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Monday, January 29, 2018

Threats and Intimidation - Courtesy of YOUR US Forest Service

Montana resident Billy Hill is not well liked by the Feds. He has beaten them twice in court and now they are after his land. Here is yet one more video outlining the vast corruption in the Bureau of Land Management and US Forest Service. Sadly, I have many, many more to come. Northwest Liberty News.

Found here:


  1. Endangered species trumps your life .you defend your life you broke the law.

  2. Perhaps the the movie Avatar was not about some other planet far away from here. The pattern fits. Military occupation and plunder for centuries, destruction of peoples culture, careless destruction of the planet and disregard for any life other than the attacker's agenda. All allegedly for some substance called unobtainium. I kind of insanity loosed on the innocent, many of whom think the attackers are their friends and protectors. Many of these friends and protectors themselves do not know the "boss" the work has no care, hope, will power, or exists anywhere other then in the minds of people. It always boils down to the people, due to the fact there are far more people than their are imaginary beings. One cannot imagine their existence away. It is as real as it gets. On the other hand, corporations, imagined by people in the first place can be imagined away by imaginative, based on truth, goodness, mercy, honesty and any points along those lines in the process. Why be afraid of something you imagine? I would say anyone dealing in land using guns, troops, rockets, unlawful courts, extortion, theft of one sort the other, is not welcome in any community and the proof of it is the increasing damage apparent in the paths left by those worshiping these unseen yet powerfully imagined and believed in wrongs, powers of darkness that harm.

  3. I tried so hard to tell people that our country is lying to us and our courts are corrupt, along with the banks...just go to other sites where the banks are involved and you can see that a lot of people still believe the banks are in the right and the borrowers are evil..!! "If you can't afford it maybe , well, you shouldn't buy it....well that's you have $400,000 lying around to buy a house...idiot!!! But shows you how brainwashed they are...I was even having an argument about Religions and Christ being the redeamer... As we went back and forth I finally asked him how old he was and are you in America or somewhere else, because I suspected him of being a millienial just because of the way he argued... So I gave him my age and where I live...He finally told me the truth...he was only 25 years old and from Norway..!! Well, I told him I suspected you were a miliinium, just because of his lodgic.. I told him if I was you age growing up right now, I would probably be agreeing with you because their is an agenda that is especially targeting your age group..!! After that we started a more productive and civil conversation that will hopefully wind up with him digging into the "Truth"!!! It just goes to show you everyone in the world is being seduced into this system...thats why it is so important to get our schools back and quick...!!

    1. It's all RICO & fraud.
      Years ago in 2009, I had discovered Countrywide Home Loans committed 65 counts of fraud on my home refinance loan. The loan was rescinded under TILA for several material disclosure violations. BOA bought CHL and in 2010 attempted to foreclose the home regardless of the voided mortgage. Tons of hastle with their people too. On top of that, the shysters discovered they could not foreclose due to MERS having failed to record the assignment of the mortgage to an unknown party. The out of state Title Company sued me to force me to sign a new copy for recording. I refused. The judge is quoted as saying "I don't blame you for not wanting to pay for it twice." By default, the judge ordered the county to record a photocopy. (under the table payout?) The title company was not even licensed to do business in the state, unlawful to start and maintain a legal action. The judge allowed their suit anyway, and gave them a week to get their company registered. (scam) I wasn't granted a motion to dismiss due to failure to state a claim for which relief could be granted... due to the rescission voiding the entire loan. I filed suit on BOA, but their Atty refused the suit. (scam) Weeks later the sheriff sale took place. (scam) Partners of the bank's law firm bid at auction. (scam)

      My property was seized while I was out of town. (scam) Smelling rats, I then contacted the FBI to investigate the bank/court/sheriff for RICO and collusion. FBI said no, we don't do such investigations. (scam) A year later, the state AG sued the same bank in class action for their misdeeds. I got a measly 3,500 after 75,000 in losses. (scam)

      I have a three foot stack of paperword to help write a book about the experience. I then went homeless, unemployed, bartering off grid, ever since. (no debt, newfound freedom)

    2. Hi Jim, your story has the same "pretender Lenders" as ours, and we experienced almost the same results. However fortunately for us we had to leave the country for work for a few weeks and we knew that if we left the house, they would consider it "abandoned" and change the locks on it. And they did. We had to make the decision of keeping our "living" or stay and "stand" in our home til they drug us out(and they would have,unfortunately)We knew we would've never had any standing, and since it was becoming very obvious to us that it was a pretty huge, and predetermined "transfer of wealth" taking place, and we just so happen to be the "lucky lotto winners" subject to be a part of it. We never accepted any bribe "hush money" from the "State's settlement" as we know that it was all fraud, IS ALL FRAUD. No statutes of limitation on fraud.
      Cheaters never prosper in the end. Their end is coming soon.

    3. Thanks for sharing that, Kelli. I agree.

  4. We support those indoctrination centers called "schools" with out property tax/rent/farm fee, whatever they call it. The Borough held an auction where they claimed to have sold all my lands. They advertised it as a "land sale". If that's the case, why are they still claiming to "own" everything? Senate Document #43 SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 62 (Pg 9, Para 2) April 17, 1933 states "The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State; individual so-called "ownership" is only by virtue of Government, i.e., law, amounting to mere user; ... OK, so we really don't have a government do we, only corporations providing governmental services, and if they claim "sole ownership" they should take sole liability and pay the taxes, right? And if they really are selling "living lands" and not mere fictionalized descriptions, how can they continue to claim to "own" everything if they sell it all off? And it appears they have no idea what "Law" really is. Just what are they calling "law"?

  5. Law!! What law!! There is no proof that a "rule of law" exsist in this country...a better question would be what good is the sherriffs , if they aren't even trained in actual law, So they can protect the homeowner instead of just taking orders by the court of "inequity" that they just comply with like zombies....they are the ones that actually take the home, not the bank...they absolute depend on their ignorance as much as ours to get away with murder...its run more like the "mafia"..the boss says to take this piece of property. Lock and load and let's dance with the homeowner...yea ha..!!!!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I told you guys before, especially in California, that a foreclosed home here is not worth fighting anymore because they will overuse any REMEDY you can come up with..Why!! Because the sherriffs obey court orders like it came from God himself....they are stupid. I even went to them personally to show them what the judge did and that I won on paper....they could care less because they say they aren't lawyers and can't question a court order....and you wonder why we have corruption..!!!

    1. I would think that turn about is fair play. Give notice and demand to the US Marshall for an injunction against the pirates.


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