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Thursday, September 15, 2016

What Happened to Checks and Balances? ---Make the Answer Go Viral

by Anna Von Reitz

I am often asked, mostly by older Americans, "What happened to Checks and Balances?"

For younger readers, let me explain.  We were taught that our government depends on the principle of "checks and balances" to function properly.  The Founders deliberately set up the State Governments as a "check" --- a means to block --- Federal Government overreaches, and keep the whole machinery of government "balanced".

Both the concept of "checks and balances" and the reality of it has faded away and all levels of government ---county, state, and federal---have increasingly become rubber stamps for each other.  Why?

The short answer is federal corporation racketeering kickbacks, otherwise known as "block grants".

Beginning in the 1930's the Rockefeller-sponsored Council of State Governments began advocating "federal revenue sharing"---- a euphemism for state governments receiving a portion of federal corporation profits in exchange for doing whatever the federal corporation bosses wanted the state governments to do. 

Eventually, the then-existing state governments were led along bread crumb by bread crumb to compromise their very structure and being and to allow themselves to be incorporated as mere franchises of the federal corporation.  Just like Dairy Queen franchises they were then obligated to follow along in lock-step, promote the brand, wear the colors and do everything according to federal regulation and statute.

So, as a reality, the state governments were bribed into submission and the federal corporation bosses gained a strangle-hold on their operations.

By 1966 all the various organizations operating as state governments had taken the bait. They were obligated to continue in this quasi- federal satellite status as a quid pro quo requirement of receiving federal block grants and quickly became dependent on the hand-outs.  They also lost all credibility as governments of the people, by the people, or for the people and slid headlong into being governments of the corporations, by the corporations, and for the corporations----at the expense of the people these institutions are supposed to serve.

As time went on the corruption grew, and the more corrupt the state governments became, the more federal "candy" they received and the more adept at racketeering they became in their own right. In California the California Franchise Tax Board reared its ugly head, and elsewhere, in Nevada and Delaware, the race was on to promote business by passing "laws" that gave corporations even more power and less liability.  Perhaps most important of all, whatever "Daddy" in DC wanted, he and his agencies got, no questions asked.

Fortunately for us, when these original state government organizations decided to cross the line and incorporate as franchises of the federal corporation, they ceased to have any actual standing as a sovereign government and became private corporate enterprises in the business of providing governmental services.  Also, once incorporated as federal franchises, they became foreign with respect to us, in the same way that Spain is foreign to Bulgaria. 

Unless we really are and voluntarily choose to be "United States Citizens" or "citizens of the United States" they and their statutes have no power over us.  All their police departments are peopled by Mall Cops---- private security forces with exactly the same authority as a aisle walker at Walmart.  See the Clearfield Doctrine and 22 U.S.C.A. 286 d.

This means that we are free to act as American State nationals and set up our own lawful government on the land and decide for ourselves whether we want to provide our own governmental services at the state level or hire some other organization to provide state level services. After all, those who decided to incorporate our state governments as federal franchises made that decision only for themselves and in opposition to the requirements of our state governments to retain true checks and balances. They have continued to presume that they have the contract to provide us with state governmental services, but we are not obligated to go along with that presumption. 

We can choose another company to mow our lawn or we can do it ourselves.  They are in the position of service vendors and they can be fired without the niceties of an election.

Neither of the federal corporations doing business as the UNITED STATES (IMF) or THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (FEDERAL RESERVE) want us to realize these facts, but facts they remain. 

By objecting to their presumption that we are  "United States Citizens"  or "citizens of the United States" and by recording our Acts of Expatriation asserting our birthright political status as Virginians, Ohioans, Californians, etc., owing our allegiance to the land and soil of our birth, we serve Notice that we are not playing their corporate game and that they are merely here under contract to provide services to us.  We also serve Notice that our actual states operating on the land jurisdiction--- the Wisconsin State, Virginia Commonwealth, and so on-- are alive and well and populated with living, breathing Americans.

These states, the states standing firmly on the land, are the states meant to represent the people of this country----not some foreign corporation franchises merely calling themselves the "State of Washington" or the "STATE OF ALABAMA" surviving on kickbacks from parent corporations in DC. 

The unincorporated states on the land, like the Missouri State, are the missing links that need to be inserted back into the picture to establish and maintain checks and balances and return our government to its intended mode of operation, with the state governments being largely independent of the federal government's corporate policies and exercising a wide latitude of control over their own affairs.

In recent years the federal corporation(s) have even reached down into the county level and by the hundreds county government organizations have joined in the "federal block grant"  kickback scheme.  They have incorporated as "franchises of the state franchises", and like the "STATE OF IOWA"  the "JACKSON COUNTY" franchises have knowingly or unknowingly surrendered their status as sovereign elements of our lawful government and obligated themselves as corporate franchises to abide by every federal directive.

Finally, these obligations have become too oppressive and so contrary to local needs and sentiments that local people and local county governments are pushing back and pulling away from the federal trough-----and in the process, remembering who they really are and recalling the people they are meant to serve.

Please visit this link to learn more about two such counties and what they have done so far to restore local government of the people, by the people, and for the people:

All over this country the American People and the organizations meant to serve the living people are waking up from the bad dream of Rockefeller's collectivist corporate government and realizing their mistakes.  Either by booting up completely new and separate county government organizations to operate the actual land-based counties under the organic and public law, or by voluntarily liquidating incorporated county franchises and resuming operations as actual American county governments, the move is on.

I remember my Uncle Henry Schnur hearing about federal block grants for the first time, circa 1965.  He shook his head and said, "My Lord, people are dumb.  Where do they think all this federal money is coming from?"

The answer which was so obvious to him isn't necessarily obvious to people now, so let me say it in words everyone can understand:  all that "federal" money came from us, from you and I.  They were robbing Peter to pay Paul, without even bothering to tell Peter about the arrangements they made "in his behalf".

They stole our identities and incorporated us as "franchises" just as they unlawfully converted our counties and states into corporate franchises and got away with this via a similar names fraud scheme. 

The perpetrators then used our good credit and our assets as collateral to borrow against and they employed racketeering methods to force us to pay taxes we never owed.  This gave them plenty of money to waste and to spread around in other countries to interfere in their governments and cause trouble and wage wars for profit and to provide "federal block grants" as pay-offs to the state and county government organizations that were supposed to be protecting us from this criminality.

Corporate crooks took over the "federal government" which has been operating as a foreign governmental services corporation  since 1877 and they used this as a backdoor means to plunder the good name and credit of the American People via a process of semantic deceit, bribes, and kick backs. 

And that is what we are dealing with now, a legacy of deceit, fraud, and odious debt, which can only be dealt with via widespread awareness and public action beginning at the county level and spreading to the state level to restore our actual states and counties on the land and to restore the checks and balances that were undermined by this system of bribes known as "federal block grants".
See this article and over 300 others on Anna's website

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