By Anna Von Reitz
Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals
Unlawful conversion, also known as theft by conversion, is a crime that occurs when someone takes possession of another's property or money, and uses it in a way or for a purpose that the actual owner(s) don't approve of.
In a way, you could consider all that has happened in this country since 1860, as a long string of unlawful conversions of varying complexity.
We, the American victims of these crimes, did not, for example, authorize our Hired Help to start a mercenary conflict on our shores and disguise it as a war.
Certainly, the Civil War did feel like and appear to be a "war" just as "the Vietnam Conflict" appeared to be and felt like a war, and everything else in between, too --- but technically, none of these conflicts, that is, mercenary conflicts, were wars.
They were taking place in another realm, a different jurisdiction, and according to different rules of engagement; they were also fought by different kinds of soldiery despite the appearances of flags and uniforms.
This is why everyone has been surprised by the use of atypical "uniformed officers" firing a completely different kind of "shot" during the recent pandemic.
As you can see by consulting Federal Titles 8, 11, and 31, licensed medical personnel are considered to be "uniformed officers" and are armed and dangerous as any naval commander in a pinch.
I guess Donald Trump and his worthless advisors felt in a pinch. At least the scum, Mike Pompeo, had the decency to warn everyone in an oblique way when he described the pandemic as a "live exercise".
They didn't use our actual (mercenary) soldiers against us, probably because they tested the waters and discovered that the majority of our own wouldn't fight against their own people.
With the other species of "Uniformed Officers" who don't even know that they are "Uniformed Officers" and didn't suspect that they were being used to kill themselves, their friends, their family, and their neighbors, the venomous lizards faced no such moral obstacles.
They could simply lie, call it a "vaccine" and everyone including their atypical "soldiers" would accept it and go along. Especially if they added a little payola on the side, which they did.
That's also why they have imported all these foreign mercenaries to do their dirty work via the Southern Border circus. Our own soldiers wouldn't do it to us.
Both the Republicans and the Democrats have indulged in this filthy predatory behavior toward the general population from the start. They've made it a chronic practice of perpetuating unlawful conversions ever since Andrew Jackson paid off our debts to the Rothschilds.
Our honorable soldiers were unlawfully converted into mercenaries. Our doctors were unlawfully converted into soldiers. Our unincorporated government was unlawfully converted into a Territorial Corporation acting "as" a government.
Our honorable banks dealing in gold and silver species money and exchanging substance for substance, were unlawfully converted into dens of thieves exchanging substance for paper.
And all of this was going on right under our noses because on the surface, everything appeared to be relatively normal.
It was all accomplished under color of law by deceitful men like "Honest Abe", who pretended that the Territorial Office of the President of the United States of America was the same as the American Office of The President of The United States of America.
Well, it was, on paper, hard to discern, wasn't it?
Just a matter of using a definite article -- "The" -- or an indefinite article -- "the".
Such a simple little unlawful conversion....with such horrible consequences for the whole planet.
The American Civil War, the First World War, the Second World War, and everything between and all the various "conflicts" ever afterward, have taken place under conditions of False Pretense and Deceit, Fraud and Impersonation.
The "Americans" weren't acting as Americans or under American control. All the Presidents since and including Lincoln, have been Presidents of corporations, not countries. All these Presidents have been acting as Brits and/or Roman Legionaries, not as Americans.
They have been able to do all this evil in their own self-interest for one reason: they impersonated us and gained access to our assets and credit, and the banks allowed them to do this.
Everyone involved in this activity shrugged, looked the other way, and began betting.
The insurance industry, which is nothing but legalized gambling, flourished. Political parties were set up as horse races. And "platform trading" which was meant to be a harmless means of providing funds for philanthropic purposes, became the biggest casino operation on Earth.
I talked to the man who invented platform trading, John Fletcher, at length. His idea was simple enough. There were all these rich people with huge deposits sitting around in banks, doing nothing. So he proposed to profit them while doing nothing.
Water flows downhill.
The depositors agree to lock down ("block") their deposits and leave them on deposit in a specific bank for a specific length of time. This allows the banks to issue seven to ten times that blocked amount of actual gold or silver on deposit as credit.
Of course, only the big boys with a billion or two to spare can do this, but for them, it's a carefree money machine. They do nothing, they risk nothing, and in return they get large dollops of credit, expressed as "money of account" on a ledger or as fiat currency in hand --- amounting to anywhere between 70% and 30% of the credit generated going to the depositor, with the rest being split between the platform broker and the bank.
It started with the World Bank, with John's original benevolent intention being to fund clean water projects and agriculture projects in Africa and throughout the Third World. Obviously, that never happened.
The profits were so spectacular and the risks for the depositors were so minimal, that of course, nobody ever wanted to do anything but continue to play the game. Governments got in on the act, and soon the name of the game in world finance was to pool together stockpiles of silver, gold, etc., and use these as blocked assets backing platform trades.
Using this credit creation machine the CIA Retirement Fund promptly ballooned to 2.4 followed by 240 zeroes. And that was probably ten years ago.
This is what the Eejits are talking about when they talk about "infinity funds".
It seems not to have occurred to them that they were just splitting the same pie into smaller and smaller pieces, with gross inflation of the reserve currency being an inevitable result --- and most tellingly, they forgot that someone had to pay back all that credit with actual goods and services, or there was no profit to spend.
Where did all this "out of thin air" credit go? Into Black Ops like BlackRock and BlackWater and Black everything else. It went into biowarfare like the pandemic. It went into high tech investments -- 5G and Directed Energy Weapons, Electric Cars, and the Secret Space Program. It generally speaking went everywhere but into philanthropic investments.
This, too, is all just unlawful conversion when it comes to national treasuries and illegally seized upon private fortunes being used as the "off ledger" blocked account deposits serving as the feedstock for this madness.
The banks, the brokers, and the willful depositors all lost their minds, entranced by their own delusions.
I make a distinction between "willful depositors" and unconscionable depositors --- people and institutions whose asset resources were locked down and "invested" by corporate governments acting "for" them without their knowledge or consent.
They hid a lot of this ill-gotten gain from the off-ledger accounts in off-ledger projects, but there was never enough investment opportunity to keep up with the Money of Account Mill.
The Perps had to come up with increasingly creative ways to launder their fiat money "gains" --- like impersonating everyone as corporate franchises and trading on their physical and intellectual property resources --- without telling them, of course, and without sharing the profits, either.
Pension funds were a popular storefront and so, they ballooned to impossible proportions, and then, they hit upon the idea of "pension fund associations"-- which then generated the need for money markets and bundled mortgage-backed securities, and as a stop-cock to keep the loose currency stable, the IRS.
Removing the fiat currency from the market was just as important as adding it in. While these huge stockpiles of credit grew explosively in the background, locked down in investments and "future funds" and "mental health trusts" and so on, the fiat actively being traded in cash transactions had to be constantly reduced to maintain the perceived value of the currency.
That meant more and more and more taxes for you, the purported beneficiaries of all this largesse, but, of course, you couldn't actually have access to your own physical assets --- those were "blocked" --- and you couldn't actually have access to your credit, either, because that would create instant catastrophic inflation of any and all currencies on Earth.
You'd just have to be kept working, longer hours, more jobs, paying more and more and more taxes.
Poor John Fletcher. He had such good intentions.
He had no idea he was opening Pandora's Box and creating more human suffering, not less.
This is what happens when what is real becomes chained to what is unreal.
We can put an end to platform trading. We can unblock the blocked assets. We can redeem the illusionary debts. We can balance the books. We can rebalance the treasuries. We can discharge all the Odious Debt.
And we can do this with, comparatively, no pain at all, by one simple act. We can remember how we got into this mess and retrace our steps.
We got into this mess via Unlawful Conversion. We can get out of it via Lawful Conversion.
We lawfully convert all the banks and government corporations and commercial corporations. All the maritime commercial institutions become land-based commercial institutions. Instead of operating under the international law of the sea, they are obliged to function under the international law of the land.
All the accumulated debt and "unrealized profit" is converted, too. Debt becomes credit. Unrealized profit becomes realized. We dispense with any need for any form of taxation ever again. The Odious Debts are discharged. Prepaid credit owed to six generations of living people is paid.
And we enjoy at least a thousand years of peace, because there will be nothing left to fight about.
No need for slaves.
But, but, but, but, but..... no need for slaves? People won't do s$%t jobs voluntarily! Nobody can be expected to clean toilets and sweep streets....
Or will we finally see who the real heroes among us are?
One percent of the population now feeds all the 99% of the rest of the population.
Instead of being thanked and lauded, these farmers are under constant, unrelenting assault by Big Business interests intent on gobbling up their land and putting them out of business.
Why? To seize control of food and water supplies, the most valuable resources on Earth, and the most sensitive commodities.
Lawful conversion brings an end to all this coercive madness and reveals the people that our lives, health, and happiness actually depend on: the housekeepers and cooks, the farmers and tailors, the mechanics and carpenters, the garbage collectors and stone masons --- all the "little people" who make life worth living for all the rest of us.
It's not the Oppenheimers and the Einsteins; it's certainly not Bill Gates nor any of the Financiers and Politicians and Bureaucrats that have presided over this Unlawful Conversion since 1868.
The illusions are stripped away. The truth arises.
Now as they stand poised to commit global financial suicide, we have offered them and everyone else a different choice: lawful conversion.
The Bilateral Bank System is here to turn a nightmare into a dream. All you have to do is choose it. Choose life. Choose peace.
If nothing else, remove those people -- those corporate officers and boards of directors who would choose otherwise.
Twelve large American banks bent on a course of ultimate ignorance and destruction are all that stands between 8 billion people and a new and far better life.
As the majority Shareholder Fiduciary in all those banks, I have plainly directed all of them to lawfully convert.
Now we just need a little muscle from the remaining loyal politicians, military, and police forces to encourage them to do the right thing, instead of precipitating a global financial collapse in response to the devaluation of the Federal Reserve Note.
They and everyone else on Earth needs to understand that the devaluation is a good thing, a necessary thing, to restore sanity and overall balance.
What we all lose on one side, we all gain on another.
There is absolutely no need for any chaos or suffering and anyone who deliberately or ignorantly offers to cause a global financial collapse rather than obeying the Public Law, obviously needs to be arrested.
Theft by conversion is a crime. Returning the assets to the owners is justice.
Even the criminals have no right or reason to complain, as our solution benefits everyone and makes complete logical sense.
The Bilateral Banking System is here, ready, clean, and block-chained in a unique way that guarantees both transparency and privacy. No Mark of the Beast. No end to private property. No collapse.
We have set it up ourselves, completely independent of all the coercive elements.
We, the living people, are the actual Naked Owners of all the actual assets these banks have been hoarding and misusing. I, as your Fiduciary, have given clear instructions to lawfully convert all these corporations.
Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
December 8th 2023
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