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Saturday, December 9, 2023

Public International Notice: The Fatal Treaties of Utrecht and the Bottomry Bonds Scandal

 By Anna Von Reitz

Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals

Most Americans who stumble on the weary road of researching commercial and international trade history have a first glimmer of light while examining the Treaties of Ghent, which we began signing as part of the peace process following The War of Independence.  I am no different. 

Ghent, it must be remarked, is in Flanders, in Belgium --- and Belgium, ironically enough, like Switzerland, is part of Crime Central, along with a myriad of tiny postage-stamp sized countries like Liechtenstein and Monaco, and independent city-states like Washington, DC.  

They seem so tiny.  What harm could they possibly do?  They can act as pirate bases and offer shelter to criminal syndicates. By adopting local laws favorable to crime syndicates they can enrich themselves beyond belief. So, predictably, many of these tiny little countries and city-states have done exactly that. 

In doing this, most of them have been inspired by the oldest of all city-states: Rome.  

The Vatican City State and Inner City of London are city-states cut out of the fabric of a country, while Monaco, for example, is an actual country with its own land jurisdiction. So is Switzerland. 

Most of these places are idyllic and pastoral and peaceful.  You would never in a million years think that you were basking in the results of mind-blowing criminality, but you would be wrong.  Belgium like Switzerland is another small country with laws that lend themselves to -- shall we say? -- certain manipulations and accommodations. 

So is the Netherlands a small and very accommodating country in the middle of west central Europe ---  and though we start with realizing the connection between Ghent and Westminster, we shall inexorably wind up in the Netherlands, whence all the evils of the world are implemented, howbeit, from the safety of Geneva, Switzerland, behind a wall of Swiss sovereign immunity. 

Westminster is connected to Ghent, Ghent is connected to Utrecht, and Utrecht is connected to Switzerland, and their own commerce is connected to Monaco and Liechtenstein --- and Constantinople. 

Who knew, besides Prince Philip?  Of course, Constantinople is the mirror of Rome, the Eastern Empire. 

Little countries, little city-states, big, big crime, unimaginable money, huge power players. 

Most Americans don't know about or think anything about any of this.  It's a European thing, so why should we?  

The answer to that will become obvious. 

Since 1860, Britain has been in surreptitious control of The United States via its Territorial Raj Scam, and since 1946, the United States Armed Forces have been in control of seventeen countries in Western Europe, plus the former Commonwealth, and Japan and Hong Kong and numerous (at least 950)  enclaves worldwide, plus smaller countries that have similarly been illegally "occupied" or seduced to participate in Corporate Feudalism.  

These undeclared mercenary forces have nominally respected the sovereignty of Monaco and Liechtenstein and Switzerland, because of their great utility for money laundering and other activities. Constantinople they could not control, thanks to the fact that it's Britain's hedge capitol. 

They, the Brits masquerading as Americans, have been hard and greedy task masters engaged in the illegal occupation of foreign countries and sovereign nations well-past any sane departure date. They have encouraged their own occupation by providing virtually free defense services to all these countries --- albeit, at our expense, and opening up local franchises -- so some of the locals have skin in the game and collude with them.   

All the expense of all their war-mongering and adventurism has been explicitly and continuously charged to the American States and People, as part of our "defense" costs, when no such definition of "defense" was in use or implied in 1789, and it has never been renegotiated to mean anything else. 

There seemed to be nobody present to object, so they got away with this and many other presumed agreements, resulting in unilateral, undisclosed, and unconscionable contracts, because we, the Americans, were never told.  

Not only were we never told, all this skullduggery and embezzlement was actively hidden under a "cloak of secrecy" and defined as a "National Security Interest".  

They simply neglected to define which "nation" was at risk. Theirs. Or ours. 

The Brits really are at the bottom of every dog pile, whether they are acting on their own initiative, or as the jock strap of Rome. They set things up so that everyone blames "the Americans" but the Americans have been deluded and under the same bootheel as everyone else. 

Our soldiers have been used as commercial mercenaries with no idea that this is so, and to top things off, the money to pay them has been extracted from their own country's natural resources and their parents back home.  

The Brits have been using one of their Crown Corporations, SERCO, as the Paymaster of our Military, and to top things off, the former Queen came right out and started conferring knighthoods on what appeared to be "our" Presidents and Generals and Diplomats.  

Every single aspect of all of this is criminal. 

It's against international law and always has been, it's against national law and always has been, it's against our treaties with them, and against their service contracts (the Constitutions) and against the Geneva Conventions and the Hague Conventions, against Ecclesiastical Law, against all law in any jurisdiction at all, full stop. 

They have gotten away with it, nonetheless, because nobody knew what they were doing, so there was nobody to object, and, so they have claimed, no land jurisdiction government in evidence. 

In view of this abject criminality and its costs, we turn to look at ---  where did this start?  

It started in 1689 with the formation of "Great Britain" and hit its stride in the year 1702, when Queen Anne ascended the British throne and in subsequent years, subdued the Jacobite Claimants to the throne in what became known as the Wars of the Spanish Succession and in North America, the French and Indian Wars. 

Interestingly, the formation of Territorial Great Britain from the constituent nations (not countries) of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, is given a paragraph in school history books in America, while the Wars of the Spanish Succession are granted maybe two paragraphs, and the only French and Indian War ever mentioned at all, is the 1756 model that George Washington fought in.  

We are, conveniently, left totally unaware that there were multiple French and Indian Wars. 

This (very) scant nod to European history and even scantier coverage of our own, results in many Americans being oblivious of the underpinnings of what we call the current day.  

The upshot of the Treaties of Utrecht was to leave Anne as the Queen of Great Britain, and Great Britain as a Territorial rather than National power. 

These two things taken together -- the formation of Great Britain as a Territorial Government and the Treaties of Utrecht recognizing Anne as the Queen of Great Britain -- laid the foundation for the existence and deployment of the Territorial Raj, the incorporation of government functions, the use of corporations to replace the national governments owed to the people of each country, and public-private contracting resulting in "government agencies" -- it all got its start with the Treaties of Utrecht. 

All the foundational ills of the modern world and the disfigurement of Constitutional Government via its unlawful conversion into Corporate Feudalism began with Queen Anne in 1702. 

There is even evidence to suggest that Queen Anne acquired her throne simply by paying Rome more than the Jacobites. 

Queen Anne, like her relatives ever after, bamboozled her loyal Subjects into believing that they were living in and receiving the benefits of a Constitutional Monarchy, when in fact they were living in the thrall of an incorporated Empire, enforced by a thug-laden bureaucracy and governed by foreign law. 

We gained a short and glorious respite from 1776 to 1860, when the Brits finagled along with their Roman counterparts to sneak back in and by 1865 attained their aim of establishing a Territorial occupation enabling them to commandeer our government functions and advance false claims of having a "custodial interest" in our country and a trusteeship agreement with our sovereign government --- if you forget that that trusteeship applies only on the high seas and navigable inland waterways. 

And also forget that we were never consulted about any of these cozy suppositions or arrangements made between our Subcontractors.  

The other stunning hallmark of Corporate Feudalism appeared along with the aegis of Queen Anne --- the first great international insurance scam, the Bottomry Bonds Scandal, and the disappearance of the Dutch East India Fleet.  

Dutch as in Netherlands. 

We are reliving history right now, only the imaginary insured vessels and their cargo are no longer sailing ships and casks of wine, but the bodies of living people and the cargo within, is nothing less than our souls. 

In the words of Wikipedia: A bottomry, or bottomage, is an arrangement in which the master of a ship borrows money upon the bottom or keel of it, so as to forfeit the ship itself to the creditor, if the money with interest is not paid at the time appointed at the ship's safe return.

The problem with bottomry bonds is that there is no way to guarantee a ship's safe return. 

The Bottomry Bonds Scandal involved registering ships under new names, insuring these vessels (mostly belonging to the Dutch East India Fleet), and then, conveniently losing them at sea and collecting the insurance. Of course, the insured cargo, like the "bottom" of the ship guaranteeing the cargo, was also lost. Thus, everything of value vanished, and the underwriting debt remained for the Public to pay. 

The Crown got a clean sweep -- the ship, the cargo, the insurance, and the Public had to pay for it. 

A considerable outcry ensued. 

Of course, the vessels of the Dutch East India Company were no more lost at sea than the hapless Americans unconscionably registered as British Territorial Citizens --- Americans defined as "vessels" of a different kind.

This secret merger under the Crown of the Dutch East India Company and the British East India Company allowed an unseen worldwide monopoly in international shipping that has endured to the present day.  It also conveniently shifted the insurance losses of the Conspirators to the Public in a manner reminiscent of the recent bail-out of AIG. 

The current fraud scheme is eerily similar -- just a different more sinister definition of "vessel" and "cargo" is involved. 

Under this current scheme, living people are unlawfully converted and impersonated as "Special Purpose Vessels" -- SPVs, and registered as British Territorial U.S. Citizens without disclosure to the parents so that the resulting change in political identity is completely unconscionable on the part of the victims --- American babies in their cradles. 

This scheme proved so profitable that the Conspirators extended it to the entire former Commonwealth, the seventeen occupied countries of Western Europe, Japan, and wherever else they could gain a foothold. 

With the roots of the Territorial Raj and Corporate Feudalism thus laid bare, it's apparent that this all began as a collusion between the Holy Roman Empire and the newly defined Great Britain; and, that the merit of Queen Anne over the Jacobites reduced down to money received by Rome and her willingness to participate in unlimited crime and deceit.

There is very little else to recommend the way all this happened, except that Anne sold her soul to the devil, then residing in the Greek Isles and laundering money through Constantinople (just like Prince Philip), and Bonnie Prince Charlie did not. 

It's also apparent that the reason history repeats itself -- is that we remain clueless and uninformed about everything that is happening all around us. 

Our textbooks either lie to us outright, or they omit anything of value to our understanding and gloss over everything so that we bypass what little we have been told.  The Perps have done the same thing with our journalists, until it is hard to imagine a greater inanity of thoroughly unprofessional and compromised ninnies. 

May the world be "safe" and the government "effective"  and may these no longer be "challenging times" when the media corporations are forced to tell the truth instead of endlessly repeating falsehoods and gossip. 

It was not to the advantage of the British Crown or the various "Royal Majesties" --- not, you will note, Kings and Queens --- to reveal their monopoly of international shipping.  

It was not to their advantage or that of their Holy Roman co-conspirators to reveal anything about the workings of the Bottomry Bonds Scandal, either.  
People might recognize the pattern repeating itself and call "Foul!" on it -- which is exactly what we are doing and which would not be possible, if we remained uninformed about the initial fraud scheme. 

Even the origin and nature of "Great Britain" as a Territorial power is obscured from the public, both in America and in the constituent countries themselves. 

Nothing is ever taught to the public about law, jurisdictions of law, or venues of law, so that everyone is thought to be incompetent and dependent on a lawyer or attorney, but in this befuddled era, even the lawyers and attorneys are kept ignorant lest they uphold actual justice.

We have mentioned the equivalent of the Bottomry Bonds Public Debt in the current version of this scandal -- amounting to $950 Trillion Dollars USD paid to Prince Philip as "Life Force Value Annuities" by the GOVERNOR OF OTTAWA, exactly three days before Prince Philip's retirement from Public Life. 

No doubt this represented the crowning achievement of a lifetime of violence and deceit in the service of the Father of All Lies. No doubt Philip did also "return as a deadly virus" in the afterlife, just as he notoriously said in 1988. 

Finally, it appears that these people who have lived such lives of deceit, have been deceived themselves: they firmly believe that we are in the midst of an overpopulation crisis in the middle of a population collapse. 

They also believe that we are in an environmental disaster caused by an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide, when in fact, our real problem is the decrease in atmospheric oxygen. 

The Father of All Lies lies to everyone at all times about everything, and so do his Children.  

There is no truth in them, both because of the lies they tell and the lies they believe. 

This Notice is served in the Public Interest of all Humanity and served worldwide, for the prevention of crime and the prevention of unnecessary violence. 

Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
                  The United States of America
                   In care of: Box 520994
                   Big Lake, Alaska 99652

December 8th 2023


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