By Anna Von Reitz
They're not credit unions. They're not banks. They are something totally unheard of, brand new, and waiting for you --- those of you who have come home to the land and soil of your birthright.
You have been the actual, factual, preferential creditors all along, but you have been impersonated as debtors, instead.
You are owed the National Credit, plus interest.
And that's just the credit side of the ledger.
Ironically, thanks to legal chicanery, you have been listed as a "pauper" and a "no account" and a "criminal" --- and all the while, you have been the owner, the landlord, and the employer, the preferential creditor.
So, with that as a starter, consider this: you and your ancestors paid mortgages you didn't owe, property taxes you didn't owe, and income taxes you didn't owe. All that needs to come back to you, too, as an inheritance.
So the way to think of the Prosperity Unions is as brand new institutions that function on prepaid credit. It's prepaid because you and your ancestors already paid for it in goods and services and/or because you all paid debts you didn't owe.
These new institutions are part of the mechanism we are using to claim and return the wealth that is owed to you. We call it the G.I.F.T.S system, because it is a gift to yourself from yourself, and from your ancestors to you.
Don't squander it. It's not like winning the lottery. It's not "free" money --- this was earned the hard way, by the payment of real goods and real services.
We recommend that everyone take care of any debts you have, any maintenance that needs to be done on your home or business buildings, and any medical care or extra services you or your families may need --- dental care that has been neglected, for example.
And then, when you are all snug and secure, invest in yourselves and your communities. Go back to school to learn a new trade, sponsor a softball league, join together with like-minded people to support those who need extra help in your community.
Build that happy, secure, and loving community you have been dreaming of.
A Prosperity Union has been built in every State of the Union and the websites are now ready to open a whole new world. A Special Coordinator Training will kick things off. Details will be announced for times and dates.
In recent months, I have been urging everyone to stop and give some thought as to WHAT you want in your life and your world. I told you not to worry about all the things you can't control -- the whos and whys and wheres and hows. Just focus on what you want with all your heart -- for yourself, your family, your town, your State, and your world.
If you haven't done that yet, the time to do it is now.
Love you!
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