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Thursday, December 31, 2020

Situation Update, Dec. 31st – Game-changing bombshells to be unveiled before Congress on January 6

(Natural News) In today’s Situation Update for Dec. 31st, we reveal Trump’s plan to unleash bombshell evidence in front of Congress on January 6th, right before Congress votes on which slate of electors to accept. The full podcast is embedded below.

Because of the New Year’s Eve holiday, this update is shorter than most (just 21 minutes), but it packs in a lot of detail about what’s happening:

  • Dominion machines LIVE HACKED during the Georgia Senate hearings on election irregularities, proving that all Dominion-run elections were fraudulent and uncertifiable. (This also proves the Dominion CEO lied during his own recent testimony.)
  • All those officials (governors, secretaries of state, etc.) who certified elections based on Dominion machines are now complicit in a massive criminal fraud operation and can be arrested and charged with sedition and fraud.
  • Georgia State Senate Judiciary Subcommittee unanimously passes a motion to audit Fulton County’s absentee ballots, based on the Dominion fraud demonstration that took place.
  • Bobby Piton calls for the arrest of Stacey Abrams for her role in massive, coordinated election fraud in Georgia.
  • Trump advisor Jason Miller reveals that Trump plans to unleash “specific evidence” to Congress on January 6th, and explains this evidence has never been submitted to any court and isn’t publicly known. (See below for more thoughts on what this might be.)
  • Sen. Josh Hawley announces he will object to electors from fraudulent swing states. Two other Senators (Tuberville and Duncan) join, making it three. (We now know nearly 100 GOP lawmakers are expected to object from the House + Senate.)
  • VP Pence cancels his trip to Israel. Is Pence planning to take decisive action to help save the republic? We doubt it, but the possibility remains.
  • Trump tweets that the election fraud “cannot stand.” He’s drawing his line in the sand.
  • Trump attorney Jenna Ellis lays out legal framework that would allow Trump to justify the Insurrection Act or military authority, explaining that the courts have demonstrated, “dereliction of duty and fidelity to the U.S. Constitution by refusing to take up cases” and that President Trump has been systematically denied “due process” protections under the U.S. Constitution.
  • It is now apparent that Trump’s legal strategy has always been to LOSE in the courts, in order to gather justification for declaring that the entire judicial system has failed and is hopelessly corrupt, which provides the opening to launch military tribunals and ultimately arrest the corrupt judges, including Roberts at SCOTUS.
  • Lara Trump explains how Trump wins on January 6th, but she says the House votes by delegation (one state = one vote), while it’s clear that Pelosi is going to try to force a vote in the House by member (which the Dems would win). The Constitution is unclear on exactly how such a vote goes down, but the 12th Amendment does contain language about contingent elections which indicates the vote should be by delegation, which is what Rep. Mo Brooks is planning to push for.

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