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Monday, October 12, 2015

Exposed, the American ISIS Nexus

By Preston James, Ph.D on October 7, 2015

The USG's illegal, unConstitutional creation and use of Terrorism is now becoming fully exposed thanks to some very timely, crafty and wise geopolitical moves by Vladimir Putin in the Mideast.

Sadly, in the World of secret Intelligence, governments often use covert operations to do their dirty work which is not only illegal and disgusting beyond words, but actually constitutes secret acts of war and crimes against humanity.
Yes, these covert operations are usually abject crimes against humanity and often involve Gladio-style false-flag terror attacks, including mass-murder and acts of blatant destruction against innocents and their property.
These covert operations, are usually called “black ops” by Intel insiders because they are done in secret and by using the evil assets of the criminal underworld, the truly dark side of humanity.
The folks that create and deploy such evil, anti-human acts of false-flag and/or Gladio-style terror are two-faced beyond imagination, and show no evidence of even having souls or being human. They are the pure sociopaths, the real bottom feeders of society and have sold their souls for power, wealth and fame. They are NOT the kind of folks you would bring home to dinner or have anything to do with if you could see their true inner self and what they did to get in their high positions of power or to maintain that power. 
Thanks to the fact that all secrecy is now in the process of ending, all of these black ops are now highly at risk for exposure and many are now getting exposed. And that is exactly what has been happening for the Israelis, the Americans, the Saudis and other nations. Intel insiders who can no longer stand these crimes against humanity are leaking facts about them and the much of the public at large has become information junkies habitually using the Internet to learn as much as they can about this newly leaked information about these covert ops.
Read the rest of this article here:

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