember correctly, Edmund Burke wrote about military being "cashiered". Perhaps this is what that meant. A man in Australia who had a website of Burke's writings, and in the early 2000's, I had asked what this term meant and he did not respond to my question. Perhaps he too did not know, but maybe someone here might have the answer.

  12. Sounds like a real authoritative 'executive order' from the 'real United State of American unincorporated' administration here.....wishing for.

    1. Sounds like a typical so elegantly insightful post by the lady who has her very own blog here in Anna's blog😅

  13. What is this about???

    An INTERNATIONAL ARREST WARRANT is hereby issued against 1) Anna Maria Riezinger, aka Anna von Reitz, aka Anna Hapsburg, et al 2

    seems the folks over at the site M.R. Hamlton was speaking is up set with Ms. Reitz........

    Anyone know???

  14. AMERICAN STATE NATIONALS are legal fictions, fictions in law, persons, wards of the State, et al & are NOT sovereign or free.
    AMERICAN NATIONAL is a insurance company. The United States of America Passports have their names capitalized consequently THEY ARE persons, morons, individuals, clients, fools, corporations.
    Come out from the beast.

  15. My Army Reserve Company around 2006 2007 the answer to why are you going active duty was usually " Its a steady paycheck and the bribes or signing bonuses, cash tossed of about 30000 upfront before shipping out. A commander said to me once when a good economy was going it is hard to get troops, during poor cash strapped times the laborers join for the money and benefits. Some fictions we need. Ever hear of a moose who used or knew its name? Yet I can tell you that I am not a name but do use one that happens to be my property.

  16. Seems we have seen a number of these kinds of Letters issued. Do any of them EVER respond? What are the consequences if they dont?


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