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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Troops 'targeted by NSA for anti-Obama views'

The NSA is systematically monitoring the Internet posts and telephone conversations of U.S. military returning from Afghanistan, according to a civil-liberties attorney.
“The FBI and the Secret Service are showing up to request an interview to question specific Internet posts the veteran has placed on websites such as Facebook,” explained attorney John Whitehead, founder of the Rutherford Institute.
Whitehead said the agencies are looking for “anti-Obama views that can be interpreted to reflect psychological problems of sufficient seriousness to disqualify the veteran from ever owning a firearm.”
Whitehead told WND credible sources within the National Security Agency have told him the NSA is downloading 1 trillion communications on the Internet per month, including posts to various websites, emails, instant message communications and texting messages.
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1 comment:

  1. Yeah, And we think Nazi germany was bad! Of course the terrorist behind all of this, for the benefit of any readers who don't do research and read a lot, got his training in pre WWII working with the Nazi's. His initials are George Soros. Obamas handler.


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