By Anna Von Reitz
Just because one group of people submits to something, doesn't mean that everyone else is obligated to do so.
Just because one group of people decides to live under a theocracy, doesn't obligate everyone else to do so.
Just because another group of people decides to live under a foreign democracy, doesn't obligate everyone else to do so.
We may not be able to convince them that they are wrong or mistaken in their allegiances, but we can certainly tell them where their rights end and ours begin.
Back in the 1970's the Roman Municipal STATES OF STATES, which had no authority to exist, began a "zoning program" which placed land in "zones" for residential, commercial, or agricultural use.
And everyone living in these newly created "zones" was supposed to comply and be taxed at the rate established for each "zone".
The problem is that they had no right to extend any authority in the States. Period. They try to excuse their activities by saying they aren't in the State, they are in the Territorial State of State. But the Territorial State of State is in the State. So, good try and no banana.
Lacking the right to be here, they have no right to promote tax schemes and land use restrictions, either -- except with respect to property owned by their actual employees and actual dependents.
They choose to live in "zones" and in a Roman city-state ruled over by a pagan theocracy? Okay, if that is what you buy into, jump to it.
But really, these folks need to learn their limitations when it comes to imposing upon others.
Same thing with all the British Territorial United States Citizens who want to live in a democracy and "reside" in a State-of-State and be Subjects of the King of Britain ("Britain" by the way, isn't a place -- just another corporation).
By all means. Jump to it. But they have no reason or right to intrude on the rest of us, force their law on us, fail to live up to their contractual obligations to us, or occupy our land and soil without our express written permission....
The only people they have any right to impose demands upon are strictly delineated and defined by treaty and by contract.
And none of their treaties or contracts extend to telling us one word about our use of our land.
There are relatively few British Territorial U.S. Citizens --- far fewer than all those who have been secretly mischaracterized and registered as such -- and once we get this basic "mistake" cleared up, there is really no reason that we need to palaver any more about zoning or land use or property taxes.
That's all restricted to their own citizenry, too.
So, here we go, and poor Pastor Avrell is trying to help the homeless and is being assaulted with no less than eighteen criminal charges for zoning violations.... see the link below.
Here's the check list of questions:
Is Pastor Avrell serving an incorporated church?
If so, that church is a US CITIZEN and subject to all the zoning blather, and he might as well plead guilty, pay the fines, and give up helping the homeless using anything -- including his Office, "Pastor" -- or any other church property.
Second, is the property in question owned by an incorporated church?
If so, see above.
Third, if the church that Pastor Avrell serves is not incorporated, then it is not a "US CITIZEN" and is not liable to obey zoning restrictions.
And his office is not owed to the Roman Municipal Government, either.
So he can tell them to blow "zoning restrictions" out their ears, because they don't apply to him or the property being used to shelter the homeless -- so long as the land/buildings being used are paid for free and clear and he holds proper title and not a commercial bank.
If a commercial bank still has a lien against the land and property as a result of loans taken out to buy it, then the bank is liable and has an ownership interest and so, you are back to Square One, admit guilt, pay fines, apologize, give up efforts.
There is on other Balrog's Tail and that is pre-existing agreements granted to a Homeowner's Association at the time the property was acquired -- and Pastor Avrell will need to check on this, too.
There may have been a codicil in the purchase agreement requiring the buyer to abide by all zoning restrictions or other restrictions set by the HOA.
But, having escaped the clutches of the Roman Municipal Government Subcontractor, what if the second tier "government" of the British Territorials comes around?
The questions are similar.
Has Pastor Avrell established the "Chain of Title" he holds to his unincorporated Church property? And, having established the chain of title and claimed it, has he taken steps to publish his ownership of the Land Grant or Land Patent underlying the chain of title?
If he owns the Land Grant or Land Patent free and clear he can tell them to take the same action as the Roman Municipal Government --- if and only if -- he has also taken the time to straighten out his own political status records and reclaimed his original birthright political status.
This is because the British Territorials among us have been willy-nilly snatching every baby they could snatch, and writing those babies up as if they were born to British Territorial U.S. Citizens, instead of being plain old Americans.
That False Registration then makes the (actual) Americans into British Territorial Subjects and any land that they own in this country is held in trust by the British King and the British King is in thrall to the Pope, just like the Roman Municipal Government, and if the Pope says, "There shall be zoning!" -- and you are a British Territorial U.S. Citizen, guess what?
See first instance above. Plead guilty, pay fines, etc.
You have to free yourself from all doubt or supposition that you in any way owe citizenship obligations to either the King or the Pope, and you must claim back your birthright interest in your own identity and estate as an American, and you have to pay off any foreign indebtedness, and you have to establish your chain of title and you have to publish your ownership of the land grant or patent, and you cannot be acting as any sort of foreign incorporated entity at all ---- and THEN, finally, you can tell all these busy bodies to go stuff themselves.
Not until.
If his church is not incorporated and doesn't owe any money on the premises in question, Pastor Avrell can, with a little effort, mount a serious defense. He can record (never register) his birthright political status, research the chain of title, publish his patent, and tell them to take their "criminal charges" to the owners of the PASTOR AVRELL Crown Corporation Franchise, and, by the way, here's who I am...
And did they know that it is (Royal) MAIL FRAUD to address MAIL to foreign persons and persons not associated with the Territorial or Municipal Government? So as to entrap them into answering foreign summonses to foreign courts that hold no valid jurisdiction?
Just saying.
It's difficult, but not impossible for Americans to win through and have the freedom their are heir to, but with all the False Registrations and Enrollments they've been coerced into, and the general level of ignorance on all sides, it's a job and a half, and not everyone can do it.
Usually, like this poor soul, they have no idea of the consequences of incorporating a church. Or a man.
They have spent their whole lives imagining that they are free, when in fact they have been enslaved by gangs of foreigners, who are themselves enslaved.
And like it that way.
So, Pastor Avrell is trying to do something good, but the masters of all the incorporated entities, including incorporated churches, could give a fig about "good".
What they care about is profit and improving the value of their assets. Yes, their assets, because according to you, you gave them your assets by registering them, by using them as collateral to borrow against, by enrolling in "Federal" retirement programs, by answering their "Summons" sent to you by intergovernmental MAIL....
They could care less about homeless people, because if they valued people at all, they wouldn't be homeless in the first place. Take that to the bank.
Still, there is nothing quite like the look of abject terror on their faces when they finally realize that you know what they've done, what they've alleged about you, and what they owe you as a result.
And that can be worth all the bother of disentangling yourself from their webs and squashing the spider dead.
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