Are you looking for Solutions for America in Distress

You are in the right place to find out about what is really going on behind the scenes in the patriot movement in America, including solutions from Oathkeepers, Anna Von Reitz, Constitutional Sheriffs, Richard Mack, and many more people who are leading the charge to restore America to freedom and peace. Please search on the right for over 9370 articles.
You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own. If you have an opinion on a particular article, please comment by clicking the title of the article and scrolling to the box at the bottom on that page. Please keep the discussion about the issues, and keep it civil. The administrator reserves the right to remove any comment for any reason by anyone. Use the golden rule; "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Additionally we do not allow comments with advertising links in them for your products. When you post a comment, it is in the public domain. You have no copyright that can be enforced against any other individual who comments here! Do not attempt to copyright your comments. If that is not to your liking please do not comment. Any attempt to copyright a comment will be deleted. Copyright is a legal term that means the creator of original content. This does not include ideas. You are not an author of articles on this blog. Your comments are deemed donated to the public domain. They will be considered "fair use" on this blog. People donate to this blog because of what Anna writes and what Paul writes, not what the people commenting write. We are not using your comments. You are putting them in the public domain when you comment. What you write in the comments is your opinion only. This comment section is not a court of law. Do not attempt to publish any kind of "affidavit" in the comments. Any such attempt will also be summarily deleted. Comments containing foul language will be deleted no matter what is said in the comment.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Judge Anna Von Reitz on the Abel Danger Radio Show Thursday

Thursday September 15th 
 12pm PST - 1pm MST - 2pm CST - 3pm EST

Judge Anna Von Reitz will be on Abel Danger radio at the link below on Thursday at Noon Eastern time. 

Thursday September 15th 
12pm PST - 1pm MST - 2pm CST - 3pm EST

Anna Von Reitz Has Made Her Book Available For All in eBook format!

Fellow Wisconsinite and current Alaska resident Judge Anna Von Reitz will be our guest on
Thursday, 15 September at 8pm GMT, 3pm Eastern, 11am Alaska Time to share some very
encouraging developments with us which will impact all of us in this country and especially
Veterans of military service. God is not giving up on the United States and I/we would encourage
"we the people" not to give up on God. He is MOVING.


  1. Thank you Paul for your wonderful commitment to Anna's work. It must be a labor of love for this Country and your fellow Americans to continue your daunting task of keeping up with her wonderful writings and getting them to us in a timely manner on this Blog. I applaud you and pray for you as you continue on. I also will send you some dollars as I am able as I know that it takes funds to do this and every dollar helps. So again thank you and God bless you for all your diligence.

    1. Thank you for your kind words and any help you can send our way including telling many people about the websites.
      You will probable never know how much that helps us.


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