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Tuesday, June 20, 2017

The Four Kinds

By Anna Von Reitz

There are those who are deceived by Satan and his minions and who in helpless delusion fail to embrace the Truth, and so, are lost.
There are those who through horrible adversity are overthrown and unable to seek and find the Truth, and so perish---like the seeds sprouting on stone. (Luke 8.)
There are those who, though they hear the Truth, are too beguiled by the pleasures of the world, and so, they become entangled and choked by the proliferation of the vanities surrounding them. And they, too, are lost.
Among all the rest are those who possess, as Jesus said, a "good and noble heart" and these overcome all the deceptions, the circumstances, and the temptations, not by their own strength, but because they bear witness to the Truth. They become shining lights and sources of hope and comfort for the whole Earth.
Which one are you today?
Have you been sold a Bill of Goods by Satan? Told that you are helpless, stupid, worthless, evil, unable to help yourself? That your sins are beyond forgiveness? That you cannot make a new start? That you will "never" have or be or live to see anything different?
If so, wake up and see the dawn coming. Know that you are valuable and loved and powerful and part of all Creation. Know that no sin can stain you and no injury overcome you, if you embrace the Truth.
Have you suffered the horrors of extreme poverty, loss, deprivation of even the most basic things?
Take heart, these evils are ending. Those who have starved you and denied you access to a decent life are being overthrown at this hour and they will not rise again.
Have you been distracted by the lures of the flesh--- the glitter of money, the seductions of sex, the rush to acquire things, the lust for power over others -- until you have forgotten the Truth and feel like a hamster on a treadmill, pouring out all your life, your time, and your energy and never really getting anywhere? Never finding any true satisfaction or peace?
Be glad that the wheel is being stopped. The frantic, endless hustle to make payments and perform, perform, perform!--- the pressure to always win at any cost, the brutal competition and constant judging of everyone and everything, the fear of losing what you have and the inability to take the time and have the means to enjoy it---- all that is going away. Good riddance.
The Great Correction is being brought home to you by those who were blessed by the Living Lord of Heaven, those who possessed and kept and honored the Truth.
They don't ask you for anything in return, except your assistance in completing the work they have begun--- if you are willing and if you are able to grab an oar and pull.
A vast amount of work remains to be done. Millions of home and business mortgages have to be rewritten. People throughout the world have to be educated and informed. Courts must be utterly reformed. Educational institutions, too. The polluted waters and soil and air must be cleansed and restored, our communities rebuilt. We need the refreshment of our own souls.
Everywhere you look, the world is waiting for rebirth and renewal.
Let it begin today. Let it begin with you, with one small step.

See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website
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  1. Why do folks keep referring to Jesus quotes since Jesus the man never existed!!!
    The bible is so misunderstood and for those who understand it, our comments are never approved.
    Typical of the world of religious fanatics and the NWO. ALL the same mindset. Control!

  2. Dearest Anna,

    Starting in the mid nineties I began a ten year obsessive compulsive study of the Bible and especially reformed theology, but fell into depression due to the obvious lack of memory recall. Yes there were times when my heart would sing from the obvious truths I was reading, but nothing in all my efforts at any time in my 76 years uplifted my soul like “The Four Kinds” Since our Lord God all-mighty has already enabled you, all I can add is a very sincere thank you for your inspiring words. I do what I can to expose more people to your gifted articles and pray He will continue protecting you. You are the Lords blessing to America.

  3. Anna quote: "Take heart, these evils are ending. Those who have starved you and denied you access to a decent life are being overthrown at this hour and they will not rise again." And So It Is!


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