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Sunday, July 10, 2016

Monday -- Support Needed for the Living Law Firm

from Anna Von Reitz

Our Living Law Firm is slogging it out against incredible odds aiming to do something that nobody at present even imagines---- stopping ALL foreclosures nationwide forever. 

Think about it.  

Six million families get to stay in their homes.  

The criminal banks get held to account.  

Not just one family.  Not just one home.  Millions of homes saved.  Millions of Americans in possession of their property with no more fear of attack. 

Think about it.  

On Monday, the first of the Mega Suits hits the deck.  It has already been filed.  Monday the arguments and evidence will be heard.  No matter what happens, it isn't going to be good for the banks.  It's going to be the bell ringing the death knell of the foreclosure mills.  All of them.  

We are going to take them down. 

That said, it is like the Battle of Britain where so many owe so few.  These men and women have worked 24/7 on the research and procedural processes going into this, making this not only a hallmark case in terms of facts and evidence, but also a first in terms of process and procedure. 

Nobody in the history of foreclosure cases has done this, but we are.  

Send your prayers and goodwill --- "good energy"--- to our team on Monday.  Imagine them triumphing and the dam breaking, with all the fraud and nastiness and criminality being swept away.  Imagine one page notices to all those now facing foreclosure, basically saying, "Never mind....." 

It has been a long and terrible effort.  Several members of our team have been unpaid for months now, except via your donations.  On their behalf and mine and the millions of American families we have dedicated ourselves to help----- thank you.  Every dollar is like ammo in a firefight. 
Editors Note:  If you want to donate to the Living Law Firm send your donation directly to Anna's PayPal account.  Her PayPal email is

Support the team.  Get behind The Living Law Firm ---the only law firm on this planet that really, truly has your back and is pushing for broad spectrum remedy for you and yours.  

The PayPal account for this is:

(Note from the editor:  Use the above email address by logging in to your own PayPal account then clicking on tools at the top, and in the drop down menu click on Send Money.  Then enter the amount you want to send, and enter the above email address. You can also write a short note if you like stating what it is to be used for. If you don't send a note your donation will be used for The Living Law Firm effort.  This goes directly to Anna, and is a donation with no strings attached and no promises made except that we will NOT quit.)


  1. Please keep us informed!! I've written you, Paul and Judge Anna about this when the Living Law Firm started talking about this and no one responded. Us that are facing foreclosure, every day feels like a Dead Man Walking to their death. We're hoping and praying for a pardon!!

  2. Find another way to donate and I will. paypal are criminals and help perpetuate the criminal, corporate fraud against the people

    1. You can email Anna at and ask for her physical mail where donations can be received.

    2. Yes, paypal is STEALING People`s, "small" business and other assets. They let an organisation that fights for justice or similar causes to amount donation then paypal jump in, close accounts, and steal all donations.

  3. YOu might consider setting up a donation via

    go for say $5 million as start up funding

    1. Go find me is another fund-raising site for worthy causes.

  4. This is great and I will do my part to support it. What about those of us who have already lost our homes to foreclosure? Will there ever be any remedy for us?

  5. Can you please provide details on the case and court it is filed etc.
    so we all can learn and understand your approach.

  6. Where is this mega suit taking place?

    1. In their dreams, that's where.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Good work guys.. but banks send this stuff to 3rd party debt collectors and their the ones who foreclose. Please look at the worst county that has the most. 1000 a day never ending. in 3 weeks my house will be sold and I don't have a penny to even move my things. And i'm to disabled to do so. then they, which i have no contract with, will sue me for the rest of a false debt.

    1. COMMUNIST is what our country is now plz help plz :-(

  8. Do you have a link to the case?

  9. Do you have a link to the case?

  10. Praying thanksgiving for Living Law Firm light warriors this day (& forward!); also clarity, peace & calm, boldness, wisdom, abundant provision of all necessary resources, & Victory to the people, with recompense to those who have already "lost" houses & land & "abandoned" under threat, duress & coercion.. in Love, light & compassion, manifesting "on earth as it is in heaven" :D

  11. We must insist that a free and fair share of the land and natural resources are ours by birthright. There is no homeland security in this country when a bank or the government can arbitrarily take someone's residence and profit from it while driving an American into desperation.

    Our culture should be based first on the care of we, the people. Before jobs even come into the picture we should be using our natural ownership of the land and resources to ensure that each person has a home, a local food source, free health care and education, and an opportunity for work cooperatives in which the profits are shared among the workers.

    How much crime and human suffering would end in this country if we all took control of the resources at a local level and made sure that we are all cared for in our communities before we start turning over each year $3 trillion of our hard earned cash in the form of taxes to the predator class who then steal our security from us?

    In the 400 years that our ancestors and we have worked to build up our security and our standard of living only 10.4% of Americans own their own homes outright. How can that happen without the manipulation of jobs and mortgages by the predators who own more and more of everything while ignoring the human suffering that their behavior causes?

    1. You're a communist, aren't you, Trish?

    2. You're a predatory capitalist aren't you Bill? As for communism, no, I'm against any ism that uses central power and violence to enforce its will. Give me fierce local government based upon the agreements of the people democratically making the rules and I'll be happy. Got a problem with that Bill?

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Wow, if your law firm wasn't wholly imaginary, that would be a mighty impressive achievement. As it is, of course, it's nothing but another load of horse crap.
    But just think if it was true! Banks everywhere would stop issuing mortgages. Nobody could buy or sell a home - the real estate market of the U.S., destroyed in a week by some lunatic impostor who calls herself a judge.
    Yep, that would be might impressive all righty. Hey, do you know some people actually pay their mortgages instead of trying to cheat the banks?

    1. If there's no verifiable "loan" from a bank's own resources, why would one be obligated to "pay" the bank? Who is actually "cheating" whom, bill?
      From recent friends Final Default Notice to bank based on Anna's ... Affidavit of Probable Cause: "pertinent trial by jury public law decision: First National Bank of Montgomery, Minnesota, vs. Jerome Daly proved that the Federal Reserve banks never give anything of equitable value in exchange for the Promissory Notes, Mortgage Contracts and or Deeds of Trust that they obtain; bank manager admitted under cross-examination that the bank created the funds it loaned to Jerome Daly out of thin air simply by entering numbers in a ledger and which represented credit already owed to Daly by the same banks; once such a determination is made by a jury it stands as fact by jury decision in the superior court of the People which no inferior court or jurisdiction has authority to overturn or review according to Amendment Article VII and Article IV Section 1 of The Constitution for the united States of America. This is important because a jury decision in Public Court stands over any decision by corporate administrative tribunals which are expected to act in conformance with Public Law. There is no excuse whatsoever for any foreclosure action that has been taken in America since 1968 in favor of the banks and lending institutions operating under the Federal Reserve system. This is important because the Daly case proved that no equitable consideration was given by the banks and no valid contract ever existed as a result."
      Have you read Anna's "comic book" yet? Wonderfully illustrated in large print written @ 6th grade level, I highly recommend all become enlightened. Truth can set one free, when discovered, KNOWN & acted upon peacefully lawfully from Heart of love, standing one's ground, as Anna is exampling magnificently to us.

  14. Find another way to donate and I will. paypal are criminals and help perpetuate the criminal, corporate fraud against the people

  15. There's a special place in hell for those that scam people by playing on their fears.

  16. Dear Unknown: The Judges today in the maritime perverted courts make an oath to the wrong Constitution and it's not the proper oath word for word anyway. There are two Constitutions you know. There's the constitution of the united States, (the Republic) and there is the Constitution of 1871 of the UNITED STATES (the new corporation formed). If you go down the rabbit hold far enough, you will find that the Judges and public officials today of our supposed government which is no longer a Republic form of government, but a Democracy, the form of government our forefathers feared, make an oath to the corporation called the UNITED STATES started in 1871. This is why the original Constitution and the original Bill of Rights is frowned upon and trampled over, so "unknown" you really don't know what you are talking about anyway. Why would you support the perverted form of government that exists today? There needs to be a huge change and it needs to be done by the people. The authority which came from God originally anyway has been taken by corrupt men and up is now down, and sideways is now up. Everything is wrong and the System is screwed up, so if Anna Von Reitz assumes the mantel of Judgeship under correct eternal and moral principles, or even on her own, then I say, more power to her.

  17. Bill Bryan: You're still in 3rd grade. Hopefully you will get a real education on money & loans how they work, and we're all looking forward to your graduation to the 4th grade. We can all hope that you'll step in horse poop, so you can tell the difference between poop and food because you're digesting the wrong stuff.

  18. And Bill, YOU DON'T PAY THE MORTGAGE, you pay the promissory note. A mortgage is just security for the make believe loan that was never issued by the pretender lender.

  19. So nobody could ever sell a home if there were no banks? You mean Bill, there is no such thing as seller financing? You're probably going to tell me next that there is no such thing as Santa Claus either.

  20. Yea that's why Banks own the highest and most expensive skyscraper buildings in every major city, because there are all these people cheating the banks. It must be a Patriot or sovereign conspiracy or something like that. LOL

  21. Yea, Bill if my memory serves me correctly when Andrew Jackson threw the bankers out of the country, no one could buy or sell a home, and America was totally homeless and living in tents. Yep, you're correct Bill, your recollection of history is spot on.

  22. Bill: If Anna is a "lunatic", what are you? Maybe An insignificant creation like a mosquito or an ant, or maybe a bedbug, you know those blood sucking creatures maybe that you can't get rid of?

  23. Bill says: "Hey, do you know some people actually pay their mortgages instead of trying to cheat the banks?"
    Bill, you really need to learn the difference between a promissory note and a mortgage or deed of trust. You can't intelligently talk in a discussion until you understand the meaning of words.

    Newsflash Bill. LOL Everyone pays for their loan in full at closing whether they realize it or not. That's why it's called "closing". The alleged loan is closed out because it's paid in full. Monies are taken from the borrowers private Treasury Account which all people with a social security number have to pay the alleged lender. When you graduate to 4th grade, you'll understand that. Course since the borrower creates the money in the so called loan process from his signature on a promissory note, the borrower is actually the creditor, not the pretender lender which is generally a bank. So Bill, the bank is never cheated as you ignorantly allege. Stop regurgitating things that you hear and repeating ignorant statements without any real study or research?

    The real scam of bank lending is that they try to see how many times they can get paid for the non-existant loan they never gave. The bank gets paid 3 times + more just in interest. Then they get paid again when they sell & securitize the loan after the closing as 95% of loans are sold after origination and securitized. Then the servicer gets paid again when they foreclose on the house and sell it as an REO. Then they get paid again when the borrower allegedly defaults, by their insurance company since loans are insured against a borrowers default. Loans are securitized into a specific class, and the loan can be insured up to 30 times it's original value, according to federal reserve rules, so actually the so called creditor makes more money when the loan goes into default and doesn't pay. Course there is no such thing as a default since the servicer is always obligated to bring the payments current by the loan servicing agreement they sign, which the borrower almost always is never privy too, so all foreclosures are illegal as there is never a default.
    I had a Judge admit to my face in his chambers to me that banks in judicial states want to get that court foreclosure judgment signed by a Judge, since that is the proof they need to give to their insurance provider, so they can get paid in full on the supposed loan going into default. So some of these Judges obviously understand the bank lending scam. What is interesting about that conversation is that I used his own words in a motion to try & get the foreclosure judgment against me dismissed. What is the Judge going to do? Deny that he told me that? Not grant my motion? LOL Where was a tape recorder when I really needed one?

  24. Bill: Here's a question for you? How many times should an alleged borrower pay for his alleged loan to make you happy and less judgmental? Maybe you're a communist if you think it should be more than one time? What say you?

  25. Bill: Don't you remember what happened after 2008 when all the banks failed? We the people bailed out the banks because they in fact failed and our Congress people were told that if they didn't pass the "bailout bill" that there would be martial law, the stock market would collapse, and the economy would be an unimagineable wreck for years. So to thank the people for bailing the banksters asses out, the banks showed their gratitude by foreclose on millions of Americans and stealing their houses with no mercy, committing acts like robosigning, producing fraudulent documents, and pretending to be the true creditor through lies and deception. That's the thanks & gratitude they gave us, we the pions, the people. Don't you remember that for a time the real estate lending in fact did collapse in a week. It collapsed and no loans were being securitized and created for a time, but it wasn't the borrowers that did it by not paying on their loans; the banks created that problem all on their own by their fraudulent and devious practices. You don't remember your history very good, do you? Well when you graduate to 4th grade, history is a mandatory subject. You really aren't smarter than a 3rd grader, are you?

  26. People without the courage to state who they are and stand up for their beliefs publicly have no credibility whatsoever. We all know you are a giant coward.


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