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Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Evil in High Places

By Anna Von Reitz

It began circa 1700 when the Dutch East India Trading Company operated by the Kings of Belgium and the Netherlands decided to bilk their stock holding investors and customers and leave their insurers on the hook to pay for it. 

At the time the Dutch East India Company owned and operated by far the largest fleet of merchant vessels in the world, utterly dwarfing the corresponding British Trading Companies in terms of tonnage and reach. 

A deal was struck between the colluding Monarchs by which the Dutch East India "assets" were allowed to find safe harbor in New York, various ports in South America, the Philippines, India, and elsewhere under the protection of the British Navy. 

And so the Dutch scoundrels came to our shores and names like Vanderbilt and Rockefeller and Roosevelt came along with them. 

This also led to the circumstance eighty years later in which the victorious Colonists had a vast merchant fleet and no navy to spit on. 

That left the Monarchs and the former Colonists in a mutual bind.  The Europeans needed the raw materials from America, and the Americans needed the European markets to buy their commodities.

What to do? 

There was no choice but to strike a deal with King George III by which he agreed to act as the Trustee for the American Merchant Fleet on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waters --- and assign the British Navy to protect the American (Dutch) Commercial Fleet. 

This was not something either side relished, but if King George hadn't agreed the other European Monarchies would have been at war with him (and things were already bad enough) for depriving them of the income from their commercial fleets and access to American raw materials. As for the Americans, their comparatively tiny population could not possibly consume all the commodities they produced as a means of livelihood in their own domestic markets, which would have meant waste and oversupply and loss of value in the marketplace for the fisheries, mines, farms, and plantations---- riots for the fledgling government and starvation for Americans who had already endured eight years of war.

So there you have it, the "foundational" quid pro quo that drove the setup of our government.

Now that you can understand why it was set up this way, with King George still left in charge of nineteen very fundamental and important duties and control of our federal government in those areas, you can also understand how we wound up with both The United States of America and The United States and two separate populations on our shores--- as The Definitive Treaty of Peace, Paris, 1783 put it--- we had "the free, sovereign, and independent people" living side by side with the British citizen "inhabitants" who were "residing" here on a temporary basis to provide "essential government services" (See Article IV of the actual Constitution --- what the Holy See calls the "Original Equity Contract".)

The British were here to protect commercial shipping, to direct the conduct of war if necessary, were -- as Trustees and under the obligations of trusteeship-- obligated to conduct our foreign trade negotiations for our benefit, and be responsible for all the other "delegated powers" allowed by the actual Constitution creating The United States as a subset of The United States of America. 

Quite quickly, the Dutch grasped the importance of The United States of America (unincorporated, of course) and sought supremacy over the English members of that superior (with respect to The United States) government, while those like Alexander Hamilton who distrusted the Dutch and favored the English resisted by enforcing the constitutional agreements to the letter. 

Here we are, more than two hundred years later.  The British-Dutch, Dutch-British struggle has continued more or less unabated throughout the entire time, and the hapless Americans have been in the middle, confused by it all.  Most recently, (1946) the French and the United Nations have gotten in the thick of it and had their paws in our pockets, too.

To say that things have run amok would be a gross understatement. 

We are left with a situation which is not political in nature, but rather requires prosecution as crime, if any "Rule of Law" is to survive. We are hampered in that effort in that the members of the American and British Bar Associations entrusted with the orderly prosecution and enforcement of the Public Law are in fact misdirected to commit more crime against us (both personage and barratry) and to enforce private corporate administrative codes and to act as glorified bill collectors of non-existent debts (racketeers and privateers) instead. 

Both the British and opposing interests concluded toward the beginning of last century that it was more profitable and convenient for them to feed on us together as colluding parasites, than to fight with each other over the spoils.  The result has been an acceleration of the corruption, violence, and insanity which leaves everything 180 degrees out of whack and upside down. 

We, the actual Americans, have meanwhile developed our resources and become a Super Power. We have no actual need for any antiquated quid pro quo to enable our goods to get to market, and no reason to embrace any joint sovereignty position at all. 

We do so only to enforce the provisions of our actual Equity Contract as it stands and reserve the right to renegotiate it as we please in days to come. 

We are often asked why we are not in the vanguard of some political movement, why we do not join a political party, why we are not gathering followers and choosing emblems and hoisting banners. 

We reply--- there is no need.  We already have our flag(s) for both war and peacetime, and we are hoisting the peacetime flag.  The actual American people haven't gone anywhere and we still maintain and have our Body Politic, fully in possession of the land jurisdiction of this country. The United States of America is still very much alive, contrary to the self-interested rumors of our demise.

No, this isn't about politics. It certainly isn't about Americans committing these crimes, because they have all been committed by the Territorial  "United States Citizens" and  Municipal "citizens of the United States" --- dishonest foreign-controlled servants who have harmed us and then used the wealth and power they obtained from us to harm others --- and in the process made it look like we were the ones to blame.

Essentially, the same thing happened here as happened in England when Queen Victoria betrayed the people and sold them as chattel by first enfranchising them and then offering their labor and interest in their assets in exchange for investor shares in the UNITED KINGDOM----and then used the money she raised to support the Raj and colonial conquest of India.  Anyone who doubts it needs only to read the papers of Benjamin D'Israeli with a modern understanding of what "enfranchisement" means in the corporate sense.

The same nasty business has been carried out on our shores and also against the Canadians and Australians, and over time, against everyone else as well. It's a form of Commercial Feudalism based on economic algorithms and Bad Faith dealings at the highest levels of government.

This is about evil in High Places, which impacts us and everyone else on a worldwide basis, and which has gotten utterly out of control.

By all accounts dribbling in, the representatives of the member nations of the United Nations have had a nasty shock.  They have realized, finally, that the central banks are not content to be rich unaccountable idol-makers.  The so-called Central Banks want it all, including the political power.

In making threats and flaunting their power, the banks have over-played their hand, underestimating the more venal instincts of those who crave both political and financial power, and who have the actual means to exercise both.  The politicians may be stupid, they may be lazy, they may have the morals of pigs, but when they finally realize that their power and position has been totally undermined by their marriage to the banks, they will waste no time in securing a divorce. 

As for the American states and people, we say--- enough.  Our money has always been and still is the actual United States Silver Dollar and our strength is still in honest international trade.  Now that everyone knows that the Cesspool in DC is not our responsibility and that we are the Priority Creditors of the both the Territorial and Municipal United States, we are prepared to bring closure to these issues and an end to debt-based economics worldwide. 

See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website
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  1. The American.shipping out of NYC.and Boston was allowed to run British blockades on Dutch. And french ports because the British knew they were pro British or federalist .

  2. How does this change the militarization of the police and all the false flag events made to make our guns illegal? How does any of this stop the madness now being visited upon the landed Americans? (Yes, I'm talking about Las Vegas.) Sorry, you may ignore this if you like or not post it at all. It is up to your discretion.

    1. From Anna:

      We don't know what to think about Laa Vegas yet and neither, presumably, do you. It will take time to sort out what this is. Let's just stand back and continue to assert our right as non-citizens to keep and bear arms.

    2. In my opinion, it was a deversion for something else that was probably happening at the same time somewhere else and completely ignored by the mainstream media... why the deversion...we might not ever know or maybe we will later to our demise... it is very curious though.. !! How did he get all those weapons into the casino in the first place....!!!

    3. nobody seems to mention reno, ahemmm, new banking/treasury spot? hmmmmm pretty curious...

    4. There really appears to be too much about this Vegas shooting that doesn't make sense, like how he got (now saying 23) guns up to the room with lots of security cameras & people in a very busy hotel. Also 4 windows were broken out (two on opposite side) before this event yet no one noticed? If you listen to the recordings many of the people at the concert are saying "no one seems to be hit" & the hysteria just doesn't seem very real. Maybe I'm wrong but my gut says this is another false flag like Sandy Hook, Orlando, San Bernardino, etc. & did you know that most of the so-called parents at Sandy Hook were all actors & all had their mortgages paid off. The globalist's are getting desperate & sloppy in their false flag attacks & think we're all ignorant enough to believe it!

    5. of course. but the location is very close to reno and the new banking system supposedly being set up maybe a cover for that out in reno on the reservations...the new federal reserve ;o)

    6. A big tipoff for something being a false flag, is how they come out with ''who did it' within a very very short time. Under ordinary circumstances, they would be saying it is under investigation and that will take some time.
      Also, look how quickly they knew all about his background. How is that done so quickly. Nobody could get that many guns up there; I think an ordinary gunman would only have one or two, that he could easily get thru in one suitcase. Where is the hotel manager and what does he have to say. Where is the ''gunmans'body? Dead? Or alive? Whisked where. Lots of questions here.

    7. Good point...!! If i was Trump i would have told the Nevada police, not to let anyone touch the body or crime scene until he gets there...and that includes anyone from the federal agencies...FBI, NSA, CIA....I dont care who it is, but protect at all cost the crime scene....otherwise, they can tell us anything, and completely chance the crime scene and the body... Its not fair to anyone that they totally block off the crime scene from the public....!! Not only have the courts blocked all our remedies, then they have law enforcement at high levels to block crime scenes so they are the only ones with a narrative..!! When it first happened, a nurse from the hospital said there was only 2 deaths and 50 or so wounded...All of a sudden the death toll is over 54 and the injured climbed up to over 150....come on. I think the ER can count bodies.. there was only one place they could take them..!! They are at it again... i hope Trump has something up his sleave for this....!!

    8. Print & Serve All American Bar Association Members! Public & Judicial Notices, Orders, Claims, Liens! Post! share! Court File! Anna's site #652,661,662,663,664 & 734,677,633,266,87, etc.

    9. It's aweful strange that HLS etc with all their tentacles via OUR computers and various devices KNEW NOTHING- same for Orlando w/FBI connection.
      Seems they allow "situations" to unfold for ulterior purposes
      The "agency deep state" could care less about a few dozen "broken eggs"(American's) for their intended ultimate purposes.
      It is only OUR Faith, guts and guns with grip on Founding Principles as Framed that holds the parasites from overcoming us so far....
      One - because they are cowards all- fearing the rope and lampost's which abound;
      - this as the "sleeping giant" AWAKENS - albeit too slowly.
      WE are another "Great Awakening" from God's Providential hand yielding an American(hence world) reprieve in the-
      "true war of principalities,
      powers and rulers of the darkness of this age,
      with the hosts of wickedness in heavenly places."
      "Stand therefore,
      having girded your waist with truth,
      putting on the breastplate of righteousness,
      shod your feet with the Gospel of Peace,
      taking up the shield of Faith,
      the Sword of the Spirit= the Word'
      praying always in the Spirit,
      W/all perserverence and supplication for ALL the saints-
      boldly make known the mystery of the gospel."

      "Grace be with all those who
      Love OUR Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity.

      "Turn to Me with all your heart- rend your hearts not your garments.
      Return to the Lord your God for He is merciful and gracious...

      Let the priest's, who minister to the Lord,
      weep between the porch and the alter;
      Let them say-

      do not give Your heritage to reproach,
      That the nations should rule over them.
      Why should they say among the peoples,
      WHERE is their GOD?"

      "In the time of the latter rain."
      "That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh;
      Your sons and daughters shall prophesy,
      Your old men shall dream dreams,
      Your young men shall see visions;

      on My men and maid servants -
      I will pour out My Spirit in those days.

      Before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord-
      it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the Lord-
      Shall be saved."

    10. It's aweful strange that HLS etc with all their tentacles via OUR computers and various devices KNEW NOTHING- same for Orlando w/FBI connection.
      Seems they allow "situations" to unfold for ulterior purposes
      The "agency deep state" could care less about a few dozen "broken eggs"(American's) for their intended ultimate purposes.
      It is only OUR Faith, guts and guns with grip on Founding Principles as Framed that holds the parasites from overcoming us so far....
      One - because they are cowards all- fearing the rope and lampost's which abound;
      - this as the "sleeping giant" AWAKENS - albeit too slowly.
      WE are another "Great Awakening" from God's Providential hand yielding an American(hence world) reprieve in the-
      "true war of principalities,
      powers and rulers of the darkness of this age,
      with the hosts of wickedness in heavenly places."
      "Stand therefore,
      having girded your waist with truth,
      putting on the breastplate of righteousness,
      shod your feet with the Gospel of Peace,
      taking up the shield of Faith,
      the Sword of the Spirit= the Word'
      praying always in the Spirit,
      W/all perserverence and supplication for ALL the saints-
      boldly make known the mystery of the gospel."

      "Grace be with all those who
      Love OUR Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity.

      "Turn to Me with all your heart- rend your hearts not your garments.
      Return to the Lord your God for He is merciful and gracious...

      Let the priest's, who minister to the Lord,
      weep between the porch and the alter;
      Let them say-

      do not give Your heritage to reproach,
      That the nations should rule over them.
      Why should they say among the peoples,
      WHERE is their GOD?"

      "In the time of the latter rain."
      "That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh;
      Your sons and daughters shall prophesy,
      Your old men shall dream dreams,
      Your young men shall see visions;

      on My men and maid servants -
      I will pour out My Spirit in those days.

      Before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord-
      it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the Lord-
      Shall be saved."

  3. Oh watching Vagas event probably a psychological operation to base a gun Sandy hook .have to be able to give an explanation on why we think everything is unlawful and were it all few know actually history there is no statute of limitations on fraud.

  4. Fantastic History...Anna.
    I've also came across the East India Trading Co (how could you not, if you actually study History...seriously, look at their & our flags!)...and learned what it represents.
    I just don't know the legal
    This kind of information, factual...can be used in a court of law and as mentioned...fraud has no statute of limitations if we can actually obtain Justice...which can only be obtained in a Civilian court for no kangaroo court of the system will allow the Truth to reign.

    If the Truth were revealed and Justice applied, their whole system will come crumbling down because after's ALL a house of cards...with it's foundation being lies.
    HOO-YAH & God Bless the Truth and the Restoration of the Republic

    P.S. Regarding the Nevada massacre...the MSM is lying to us.
    Keep your powder dry...the NWO is afoot.

    1. P.S.S (<--- I know, I love the positive mentality that you ended the article with, Anna. :D

    2. Has anyone read your letters yet and responded back to you judge Anna. Dont they at least have the decentcy to respond back to people when they are properly addressed..??? Just out of courtesy...or doesnt that exsist anymore..!!

  5. We MUST be rid of Ryan, mccain, maxine waters and all her cohort racist troublemakers and all others who are only there to battle for their own special interest groups and who are set on their impeachment journey. Turn the tables on them, hand them their pink slips. Leopards never change their spots!
    Evict the UN from our Land; stop housing the enemy. Human trafficking, pedofeelya and treason should be punishable by hanging in Time Square.
    P.S. And how timely is this; TRUNEWS TV coming Oct. 16. Call your cable company and tell them you want them to provide you with this new TV station. Then utilize them to get all the True News out to the public. Get all this Truth out there thru that station. They can be our Voice.

    1. A true news channel....on regular cable TV. Lets wait and see...TV is very different than the internet.. heavily censored!! Ill believe it when i see it....!!

    2. James, I fully understand your skepticism but at the same time I am open to the many changes taking place. Nothing goes on forever; both good and evil get squashed sooner or later, one way, then another, then reverse. Utopia is not gonna happen in this life. But Empires have fallen, and I must say I have never seen a time like this, when all evil is getting full exposure, and more to come on a daily basis. And censoring of Tv broadcasting is done by evil people. Strange things do happen. So we watch and see how things play out in all these ongoing scenarios.

    3. I know what your saying Abby, and i want to believe it. I hate to be cynical, but everytime we get our hopes up, something always happens to dash it... Still , i will keep my fingers crossed, because the public needs a channel like that, if they stay true to it..!! Do you know that Trump not only likes alex jones and actually wanted to go on his show to not only give him credibility, but use his platform to discuss things...!! But as much as Alex likes and respects and honored that Trump would trust him that much, he told Trump because of his conspiracy theories that he didnt want to taint Trumps credibility. He was just trying to protect Trump by being associated with him at this point, because he has enough problems. He didnt want to add to least not yet.. Maybe later he told him, when the congress stops trying to bury him or indict him for something.. I wish Trump would start his own station, but i dont know how much he is allowed to tell us under National Security Matters..!!

  6. we live in a different time, i don't think silver will do it anymore since alot of electronic equipment uses it, plus doesn't silver need to be cleaned and out of the sunlight because it becomes toxic?

  7. It would be so much easier if The United States of America (i.e. We) were granted an implicit trademark for the name of our country and force the other similar corporation names to change.

  8. Seems the 30 - 40 thousand American's killed yearly in traffic acccidents aren't the true priority- being it could be-
    1) anybody
    2) anytime
    So wherewhere's all the new laws and restriction offered there?

    Heck a loaded 18-wheeler with a 450-Cat(or bigger) motor weighing over 50-TONS @ 100+mph going thru any bldg, arena or outside concert would murder 100's or even 1,000's in seconds;
    and worse depending on the "load".
    Smallarms attacks- with or without "bumpfire is-small in numbers compared to seriously demented, demonic and terroristic killers twisted agenda's actual choices in capability.
    The priorities seem missplaced as even a small plane or 1ton 4×4 pickup loaded with a gas/diesel/? mix is a fire bomb of serious proportions @100+mph.
    What now ban everything that moves~???
    Just who are the "authorities" trying to protect is the bigger picture here...

  9. i would also recommend old (1920 or so) "disraeli" movie if you catch it on won awards, was originally a "play" i believe, then a silent movie, then a "talkie" ... it was "sympathetic" (anti-semitism was a thing) ...and not necessarily historically accurate, but even still, should coincide with claims here.

    short story: 1) england is worried about losing "empire" status, disraeli thinks they need to "expand" to maintain "relevance"

    2) disraeli (prime minister) decides to purchase suez canal

    3) (privately owned, but issues the official money too) bank of england will not lend him money, they see it as his pie in the sky personal pet project

    4) he gets private banker (in real life supposed to be a rothschild i believe, but movie does not say this) to lend him money, sends agent to suez and writes a check to purchase it

    5) russians (under czar i believe) were also interested, but disraeli beat, they sink rothschild ship carrying gold...this will cause disraeli's check to bounce...the poor rothschild character claims he is good, but not until insurance money kicks in, and that it is fishy accident since everyone survived, but the loot was gone (a.k.a. sabotage) the check will bounce and he will be foreclosed on, and he is "bankrupt" if that happens (if this is truly supposed to be a rothschild, hard to believe that part is true)

    6) disraeli threatens bank of england (bluffing, would be nice, but not believable anywhere today) "we gave you your charter (and issue of government money), we can take it away" ... but, if you cover this check (and presumably rothschild will pay you back, when insurance money kicks in) so the purchase goes through, then we will let you stick around

    7) governor of bank of england accepts (not knowing disraeli is bluffing, although theoretically they should have the power to "shut down the bank" that would likely need parliament/votes/etc.)

    8) big ceremony, bank of england is heralded in public as "generously helping the government" (taxing people as collateral for this deal, not sure amount of check)

    point being, even this not-necessarily-historically-accurate story, essentially involved "enfranchising" people in the sense that they were taxed to pay the (privately owned stock, but monopoly issue on government "legal tender" i believe) bank of england's debts...which in this case, included purchase of suez canal...although bank of england was itself "standing good" for private banker (supposed to be a rothschild)...who itself had "lent" money to disraeli (because bank of england would not)

    so...situation basically same today...people are taxed to cover debts of "private" bankers :)

    just noting what little i know of disraeli, matches above "enfranchisement" ...done to "expand the british empire" ...

    1. i believe carroll quigley claimed bank of england one of the governors had a button on his desk, to flood the basement (gold) ... so any thief would have to swim to get it...another governor wore a cape and hat as a "disguise" when he would hop on a ship and come chat with the american bankers...

      re: federal reserve and "depression" this was likely because they were issuing notes for gold they did not have, and needed to "borrow" some of our gold for awhile (which roosevelt tried to stop) ... so one can say that button was installed for good reason...they were loaning out gold but not letting people redeem for it when they wanted to (a.k.a. counterfeiting, ripping people off)

      point was not to cause a depression here, but that was acceptable collateral damage...

      and even after we sent ample gold over there, wreaking havoc with stock market...they still 'defaulted' ...

      again, i would say very little has changed...

      i believe bank of england 1694 this was right after change of for overthrowing prior rulers, that was the "kickback" (help us overthrow king, we will give you a monopoly on the official money) ...

      just noting, many people point to the private "bank of england" 1694 as one of the big "central banks" that started this whole "Fiat currency" being privately owned but 'legal tender'...i believe there were other such "banks" before, but that seems to be the first "big" one people claim that took off

      so many would say they are as bad as "disraeli" ...and predate him by a few hundred years...

      just things i have read, do your own research of course...some say they are "public" now, but that is just in name, still essentially privately owned, queens' stock holdings are private (state privilege), and who owns the original stock is still secret.

      not to excuse disraeli...just private "fiat currency" getting monopoly "legal tender" some would say is just as bad as anything disraeli did.

      essentially a tax people unknowingly pay for make-believe "credit" masquerading as "money" that is rightfully theirs in the first place.

      also, i believe rothschilds were not original many would claim (private) bank of england was corrupt before rothschilds or disraeli showed up...


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