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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Money and Favorite Uncles

By Anna Von Reitz

I had five Uncles on my Mother's side of the family, and they were all favorites--- in different ways. 

There was Julius, the hunting, fishing, orchard-pruning, campfire- making, ghost story-spinning Uncle.  He would pack an extra bologna sandwich and take me along just because he missed his own daughter who was all grown up.  

And Gene, the High Society Uncle, with the fancy suits and Lincoln Continentals and an addiction to good whiskey. He was so handsome the women used to literally gasp.  Not that they meant to.  He'd blow into town like a High Wind and take us all to the movies or the Strawberry Festival or whatever else was going on.

And Merrill, the Bonne Homme Uncle, who taught me how to catch a Snapping Turtle with a willow branch, how to lay a straight course of bricks, and who could name all the constellations in the sky.  He was the quietest Uncle, but also the most observant.  That's why I got the most spankings from him....

There was Merton, my Mother's Fraternal Twin, the dreamy musician and mathematician who could play any instrument in the band, do any kind of sum in his head, and make a stone grow.  He was a Radio Operator in Patton's Third Army, and I don't think he ever really came home.  

And finally, Henry, who was a Pilot in the US Army Air Force flying giant transport planes "over the Hump" in World War II; he had a smile like Henry Fonda and everyone loved him, even me, though he teased me without mercy and was forever pulling sly jokes.

Henry was the kind of Uncle who would pull quarters out from behind his ears and pretend to have captured your nose, the kind of guy who would tell you that your face was covered in purple spots for no reason at all, who would switch his empty can of pop for your full one if you let him, who would ask what time of day it was at ten o'clock at night.... 

You had to stay on your toes with Henry.  

Not one of us kids was slow on the uptake, and it was largely because of him.  

He was always up to something.  Some joke.  Some deceitful prank. Some silly observation that was a combination of cynical and sweet. 

It's because of Henry that I recognized the con job of money early on. 

It was plain to me that no piece of paper was equivalent to candy bars.  Even at age four. 

I said to him one day, "Why are all these people pretending about money?  Is it some kind of game?" 

He coughed rather violently, then gave me a slow, considering stare. 

"Well, yes, I suppose it is," he said. "But it's a game nobody has any choice about playing." 

That set my young wheels spinning again.  Okay, it's a game, but we don't have a choice?  Since when are games mandatory?  

The plain fact is that money is a con game worse than any sideshow scam, is now and always has been.  And just as Henry said, we are being forced to play this con game via "Legal Tender Laws" which are themselves illegal. 

Can you all say, "forced and inequitable contract"?

For over a hundred years, we have been treated to the spectacle of otherwise sane Americans accepting nothing but an I.O.U. from the Federal Reserve in exchange for our apples and widgets and labor. 

That's where the staggering "National Debt" of the Municipal and British Territorial United States comes from --- from all the credit that we have extended to them under force and duress of "Legal Tender Laws".  And that's what makes us their priority creditors. 

Paper really isn't equivalent to chocolate bars.  

That, and the fact that we paid the blackguards up front face value for their otherwise worthless script. We, ourselves, underwrote the currency even before anyone began trading it, which adds another whole layer to the fraud. 

Robbed, embezzled, conned --- call it what you will.  Our public servants have done this to us all and the banks have colluded with them on it. 

The day is going to come when you are all going to wake up and shake your heads like Rip Van Winkle and say, "What is all this nonsense?"  

And you will know, as I have known all these years, that money is nothing but a game that you've been forced to play by people having less than zero authority to impose Legal Tender Laws on you in the first place. 

When you finally realize that its all just an ugly joke, that you have been a fool, and that "the government" is at fault for this, you will no doubt be angry, too.  

And you will wonder---- oh, my! oh, my! --- what do we do?  

The first thing most people do is run headlong down to the jewelry store or gold exchange and start buying gold coins and bullion and stock in mining companies, but there, too, you are being short-changed. 

It's the whole proposition of money that stinks, not just the form of it. 

It doesn't really matter what you use "as" money --- paper or metals or plastics.  Wampum beads will do as a cure.  It's all just nothing but Flim-Flam de Jour. 

And that is the part where most people balk and blink and think: what? There's no good alternative?  It's not even a matter of alternatives?  It's all just bunko in the first place? 

But if there's no money --- no money at all --- what then? 

Then we finally deal with the reality of life and our need to be able to translate bongo drums into shoe leather and pig snouts into pomade. And we deeply consider --- maybe for the first time ever --- how to construct a monetary system that is honest?


See this article and over 1400 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. An honest monitary there one..!! There is only one way to make money or the value of it ...honest..!! It has to be taken completely out of the control of needs to go quantum, with AI technology....!! NO ONE HAS "DIRECT ACCESS" ...!!

    1. Great idea James, allow faulted , corrupt , sinful " man " to create the mechanism that will dictate value... no thanks .
      I dont know what to do however whatever it is everyone has to have equal skin in the game with severe penalties for cheaters...think Biblical .

    2. James,
      Can you not see that is the deception and possibly part of the end game? James who controls AI?
      Money is not the enemy, it never has been. It is the 'Love' of the money that is the root of evil. It does not matter what the form of money is, it is the love of it and the separation this causes between God and us. Also the separation and division between each other.
      Do we serve mammon or God?
      Who should we trust to provide for us our needs? Not our wants, Our needs? man is truly behind most of these hairbrained ideas we have been seeing, and yes often times these answers men and women come in the name of God.

    3. Living value in the hands of Sky Net, perfect!

    4. What IS "AI"? Is it "All Intelligence" energetically flowing from All Living beings thoughts, behaviors and deeds collectively creating electronically as patterns/cycles of products/services supply/demand In "ECommerce" reasonings a.k.a: Algorithm:

      "In mathematics and computer science, an algorithm is a self-contained step-by-step set of operations to be performed. Algorithms exist that perform calculation, data processing, and automated reasoning."

      So Is "AI" actually Artificial Intelligence?? Who Says?? Not Possible As All Living Energy Beings re-present ALL Real Intelligence Always. So Why and Who Termed it "Artificial Intelligence" and for what purpose IS This FALSE TERM/Title Serving to Hide and "Mask" Now?
      E-Commerce IS Energy Spirit Conduct In Commerce, connecting All Jurisdictions Air, Sea and Land. We Are The Living Souls-Spirits Creating this Energy. We Once again ARE Not Artificial Any "THING" Nor Are We "DEAD ENTITIES" ACTING without True Living Substance or Creating Real Value Substance. Stop and LOOK Now!! Stop Playing Small and And Stop accepting These NEW "Labels" of FALSE "titles" Once and For All and See them for what they truly are Now....More FALSE Authority, False Con-Structs By Third Private Party "Masks" for FALSE "GOVERNMENT" Online E-Commerce Power and Control under False pretenses AGAIN. No Real Authority unless YOU Choose to "Subscribe" and "Agree to the Terms and conditions" once again......Wake up and Take Your Power Back Now and Always, In All Original Jurisdictions Always.

      Much Gratitude, Love, True Awareness and Eternal Peace-Joy Be For All Living Souls Now

    5. Jesus saves ALL who sing praises of his divinity? 💓

      Pastor John Gray says he made ‘faith deposit’ on wife’s $200K Lamborghini as she defends lavish gift😂

      As he continues to draw flak for gifting his wife a $200,000 Lamborghini Urus for their eighth wedding anniversary, Relentless Church Pastor John Gray revealed it was God who made the posh acquisition possible after he made a “faith deposit” on the vehicle in February.
      He also urged his “haters,” who are troubled by his decision to buy a lavish gift for his wife, to “be blessed.”
      “[Eight] years. New beginnings. New hope. New life. And for her, a new whip. I put a faith deposit down in February and God helped me to make my wife’s dream come true. Why not? She’s made mine come true! #GodIsMyWitness #BookContract #HatersBeBlessed,” the leader of the Greenville, South Carolina, church wrote in a post on InstagramTuesday night.😭🛐

      Gray, who just two weeks ago was drawing praise for allowing congregants in need to take cash directly from his offering baskets, saw that praise quickly turn to scorn this week after a video of him gifting his wife the Italian luxury vehicle was posted on Instagram. The video has since been removed but several clips showing Aventer Gray exulting over the gift remain online.
      Sue Mayweather, who posted the original video clip, said Aventer Gray also gifted her husband the “‘green box’ Rolex,” a term used to describe the Rolex Explorer II which comes with a price of approximately $8,000.
      While the Lamborghini Urus can be had starting at about $200,000, according to Fortune, Aventer Gray suggested that her husband might have paid more for the luxury SUV which comes with a 4.0-liter V8 twin-turbo engine that produces 650 horsepower. It also boasts an automatic eight-speed transmission, can travel 0 to 62 miles per hour in 3.6 seconds and reaches a top speed of 189 mph.
      In a post on Instagram Tuesday night, the preacher’s wife confirmed that when her husband introduced her to the Lamborghini Urus and had her build one online in February, she didn’t believe she would really get it. Now that she has it, she remains adamant that she will not apologize for enjoying the fruit of their hard work.🎻♭♯

    6. a Follower, just a note to you: We so often hear the phrase 'God provides us our needs, not our wants''......but that is not true to scripture. For scripture tells us ''IF you abide in Me, AND My Word abides in you, THEN ask what you will''. Will = what you want. (but notice there are Conditions, indicated by the word ''if'')

    7. Abby,
      This has become my comfort zone.
      "So do not be like them; for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.
      Also learning of His will, and praying for these things. Wants can easily lead people astray. Most especially the material want want wants. Spiritual needs and wants always should take priority.

    8. aFollower, not even a million dollars could lead me astray. You see, I have my Priorities in proper perspective. So I have NO fear of material things whatsoever. Thats because Im not easily persuaded. So I ''ask what I want' at times and not afraid to do so. (but with the little Time left of the clock, what could we need, now, lol)

    9. Well, the ''pastor'' gray and his wife both need to Repent of their worldliness and get saved for real, lest they find themselves in Hell. The God of the bible does NOT give folks rolex watches and Lamb's and real christians don't even have any desire for such worldly toys.
      Those two show the characteristics of ''wolves in sheeps clothing'.

      P.S. ''the foolish shall not stand in his sight''.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. "It was plain to me that no piece of paper was equivalent to candy bars. Even at age four."😅

  4. Anna this is great! I think that 98% of the people reading this are almost awake? Maybe.
    Someone mentioned this the other day.
    Folks like your uncle's and mine came from the physical era. Meaning they had to do physical work to survive.
    Next comes the baby boomers who have been a part of the using more brain power.
    I look around now at young people mosyly under 30. Thankfully, my own children are awakened however, many of their friends are in a coma. They are more on the mindset about feelings and what's fair and not fair. They have grown up in an era that "everybody's a winner." Well exude me if I offend anybody but everybody is not a winner!
    I have talked to some of these younger who rather than physicalor mental work,
    thet get all touchy feely and let their emotions rule.
    I had one young girl comment
    "I don't get why we can't just print more money?" Or how about this one
    "I domy think it would be so bad if everybody was just equal, same houses,jobs, food. Then the competitions and peer pressure would be gone."

    Are you kidding me?

    Once my daughter called me from college and said. I think my professors are communist. This comming from an educated 19 year old.
    Maybe one day we will be the favourite aunts and uncles. But all the kids join in when their are debates. They love uncle Don because he gets so passionate when he is talking about the Love of his country or my brother their in a Mike who has I think 3 masters degrees
    That asked questions like
    "Who do you think is going to pay for all of this when we're gone? Think about where your taxes are going?
    The one who has lived in the same small house and refused to buy into the American dream that you have to have a 500k home once you graduate from college with your lifetime of student loans. My son took his uncle's advice and moved out of the one of the highest tax states as well as the 5th number one welfare state. He took his uncle's advice to be a part of the solution and not the problem.
    So it really doesn't matter of you are a part of the physical, mental or emotional era, as long as more of us are waking each other up hopefully the future generations will remember what home really is.

    1. My second college I eventually graducated from in 1976 is located in Bozeman, Montana (MSU). It had back then 2 Marxists in the political science department & one of them was my advisor & friend since I was then a pre law major.

      I learn alot from them. "Das Kapital" is an interesting book. What's missing, though, is the spiritual aspect of how we as Soul perceive REALITY.

      Is Anna a commie because her small town was devastated by some capitalist piglet & she is now 'begging' for 'fake' monies to save her fellow 'victims' (& us American Nationals 💥) from 'em other capitalistic piglets?

      Basically that's the black & white world of nonsense Qanon is regularly exposing imo. As well as Anna.

      Hopefully Qanon had ended the idiotic & so pervasive flat earther's cringed worthy nonsense once & for all at least here in Paul Stramer's heroic website, but stay tuned🎶😅

      [New: Title TBD
      12 Dec 2018 - 6:12:00 PM
      12 Dec 2018 - 6:10:19 PM
      Just to shut the Flat Earthers up Q,
      Is the Earth flat?
      Q ]

  5. Leland,
    Would it be Ok if i ask; Are you from Michigan? Presently or the not-to-distant past?
    All The Best, Wirkin

    1. Never. But my first cousins & ex-wife r from there💓

  6. Comet, Earthquake, Weather Alerts, Star Jet | S0 News Dec.13.2018
    Shallow Earthquakes Hitting Eastern Tennessee, Alaska Swarm Continues

    US Military To Fall To Russia By 2025, France Riots To Come, Stress After A Disaster, ai danger
    Also saw some alarming info this morning on the dedication of the third temple in Jerusalem: Time to wake up people?
    Where is the True temple, or where should it be?

    1. The true temple of God. You are operating it. The Bible clearly states that Man is the Temple. The Christ within, within the Temple. I could go on ad infinitum quoting the scriptures, best of wisdom books available. No intercessor necessary and no building. If the Spirit of God dwells in you, well that makes you Holy. Man can rise to the challange of being Holy, and bring a whole lot of power with it. "whole" alliteration intended; English lends itself to hiding meanings of words very well. Hole, Whole, Hol"y", as in complete with God. Sin is everything short of that. We consciously choose to fall short, or even sub-consciously, but it is a choice.

    2. Yes William D.!! Wholly Complete In thought, behavior and In-Deeds!!

      Thank You!!

      Much Gratitude, True Awareness, Pure Love, Eternal Peace and Abundant Joy Be For All Now

    3. In your heart. Keep the flame of your Spirit bright. Feed it with clear thinking, clean water, good food, kind attention to your friends and relatives, honorable work, and maybe, chocolate.

    4. "The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors; Or, Christianity Before Christ, Containing New, Startling, and Extraordinary Revelations in Religious History, which Disclose the Oriental Origin of All the Doctrines, Principles, Precepts, and Miracles of the Christian New Testament, and Furnishing a Key for Unlocking Many of Its Sacred Mysteries, Besides Comprising the History of 16 Heathen Crucified Gods is an 1875 book written by American freethinker Kersey Graves,[1] which asserts that Jesus was not an actual person, but was a creation largely based on earlier stories of deities or god-men saviours who had been crucified and descended to and ascended from the underworld. Parts were reprinted in The Book Your Church Doesn't Want You to Read edited by Tim C. Leedom in 1994, and it was republished in its entirety in 2001." Also free book in pdf file if interested ♭♯

    5. For the record I believe/know Jezus was an actual highly developed spiritual being🎶💥

  7. Just to keep it on the lighter side: A rat race video for happiness. Watch the money chase at the end. it' only 4 minutes long.

    1. Please use a handle that is not "unknown" or "anonymous" see our policy at the top of the page in blue. The least you could do is to put your name on the first line of your comment so I can see your unique handle. There are too many people using unknown or anonymous and it makes this moderation job a nightmare.

      "You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own. If you have an opinion on a particular article, please comment by clicking the title of the article and scrolling to the box at the bottom on that page. Please keep the discussion about the issues, and keep it civil. The administrator reserves the right to remove unwarranted personal attacks. Use the golden rule; "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Do not attempt to comment using the handle "Unknown" or "anonymous". Your comment will be summarily deleted. Additionally we do not allow comments with advertising links in them for your products."

  8. Oh the story of uncles is a great one! My Dad was a Brit who came over from England at 16 to the land of the free. He had 3 brothers and their home life was disaster so I understood his escape in 1929 a little. Distance kept those stories out of the picture. My Mom had two sisters living close by and their husbands were day and night apart in character. My Dad born in 1913 grew up in a war zone which shaped his character, never spoke much of his childhood. Perhaps he should never have settled near Oshawa and the political bias of General Motors of Canada. My Mom's relatives were highly influenced by GM, the politics and Pre and Post WWII and my Dad saw through it. His relationship with uncles on my Mom's side was civil at best and with 6 kids to raise, interaction was minimal.

    I find it interesting to hear other's stories of familial relations and how they impact our lives.

    1. Dan, well you sure wouldnt want to hear mine, LOL. Six in my immediate family and you'd think we were all strangers thrown together. Two of us left now, my oldest brother and I who I have not spoken to in well over 50 yrs. That is, IF he is still alive.
      He made sure he alienated us all, and now in his old age he has managed to alienate his own children. (allowed them to build homes on the old family property he stole from his siblings, and then refused to give them title to the dirt their houses are ON, just to make sure they could never sell their homes to any undesireable to his liking. He's the picture of cunning and controlling, just like our dad, both mentally abusive.
      Im glad I was and am like my mom.
      So I went from those two self-absorbed self-serving jerks, to the broke gemini, and then to God, from whom blessings have come
      and Im better off today in my oldest years, than with any of them.
      And 2019 is shaping up to look really good and interesting.

  9. Thank you, Anna.......I am in AWE, Again and Again.

    Along with: BANKERS VS SHEEPLE

    1. Please use a handle that is not "unknown" or "anonymous" see our policy at the top of the page in blue. The least you could do is to put your name on the first line of your comment so I can see your unique handle. There are too many people using unknown or anonymous and it makes this moderation job a nightmare.

      "You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own. If you have an opinion on a particular article, please comment by clicking the title of the article and scrolling to the box at the bottom on that page. Please keep the discussion about the issues, and keep it civil. The administrator reserves the right to remove unwarranted personal attacks. Use the golden rule; "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Do not attempt to comment using the handle "Unknown" or "anonymous". Your comment will be summarily deleted. Additionally we do not allow comments with advertising links in them for your products."

  10. People really need to wake the hell up - rolling out biometric facial recognition at the Atlanta Airport and soon to be rolled out at others
    ID2020 is part of this too plus the 5GAnd anyone who thinks
    Really want to understand whats going on have a look
    Stealing everything from the United States of America to collpase us and put us in these SMART Cities that he speaks about in this video and burning people out of their homes is part of their depopulation agenda
    Article out today that they are now going to go door to door in New Jersey and start taking weapons
    All comments made without prejudice and all rights reserved

    1. Shelby, people have awakened to whats going on, all along. And now if everyone ''woke up' to bio facial recognition at airports it won't do a damned thing to stop it. All of these things are just the Prelude lining things all up for the Antichrist when he comes into world power as world dictator.
      'Waking up' and holding a sling shot......does what? Ive given the answer in here numerous times, but people don't want it, so.......

  11. Oh you Gemini folks. You have such an innate hatred of money. My son has a childhood friend who is a gemini. Once he was unemployed and drawing unemployment checks each week, and the first thing he 'had to do' was spend it as fast as he could he said, 'to get rid of it'. Then just a couple yrs. ago he inherited into 6 figures, and couldn't wait to get rid of all that too. Then cries like a baby when a prop tax bill came due.
    My ''former' was also a gemini,and had the same issues; always empty pockets and couldnt hang on to money because of such a personality quirk.

    There's nothing wrong with money; its people that are wrong with money. God said its the love of money that is the problem; and Now we have gemini's like anna who are trying to indoctrinate folks into a hatred of money.
    I wonder why anna has ranted about this a lot, yet has never said what she has in mind as a means of exchange for the necessities and the wants of life. Anna, when are you gonna bust loose with that secret and tell us your alternative to good ole andrew jackson? (cause I am not gonna cook you dinner to get you to mow my yard; I will buy a billy goat first)

    1. Another Christ-like post by Astrology loving Abby 🕆

    2. God opened up the earth and let 14,000 people be swallowed up and then closed up the earth on them. Gone.
      He poured down fire and brimstone from heaven upon soddom and gomorrah.
      He turned Job's wife into a pillar of salt as she stood, just because she looked back on the wicked city, with longing for it still.
      He brought the great flood and drowned everyone on earth just for their naysaying. (except for Noah and his family, 8 people)

      'For all Judgement is left to The Son'. And of the not too distant future, he says ''men's hearts will be failing them for what they see coming on the Earth'.

      Anyone who thinks Christ is ''some mr. nice guy' is living in fantasyland, Lol.
      Psalms 7:11 God is angry with the wicked every day.

    3. Preaching space gods as your savior again Abby?😂U r probably think JC nailed Big Lake in your Christ-like thinking morass 🕆

  12. Reading some City of London Banker crowd things it seems they own nearly all of London and a lot of other things that investments over time returned so it seems like "a worker deserves her pay" So in such a money system what would prevent someone from buying everything nearly like in the game monopoly and most others trapped due to the very nature of the system. It should be like air, or water, plenty for everyone then no one could say having no money was an excuse or be held back by it.

  13. Interesting post from an current 'adversary'

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  16. Emerald Robinson ✝️

    Do you notice what’s happened to corporate media?

    Huffington Post is for sale.

    USA Today will stop its newspaper.

    CNN has lost its audience.

    NBC is hostage to multiple sex scandals.

    ABC got caught doctoring war video.

    It’s all crashing down.

    8:14 AM – 24 Oct 2019

    Emerald Robinson ✝️Verified account
    Chief White House Correspondent for @OANN.

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  53. Many business owners are working so hard at their business that they fail to enjoy the rewards of being the business owner. If you are letting the life of your business overrule the business of living your life, then it is time to begin turning the tides. Finding ways to make your business work harder for you and your family is the reason we all started our businesses in the first place. If your business is obstructing your efforts to enjoy life with friends and family, this is a problem. We all know a lot of work goes into building a successful business, but if it is consuming all your time, effort and energy... is it worth it? Here are 5 ways to have your business working harder for you and your family hours calculator add

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  63. Creating raving fans who sing your praises to others is both the least expensive and most productive form of advertising. Most people tune out traditional means of advertising. Only 1 in 6 television commercials actually generate a positive return on investment. No one under 70 uses Yellow Pages for anything. But over 80% of consumers will make a purchasing decision based on the input of friends and family. Social media marketing provides the electronic platform for word of mouth marketing to exist. Over 800 million users worldwide use Facebook. The average Facebook user has 130 friends and is connected to over 80 Pages, Groups, and Events. Over 1 billion tweets go out each week. YouTube has over 100 million views per day. The potential for your message to be spread by raving fans is more prevalent today through social media than any other time in the history of business. Here are some common mistakes new marketers make when trying to create and implement a social media marketing plan... Free TikTok Views

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  65. Being a social media marketer can be a difficult task. There are many different approaches, results and processes that go into social media marketing and it varies from client to client, depending on the type of business or service that they provide. Sometimes, it can be even more difficult to explain to the client the why's, what for's, and how's. agência ceo

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  72. Learn the top reasons why a business plan will be rejected for funding: 1. The marketing strategy shows the business lacks competitive edge in its industry or the business lacks a robust marketing strategy and is likely to fail. 2. The management team is inadequate and in some cases lack the competencies required for business success. 3.The business strategy is unclear and/or unfocussed with the risk of exposing the funder's capital to losses. 4. Financial projections are based on a rather optimistic assumptions, which when stress-tested show that the business will fail if the most likely outcomes in the marketplace materialised. Branding Agency

  73. A business plan is often referred as the roadmap to success. Anyone who runs an existing business or is in the process of starting up understands a sound business plan is the initial step for success. It will give a precise description of what the business will achieve, how it will be achieved, why and by whom.

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  80. Analogy between a farmer selecting the tools for planting and a small business owner selecting the tools for social media. A review of major social media sites and demographics. instagram takipçi satın alma

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  82. Being a social media marketer can be a difficult task. There are many different approaches, results and processes that go into social media marketing and it varies from client to client, depending on the type of business or service that they provide. Sometimes, it can be even more difficult to explain to the client the why's, what for's, and how's. Digital marketing agency Manchester

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  84. Let me begin by saying this book is for Newbies. The most interesting information in the book regards the customer stats. The incredible amount of trust consumers put into online opinions and reviews is amazing. I was honestly shocked to learn that 70% of consumers trust online opinions as opposed to only 62% who trust television. Newspaper and radio are even further down the list. For this reason alone, I would suggest that any business person should want to have at least a minimal web presence which would include some aspect of social media. Online opinions are not only trusted, they are brand segmentation at its best. This concludes my review of "The Social Media Marketing Book." I think the material I useful, I just wish there was more detail on the Marketing aspects of social media. I look forward to what will surely be a newer and more updated version in the future. Graphic design agencies Manchester

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  88. Any business, whether small or big, faces many challenges and some of the biggest challenges are in the shape of disasters, especially the natural ones. It does not matter which part of the world your business operates in; natural disasters are possible in every part of the planet. Customer Feedback

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