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Saturday, May 18, 2019

We Take Exception

By Anna Von Reitz

We take exception to the claim that we ever knowingly, willingly, and voluntarily  entered any Federal Jurisdiction of the United States or the United States of America at all.  We claim our immunity from any presumption that we are now or that we have ever been US Citizens of any kind.

We also take exception  to the claim that we are being "represented" by any United States Citizen or group of United States Citizens, nor any group of Citizens of the United States or group of Citizens of the United States, while we are standing here with our provenance in hand, presenting ourselves. 

We deny, rescind, and repudiate all prior Powers of Attorney seemingly allowing otherwise and we have published our actions upon the Public Records of both the Territorial United States Government and the Municipal United States Government in evidence thereof.  

There have been quite a number of organizations composed of either United States Citizens or Citizens of the United States or even incorporated CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES claiming to "represent" us or to have standing "in our names" to receive our assets "for" us.  

We take exception to and rebut the claims of these Persons and PERSONS and their various organizations and we raise the bar against them and place objection to all of these claims, claimants, and organizations including but not limited to: The Republic for the united States of America, The United States of America, Inc., The Republic, The Republic of the United States, The Republic for the United States of America, THE REPUBLIC, RuSA, the National Assembly, TROH-United States of America,  etc., etc., etc., 

None of these organizations are properly constituted.  None of them are claiming their proper status as States of the Union nor any properly organized Federation of States competent to restore our Confederation of States of States.

None of these organizations have access to The United States of America [Unincorporated] and none of them have required their members to act with any singular allegiance to their State of the Union----without which they cannot claim to be American State Citizens and cannot lawfully operate any State of the Union. 

Our claims are complete.  We have standing and our claims pre-date all other claims; we are verifiable inheritors of the assets and government of our States of the Union, verifiable inheritors and progeny of the People of this country and of our States, verifiable state nationals born on the land and soil of this country, verifiable inheritors of the Great Seals and Offices, verifiable inheritors of the Norman Conquest and the Settlement thereof.

We have reclaimed our birthright political status on the Public Record and have expatriated from any other foreign conferred or merely presumed to exist political status.  

We have declared our ability to stand in our own behalf and in behalf of our States of the Union and we claim no other political allegiance. 

We have also declared our genealogical provenance such that there can be no doubt that we are: mentally competent, of age, free men and women, born on the land and soil of each State of the Union, and that we claim the Grandfather Clause to all contracts, all proposed offers of contract, and all Acts of Congress since 1861.

We specifically deny any contract or obligation owed to  the UN Corporation. 

No claim by any United States Citizen and no claim by any Citizen of the United States offered "for" us may stand against what we request and require in our own Proper Names and as People who are present and accounted for and standing on the land jurisdiction of every State of the Union. 

Nothing and nobody else has any right, claim, title, or material interest in our assets, our heritage, or our private property but ourselves and likewise other American State Nationals and American State Citizens who have yet to return home to the land and soil jurisdiction of their States of the Union.  

How we administer our obligations is our business; what we do with our assets from here on, is our business.  

As the Presumed Donors of the Public Trusts established in Our Names and in OUR NAMES, we are returning the trust assets to our States of the Union and to their lawful Federation of States doing business as The United States of America [Unincorporated]. 

Any idea that any Legal Persons or LEGAL PERSONS over-stand or outrank our Lawful Persons must be left adrift in the realm of illusions and removed from trespass upon the realm of actual fact.  

We declare that all material interests and assets of all kinds, all money, all credit, all titles, all land, all patents, all certificates, bonds, debentures, and derivatives, all leases, all benefits, all and everything that is owed to us and to our States and People and to The United States of America [Unincorporated] must be returned to us and to our control without further delays or attempts to impersonate, defraud, conceal, entrap, stand for, represent, or enclose us in any manner whatsoever.


See this article and over 1800 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. Under the guise of the CFR and the UN
    May the force be with the people and all the nations of the world!
    All comments made without prejudice and all rights reserved

  2. Dominion is what has to be claimed on the public record. We the people were given dominion in the original jurisdiction by way of treaty. Everything else is a fiction. Record your deed or writ of right in the public domain and private dominion.
