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Friday, May 11, 2018

Facts About the "Judicial" System

By Anna Von Reitz

Facts About the "Justice" System
The "equity law" that the British adopted in the 1750's is a horrible excuse for a justice system. It allows the King's bill collectors to act "as" the King and to "dispense justice" on his subjects however they like without regard for the written law, past precedent, the findings of juries or anything else. Any British Subject facing such a court is utterly at their mercy in a venue that is something straight out of the Dark Ages.
The conversion of the British Judicial System to this travesty and the pollution of the British Common Law under Lord Mansfield gave the British aristocrats a virtual carte blanc to do whatever they wished secure in the knowledge that the King's bill collectors would help them out in any issue provided that the King got his cut.
This is a large part of the reason that the Colonies rebelled in the first place. And it is long past time that we did so again --- by savaging Great Britain in the Court of Public Opinion worldwide and refusing to put up with their evils on our shores.
So now that you know what "Equity Courts" are and why they are evil, please realize that these evil foreign courts have taken over your courthouses like a cuckoo bird stealing a nest. The British Territorial United States began usurping against our lawful Federal Government during the so-called Civil War and started closing our courts in May of 1865. By the 1930's their puppet, FDR, had informed all the senior judges and justices that from then on, only (British) Maritime and Admiralty Law Courts were to be allowed here---- and quote, "We don't care what you call them!"
In other words, deliberately deceive the people and foist these courts from a totally foreign jurisdiction off onto them. Now you know why the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure tell the judges and lawyers involved in this scam to provide "an appearance of justice".
And that is what the American Bar Association has done. Every Bar Member has knowingly or unknowingly committed High Crimes and Treason. They have all conspired to create and then pillage and plunder public trusts named after each and every one of us. No more evil scheme has ever been devised in the history of the world, and having done it to us, they did it to the rest of the world, too.
All the countries on Earth should, by rights, join together to sink the British Isles into the Atlantic --- except that by doing so, we would harm the British People, who have suffered under the scourge of these criminals for longer than everyone else.
Finally, to protect themselves, they incorporated these evil courts so that they could seek bankruptcy protection and enjoy the benefits of the corporate veil. These "courts" are nothing but glorified commercial corporation debt collection agencies. And here's the proof, neatly summed up by Colt Dekker:
"Not only is the United States a corporation, but the “Judicial Branch of US Govt” is also a Delaware Corporation (Delaware SoS file number: 3383789), listed in Dun & Bradstreet: “The following is the DUNS number for JUDICIAL BRANCH OF US GOV: DUNS number: 956858625”, as well.
The “Judicial Branch of US Govt” (corporation) includes: “U.S. GOV’T LAW COURT ADMIN SUPREME & U.S. DISTRICT, APPELLATE, VETERANS PROBATE, BANKRUPTCY, STATE(S) COURTS, INC.” So our courts from the Supreme Court down to state courts are corporate “policy” (as in police) courts."
So, Campers, there you have it. These are corrupt organizations fronting for other corrupt organizations and they have no right to address you at all. If J.C. PENNY can't tell you how to live your life or tax you, neither can THE STATE OF OHIO SUPERIOR COURT. They have hired "police" to act under color of law as mercenaries to remove you from your homes under conditions of false pretense. They are trespassers in the truest sense of the word.
The politicians and Bar Members deserve to be excoriated from New York to San Francisco, from Beijing to Moscow, from Berlin to Seville --- and especially in London and Westminster where these evils took root and flourished and grew in the heart of what was supposed to be the "firm bastion of freedom". Firm bastion of Bull Shit is more like it.
Every member of every police force on Earth and every member of every military and paramilitary organization needs to be clued in and told to do their actual duty. Assuming that the politicians won't do their jobs, the people will have to--- and in that eventuality the police and the military need to know who "the Enemy" really is.

See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. We as non-statutory creatures, have the Administrative Judges to resolve the Rights Duties and Obligations one party owes me.
    Administrative hearings allow hearsay and the hearing officer can act on their own in gathering information.
    Under the Declaratory Judgment Act, we can resolve as much of a controversy as possible before seeking judicial review - hopefully for a Declaratory Judgment (I got one so for) .
    Here is the Admin Law Judge Manual

    1. true, but only YOU allow hearsay without objecting to it. F.R.E. and Trinsey v Pagliaro.

    2. Their courts are nothing but "procedural law" courts of bankruptcy, that are collectively called "statuturtory" in nature...!! Public policy is the policy of bankruptcy...!! We would get way more REMEDY if we took everyone into bankruptcy court and prove that they are insolvent by the very fact that they are using "commercial DEBT Instraments" as a way to exchange and not TRADE things...!!

  2. Also, equity is invoked when a Constructive Trust is proved on the record; and Contribution invokes Admiralty Maritime

  3. From TJ at, great first few sentences that corresponds with what anna says above.

    “Before I consent to proceed I have this inquiry for the record. As director and beneficiary of my legal person/corporation – you have 21 days to respond in writing and provide proof of claim as to your legal or lawful authority as a public servant, to bother me at all. Do you understand?”

  4. ok they have guns and we dont; ok they have more guns than we do, and bigger ones too. This is how they are enforcing their game and its your neighbor and your very own family members who are part of this madness. My sister is a head register nurse and did not want to talk about the new born scheme they've got going on. She actually got mad at me. Why did she get mad at me? Because their minds have been "body snatched" and the devil's got control of them. She makes a hefty load of FRN. So at the end Satan has the world held captive using the BIG G word "GREED". So Anna got it right at the end of the day is this greed thing most people are infected with. How many of you would pass the test with a 5 million dollar deal to shut up? Seriously, something to think about. As for me should you be asking?

    As for me and my family we will worship YHWH, the God of Abraham Issac and Jacob.

    1. DE design....
      As for me and my family we will worship YHWH, the God of Abraham Issac and Jacob.
      100 % agree. I was offered a 300 k a year job and also the government offered to build me a factory. Also told i would be killed if I did not shut up. Turned all offers away and still have my soul. "This time on Earth is but a speck compared to the grand scheme of eternity" my Mother told me many years ago and she said "never sell your soul no matter how tough things get" Things got very tough.. I honored my Mother. I never forgot. Paradise is on the rise.

    2. This has been our problem all along...they have the courts and superior weapons to put down any resistance to their plan...and money can easily replace the TRUTH...Everyone everywhere is on the take, whether they know it or not...!! But it is totally useless to change a system that can never really give us honesty and truthfulness, when all they really care about is the money...!! It's time to declare all law enforcement "null and void" and just get rid of them completely. Make only one Sheriff in town responsible for knowing how law is supposed to work and not be told by large govt on how they want it to work..the less people in law enforcement the better...The sherriffs can always start a list of people he can call on to be his posse if need be...!! No more govt sponsored jobs that pay outrageous retirement benefits, along with their high pay.. it's a bit ridiculous to have 20 cop cars chasing one single person, or called out for only one individual...!! It's overkill and is meant only for one thing and one thing create an atmosphere of "FEAR" on both sides...!! And all courts only need to be "small or large claims court"....No need for all these other courts that only confuse people about the law.. Law has to be kept simple or people who desire power will simply corrupt it to avoid being seen as they really are....greedy liners with no moral code of ethics...!! If drugs are illegal than we need to arrest all agents of the CIA and FBI who purposely bring them in to accomplish hidden agendas...then arrest everyone who uses them at the lowest level....the buyers..!! Let's just ruin everyone's life for a dime bag of coke or some other drug of choice...!! And everyone wonders why there are so many people running from the police..Its just another agenda to prove to the lay and uninformed masses how much we need them...!! It's just another con game...!!

    3. DEdesign would you please expound a bit about the "new born scheme" you mentioned . I'd really like to hear if this is something new I haven't heard about. Thanks

    4. BlueCollar, Good for you!!! Shows true integrity to turn down their $$$ offers. "What shall a man give in exchange for his soul ?" You're also blessed for honoring your mother...great advice she gave you there.

    5. If you have a baby at a Hospital they will not let you take your baby (your property) out without signing their paperwork. If you refuse they will set your baby for adoption immediately and they will tell you this. Look at your child birth certificate where it said "informer" , they have your wife's name. She is consider a "mistress" for Mrs. not your wife and she has informed the state of a baby who's father abandoned so your baby becomes a ward of the state this is why they can come and take it away from you at will. This is how they are trading us on the international market thru the SSN and the "Holy" Pope is owner of our "children" thru the Papal Bull Unam sanctam. They own the "legal Person" thru adhesion contract. This is how they are trading the souls of men on the market which was prophecy in revelation:

      Rev 18:13  And cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots, and slaves, and souls of men. 

      Rev 6:5....balances..

      G2218 From the root of ζεύγνυμι zeugnumi (to join, especially by a “yoke”); a coupling, that is, (figuratively) servitude (a law or obligation); also (literally) the beam of the balance (as connecting the scales): – pair of balances, yoke.

      Everything is in God's word for those who have an ear and eye, spiritually. We got like this thru our GREED and usury. Read proverbs on usury. Like the native Indians said, how can a man own a piece of rock?

    6. Okay thanks DE, I was aware of that. I thought maybe they had just started implanting a chip in the right hand or forehead of newborns w/o the parents consent or something like that. That's probably what they're going to start doing, if not already in some places. thanks for informed response.

    7. Your sister got mad at you because she is registered with the BEAST, an employee/subject to their rules. If she does not follow "orders she will lose her job. Medical professionals are licensed by the "STATE OF..." My sister thinks I'm nuts too... Don't start educating family first or you might end up in the looney bin...

      Remember if they are not one of the awakened then they are an AGENT. Young people seem to be the hardest to open thir eyes and minds.. Remember what the great politician Hitler said " Give me a generation and I'll give you a Nation.

      Many will defend the fraud, move on to the next set of ears. Peace!

  5. These "courts" are nothing but glorified commercial corporation debt collection agencies

  6. In the Beginning, God failed to incorporate.

    1. Thank you for my next quote to pass to the awakened. I keep reading the coments looking for these words of Wisdom. Peace!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Wow...
    Boy~ yal like to argue !! I like better to, acknowledge their claim and shift the burden of duty:

    I have the power of appointment, under the power of appointment act of 1951 under sections 2038 & 2514 of Title 26, as the Donor and Beneficiary of record and I appoint [their NAME & TITLE] as executor of the legal estate of the decedent

    Now they are liable to do the tax acounting! Form 56 them, and petition the IRS for a "Prompt Assessment" using a Form 4810

    let them squirm...

    1. So basically "I accept jurisdiction then try to appoint someone else to be responsible!"
      LOL and what code/title/section exactly states the one being one appointed MUST accept the appointment?


    2. Big Blue...good you know of any thing like this in Canada? Any Canadians here that do know?

    3. Big blue ocean....yea, you might just get your assessment but no one will sign it and take any LIABILITY for it, and if you don't comply, they will just issue a notice of Lein on your record at the county recorders office...!!Or take your bank account and siege your wages from work which your employer will readily comply with... but I wish it were really that simple.. they never give us a valid assessment. Why start now..!! They must all be trained on how to handle "liability" when someone confronts them with any case you know damn well the judge will always rule for the IT'S even if they never give you a valid assessment..!! That's your job according to self assess yourself...!!

    4. Love it Big Blue, thank you for sharing!
      I'm ALL for peaceful acknowledgment and shifting the burdens they have CREATED back where they belong!
      We just have to keep holding them to account to do their job and shining the light on their liability to do so.

      Much Gratitude, Love and Peace

    5. Hey Big Blue, why on earth would you want to relinquish your Executor Office and turn it over to criminals? The Office of the Executor is the highest office in the land trumps every other office, agency and court. No sir, you want to document your status on the record as the sole Executor of your Estate by filing your status with the probate or surrogate court in the county of your birth. Then order a certified copy and send an administrative copy of that to anyone who attempts to administer your estate without explicit consent and approval from the Office of the Executor. If you are in a court case, just get there early with your letter from the Office of the Executor and walk up to the prosecutor or plaintiff and ask: "where is your permission from the Office of the Executor to administer this Estate?" and watch them jump. Hand them your cease and desist letter from the O of the E and an admin copy of your filings and sit down to watch the fireworks.

    6. Here are Anna's instructions on how to do this:

  11. I just called Dun & Bradstreet after going to their website and seeing that they charge for reports that they do on companies and I asked if they have any listing that I could just look up a number to see what business it is for. The guy helping me said there was a way to do that by searching from a particular link and then said , "But I can help you with that," and, after he looked up that number I gave him he said that it is for the "Judicial Branch of US Govt" and that it is "no longer in business." When I said, "Oh, how interesting," he asked me if I wanted to talk with someone in their government services dept (or whatever it was he said--something like that), and I found myself in yet another menu of phone choices that I wasn't interested in going through and so I hung up.

    1. The judicial branch of the government is no longer in should have asked him if there is some other entity that replaced it, like the U.S. judiciary branch of govt, Inc. or some other name closely associated with the same authority but slightly changed name...!! If not, that would be powerful evidence to even these courts of law...!! I just don't understand why, if our country is bankrupt, how we can still continue business as usual...!! The stock market keeps going up, the unemployment rate is going down, and everyone is writting checks on accounts that don't anymore...someone please explain this to me...!!

    2. TimO, you can look them all up for free. When they get discovered they change the name and get a new number. Honesty doesn’t exist in FICTION LAND. They can't erase the old numbers. Just because they aren't in business today under a NAME and number doesn't mean IT didn't exist yesterday. Follow the trail. The rabbit hole is deep.

  12. Are there any Ozzies on the line ??

  13. Yeah Ron
    Facebook - Aussie strawman group.
    Find someof us there

  14. How are things on your side of the world...!! Any better than us..??

  15. It's up to us to lay down the law common law that is.the 7th.ammendment reaffirms judges only hear cases under 20 dollarsaccording to the common law (law of the land).
    We must research how it was applied and using case law but oral arguments using your Witt . Basically whatever you can convince a jury .we have to trespass on Thai courts till we can open a common law superior court of our which time not even the supreme Court can overturned it's decisions .

  16. Read " Rulers Of Evil " by Tauper Saucey....its the Jesuits and the Black Pope aka the Roman Catholic Church as Anna has stated numerous times

  17. Dont renew any contracts if public servants are not doing their job ... fire them all ?

  18. "Every member of every police force on Earth and every member of every military and paramilitary organization needs to be clued in and told to do their actual duty. Assuming that the politicians won't do their jobs, the people will have to--- and in that eventuality the police and the military need to know who "the Enemy" really is."

    Every 'person' on earth and every member of group needs to be clued in and advised to do their actual duty. This includes all within the church. People need to all look into the mirror to see and acknowledge where the enemy and or the True Prince of peace resides.
    So does mankind get the leaders we deserve? And Why? There have always been rules for masters and servants.
    There is a reason for Tribulation! Would the proud even recognize these days? Would the self righteous recognize these times?
    In Truth are many mad at God?

    1. Follower, the 'churches' have failed miserably at informing anyone of the real Truth, and so we have a majority of the population who are totally ignorant of God. At the same time, the population needs to blame nobody but themselves for their ignorance, because they do not seek the Truth, shut their ears when told the Truth, and so they really have no one else to blame but themselves. Do we ever hear/see anyone asking questions? No.
      Mankind has become so self-loving, self-serving and downright haughty that they want to be boss of their own life, do as THEY please, when they please, do NOT want to serve God, YET act like they deserve favors from Him, or bail them out when they need it.
      Well, it just doesn't work that way, but they don't want to hear that; nor do they want to hear what it takes TO get His Favor and help.
      And so they all fall into the ditch.....together.

  19. So the churches failed but it's not their fault, it's people who ought to have sought the truth, which sounds like its readily available, care to tell us all, exactly what the truth is, why do you know so and how?

    1. Ram, I just said the churches have failed miserably, which makes them at fault. But people should know better than to rely on what some pastor tells them. The Truth is written and they can Ask from above. That is exactly what I did, and where I got it all from. And over time, here and there, I have told it all right in this Forum.


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