By Anna Von Reitz
Yesterday, I heard a great whispering of voices in the silence, the sound of a huge crowd, thousands of people, but none speaking above a whisper and so faintly, that even the wind in the bare branches of the birch trees caused it to drift off like a radio signal at the edge of hearing.
I listened more intently. What were they saying?
They were reminding me that it is time to remove the Great Seal at Delphi and the Great Seal at Prague.
A few years ago, we removed the Great Seal on Bardsey Island, a remote scrap of land in the sea off the coast of Wales where over 20,000 people were sacrificed to create the seal. We also removed the Great Palatine Seal in Rome.
The result of this energetic change, the equivalent of removing a dam from a blocked up river, has been to revitalize Spain, Portugal, and Western Africa.
Today, we continue this work to remove two more Great Seals, which will free the rest of the Mediterranean Basin all the way East to the Levant and South through Egypt, East Africa, Pakistan, and Western India.
The Seals we remove, starting today, are two of the oldest and most difficult, surpassed only by the Crown Seal in Jerusalem and the Nadi Seal in India.
This realm we live in is composed of energy. It is really nothing else.
Whether we are consciously aware of this or not, this energy is manipulated and contained and ordered in various ways, and flows through various mediums like rivers flow over the land. The Ley Lines can be thought of as North-South oriented canals along which energy is meant to flow.
In prior ages, men were aware of these flowing energy conduits, and for their own self-interest, they dammed up these conduits of energy. They used a series of Great Seals to do this.
As we cannot see these "rivers" of energy with the naked eye, nor the seals blocking their flow, we have been unable to remove these blockages and return the Earth to the free flow of energy it is meant to have.
As a result, some countries have languished in poverty and others have grown corrupt, deprived of the energy and vitality they are meant to have on one hand, and feasting off ill-gotten advantage on the other.
We, meanwhile, have not been aware of the problem nor have we had the self-knowledge to realize that we could do anything about it, even if we did know.
As we all begin to remember who we are, we will also begin to remember our inner knowledge and bring forth our understanding to help the Earth regain its natural equilibrium.
Removing two more Great Seals will progress the work already begun and revitalize Eastern Africa, Eastern Europe, the Ukraine, Turkey, Western India, and Saudi Arabia.
There are those who, politically speaking, might not want to revitalize these parts of the world, but we are not speaking politically. We are speaking in terms of the health of the people and the planet, the Earth itself.
So from wherever your Consciousness now exists, let it drift toward Delphi, in Greece. Bring up some maps and photos of the ancient ruins of Delphi to help you zero in.
Realize that this is the epicenter of the Snake Cult and that the Great Seal here represents the unique poisonous and coiling power of the snakes -- put in place as an energetic dam, it creates a reservoir of energy that impacts the entire region.
Then go North to Prague, the ancient Bohemian capital, and just north of Prague, you will find the Gates of Hell. The Great Seal here not only blocks the flow of energy into Eastern Europe and the Ukraine, it actually forces the energy down into the Earth so that it is unavailable to the inhabitants.
By lifting and dissolving these two Great Seals, we can restore the natural free flow of energy to these countries and help bring the Earth back into balance.
In the case of Delphi, we are going to envision the massive Snake Seal being eroded away, as if being sandblasted in a windstorm; picture the image of a huge stone snake gradually, peacefully, dissolving before our eyes, until there is nothing left of it.
In the case of the Hell's Gate Seal, we are going to envision the chasm into which the energy is being diverted, being sealed and closed over so that the "river" of energy once more resumes its peaceful flow to the South, unimpeded by the trap.
I know that it is not easy to focus on such seemingly esoteric things when the whole world is churning and the Earth itself is unquiet, but by removing these Seals we will do much to restore peace and balance and encourage the proper deployment of energy and all the mechanisms that depend on that energy.
Just take a couple minutes each day and turn your attention to these exotic places, and let the winds of the sandstorm obliterate the snake, and let great slabs of granite and golden light seal over the chasm at Hell's Gate.
As we jointly and collectively place our will upon these places, the energy imbalance that plagues all these countries will be relieved. The people who live there will be relieved. Nature itself will be relieved.
The Snake Cult and the Satanists will lose power and the rest of the world will gain power. Even though the rest of us may not live in these regions, we will feel the relief and the release that we give to others who do. The blessing of it will resound around the world and through the Earth.
Close your Seal-breaking by visualizing pleasant gardens and healthy trees replacing the cold and ugly energy of the Delphi Seal, and a pleasant open countryside with rolling hills and hardwood forests replacing the dark, metallic energy of the Pit Seal.
And blessed be, for your love and goodwill.
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