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Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Response to RL --- False Claim

 By Anna Von Retz

There are wrong-headed individuals sprouting up all over the world like flowers in May.  Most of them are so ignorant about me and my actual work that they can't spell my name correctly. Most are also selling their own brand of snake oil and wrongly think of me as a competitor, too.  So la-la.... 

In Australia we have one group claiming that I have a "cult" and a "franchise" in Australia, but I am not enfranchised myself nor incorporated in any way, so it would be rather difficult (and hypocritical) for me to enfranchise anyone else; and, I am an American on top of that condition, which leaves me with no tiny bit of connection to Australia in the only jurisdiction that counts -- which is the land and soil of Australia.

For the record, I don't own or claim as much as one cubic centimeter of Australia nor do I have plans to move there any time soon, so all suppositions that I am in any way enfranchising, enslaving, interfering with, or messing with the Australia in any respect is well and truly clueless. 

What I do have in my hot little hands is the cured claim to Australia, Inc. (a lecherous Territorial Corporation run by Mercenaries) and AUSTRALIA, INC., (an equally greedy 'governmental services" corporation) and all the assets they purloined from the people of Australia. 

And what I also have is the rather inconvenient fact that the land and soil of Australia was violated under color of law and placed under an illegal commercial mercenary occupation similar to the Raj in India back in 1910. 

So there is presently only an incipient government representing the interests of the land, soil, and people of Australia --- a government of Australians who are declaring their identity as living Australians, claiming back their birthrights, their Good Names, their DNA, their land and soil, water, and air and everything else that rightly belongs to them. 

They are recording and publishing their own claims to their own property and organizing their local assemblies as the traditional and customary means that English-speaking people have of self-governing. 

And I am more than alright with that.  

It's their country.  They should be self-governing it. 

These Terra Australia Assemblies composed of all the free people of Australia are on the right and proven lawful path; they can't be stopped, because they are contractually guaranteed the right to assemble and that's what they are doing. 

Now, if I were a rat, I would have taken control of these mercenary corporations, merged them, come up with a new name for the same-old-crap, taxed the hell out of the living people under color of law and privately called it a "stupidity tax".

I wouldn't have placed binders on these "Australian" -- ahem, corporations, which aren't even based in Australia, and I certainly would not have notified the people of Australia that they've been had by these Bounders. 

I wouldn't have told them what they need to do to get organized to re-establish their identity, their asset claims, and their rightful government.  

I wouldn't have made banking services available to them so that they can start receiving back prepaid recoupments of the credit and the actual money that has been stolen from them by these nasty "National Corporations" operating in Australia's name. 

All of which I have either done myself or worked with other people to do, as support and relief to Australia and the people of Australia --- and we've done all this at our own expense, out of cookie jar money, so if sanity and common sense prevailed we should all be lauded as heroes.  

But I suppose that people judge others by themselves and according to what they would do if they were in my position.  They no doubt would find some flim-flam way to cheat everyone.

Thank God that they are not in charge.  

I recently exposed the "Lose the Name Cult" that is going ape-poo-poo because they finally discovered that their precious Private Lawful Name was seized upon by the British Crown Corporation and unlawfully converted into a Private Legal Name and  enfranchised under contracts established between the Pope and King Henry VIII back in 1531 concerning the enslaved Legal Status of Protestant persons living in the British Commonwealth.  

I reported this basic fact -- that the British Crown was creating "franchises" for itself and naming these things after all of us at least fifteen years ago. 

The problem with the Lose the Name Cult is that if they succeeded in severing their relationship with their Lawful Given Name bestowed by their parents, they would sever their own chain of custody to their identity and their assets and become both nameless and stateless. 

Which is not, I would think, what most of them need and want as a result. 

IMHO the Lose the Name Cult is just another "hide under a rock" patriot guru group subsisting on the  assumption that the victims of crime have to run and hide, instead of making the criminals hide under a rock, instead --- which is an outcome more to my liking. 

What I am suggesting to the people of Australia is that they take the situation in hand, claim their own stuff both their public and private interests, organize their own traditional land and soil jurisdiction government, and go from there. 

Once advised that you have been impersonated and that your identity has been stolen and trafficked, you should have common sense enough to see the necessity of reasonably proving who you are and recording your interest in your own identity on the public record. 

What if I told you that an Axe Murderer was using your name and a similar automobile to commit his crimes?  Would you just shrug?  Or would you be anxious to make your own identity clear?  

This is the situation all of us have been in, throughout most of the world.  Australia's situation is little different than the situation in Germany or The United States, and the cure is the same. 

Declare, record, and publish your claim to your Good Name, DNA, and all other public and private property that naturally accrues to you.  Then organize and assemble your traditional land and soil jurisdiction government.  

You can start receiving recoupment payments owed to you as soon as you do this, and the assets owed back to your country can be returned as soon as your land and soil jurisdiction government is standing. 

Simple as that. 

I recently had a smartaleck ask me how to "join my cult?" 

I asked --- "Would that be the self-respecting men and women who are organizing their traditional assemblies as a means of self-governing?"

And I continued to fill in the blanks for him.  

You don't have to "join" anything and don't join anything by making your declaration and claiming back your stuff, including your country.  

You are free people and free to be nationals of your nation, and part of the population of your county with no obligations to the government at all.  

Someone has to do the work of self-governance, but it doesn't have to be you.   

You may want to join your local assembly to have a voice or simply to support the principles of peace and justice and limited government that the actual Australian Government stands for. 

You might be sufficiently alarmed by the fact that foreign corporations waltzed right in back in 1910 and took down your lawful government, rolled it up like a rug and threw it in the back of a rented storage unit ---  and maybe you will want to learn how they did this, so as to prevent it from ever happening again.  

You might at least want to establish a bank account to be able to access the money that is owed to you and every other Australian.  

As for me, I am tempted to say I give a crap. I couldn't claim any bit of Australia, not a grain of sand or a single Krugerrand, because I am not an Australian.  

I don't deal in trusts and franchises and corporations. My only interest is as a neighbor in possession of property that belongs to you. 

All you have to do to get your private property back is to claim your birthright as a living Australian, and all you have to do to get your public property back is boot up your lawful government. 

This is as plain, clear, and common sense as it gets. 

No cults, no claims, no hidden obligations, no nothing more about it. 

It's the same for all the other countries that have been harmed by The Great Fraud.

Claim back your individual birthright by declaring and recording and publishing your claim, then, if you've got heart for it, boot up your traditional land and soil jurisdiction government. 

This is what everyone has to do to stand as separate countries and nations again, and not be ruled over by a system of Corporate Feudalism and One World Government.  


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