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Thursday, May 26, 2016

May 10 to Bank for International Settlements

May 10, 2016
Bank for International Settlements
Board of Governors
CH-4002 Basel

Gentlemen and Ladies:

We are enclosing a wet-ink copy of our transmittal also sent to Pope Francis as Trustee confirming our instructions to transfer credit owed to us sufficient to cover the so-called “National Debt” of the “United States” defined as “the territories and District of Columbia” and to settle any other remaining debts that have been left on the books via dishonesty or incompetence of our employees.

These actions are necessary to prevent the murder of the Priority Creditors of the two large international banking cartels involved in this fiasco, the IMF and the FEDERAL RESERVE.

They and their respective storefront “governmental services corporations” doing business as the UNITED STATES, INC. and THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. are at fault for this outrageous circumstance reminiscent of the Nazis,  not the American People.

All debts of the UNITED STATES, INC. are to be settled and discharged and no further charges accepted. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. is in our country on a “for hire” basis only; Mr. Rothschild has been fully informed that we have declined the offers of the French Government and THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. to act as Successors to Contract for cause related to the dishonesty and poor service their franchises and affiliated banks have provided us.

While still in operation within our country THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. and all its employees are required to abide by and respect our Organic and Public Law without exception.  Any member bank unaware of these facts is hereby notified: notice to principals is notice to agents, and notice to agents is notice to principals.

You are in receipt of our Sovereign Letters Patent registered with the United Nations Secretary General. Please address the transfer of credit at your earliest convenience and engage the arbitration process. Please also see the attached correspondence date May 10 addressed to the United Nations Secretary General and John Forbes Kerry providing them with a synopsis of the situation.


Anna Maria Riezinger


  1. Thank YOU, Anna & Paul! <3 <3 <3

  2. In deed, Thank you for leading the way in standing for the people in strength & Truth, while we learn more and act upon that knowledge to stand for ourselves & others in our local growing jural societies.


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