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Wednesday, February 3, 2016

More Bull From Karen Hudes --- Round Eight

by Anna Von Reitz
My answers to Karen's assertions are in different type and labeled.
Vatican agents dropping like flies:
Global Debt Facility
From: Karen Hudes
Date: Tue, Feb 2, 2016 at 8:10 AM
Subject: Re: important
Dear anonymous writer,
You are right that either Von Reitz or I am lying. Von Reitz is not a judge.

Who is Karen Hudes to say that I am not a judge? Last time I looked, it was up to Americans to select their judges, not people like Karen Hudes, who are working as undeclared Foreign Agents on American soil and operating private courts under color of law as public courts. FACT: I am the Worst Nightmare of all Bar Association Members---- a Common Law Judge operating the land jurisdiction of the United States. FACT: Amendment VII clearly gives me---not them---jurisdiction over all matters affecting living people and their property. FACT: Milligan Ex Parte, provides that where I hold court they have to shut down their "prize courts" and stop plundering the people, which means that they aren't going to be able to seize upon our assets under color of law anymore. That's a big "Boo Hoo Hoo!" for people like Karen, but the FACT that I am a Judge and an American Common Law Judge is very good news for America and Americans and the sooner they all get busy and fill all the vacated public office judgeships, the better.
Karen: Von Reitz says I am bought and paid for by the bankers. After 21 years in the World Bank’s legal department, I have my World Bank pension.
Yes, I do say Karen is bought and paid for by bankers and it hardly matters what form the payment takes. For years she has struggled to do three things: (1) gain immunity from prosecution for bankers, despite their wrong-doing; (2) leave bankers in control of our assets, despite their wrong-doing; (3) give banker's profit also despite all their wrong-doing.
You must know them by their fruits. Heaven knows they will never tell you the Truth. I am convinced that they don't even know the Truth. They couldn't find it with both hands and a flashlight.
The 188 countries on the Board of Governors run the World Bank, not the bankers. The World Bank and IMF were created in 1944 to take back the world’s wealth from the bankers. That is what I am doing. Jose Rizal, known in Rome as Jose Antonio Diaz de la Paz, became Superior General of Jesuits from 12/14/42 – 9/14/46. At the end of World War II Jose Rizal and his lawyer Ferdinand Marcos, the royals, the countries, the banks all agreed to put the world’s assets in the Global Debt Facility (which von Reitz refers to as the “Unam Sanctum Trust”) for 50 years, ending in 2005.
Again, who gave any permission to place our assets anywhere? Did my parents or grandparents knowingly and willingly allow FDR to do this to their assets? No! It was done under conditions of fraud, deceit, and coercion. People in America didn't even know and were not told what the "governmental services corporation" pretending to be their lawful government was doing behind their backs.
Under the Statute of Limitations, you lose all assets after 50 years if you have not been able to prove your claims. That is in the Bilateral Minesfield Breakthrough Successor Agreement:
Again, there is NO STATUTE OF LIMITATION ON FRAUD. We, the American people, were defrauded. Our political status was deliberately mischaracterized, our identities were stolen, and our credit was abused without our knowledge or permission. The banks running these governmental services corporations including the Federal Reserve System running the United States of America, Inc., and the IMF running the UNITED STATES, INC. have operated as criminal syndicates and must be liquidated. The same is true of the World Bank and IBRD, which knowingly made false claims against the interests of the Priority Creditors and knowingly received assets belonging to us upon the settlement of the bankruptcy of the United States of America, Inc.
The Vatican owns all of the world’s banks.
Gee, the Vatican only came into existence in 1929, yet it owns all the world's banks??? Banks that have been around for hundreds of years? Maybe Karen would like to cough up the charters and sales agreements to prove her claim? And, if the Vatican "owns" all the banks, then it owns the World Bank, too, and the Board of Governors of the World Bank are in Francis's pocket, and everything Ms. Hudes does and says is at the Vatican's behest, right?..... So, who is the "Vatican Shill" by her own assertion?
Vitali, Glattfelder, and Battiston of ETH Zurich wrote about a super-entity called the “Network of Global Corporate Control”: Glattfelder explains in this video how 60% of the earnings and 40% of the assets of the 43,000 companies on the capital markets are owned by the super entity.…/james_b_glattfelder_who_controls_the_…
The study referred to above was a statistical analysis undertaken by a Dutch firm which--- quite by accident-- found a statistical correlation and algorithms connecting an alarming percentage of the world's top corporations to each other. If they had listened to me or read their history they wouldn't have needed advanced computer modeling to "discover" this connection. The Global Estate Trust is set up as a vast interlocking trust directorate---- it is linked together by design and definition! Of course, there is a "network of global control" and we know how it developed and why it exists. So what? The question is--- is this network being used to good or bad purposes and is it preferable to having chaos instead? It is not against the law to form interlocking trust directorates. It is against the law to use those relationships for unlawful purposes such as fraud and money laundering and unlawful conversion of assets and similar crimes which the banks are guilty of.
And when I say, "guilty" I mean guilty. Ms. Hudes and her Bosses had ten (10) full days plus mailing time to reply to just five (5) simple claim statements contained as part of our Commercial Obligation Lien and they failed to respond. As a result our claims stand as Truth in Commerce and as international law while Karen is just huffing in the wind. I not only say they are guilty--- they have admitted it.
Von Reitz has alot of bad things to say about the World Bank and the IMF. Many of these things are true, because the Vatican and its super-entity have appointed the President of the World Bank and the Managing Director of the IMF. The Board of Governors fired the President of the World Bank, Jim Kim. And they just fired the Managing Director of the IMF, Christine Lagarde. That is because Christine Lagarde tried to sign an agreement with Pope Francis without approval from the IMF Board of Governors. The Board of Governors has also fired the General Counsel of the IMF, who did not know the Managing Director of the IMF had no authority to sign this agreement with Pope Francis.
I have had a lot of bad things to say about a lot of banks---- the Federal Reserve Banks that started all this fraud, the IMF which continued it, Wells Fargo that brought self-serving false claims before the United Nations and tried to say that the united States of America no longer exist, the World Bank and IBRD which stole assets belonging to the Priority Creditors of the bankrupt United States of America, Inc.----the American People--- by claiming that we had "abandoned" those assets and that the heirs were "unknown"----what a crock! They could all find us easily enough when there was a tax bill to be paid. Why is it that when the bankruptcy settlement was made, nobody bothered to contact the Priority Creditors? Fraud, fraud, fraud, and more fraud! There shouldn't be a major bank left standing so far as I have been able to discover---not one, and the black-robed vultures in cahoots with them--- the members of the Bar Associations worldwide including Ms. Hudes should be put out of business, too. Instead of trying to gain immunity for your bosses and some way to leave them in control and profiting out of their criminality, you should be contemplating how you are all going to save your lives and preserve at least some of your private property in the face of worldwide outrage. 29 bankers sentenced to prison in Iceland.....2000 bankers indicted in Spain.....
The world’s wealth still belongs to the world’s people. I have not sold my soul.
How so----and why not? You appear to have sold everything else, every kind of loony story line there is, right up to the Gold Fairy, Wolfgang Struck. If you had had your way, the innocent people of this world would have been "struck" indeed!
"Come here, little girl, I've got candy! I will give everyone $100,000.00 worth of gold, so you can play in my casino! Don't read the fine print that says you are giving me your name, your body, your children, your land, your businesses, your patents, your copyrights, and everything else in perpetuity in exchange for this gold....that I stole from your grandparents anyway. Don't notice that this will destroy the BRICs Alliance as it is being born and tank the value of gold for years to come."
That's the kind of "fruit" you've been selling, Karen. Why don't you just stop now. Sit down, shut up, admit the Truth and await your day in a real court? I have better things to do than keep people from being misguided by you.
End Anna's comments.

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel,
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility TVM-LSM-666

See this article and over 100 others on Anna's website


  1. Thank you so much for this. I'm beginning to catch on.

  2. I will relish the Hudes day in court. She should be advised of the length of her sentence based on the bankers of Iceland.

  3. If, as you say, it is up to the American People to select their judges could you please show us the election results for your seat?

    Could you show us your courtroom?

    Could you show us your record of convictions [And I don't mean your personal ones for failing to pay income taxes]?

    Could you show us your civil court decisions?

    Could you show us anything that you have done that only an elected judge can do?

    How did you become a judge, Anna?

    You are not listed as any kind of official judge in Alaska.

    If you are with the Superior court as you say then you must have been appointed by the governor. Could you show us the appointment and confirmation?


    1. I am unable to find a reference for this last man standing rule.

      Does this mean that Anna is self appointed and has no court?

  5. I was curious and watched a bunch of Karen Hudes videos " She is a total nut job! She went from talking about cone headed non human species running the banking system to I'm gonna save humanity and give everyone all this money! So I went on her YouTube channel and ask her about the cone heads and the economic collapse to come? She called me a Shill and said she never did anything videos about non human species? Well she did! She's the liar and a Fake! I was gonna give it to her. But she blocked me from her channel! Keep up the Awesome work Anna! I know you will get her to Crack! You are a good humanitarian for standing up for the people! God bless and keep up the fight!

  6. I was curious and watched a bunch of Karen Hudes videos " She is a total nut job! She went from talking about cone headed non human species running the banking system to I'm gonna save humanity and give everyone all this money! So I went on her YouTube channel and ask her about the cone heads and the economic collapse to come? She called me a Shill and said she never did anything videos about non human species? Well she did! She's the liar and a Fake! I was gonna give it to her. But she blocked me from her channel! Keep up the Awesome work Anna! I know you will get her to Crack! You are a good humanitarian for standing up for the people! God bless and keep up the fight!


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