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Monday, May 29, 2023

"Dr. 'David Martin' "FACT! 'Covid-19' Was Biological Warfare On The Human Race"


  1. Thanks Paul Dr Martin is stellar in my book.

  2. Except for that the proof that viruses exist is not. Where is the evidence for it? The jab was biowarfare not “Covid 19”

    1. When you're trying to get a message out to the public, and most of which is normies with no understanding as most in the partiot/medical movements, one has to traverse many boundaries in order to do so.

      How many people you try to explain that too even give you the time of day? Now very many I'd guess. So it's easy to criticize others for their efforts, and exactly what proof do you hold in your hands that you can show others of your claims to help convince them? Please post and share so we can all utilize this important documentation.

    2. Burden of proof is the positive claim being made. The assumption which is the basis of the virus narrative is that viruses exist, and this has been irrefutably proven. Challenging the way David and others are a misleading failure to address the real issues.the fact that you find anything but the Truth acceptable stance is abhorrent and your likely a manipulative liar yourself

    3. Does the Truth care about converting the majority? Only an evangelist cares about that

    4. One of many challenging virus narrative

    5. Precisely. The burden of proof is on those who claim viruses exist. Put up or shut up. The truth lies in toxicology. Not fake Rockefeller sponsored germ theory.

    6. Indeed anonymous #2. So many players involved knowingly and perhaps some not in the Grand Scam

  3. International Covid Summit to the EU Parliament had quite a line up including David Martin.

    1. Different perspectives


  4. Fact, COVID was the flu with a new name..The bioweapon was the jab, the kicker is There are no such things as Virus's. Education is keyz don't be sheep. All viruses are man made diseases spread by Chemtrails..
    And vaccines..

  5. Anyone still pushing the lie that a virus (whether natural or engineered) is a real thing that can cause any kind of a disease, is most likely controlled opposition engaged in some kind of a limited hangout that is designed to keep the greater part of the lie in place so that it can continue to be used to fear monger and control the masses.

    1. Yup. Controlled or just hasn't figured it out yet.

    2. @ Anonymous May 30, 2023 at 5:50 AM You know exactly what i am talking about. But to be clear, people like David Martin, Robert Malone, RFK Jr., etc. who regularly show up at conferences and in interviews where they can get their germy mythomaniacal pronouncements recorded on camera and disseminated all across the ethosphere do not fall into the clueless or uninformed category. They are almost definitely controlled opposition.

    3. Yes. I agree 100%.

  6. I concur with Dr Martin and wife. Ever since slaughter of JFK 1963 Coup. Peg Pullen Genetic Physicist
